图书馆 > 英文图书查询
Title | Author | Year | Publisher | |
E0001 | Boundaries with kids | Henry cloud, John townsend | 1998 | zondervan |
E0002 | The coming Revolution in World Missions | K.P.Yohannan | 1998 | GFA books |
E0003 | Truths of the Christian Faith | R.C.Sproul | 1992 | thomas nelson Publishers |
E0004 | Stand in the Gap | |||
E0005 | Spiritual Mothering | susan hunt | 1992 | crossway Books |
E0006 | How to Read a book | mortimer l. adler and charles van doren | 1972 | simon schuster |
E0007 | Ikissed dating good bye harris Joshua Harris | 1997 | Multonomah | |
E0008 | through gates of splendor | Ellsabeth Elliot | 1996 | Tyndale |
E0009 | Getting Together | Griffin | 1982 | |
E0010 | Little Men | Dover publications | 2001 | Roberts brothers |
E0011 | Joyfully single in a couples' world | Horizon | 1998 | |
E0012 | The case for christ | Lee strobel | 1998 | Zondervan |
E0013 | How to recognize the antichrist | Arthur E.Bloonfeld | 1975 | Bethany Fellowship |
E0014 | The Vision Continues | Garth M. Rosell | 1992 | Robert E.Cooley |
E0015 | In His Steps | Charles Sheldon | 1997 | Commission Press |
E0016 | The Power Delusion | Campolo | 1983 | SP |
E0017 | seven solutions for burned-out parents | James Dobson | 2004 | Multonomah |
E0018 | basic christianity | John R.W. Stott | 1999 | William B. Eerdmans |
E0019 | The Tales Christ Told | ECHO BOOKS | 1968 | |
E0020 | Hyles Church Manual | Dr. Jack | 1976 | SWORD OF THE LORD |
E0021 | The 21 Irregutable L aws of Leadership | John C.Maxwell | 1998 | the contemporary english version |
E0022 | Developing The Leaders Around You | Jone C.Maxwell | 1995 | INJOY |
E0023 | The 33 lawsofste wareship | 2003 | Newsource | |
E0024 | Lesding the Team-Based Church | George Cladis | 1999 | Jossey-Bass |
E0025 | Handbook for Bible Teachers and Preachers Morgan | 1982 | originally | |
E0026 | the Peacfmaker | ken sande | 2004 | baker books |
E0027 | The Heart of Servant Leader | C.John Miller | 2004 | P&R |
E0028 | Leaders on leadership | George Barna | 1997 | REGAL Books |
E0029 | FIVE SMOOTH STONES FOR PASTORAL WORK | Eugene H. Peterson | 1992 | wm.b.eerdmans |
E0030 | Under the unpredictable plant | Eugene H. Peterson | 1992 | wm.b.eerdmans |
E0031 | Heart Aflame | Jonh C | 1999 | PR Publishing company |
E0032 | The peacemaking pastor | Alfred P | 2006 | Baker books |
E0033 | The Gagging of God | D.A.Carson | 1996 | Zondervan publishing house |
E0034 | Gleanings in the God head | Arthur W.P | 1975 | Moody Press |
E0035 | bringing up Boys | DR.James D | 2001 | Tyndal house publishers |
E0036 | 10000 Illustrations from the bible | Charles L | 1990 | Baker book house |
E0037 | Gleanings from elisha | Arthur W.P | 1972 | Moody Press |
E0038 | Imperative people | Dr.Les C | 1991 | thomas nelson Publishers |
E0039 | Spirit-controlled temperament | TIM LAHAYE | 1993 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0040 | Spirit-controlled temperament | TIM LAHAYE | 1993 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0041 | I Believe in the historical Jesus | I.Howard M | 1979 | William B. Eerdmans pulishing |
E0042 | Healing and the scriptures | D.Martyn L.J | 1988 | A Division of Thomas Nelson publishers |
E0043 | The coming Revival | Bill Bright | 1995 | NewLife pubication |
E0044 | The Music os his promises | Elisabeth E | 2000 | Revell grand rapid,Michigan |
E0045 | Can ethics be christian | James M.G | 1975 | The University of Chicago press |
E0046 | The passion of Jesus christ | John Piper | 2004 | crossway Books |
E0047 | Reach for the prize | Kainh | 2001 | Pergamos publication |
E0048 | Fox's christian Martyrs of the world | John Foxe | 1989 | A Barbour book |
E0049 | the Pursuit of holiness | Jerry B | 2006 | Navpress |
E0050 | Twelve sermons on prayer | C.H.Spurgeon | 1990 | Baker book house |
E0051 | Ripening harvest | Tsu-Kung C | 1995 | Ambassador for Christ |
E0052 | Testimony | Morton H.S | 1995 | Great Commission |
E0053 | Hints for parents | Tedd Tripp | 2004 | Shepherd Press |
E0054 | Right with God | John B | 1978 | Moody Press |
E0055 | Interprting the bible | Anderw M | 1982 | Whitaker House |
E0056 | Evangelism & The sovereignty of God | J.I.Packer | 1961 | Inter Varsity press |
E0057 | Wordly saints | D.L.Moody | 1994 | Moody Press |
E0058 | Crisis in the streets | Carl R.R | 1988 | Broadman press |
E0059 | The secret of happiness | Billy G | 1985 | Word Publishing |
E0060 | The rest of us | Stephen B | 1984 | Litte,Brown and company |
E0061 | Gods Plans for you | J.I.Packer | 2001 | Crossway Books |
E0062 | The evenrgence of Liberty in The modern world | Douglas F.KELLY | 1992 | presbyterian and reformed |
E0063 | When God Weeps | EaecksonTada Estes | 1997 | zondervan |
E0064 | The Kingdoom of the cults | Martin | 1996 | bethany houser |
E0065 | A reader's Greek English Lexchin of The New Testament | 1975 | zondervan | |
E0066 | Overcoming Fear,Worry, and Anxiety | Eyse Fitzpattick | 2001 | Harvest House |
E0067 | tuesdays with Morrie | Mitch Albom | 1997 | |
E0068 | The lawyer at the clavier | Jiyoung Park | 2006 | TANGGULSHI |
E0069 | Women Beware Women | Middleton | 1975 | J,R.Mulryne |
E0070 | Adoption Miracles | Karen Kingsbury | 2005 | zondervan |
E0071 | Walking with god through pain and suffering | Timothy Keller | 2013 | Riverhead |
E0072 | saving eutychus | Gary Millar and Phil Campbell | 2013 | Matthias Media |
E0073 | Great exghange | Bridges & Brvington | 2007 | crossway Books |
E0074 | The Purpose Driven life | Rick Warren | 2002 | zondervan |
E0075 | What Jesus Demands from the World | Piper | 2006 | crossway Books |
E0076 | HURT | CHAP CLARK | 2006 | Baker Academic |
E0077 | Engaging God's World | 2002 | wim b. eerdmans | |
E0078 | Living in light of the gospel story | 2004 | world harvest | |
E0079 | Founding Myths | ray raphael | 2004 | the nwe press |
E0080 | Culture and biblical hermeneutics | william j. larkin, jr. | 1998 | baker book house |
E0081 | The Joy Fearing God | Jerry bridges | 2006 | waterbrook |
E0082 | what color is your god? | David Ireland | 2000 | Impact |
E0083 | A Commentary on the new testament from the talmud and hebraica matthew--1 corinthians volume3 | John Lightfoot | 1989 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0084 | A Commentary on the new testament from the talmud and hebraica matthew--1 corinthians volume1 | |||
E0085 | Shiloh Autumn | Bodie & Brock | 1996 | thomas nelson Publishers |
E0086 | Big Trouble | Dave Barry | 1999 | G.P. Putnam'sSons |
E0087 | The Defense of the faith | Van til | 1967 | presbyterian and reformed |
E0088 | Effective Evangelism A Theological Mandate | Donald A. Mcgavran | 1988 | presbyterian and reformed |
E0089 | A Second chicken soup for the woman's soul | JACK CANFIELD | 1998 | Health Communications |
E0090 | Don't Make Me Count to Three! | ginger plowman | 2003 | SP |
E0091 | And soflows histiory | Hana moo-sook | 2005 | |
E0092 | A Good look at evil | chang-rae lee | 1999 | riverhead books |
E0093 | Illiberal Education the politics of race and sex on campus | dinesh d' souza | 1991 | the fress |
E0094 | The Gospel According to Daniel | bryan chapell | 2014 | baker book house |
E0095 | Daniel an expositional commentary | james montgomery boice | 1989 | baker book house |
E0096 | Brueggemann Reverberations of Faith | walter brueggemann | 2002 | westminster john knox press |
E0097 | Newt Gingrich to Renew America | newt gingrich | 1995 | harpercollins |
E0098 | Evangelism Explosion | james kenndy | 1983 | tydale house |
E0099 | Family Ministry | charles m. sell | 1995 | zondervan |
E0100 | church polity | charkes hodge.d.d. | westminster | |
E0101 | 50 ways you can share faith | Tony Campolo& Gordon Aeschliman | 1992 | intervarsity |
E0102 | mission between the times | C. RENE PADILLA | 1985 | W.B.Eedmans |
E0103 | the seven sayings of the saviouron the cross | Arthur W.Pink | 1993 | baker book house |
E0104 | pierced by tge word | john piper | 2003 | Multnomah Books |
E0105 | changing on the inside | john white | 1991 | Vine Books |
E0106 | the act of marriage the beauty of sexual love | Tim and lahaye | 1976 | zondervan |
E0107 | EURIPIDES.I | Dvid grene and richmond | 1955 | chicago &london |
E0108 | seasons of a marriage | wright | 1985 | REGAL Books |
E0109 | parention in the pew | castleman | 2002 | IVP |
E0110 | when the well runs dry | thomas h. green,s.j. | 2002 | Darton,longman&todd |
E0111 | parrhful living in a farihless world clements | roy clements | 1997 | inter varsity press |
E0112 | A Theology of Christian Counseling Adams | 1979 | zondervan | |
E0113 | Fit Bodies Fat Minds | Guinness | 1998 | os guinness |
E0114 | The king jamies version debate | carson, D.A. | 1990 | baker book house |
E0115 | The Supremacy of christi in a postmodern world | piper Taylor | 2007 | crossway Books |
E0116 | ||||
E0117 | Be Careful How You Listen | adams | 1983 | zondervan |
E0118 | Christion Living in the Home | Adams | 2007 | solid ground christian |
E0119 | Christian living in the home | Jay E.Adams | 1972 | presbyterian and reformed |
E0120 | The shaping of a christian family | Elisabeth Elliot Gren | 1992 | thomas nelson Publishers |
E0121 | Ordinary people, extraordinary faith | Joni E .T | 2001 | thomas nelson Publishers |
E0122 | the Truth principle | Leslie V | 2000 | Waterbook |
E0123 | By faith, not by sight ' | Richard B.G | 2006 | Paternoster |
E0124 | Too busy not to pray | Bill Hybels .L | 1988 | Inter Varsity press |
E0125 | Too busy not to pray | Bill Hybels .L | 1988 | Inter Varsity press |
E0126 | the practice of godliness bridges | Jerry B | 1985 | Navpress |
E0127 | I Exalt you O God | Jerry B | 2001 | Waterbrook |
E0128 | the christ of the empty tome | James M.B | 2010 | P&R publishing |
E0129 | Habits of the Heart | Berkeley .L A | 1996 | University of California press |
E0130 | The Faith of the spiaic | johnw. jandenson | 1984 | P&R publishing |
E0131 | why we figth | william j. bennett | 2002 | Doubleday publishing |
E0132 | Life change | Philippians | 1993 | Navpress |
E0133 | Playing for Pizza | John grisham | 2007 | Doubleday publishing |
E0134 | How to give her Absolute pleasure | Lou Paget | 2000 | Broadwaay books |
E0135 | Shepherding a child's heart | Tedd Tripp | 1995 | Shepherd Press |
E0136 | 40 Questions about Interpreting the bible | Robert L.P | 2010 | Kregel publications |
E0137 | A sacred Sorrow | Michael C | 2005 | Navpress |
E0138 | The Answer La Respuwesta | Juana Ines .c | 2009 | The feminist press |
E0139 | Christianty inanage of terrorism | Gene E.V | 2002 | Concordia publishing house |
E0140 | The American Pietism of Cotton Mather | Richard F.L | 1979 | Christian university press |
E0141 | Grace & Glory | Geerhardus V | 2007 | Solid ground christian books |
E0142 | Big truths for young hearts | Bruce A.W | 2009 | crossway Books |
E0143 | ||||
E0144 | Word Biblical commentary Mark 1-8:26 | Robert A.G | 1989 | Word books |
E0145 | The history of christianity | Jihn H.Y.B | 199p | A Lion book |
E0146 | The gospel according to mark | William L.L | 1974 | William B.Eerdmans publishing company |
E0147 | Word Biblical commentary Psalms 51-100 | Marvin E.T | 1990 | Word books |
E0148 | The book of revelation | Robert H.M | 1977 | William B.Eerdmans publishing company |
E0149 | Eerdmans handbook to the bible | David A.P.A | 1973 | William B.Eerdmans publishing company |
E0150 | To Everyone an answer | Francis J.B | 2004 | Inter Varsity press |
E0151 | Word biblical commentary Volume 46 | William D.M | 2000 | thomas nelson Publishers |
E0152 | A plea for the Godly | Thoms W | 1993 | D |
E0153 | The word of the short story | Clifton F | 1986 | Houghton mifflin company |
E0154 | Solid answers | DR.James D | 1997 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0155 | A Commentary on the new testament Matthew-Mark | John Lightfoot | 1989 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0156 | Soul survivor | Philip Y | 2001 | Doubleday publishing |
E0157 | How to be a hero to your kids | JoshmcD.D | 1991 | Word Publishing |
E0158 | The father book | Dr.Frank.M, B.N | 1992 | thomas nelson Publishers |
E0159 | How&When to tell your kids about sex | Stanton L.B.J | 1993 | Navpress |
E0160 | The publications of the american tract society | 2007 | Houghton mifflin company | |
E0161 | The publications of the american tract society | 2007 | Solid ground christian books | |
E0162 | The publications of the american tract society | 2007 | Solid ground christian books | |
E0163 | Gleanings in Joshua | Arthur W.P | 1981 | Moody Press |
E0164 | Gleanings in Exodus | Arthur W.P | 1981 | Moody Press |
E0165 | Far As the curse is found | Michael D.W | 2005 | PR Publishing company |
E0166 | A confessing theology for postmodern times | Michael S.H | 2000 | crossway Books |
E0167 | The deacons handbook | Gerard B.L.D | 1980 | Christian's library press |
E0168 | Free in christ | E.H.Andrews | 1996 | Evabgelical press |
E0169 | The gospel according to John | G.Campbell M | 1992 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0170 | Inside out | DR.Larry C | 1991 | Navpress |
E0171 | Soul searching | Melinda L.D | 2009 | Oxford university press |
E0172 | Souls in transition | Patricia S | 2009 | Oxford university press |
E0173 | bringing up Boys | DR.James D | 2001 | Tyndal house publishers |
E0174 | The epistles of John | I.Howard M | 1993 | William B.Eerdmans publishing company |
E0175 | The presence of the future | Biblical R | 1981 | William B.Eerdmans publishing company |
E0176 | The gospel according to luke (X-XXIV) | Joseph A.F, S.J. | 1983 | The anchor bible doubleday |
E0177 | The new testament in Modern English | J.B.Phillips | 1995 | Galahad books |
E0178 | Word biblical commentary Psalms 1-50 | Peter C.C | 1983 | Word books |
E0179 | Word bilical commentary | Hosea-Jonah | 1987 | Word books |
E0180 | The Literary study bible | Leland R& Philip G.R | 2007 | Crossway Bibles |
E0181 | ILLustrations for Biblical Preaching | Michael P. G | 1991 | Baker book house |
E0182 | DICTIONARY OF CHRISTIAN BIOGRAPHY | Michael W | 2001 | A Michael Glazier Book |
E0183 | The History Of Christian Theology | Paul Avis | 1986 | Marshall Pickering, Basingstoke |
E0184 | Inspiring Quotations | A .M. W, JR. | 1988 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0185 | HEARING GOD | DALLAS. D | 1999 | IVP Books |
E0186 | The bible and The future | Anthony A.H | 1979 | Willam B.Eerdmans |
E0187 | Concise Theology | J.I.Packer | 1993 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0188 | A Christian Approach to Education | H.W.Byrne | 1981 | Baker book house |
E0189 | Praying Backwards | 1999 | 2005 | Baker books |
E0190 | Feninine Appeal seven virtues of Godly wife and mother | Carolyn.M | 2004 | Crossway Books |
E0191 | Man of His word | Partenrs in Ministry | 1996 | International Bible Society 1996 |
E0192 | Dynamics of spirtual life | Richard F.L | 1979 | The paternoster press, LTD |
E0193 | The Expositor's Commentary | Frank E.G | 1981 | Regency reference library |
E0194 | A Reader's Hebrew-English Lexicon of the old testament | Terry A. D.L. C.F | 1989 | Regency reference library |
E0195 | Exposition of the gospel of John | Arthur W.P | 1975 | Ministry resources library |
E0196 | Truth for life | JOHN.B | 1986 | Evangelical press |
E0197 | Word Biblical Themes | Leslie C.A | 1987 | Word books |
E0198 | Strange intelligence | Michael.G | 1997 | inter varsity press |
E0199 | A Greek grammar of the new testament and other early christian literature | F.BLASS, A.D | 1961 | The university of chicago press |
E0200 | The Lamb is all the glory | Richard B | 1986 | Evangelical press |
E0201 | Hope for the troubled heart | Billy graham | 1991 | GRASON |
E0202 | Images of the spirit | Meredith G.K | 1986 | Gordon-conwell theological seminary |
E0203 | Peacemaking women | TARA K. B, Judy D | 2005 | Baker books |
E0204 | Bad Girls in the bible | Liz cvrtis H | 1999 | Water Brook |
E0205 | How Jesus transforms the ten command ments | Edmund P. C | 2007 | Publishing |
E0206 | American English Rhetoric | Robert G. B | 1978 | Holt, Rinehart and Winston |
E0207 | IS IT A LOST CAUSE? | Marva J. D | 1997 | WIllam B.Eerdmans |
E0208 | The Church | Edmund P. C | 1995 | Inter Varsity press |
E0209 | From the library of C.S.LEWIS | James S. B | 2004 | Shaw book |
E0210 | God's presence in the life's chaos Glorious Intruder | Joni E.T | 1989 | Multnomah Books |
E0211 | Evangelical Reunion | John M. F | 1991 | Baker book house |
E0212 | What men want | H.Norman. W | 1996 | Regal Books |
E0213 | Church Walls | JIM.P | 1992 | Navpress |
E0214 | Congregations Alive | Donald P.S | 1981 | The Westminster Press |
E0215 | Songs in the night | Warren W.W | 1973 | Baker book house grand rapids. Michigan |
E0216 | The church under the cross | J.B.Philips | 1956 | The macmillan company |
E0217 | New Testament Commentary | William H | 1975 | Baker Academic |
E0218 | ||||
E0219 | ||||
E0220 | Hebrews volume3 | John Owen | 1991 | The Banner Of Truth Trust |
E0221 | Hebrews volume1 | John Owen | 1991 | The Banner Of Truth Trust |
E0222 | Hebrews volume2 | John Owen | 1991 | The Banner Of Truth Trust |
E0223 | Hebrews volume5 | John Owen | 1991 | The Banner Of Truth Trust |
E0224 | Hebrews volume4 | John Owen | 1991 | The Banner Of Truth Trust |
E0225 | Hebrews volume6 | John Owen | 1991 | The Banner Of Truth Trust |
E0226 | Hebrews volume7 | John Owen | 1991 | The Banner Of Truth Trust |
E0227 | Women helping women | Elyse F.C | 1997 | Harvest house |
E0228 | God's way of reconciliation | D.Martyn L.J | 1972 | Baker book house grand rapids. Michigan |
E0229 | God's ultimate purpose | D.Martyn L.J | 1978 | Baker book house grand rapids. Michigan |
E0230 | The unsearchable riches of christ | D.Martyn L.J | 1979 | Baker book house grand rapids. Michigan |
E0231 | Christian unity | D.Martyn L.J | 1980 | Baker book house grand rapids. Michigan |
E0232 | ||||
E0233 | ||||
E0234 | ||||
E0235 | An index to the revised Geek lexicon | John .R.A | 1981 | Regency reference library |
E0236 | Men's search for meaning | Viktor E.F | 1984 | Pocket books |
E0237 | The great commission new testament | Today's English version | 1985 | Holman Bible Publishers |
E0238 | The great commission new testament | Today's English version | 1985 | Holman Bible Publishers |
E0239 | Union with christ | Lewis B.S | 1983 | Willam B.Eerdmans publishing company |
E0240 | Read to me: Raising kid who love to read | Bernice E.C | 1975 | Scholastic inc |
E0241 | Your child's sellf- esteem | Drorhy C.B | 1975 | A Dolphin book |
E0242 | Living in christs church | Edmund P. C | 1986 | Great Commission publications |
E0243 | Fighting the good fight | D.G.Hart, J.M | 1995 | Orthodox Presbyterian church |
E0244 | Adler's philosophical dictionary | Mortimer J.A | 1996 | A Touchstone book |
E0245 | The man in the mirror | Patrick M | 1999 | Zondervan publishing house |
E0246 | A Vilolent grace | Michael card | 2000 | Multnomah publishers,Inc |
E0247 | God-centred evangelism | R.B.Kuiper | 2002 | The Banner Of Truth Trust |
E0248 | The leader in you | Dale C | 1993 | Pocket books |
E0249 | Come and behold him | Jack H | 1995 | Multnomah books |
E0250 | Conspiracy of kindness | Steve S | 1993 | Servent publications |
E0251 | My toddler | Dr.P.W | 1994 | Thomas nekson publishers |
E0252 | Word shudies on the holy spirit | E.W.Bullinger | 1979 | Kregel publications |
E0253 | The letters to the corinthians | William B | 1975 | The westminster Press |
E0254 | a faith worth sharing | C.John M | 1999 | PR publisheing |
E0255 | Powerful evangelism for the powerless | C.John M | 1997 | PR publisheing |
E0256 | Grace and the gentiles | Marcus L. L | 1981 | The Banner Of Truth Trust |
E0257 | The new dare to discipline | Dr.J.D | 1992 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0258 | Living the cross centered life | C.J Mahaney | 2006 | Multnomah publishers,Inc |
E0259 | Chosen in christ | Richard D.P | 2004 | PR publisheing |
E0260 | Nine marks of a healthy church | Mark .D | 2004 | Crossway BOOKS |
E0261 | Anthony storr feet of clay | Anthony storr | 1996 | Free press paperbacks |
E0262 | John owen- the man and his theology | John Owen | 2002 | Evangelical press |
E0263 | Spiritual desertion | Gisbertus.V, J.H | 2003 | Baker Academic |
E0264 | Movies for leaders | Shaun.H, C.S | 1999 | New media ventus, Inc |
E0265 | Resurrection and redemption | Richard B.G | 1987 | Presbyterian and Reformed publishing |
E0266 | Communion with the triune God | John Owen | 2007 | Crossway BOOKS |
E0267 | The worship of the English puritans | Horton .D | 1997 | Soli deo gloria publications |
E0268 | Joshua and the flow biblical history | Francis A.S | 2004 | Crossway BOOKS |
E0269 | 2Kings | Dale R.D | 2005 | Christian Focus Publications |
E0270 | Single Purpose | H.Norman. W | 1997 | Regal Books |
E0271 | An illustrated Dictionary of The Gods and Symbols of Ancient | Mary M, K T | 1993 | Thames,Hudson |
E0272 | JOSHUA | James M.B | 1989 | Baker |
E0273 | Disciplines of Grace I Hughes | R.Kent H | 1993 | Crossway |
E0274 | A Theology of Liberation | Gustavo G | 1990 | ORBIS Books |
E0275 | LAUGH AGAIN | Charles R. S | 1992 | Word Publishing |
E0276 | Rediscovering Holiness | J. I. Packer | 1992 | Vine Books |
E0277 | The Christian Ministry | Charles B | 2006 | The Banner Of Truth Trust |
E0278 | Christian Faith | Robin keeley | 1992 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0279 | Teaching P.R.A.Y.Y.E.R | Brant D.B | 2001 | Abingdon press |
E0280 | The social world of luke-acts | Jerome H.N, E | 1991 | hendrickson Publishers, Inc |
E0281 | Parables in Midrash | David S | 1994 | Harvard university press |
E0282 | The unnecessary pastor | Marva J. D, E.H | 2000 | WmB.Eerdmans publishing co |
E0283 | Old testament exegesis A primer for students and pastors | Douglas S | 1980 | The westminster Press |
E0284 | Why I believe | D.James K | 1980 | Word Publishing |
E0285 | The gospel for real life | Jerry B | 2003 | Navpress |
E0286 | The infallible word | D.M.Lloyd-J | 2002 | PR publisheing |
E0287 | Freedom of simplicty | Richard J.F | 1981 | Harper&Row,publishers, san francisco |
E0288 | Deserted by God | Sinclair B.F | 1993 | Baker books |
E0289 | The vanishing conscience | John F.M, A.J | 1994 | Word Publishing |
E0290 | The new testament story | Ben W | 2004 | William B.Eerdmans publishing |
E0291 | Reclaiming the center | Millard J. E | 2004 | Crossway BOOKS |
E0292 | The use of the bible in theology/Evangelical options | Robert K.J | 1983 | John Knox Press |
E0293 | The complete works of E.M. Bounds on prayer | E.M.Bounds | 1990 | Baker book house |
E0294 | Binlical theology retrospect and prospect | Sccott J.H | 2002 | Inter Varsity press |
E0295 | Take another look at guidance | Bob M | 1993 | Lifechangers publishing |
E0296 | Training hearts teaching minds | Starr M | 2000 | PR publisheing |
E0297 | Biblical eldership | Revised , E | 1995 | Lewis and roth publishers |
E0298 | Introduction to the old testament 1 | C.F.Keil | 1988 | Hendrickson |
E0299 | Introduction to the old testament 2 | C.F.Keil | 1988 | Hendrickson |
E0300 | The treasury of david | C.H.Spurgeon | Hendrickson | |
E0301 | The naves topical bible | Orville J. N | 1969 | Regency reference library |
E0302 | On being a christian | Hans K | 1978 | Wallaby books |
E0303 | On being presbyterian | Sean M. L | 2006 | PR publisheing |
E0304 | Ordinary men called by God | James M.B | 1998 | Kregel publications |
E0305 | Ordinary men called by God | James M.B | 1998 | Kregel publications |
E0306 | Ordinary men called by God | James M.B | 1988 | Victors Books |
E0307 | Planting and growing urban churches | Harvie M.C | 1997 | Baker books |
E0308 | Engaging with God | David P | 1992 | Inter Varsity press |
E0309 | Planting growing churches for 21st century | Aubrey M | 2004 | Baker books |
E0310 | Planting watering growing | Daniel R.H , S.L | 2011 | RHB |
E0311 | The Elder | Cornelis V.D | 2009 | PR publisheing |
E0312 | Disciplines of a godly family | Kent.B.H | 2007 | Crossway BOOKS |
E0313 | The book of genesis | Ronaid Y | 1991 | Baker book house |
E0314 | Understanding the times | Andreas J.K, R.W. Y | 2011 | Crossway |
E0315 | Overcoming sin and temptation | Kelly M.K, J T | 2006 | Crossway BOOKS |
E0316 | For the love of God | D.A.Carson | 1998 | Crossway books |
E0317 | The text of the old testament | Ernst W | 1979 | William B.Eerdmans publishing |
E0318 | Saint Luke | C.F.Evans | 1990 | Trinity press international |
E0319 | Through the year with william still | David C.S | 2006 | The christian Science |
E0320 | The church of God | Stuart R | 2009 | The committee on christian education of the orthodox presbyterian church |
E0321 | Competent to counsel | Jay E.A | 1970 | Zondervan |
E0322 | The applause of heaven | Russell, Doris | 1982 | CW,Inc |
E0323 | The anatomy of secret sins | Obadiah S, B.D | 1995 | Soli deo gloria publications |
E0324 | An introduction to the old testament poetice books | C.Hassell B | 1988 | Moody Press |
E0325 | What Jesus said about successful living | Haddon W. R | 1991 | Discovery house |
E0326 | Jack hyles speaks on biblical separation | DR.J.H | 1984 | Hyles-Anderson Publishers |
E0327 | Guarding&Growing | Paul E.E | 1997 | Great Commission publications |
E0328 | Answers to tough questions | Josh M.D | 1990 | Here's life publishers ,Inc |
E0329 | The christian couple | Larry&N.C | 1977 | Bethany house publishers |
E0330 | ST.Paul in greece | Otto F.A.M | 2006 | Lycabettus press |
E0331 | Growth groups | Michael T.D, F B.W | 1985 | Ministry resources library |
E0332 | City on a hill | Philip G.R | 2003 | Moody Press |
E0333 | Legacy of a pack rat | Ruth B.G | 1989 | A Division of thomas nelson publishers |
E0334 | A new design for family ministry | Dr.Dennis B.G | 1988 | David C. Cook publishing co. |
E0335 | from fear to freedom Living as sons and daughters of God | Rose M.M | 1994 | Shaw books |
E0336 | Philosophy,science,and the sovereignty of God | Vern S. P | 2004 | PR publisheing |
E0337 | Introduction to Mary | Mark M, S.T.D | 1993 | Queenship publishing |
E0338 | The living church | Donald J.M | 1982 | Great Commission publications |
E0339 | Peace with God | Billy graham | 1953 | Doubleday& company, INC |
E0340 | Is the mormon My brother? | James R.W | 1997 | Bethany house publishers |
E0341 | Through gatesof splendor | Elisabeth E | 1981 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0342 | The mystery of the holyspirit | RC Sproul | 1990 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0343 | In the beginning | Henri B | 1984 | Inter Varsity press |
E0344 | Where the nations meet the church ina multicultural world | Stephen A.R | 1998 | Inter Varsity press |
E0345 | Revelation of the heart | Dallas W, R F | 2005 | Think book |
E0346 | A praying life | Paul E.M | 2009 | Navpress |
E0347 | Becoming a woman of excellence | Cynthia H | 1986 | Navpress |
E0348 | Nine marks of a healthy church | Mark d | 2004 | Crossway BOOKS |
E0349 | Mary and the Eucharist | Fr.Richard F, SJ | 1997 | Hope of saint monica,Inc |
E0350 | A clear and present word | Mark D. T | 2006 | Inter Varsity press |
E0351 | Living by the book | James M.B | 1997 | Baker books |
E0352 | Chosen by God | RC Sproul | 1986 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0353 | Justification by faith alone | Dr.John F.M, RC.S | 1995 | Soli deo gloria publications |
E0354 | Angels, Elect and Evil | C.Fred D | 1975 | Moody Press |
E0355 | The temple and the church's mission | Henri B | 2004 | Inter Varsity press |
E0356 | Evidence that demands a verdict 2 | Josh M | 1990 | Here's life publishers ,Inc |
E0357 | Crime and punishment | Feodor D | 1975 | W.W.Norton&Company,Inc |
E0358 | The publications of the American tract society 2 | 2007 | America tract society | |
E0359 | The publications of the American tract society 1 | 2007 | America tract society | |
E0360 | The publications of the American tract society 3 | 2007 | America tract society | |
E0361 | Salvation belongs to the Lord | Frame, J.M. | 2006 | P & R Publishing |
E0362 | The ten commandments for today | Barclay, W. | 1973 | Harper & Row Publishers |
E0363 | The gospel according to John | Lincoln, A.T. | 2005 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0364 | Divine appointments | Jacks, B. & Jacks, M. | 2002 | Navpress |
E0365 | The message of creation | Wilkinson, D. | 2002 | Inter-Varsity |
E0366 | The message of salvation | Ryken, P.G. | 2001 | Inter-Varsity |
E0367 | The message of the cross | Tidball, D. | 2001 | Inter-Varsity |
E0368 | The best of G. Campbell Morgan | Turnbull, R. (ed.) | 1972 | Baker Book House |
E0369 | The best of R. A. Torrey | Davis, G.T.B. (intro.) | 1991 | Baker Book House |
E0370 | The best of Dwight L. Moody | Turnbull, R. (ed.) | 1971 | Baker Book House |
E0371 | The best of Andrew Murrary | Turnbull, R. (intro.) | 1991 | Baker Book House |
E0372 | How to read the Bible for all its worth | Fee, G.D. & Stuart, D. | 1993 | Zondervan |
E0373 | The danger of raising nice kids | Smith, T. | 2006 | Inter-Varsity |
E0374 | Finally alive: what happens when we are born again | Piper, J. | 2009 | Christian Focus Publications |
E0375 | Getting to know John's gospel | Peterson, R.A. | 1989 | P & R Publishing |
E0376 | St. Paul the traveller and Roman citizen | Ramsay, W.M. | 1979 | Baker Book House |
E0377 | Deliver us from evil | Basham, D. | 1972 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0378 | Sentenced to life | Muggeridge, M. & Thronhill, A. | 1983 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0379 | Take another look at guidance | Mumford, B. | 1993 | Lifechangers Publishing |
E0380 | Christian basics | Stott, J. | 1991 | Baker Book House |
E0381 | The family | MacArthur, Jr., J. | 1982 | Moody Press |
E0382 | Sacred marriage | Thomas, G. | 2000 | Zondervan |
E0383 | Good morning Holy Spirit | Hinn, B. | 1997 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0384 | Scripture twisting | Sire, J.W. | 1980 | Inter-Varsity |
E0385 | New Testament Exegesis | Fee, G.D. | 1983 | The Westminster Press |
E0386 | Revelation | Morris, L. | 1990 | Tyndale |
E0387 | God's big picture | Roberts, V. | 2002 | Inter-Varsity |
E0388 | Should I not be concerned? | Kyle, J.E. | 1987 | Inter-Varsity |
E0389 | The rapture | English, E.S. | 1954 | Loizeaux Brothers, Inc. |
E0390 | Out of the saltshaker | Pippert, R.M. | 1979 | Inter-Varsity |
E0391 | The orthodox church | Ware, T. | 1991 | Penguin Books |
E0392 | Why God become man | Colleran, J.M. | 1969 | Magi Books, Inc. |
E0393 | The valley of vision | Bennett, A. | 1997 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0394 | John Calvin, a reformation debate | Sadoleto, J. | 1966 | Baker |
E0395 | Addictions, a banquet in the grave | Welch, E.T. | 2001 | Baker |
E0396 | How do I get to know God? | Kennedy, D.J. | 1995 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0397 | The doctrine of salvation | Pink, A.W. | 1975 | Baker Book House |
E0398 | You can lead a Bible discussion group | Powell, T. | 1996 | Multnomah Books |
E0399 | The fruit of the Spirit | Sanderson, J.W. | 1976 | Zondervan |
E0400 | The case of the hopeless marriage | Adam, J.E. | 2006 | Timeless Texts Stanley, Inc |
E0401 | Wordly saints | Ryken, L. | 1986 | Zondervan |
E0402 | Scripture twisting | Sire, J.W. | 1980 | Inter-Varsity |
E0403 | The man in the mirror | Morley, P.M. | 1997 | Zondervan |
E0404 | Liberating the laity | Stevens, R.P. | 1985 | Inter-Varsity |
E0405 | The church of irresistible influence | Lewis, R. | 2001 | Zondervan |
E0406 | Unleashing the church | Tillapugh, F.R. | 1982 | Regal Books |
E0407 | Love to eat, hate to eat | Fitzpatrick, E. | 1977 | Harvest House |
E0408 | The mark of a man | Elliot, E. | 1981 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0409 | Each for the other | Chapell, B. | 2001 | Baker |
E0410 | Evil and the justice of God | Wright, N.T. | 2006 | SPCK |
E0411 | Origen, the Bible and philosophy | Trigg, J.W. | 1983 | John Knox Press |
E0412 | I gave God time | Anderson, A.K. | 1985 | Tyndale |
E0413 | Money matters | Sproul, Jr., R.C. | 1985 | Tyndale |
E0414 | Doing theology in a revolutionary | Bonino, J.M. | 1975 | Fortress Press |
E0415 | Know what you believe | Little, P.E. | 1987 | Chariot Victor |
E0416 | The message of the resurrection | Beasley-Murray, P. | 2000 | Inter-Varsity |
E0417 | The message of the living God | Lewis, P. | 2000 | Inter-Varsity |
E0418 | The message of prayer | Chester, T. | 2003 | Inter-Varsity |
E0419 | The seven sayings of the Savior on the cross | Pink, A.W. | 1958 | Baker |
E0420 | 12 sermons on the Holy Spirit | Spurgeon, C.H. | 1973 | Baker |
E0421 | 12 sermons on the love of Christ | Spurgeon, C.H. | 1977 | Baker |
E0422 | 12 sermons on the second coming of Christ | Spurgeon, C.H. | 1976 | Baker |
E0423 | 12 sermons of comfort & cheer | Spurgeon, C.H. | 1976 | Baker |
E0424 | 12 sermons on praise | Spurgeon, C.H. | 1982 | Baker |
E0425 | The one year Bible | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. | 1985 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0426 | The complete book of Bible trivia | Lang, J.S. | 1988 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0427 | Calvin's commentaries, vol. XXII | Owen, J. | 1996 | Baker Book House |
E0428 | The background of the gospels | Fairweather, W. | 1961 | T. & T. Clark Ltd |
E0429 | D. L. Moody | Bailey, F.C. | 1987 | Moody Press |
E0430 | Ecclesiastes | Eaton, M.A. | 1983 | Inter-Varsity |
E0431 | All things are possible | Partner, D. | 2002 | Barbour Publishing, Inc. |
E0432 | Women's ministry in the local church | Duncan, J.L. & Hunt, S. | 2006 | Crossway Books |
E0433 | The church | Kung, H. | 1967 | Burns & Oates Ltd |
E0434 | A model of Christian maturity | Carson, D.A. | 1984 | Baker Book House |
E0435 | The commentary of Dr. Zacharias Ursinus | Williard, G.W. | 1852 | P & R Publishing |
E0436 | Paul, an outline of his theology | Ridderbos, H. | 1975 | Eerdmans |
E0437 | The epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon | Bruce, F.F. | 1984 | Eerdmans |
E0438 | An exposition of the whole Bible | Morgan, G.C. | 1959 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0439 | Getting the gospel right | Sproul, R.C. | 1999 | Baker Books |
E0440 | Single Purpose | Wright, H.N. | 1997 | Regal Books |
E0441 | Taking hold of God | Beeke, J.R. & Najapfour, B.G. | 2011 | Reformation Heritage Books |
E0442 | Gospel and spirit | Fee, G.D. | 1991 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0443 | Lutheran book of worship | Lutheran Church in America | 1979 | Augsburg Publishing House |
E0444 | Solving church education's ten toughest problems | Cionca, J.R. | 1990 | Victors Books |
E0445 | Getting to know the man in the mirror | Morley, P.M. | 1994 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0446 | The silence of Adam | Crabb, Jr., L.J. | 1995 | Zondervan |
E0447 | A passion for excellence | Peters, T. & Austin, N. | 1985 | Warner Books, Inc. |
E0448 | The winning attitude | Maxwell, J.C. | 1993 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0449 | Working the angles | Peterson, E.H. | 1987 | Eerdmans |
E0450 | All of the women of the Bible | Deen, E. | 1995 | Harper & Row Publishers |
E0451 | Exodus | The Navigators | 1989 | Navpress |
E0452 | The supremacy of Christ in a postmodern | Piper, J. & Taylor, J. | 2007 | Crossway Books |
E0453 | The cross and Christian ministry | Carson, D.A. | 1993 | Baker Books |
E0454 | The family worship book | Johnson, T.L. | 2009 | Christian Focus Publications |
E0455 | The godly home | Baxter, R. | 2010 | Crossway Books |
E0456 | Instructing a child's heart | Tripp, T. & Tripp, M. | 2008 | Shepherd Press |
E0457 | The gospel for real life | Bridges, J. | 2003 | Navpress |
E0458 | St. Paul's epistle to the Colossians and Philemon | Lightfoot, J.B. | 1995 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0459 | The creeds of Christendom, vol. I | Schaff, P. | 1993 | Baker Books |
E0460 | The creeds of Christendom, vol. III | Schaff, P. | 1993 | Baker Books |
E0461 | NIV compact dictionary of the Bible | Douglas, J.D. & Tenney, M.C. | 1989 | Zondervan |
E0462 | Science and health with key to the Scriptures | Eddy, M.B. | 1971 | The Christian Science |
E0463 | Churches that abuse | Enroth, R.M. | 1993 | Zondervan |
E0464 | The path of loneliness | Elliot, E. | 2001 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0465 | God's words | Packer, J.I. | 1981 | Baker Book House |
E0466 | God has spoken | Packer, J.I. | 1979 | Baker Book House |
E0467 | Unveiled at last | Sjogren, B. | 1992 | YWAM Publishing |
E0468 | Thieves of innocence | Ankerberg, J. & Branch, C. | 1993 | Harvest House |
E0469 | God, heaven and Har Magedon | Kline, M.G. | 2006 | Wipf & Stock Publishers |
E0470 | Pastoral leadership | Lee, W.S. | 2015 | Wipf & Stock Publishers |
E0471 | Through the shadowlands | Sibley, B. | 1994 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0472 | Learn to discern | DeMoss, Jr., R.G. | 1992 | Zondervan |
E0473 | Preaching in the Patristic age | Hunter, D.G. | 1989 | Paulist Press |
E0474 | Singing the Lord's song in a new land | Pak, S.Y. | 2005 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E0475 | Philippians and Colossians | Ironside, H.A. | 1920 | Kregel |
E0476 | A woman of significance | Morley, D. | 2001 | Crossway Books |
E0477 | The epistles to the Philippians and to Philemon | Vincent, M.R. | 1985 | T. & T. Clark Ltd |
E0478 | St. Paul's epistle to the Philippians | Lightfoot, J.B. | 1995 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0479 | Messianic prophecy | Briggs, C.A. | 1988 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0480 | The sermon on the mount | Boice, J.M. | 1972 | Baker Book House |
E0481 | Peter, eyewitness of his majesty | Donnelly, E. | 1982 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0482 | The gospel according to Matthew | Revell, F.H. | 1929 | Baker |
E0483 | The evidence for Jesus | France, R.T. | 1986 | InterVarsity |
E0484 | Great sermons on the birth | Smith, W.M. | 1991 | Baker |
E0485 | The epistle to the Hebrews | Moffatt, J. | 1979 | T & T Clark Limited |
E0486 | Hebrews | MacArthur, J.F. | 1983 | Moody Press |
E0487 | The church | Clowney, E.P. | 1995 | InterVarsity |
E0488 | 1 Corinthians | Hinckley, K. | 1991 | Navpress |
E0489 | Ephesians | MacArthur, J.F. | 1986 | Moody Press |
E0490 | The pastor | Culbertson, P.L. | 1990 | Fortress Press |
E0491 | Philippians | Boice, J.M. | 2000 | Baker |
E0492 | 1 Corinthians | Kistemaker, S.J. | 1993 | Baker |
E0493 | Keep a quiet heart | Elliot, E. | 1995 | Vine Books |
E0494 | Christianity in crisis | Hanegraaff, H. | 1993 | Harvest House |
E0495 | Darwin on trial | Johnson, P.E. | 1991 | InterVarsity |
E0496 | The applause of heaven | Lucado, M. | 1995 | Word Publishing |
E0497 | Whatever happened to the reformation | Johnson, G.L.W. | 2001 | P & R Publishing |
E0498 | Boiling Point | Simon. W. | 2001 | Regal Books |
E0499 | Teaching on preaching | Hyles, J | 1986 | Hyles-Anderson Publishers |
E0500 | God's super-apostles | Geivett, R.D. & Pivec, H. | 2014 | Weaver Book |
E0501 | The NIV complete concordance | Goodrick, E.W. & Kohlenberger III, J.R. | 1981 | Zondervan |
E0502 | Family therapy | Goldenberg, I. & Goldenberg, H. | 2000 | Brooks/Cole |
E0503 | Pastoral theology | Oden, T.C. | 1983 | Harper |
E0504 | Back to Jerusalem | Hattaway, P. | 2003 | Authentic Media |
E0505 | Jonathan Edwards | Nichols, S.J. | 2001 | P & R Publishing |
E0506 | Polishing God's monuments | Andrews, J. | 2007 | Shepherd Press |
E0507 | A good look at evil | Rosenthal, A.L. | 1987 | Temple University Press |
E0508 | Developing the leader within you | Maxwell, J.C. | 1993 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0509 | Great cloud of witnesses | Bullinger, E.W. | 1979 | Kregel |
E0510 | Challenging lifestyle | Gumbel, N. | 1996 | Cook Ministry Resources |
E0511 | The ruby in the smoke | Pullman, P | 1999 | Random House |
E0512 | C. S. Lewis | Green, R.L. & Hooper, W. | 2003 | Harper |
E0513 | Philippians | Lee-Thorp, K. | 1997 | Navpress |
E0514 | 1, 2 & 3 John | Lee-Thorp, K. | 1988 | Navpress |
E0515 | Philippians | Lee-Thorp, K. | 1997 | Navpress |
E0516 | The marks of God's children | Taffin, J. | 2003 | Baker |
E0517 | Fearless faith | Hayford, Jr., J.W. | 1996 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0518 | The God we love & serve | Curry, A.D. | 1991 | Great Commission |
E0519 | Great sermons on the birth | Smith, W.M. | 1965 | Baker |
E0520 | Foxe's book of martyrs | Foxe, J. | 1981 | Whitaker House |
E0521 | The case for faith | Strobel, L. | 2000 | Zondervan |
E0522 | Philippians | Lee-Thorp, K. | 1997 | Navpress |
E0523 | ||||
E0524 | ||||
E0525 | Buchko | Olson, B. | 1993 | Creation House |
E0526 | Deep ministry in a shallow world | Clark, C. & Powell, K.E. | 2006 | Youth Specialties |
E0527 | 12,000 religious quotations | Mead, F.S. | 1989 | Baker |
E0528 | Staff your church for growth: building team ministry | McIntosh, G.L. | 2000 | Baker Books |
E0529 | Revive us again: biblical insights for encouraging | Kaiser, Jr., W.C. | 1999 | Broadman & Holman Publishers |
E0530 | How to act right when your spouse acts wrong | Vernick, L. | 2001 | Water Brook Press |
E0531 | When people are big and God is small | Welch, E.T. | 1997 | P & R Publishing |
E0532 | Passing on the truth: 1 & 2 Timothy simply | Bentley, M. | 1997 | Evangelical Press |
E0533 | Tell the truth | Metzger, W. | 1984 | Inter-Varsity |
E0534 | On the crest of the wave: becoming a world Christian | Wagner, C.P. | 1983 | Regal Books |
E0535 | ? | |||
E0536 | Resource guide for women's ministries | McGinn, L.R. | 1990 | Broadman & Holman Publishers |
E0537 | A history of religions in Korea | Kim, D.W. | 1963 | Printed in Korea |
E0538 | Head, heart, & hands | Holliner, D.P. | 2005 | Inter-Varsity |
E0539 | Webster's dictionary: Roget's thesaurus | Kappa | 1997 | Kappa Books, Inc. |
E0540 | ? | |||
E0541 | The EPISTLES of JOHN | Boice | 1979 | Baker Books |
E0542 | THE USE OF DANIEL IN | G.K. beale | 1984 | University Press of America,Inc |
E0543 | JESUS AMONG OTHER GODS | Ravi Zacharias and Kevin Johnson | 2000 | Word Publishing |
E0544 | Interpreting the Pauline Epistles | Thomas R. Schreiner | 1990 | Baker Book House |
E0545 | BIBLICAL WOMANHOOD in the HOME | NANCY LEIGH DEMOSS | 2002 | Crossway Books |
E0546 | HANDBOOK OF BIBLICAL CRITICISM | By Richard N.Soulen | 1976 | John Knox Press |
E0547 | Paul’s Literary Style | Aida Besancon Spencer | 1984 | Evangelical Theological Society Monographs |
E0548 | EARLY CHRISTIAN FATHERS | CYRIL C.RICHARDSON | 1970 | Macmillan Publishing Company |
E0549 | HOW TO READ THE BIBLE | Gordon D.fee £Douglas Stuart | 1982 | Zondervan |
E0550 | THE Trinity discovering the Depth of the Nature of God | Charlesrs. Swindoll | 1993 | Broadman Press |
E0551 | The family OF GOD | Charlesrs. Swindoll | 1993 | Broadman Press |
E0553 | RENEWING YOUR MIND | JAmes Montgomery boice | 1993 | Kregel |
E0554 | St. Paul’s epistle to the Colossians and Philemon | J.B .Lightfoot | 1993 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0555 | Great cloud of witnesses in hebrews eleven | E. W. BULLINGER | 1979 | KREGEL PUBLICATIONS |
E0556 | The tyndale old Testament Commentaries | The rev. Derek Kidner | 1964 | The Tyndale Press |
E0557 | JEREMIAH& LAMENTATIONS | Professor D.J.Wiseman | 1973 | The Tyndale Press |
E0558 | The Reformed Pastor | Richard Baxter | 2005 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0559 | The collapse of evolution second edition | Scott M. Huse | 1993 | Baker Books |
E0560 | The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People | Stephen R. Covey | 1990 | Franklin Covey CO |
E0561 | Recovering biblical Manhood and Womanhood | John Piper and Wayne Grudem | 1991 | Piper |
E0562 | The preacher and preaching | Samuel T. Logan, Jr | 1985 | Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company |
E0563 | Webster’s new Dictionary | 1990 | World book marketing,Inc | |
E0564 | The Fundamentals | Edited by R. A Torrey | 1993 | Baker Books |
E0565 | A HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY | Kennetn scott Latourette | 1975 | Harper & Row RD93 |
E0566 | The kingdom of god is a party | Anthony Campolo | 1990 | Word Publishing |
E0567 | The westminster Confession of Faith | G. I. WILLIAMSON | 2004 | Publishing |
E0568 | The Reentrt Team | PIROLO | 2000 | Emmaus Road International |
E0569 | How People Change | Timothy S. Lane | 2006 | New Growth Press |
E0570 | The life of our Lord | Charles Dickens | 1986 | The Westminster Press |
E0571 | The church | EDMUND P.CLOWNEY | 1995 | Lnter Varsity Press |
E0572 | Hard say-ings of the old testament | Walter C.Kaiser,Jr | 1988 | Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data |
E0573 | Overcoming the world | Joel R. Beeke | 2005 | Publishing |
E0574 | Ministries of mercy | Timothr J. Keller | 1989 | Ministry resources library |
E0575 | Resources for Deacons | Timothr J. Keller | 1985 | Keller |
E0576 | Generating hope | Jimmy long | 1997 | InterVarsity press |
E0577 | Smith’s Bible Dictionary | Barbour | 1987 | A Barbour Book |
E0578 | Saved by grace | Anthony A. Hoekema | 1989 | William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company |
E0579 | Ordering your Private World | Gordon MacDonald | 1985 | Tyndale House Publishers |
E0580 | Chosen for life | Samuel Storms | 2007 | Published by Crossway books |
E0581 | Preaching Christ in all of Scripture | EDMUND P.CLOWNEY | 2003 | Published by Crossway books |
E0582 | Livinil what it is | Stephen baldwin | 2006 | Publishing |
E0583 | Straightening out the self-centred church | John benton | 1997 | Evangelical Press |
E0584 | The infallible word | Foreword by D. M.Lloyd-Jones | 2002 | Second edition |
E0585 | Counsel from the cross | Elyse M. Fitzpatrick and Dennis E. Johnson | 2009 | Published by Crossway books |
E0586 | Who’s Afraid of Postmodernism | James K.A. Smith | 2006 | Baker Academic |
E0587 | Introducing Radical Orthodoxy | James K.A. Smith | 2004 | Baker Academic |
E0588 | Berkouwer’s Doctrine of Election Balance or Imbalance | Alvin L. Baker | 1981 | Baker |
E0589 | The Education of Little tree | Forrest Carter | 1976 | University Of New Mexico Press |
E0590 | Truths That Transform | D.James Kennedy | 1974 | Power Books |
E0591 | Keep ln Step With The Spirit | J. I.Packer | 1993 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0592 | The Urban Face of Mission | Harvie M.Conn and Others | 2002 | Publishing |
E0593 | From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya | Ruth A.Tucker | 1983 | Academie books |
E0594 | The book of Church Order | N.Easton Road,Bldg | 2011 | The orthodox Presbyterian Church |
E0595 | Second peter and Jude | By D.Edmond Hiebert | 1989 | Unusual Publications |
E0596 | Teach the nations | Daniel M. Doriani | 1991 | Great Commission |
E0597 | Disappointment With God | Philip Rancey | 1988 | Zondervan |
E0598 | The Fundamentals | Edited by R. A Torrey | 1993 | Baker Books |
E0599 | The Fundamentals | Edited by R. A Torrey | 1993 | Baker Books |
E0600 | The Fundamentals | Edited by R. A Torrey | 1993 | Baker Books |
E0601 | Rise Shine | Charles R.Swindoll | 1989 | Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data |
E0602 | The Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures | Gregory Edward Reynolds | 2001 | Wipf & Stock Publishers |
E0603 | Above all Earthly Pow’rs | David F.Wells | 2006 | Wm. B.Eerdmans Publishing Co. All rights reserved |
E0604 | Buried alive | Jack Cuozzo | 2002 | Master books |
E0605 | Truth in all its glory | Willliam edgar | 2004 | P & R Publishing |
E0606 | The prayer life of jesus | Willliam David Spencer | 1990 | University Press of America |
E0607 | Spiritual Survival During the Y2K Crisis | Steve Farrar | 1999 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0608 | ||||
E0609 | The book of Common Prayer | Charles Mortimer Guilbert | 1979 | The church Hymnal Corporation |
E0610 | Juche | Thomas J.Belke | 1999 | Living Sacrifice Book Company |
E0611 | Gospel of life | G. R.Beasley Murray | 1991 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0612 | Resources for Deacons | Timothr J. Keller | 1985 | Published by Presbyterian Church in America |
E0613 | The New Testament deacon | Alexander straugh | 2007 | Lewis & Roth Publishers |
E0614 | The great gain of godliness | Thomas watson | 2006 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0615 | Out of the Depths | Bernhard W.Anderson | 1983 | The Westminster Press |
E0616 | Ecclesiastes and The Song of Solomon | Robert Davidson | 1986 | The Westminster Press |
E0617 | Twelve prophets | Peter C.Cralgle | 1984 | The Westminster Press |
E0618 | The tyndale New Testament Commentaries | The Rev. Canon Leon Morris | 1999 | Inter-Varsity press |
E0619 | Hebrews | Willliam L.Lane | 1988 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0620 | The EPISTLES of JOHN | F.F.Bruce | 1992 | William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company |
E0621 | Interpreting the Book of Revelation | J.Ramsey Michaels | 1992 | Baker Books |
E0622 | Preaching to a Postmodern World | Graham Johnston | 2006 | Baker Books |
E0623 | God Centered Biblical Interpretation | Poythress | 1999 | Publishing |
E0624 | Sermons That Shaped America | William S.Barker and Samuel T.Logan JR | 2003 | Publishing |
E0625 | Introduction to the old testament | R.K. Harrison | 1988 | William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company |
E0626 | Reviving ophelia | Mary Plpher, PH.D | 1995 | Ballantine Books |
E0627 | Silence Shusaku Endo | Shusaku endo | 1980 | Apivot book |
E0628 | How does a merica hear the gospel | William A.Dyrness | 1989 | Wm. B.Eerdmans Publishing Co |
E0629 | Excellence in leadership | John White | 1986 | Inter-Varsity |
E0630 | How to help people reach their potential | DR.Jack Hyles | 1990 | Hyles-Anderson Publishers |
E0631 | A Manual for Writers | Kate L. Turabian | 1973 | The University of Chicago Press |
E0632 | In Search of Excellence | Thomas J.Peters and Robert H.Waterman,Jr | 1983 | Warner Books |
E0633 | Nonzero | Robert Wright | 2001 | Vintage books |
E0634 | Boy meets girl | Joshua harris | 2000 | Multnomah publishers |
E0635 | The Confession of Faith and Catechisms | Willow Grove | 2008 | Great Commission |
E0636 | I Dols of The Heart | Elyse Fitzpatrick | 2001 | Publishing |
E0637 | Desiring the Kingdom | James K.A.Smith | 2009 | Baker Academic |
E0638 | Imagining the Kingdom | James K.A. Smith | 2013 | Baker Academic |
E0639 | Thinking in tongues | James K.A. Smith | 2010 | William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company |
E0640 | The god-Centered Preacher | Pobert L.Reymond | 2003 | Mentor |
E0641 | In Search of Excellence | By Thomas J.Peters | 1984 | Warner Books |
E0642 | Blggest Brother | Larry Alexander | 2006 | Caliber |
E0643 | The song of solomon | G. LLoyd Carr | 1983 | Inter-Varsity press |
E0644 | The pastoral Epistles | Geoffrey B.Wilson | 1982 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0645 | Basic Christianity | John r.w.stott | 1971 | Inter-Varsity press |
E0646 | Peter | D.Edmond Hiebert | 1992 | Moody Press |
E0647 | Thisi Believe | Jay Allison and Dan Gediman | 1866 | A Holt Paperback |
E0648 | 2 Corinthians | Simon J. Kistemaker | 1997 | Baker Academic |
E0649 | The tyndale New Testament Commentaries | The Rev. Canon Leon Morris | 1993 | Inter-Varsity press |
E0650 | 1 Corinthians | Leon Morris | 2006 | IVP Academic |
E0651 | Romans | Navigators | 1987 | Navpress |
E0652 | Genesis | Professor D.J.Wiseman | 1967 | Inter-Varsity press |
E0653 | Galatians | Navigators | 1989 | Navpress |
E0654 | The Discipline of grace | Jerry Bridges | 2006 | Navpress |
E0655 | The Fruitful Life | Jerry Bridges | 2006 | Navpress |
E0656 | Joy Unspeakable | J.I.Packer | 1984 | Harold Shaw Publishers Wheaton |
E0657 | Partners in Prayer | John Maxwell | 1996 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0658 | Commentary on the Old Testament in the volumes | Lsaiah By F.Delitzsch | 1980 | William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company |
E0659 | Common Mistakes Singles Make | Mary Whelchel | 1989 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0660 | A long Obedience in the Same Direction | Eugene H.P eterson | 2000 | Inter-Varsity press |
E0661 | The Discipline of grace | Jerry Bridges | 2006 | Navpress |
E0662 | Knowing god | J.I.Packer | 1993 | Inter-Varsity press |
E0663 | The pursuit of holiness | Jerry Bridges | 2006 | Navpress |
E0664 | Taste and see | John piper | 2005 | Publisher |
E0665 | The mark of a man | Elisabeth elliot | 2006 | Elisabeth Elliot |
E0666 | War of words | Paul david Tripp | 2000 | Publishing |
E0667 | Surprised by Suffering | Robert Ingram | 1989 | Ligonier Ministries |
E0668 | how to help your child say no to sexual pressure | Josh Mcdowell | 1987 | Word Publishing |
E0669 | The grace awakening | Gharles R. SWindoll | 1990 | Word Publishing |
E0670 | Trusting god jerry bridges | Jerry Bridges | 1992 | Navpress |
E0671 | A Concordance to the greek testament | Westcott and hort | 1989 | T. & T. Clark Ltd |
E0672 | Genesis Volume 3 | JAmes Montgomery boice | 1998 | Baker Books |
E0673 | St. Paul’s epistle to the Galatians | J.B .Lightfoot | 1995 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0674 | The message of 1 Peter | John r.w.stott | 1989 | Inter-Varsity press |
E0675 | New Testament Commentary | Willliam Hendriksen | 2007 | Baker Academic |
E0676 | An exposition of the Sermon on the Mount | Arthur W.Pink | 1982 | Herendeen Swengel Pennsylvania |
E0677 | A Ready Defense | Bill Wilson | 1991 | Here’s Life Publishers |
E0678 | A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Original Greek Words With their Precise Meanings for English Readers | W. E. Vine, M.A | Hendrickson Publishers | |
E0679 | Bible Truth Illustrated | DONALD GREY BARNHOUSE | 1996 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0680 | Anywhere but here | Mona Simpson | 1992 | Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data |
E0681 | A Commentary on the new testament from the Talmud and hebraica Matthew | John Lightfoot | 1989 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0682 | The habits of highly effective churches | George barna | 1999 | Regal |
E0683 | The sovereignty of god | Arthur W.Pink | 1993 | Baker Book House |
E0684 | Evangeilsm doing justice and preaching grace | Harvie M. Conn | 1982 | Publishing |
E0685 | Let us Pray reformed Prayers for Christian Worship | Edited by Martha S.Gilliss | 2002 | Peneva press |
E0686 | The sword of the prophet | Serge trifkovic | 2002 | Regina orthodox press |
E0687 | The ocean of truth | Joyce mcpherson | 2001 | Greenleaf books |
E0688 | A Piece of the Mountain | Joyce mcpherson | 2003 | Greenleaf books |
E0689 | The river of Grace | Joyce mcpherson | 2003 | Greenleaf books |
E0690 | The path of True Godliness | Willem Teellinck | 2003 | Baker Academic |
E0691 | Auustine on prayer | Thomas A. hand,O.S.A. | 1963 | Catholic book publishing co. |
E0692 | The letters of john | John R.w.stott | 1964 | InterVarsity press |
E0693 | Daniel an introduction and commentary | Joyce G.baldwin | 1978 | InterVarsity press |
E0694 | Christianity through the ages | Kenneth Scott Latourette | 1965 | HarperSanFrancisco |
E0695 | The holy spirit | Sinclair B. ferguson | 1996 | Inter Varsity Press |
E0696 | Machen's notes on Galatians | J.Gresham Machen | 2000 | Solid Ground christian books |
E0697 | Covenant and Eschatology the divine Drama | Michael S.horton | 2002 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E0698 | The apostles | donald Guthrie | 1975 | Zondervan Publishing house |
E0699 | The discipline of grace | Jerry Bridges | 2006 | Navpress |
E0700 | The bibie promise book | New international version | 1973 | Barbour |
E0701 | Islamic imperialism | Efraim karsh | 2007 | Yale unniversity press |
E0702 | The praying church idea book | Douglas A.Kamstra | 1973 | Faith alive |
E0703 | The crossway classic commentaries 1 Corinthians | Charles hodge | 1995 | Crossway Books |
E0704 | The letter to timothy,titus, and philemon | William barclay | 1975 | The westminster Press |
E0705 | New international biblical commentary Mark | Larry W.Hurtado | 1983 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0706 | The pursuit of God | A.W.Tozer | 1982 | Christian Focus Publications |
E0707 | The pursuit of God | A.W.Tozer | 1982 | Christian Focus Publications |
E0708 | Let me be a woman | Elliot | 1967 | Tyndale |
E0709 | The religious affections | Johathan edwards | 1984 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0710 | The pursuit of God | A.W.Tozer | 1982 | Christian Focus Publications |
E0711 | The personal or Group study guide to A.W.tozer's the pursuit of god | Jonathan L.graf | 1992 | Christian Focus Publications |
E0712 | The first epistle of peter | Peter H.davids | 1990 | Eerdmans |
E0713 | ||||
E0714 | The Greeds of Christendom with a history and critical notes | Philip schaff | 1983 | Baker Books |
E0715 | Waiting on God | Anderw Murray | 1981 | Whitaker House |
E0716 | The expositor's bible commentary | Frank E.Gaebelein general editor | 1976 | Regency |
E0717 | The mystery of marriage | Mike mason | 1985 | Multnomah Books |
E0718 | When skeptics ask | Norman L.geisler and ronald M.brooks | 1989 | Victor books |
E0719 | Honest to God? | bill hybels | 1990 | Zondervan Publishing house |
E0720 | Miracles a preliminary study | C.S.lewis | 1974 | HarperSanFrancisco |
E0721 | Guides to the reformed tradition worship | John H.Leith&John W.Kuykendall | 1984 | John Knox Press |
E0722 | John Calvin, The Institutes of Christian Religion | Edited by Tony Lane and Hilary Osborne | 1986 | Baker Book House |
E0723 | Biblical Ethics and Social Change | Stephen Charles Mott | 1982 | Oxfore unniversity press |
E0724 | More than a carpenter | Josh Mcdowell | 1977 | Living books |
E0725 | More than a carpenter | Josh Mcdowell | 1977 | Living books |
E0726 | Mininstering to Twenty-First Century families | Dennis Rainey | 2001 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0727 | The gospel of john volume 1 | James montgomery boice | 1985 | Baker Books |
E0728 | The gospel of john volume 3 | James montgomery boice | 1985 | Baker Books |
E0729 | The expositor's bible commentary | Frank E. Gaebelein general editor | 1978 | zondervan |
E0730 | Commentary on Exodus | George bush | 1993 | Kregel |
E0731 | New Testament history | F.F.bruce | 1969 | A Galilee book doubleday |
E0732 | New Testament commentary Acts | SimonJ.kistemaker | 1990 | Baker Academic |
E0733 | Kuunmong The cloud dream of the nine | By kim Manjung Translated by James S.Gale and introduced by elspet keith robertson scott | 2003 | Kurodahan press |
E0734 | The inner life | Andrew murray | 1984 | Whitaker House |
E0735 | The bruised reed | Richard sibbes | 1630 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0736 | A brief history of the presbytepians | Fourth edition | 1940 | The Westminster Press |
E0737 | Miracles a preliminary study | C.S.Lewis | 1947 | Collier books |
E0738 | Come back barback | C.John miller &Barbara miller Juliani | 1988 | P & R Publishing |
E0739 | Every talk | John A. younts | 2004 | SP shepherd press |
E0740 | Parenting isn'tfor cowards | DR.James dobson | 1987 | Multnomah Publishers |
E0741 | The duties of parents | Jacobus koelman | 2003 | Baker Academic |
E0742 | A remedy for wandering thoughts in worship | Rev.richard steele,M.A. | 1988 | Sprinkle publications |
E0743 | A joureney of faith | Elie wiesel and ohn cardinal o'connor | 1990 | Donald I.fine,inc. |
E0744 | Grow your church from the outside in | Geourge barna | 2002 | Regal |
E0745 | The practice of godliness | Jerry bridges | 1983 | Navpress |
E0746 | Cornelius van til an andlysis of his thought | John M. Frame | 1995 | P & R Publishing |
E0747 | A commentary on Daniel | Edward J,young | 1949 | THE Banner of Truth Trust |
E0748 | The Westminster confession of faith for study classes | G.I. Williamson | 1964 | P & R Publishing |
E0749 | 1 Corinthians | John Macarthur | 2007 | Thomas Nelson |
E0750 | Showing the spirit | Carson, D.A. | 1987 | Baker Academic |
E0751 | The book of isaiah | EDWard J,young | 1965 | Eerdmans |
E0752 | Operation world | Johnsttone | 1993 | Zondervan |
E0753 | New international biblical commentary 1and 2 peter,jude | Norman hillyer | 1992 | Hendrickson Publishers. |
E0754 | The message of Ephesians | John R.W. sott | 1979 | The bible speaks today |
E0755 | Trust and obey obedience and the christian | Sproul, R.C. Micael horton John Macarthur | 1996 | Soli Deo Gloria |
E0756 | Renovation of the heart in daily practice | Dallas willard&Jan johnson | 2002 | Navpress |
E0757 | Psalms volume3 | James montgomery boice | 1998 | Baker Books |
E0758 | The church | Emund p. Cloweney | 1995 | InterVarsity |
E0759 | The epistle to the Hebrews | F.F.bruce | 1990 | Eerdmans |
E0760 | Designing effective women's ministries | Briscoe,Mcintyre,seversen | 1995 | Zondervan |
E0761 | Amazing grace | Kenneth W.dsbeck | 1990 | Kregel |
E0762 | Salvation | Charles R.Swindoll | 1989 | Broadman&publishers |
E0763 | 24Ready-to-use-Programs for women's groups | Macnell | 1996 | Abingdon press.Nashville |
E0764 | Seeing with new eyes | david powlison | 2003 | Publishing |
E0765 | How can I change? | C.J.Mahaney and robin boisvert | 1993 | Pursuit of godliness series |
E0766 | Subversive spirituality | Eugene H.peter Santucci | 1994 | Regal |
E0767 | Evangelical Feminism biblical truth | Wayne Grudem | 2004 | Gruend |
E0768 | Handbook of christian apologetics | ronaldk.tacelli | 1994 | InterVarsity |
E0769 | Romans a study manual | Robert Rogland | 1988 | Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company |
E0770 | You are ministers | John W. Neal | 2011 | the institute for uniting church and home |
E0771 | The wonder of it all | Pryan chapell | 1999 | Crossway Books |
E0772 | ||||
E0773 | Made in America | Michael scott horton | 1991 | Baker Book House |
E0774 | The death of death in the death of christ | John owen D.D. | 1852 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0775 | A long obedience journal | Eugene H.peterson with ruth goring | 2000 | InterVarsity |
E0776 | New international biblical commentary John | J.ramsey Michaels | 1984 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0777 | Colossians and philemon | R.kent hughes | 1989 | Crossway Books |
E0778 | The name of the rose | Harcourt brace jovanovich | 1980 | Umberto eco |
E0779 | The life and diary of david brainerd | Jonathan edwards | 1949 | Baker Book House |
E0780 | Family-based youth mininstry | Mark devries | 1994 | Inter Varsity press |
E0781 | Beyond the curse women called to ministry | Aida besancon spencer | 1985 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0782 | When you pray | Philip graham ryken | 2000 | P & R Publishing |
E0783 | Jehovah's withesses answered verse by verse | David A.reed | 1986 | Baker Book House |
E0784 | Solomon among the postmoderns | Peter J.Leithare | 2008 | Brazos press |
E0785 | Charles grandison finney,1792-1875 | Keith J. hardman | 1987 | Baker Book House |
E0786 | Basic Christianity | John R.W. sott | 1958 | Inter Varsity press |
E0787 | Borden of yale | Mrs. howard taylor | 1988 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0788 | The master plan of evangelism | Robert E.coleman | 1963 | Spire book |
E0789 | The life of arthur W.pink | Iain H. murray | 1981 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0790 | Reinhold niebuhr and the issues of our time | Richard harries | 1986 | William B.eerdmans publishing company |
E0791 | Psalms 1-72 | The rev. derek kidner | 1973 | Inter Varsity press |
E0792 | Leviticus an introduction& commentary | R.K.harrison,p.D.,D,D | 1980 | Inter Varsity press |
E0793 | Raising a christian daughter 1n an mtv world | Mary ruth murdoch | 2000 | P & R Publishing |
E0794 | The Lexicon | William F. Buckley JR. | 1996 | A Harvest Original |
E0795 | Restoring your spiritual passion | Gordon Macdonald | 1986 | Oliver nelson |
E0796 | Gleanings from the scripthres | Pink, A.W. | 1969 | Moody Press |
E0797 | Commentary on revelation | E.W.Bullinger | 1984 | Kregel classice |
E0798 | Iustitia dei | Alister E.Mcgrath | 1986 | Cambridge unniversity press |
E0799 | Christanity in the crosshairs | Bill wilson | 2004 | Destiny image |
E0800 | New Testament commentary | William hendriksen | 1968 | Baker Academic |
E0801 | Growing in the prophetic | Mike bickle | 1996 | Creation House |
E0802 | Growing in the prophetic | Mike bickle | 1996 | Creation House |
E0803 | Shepherding A child's heart | Tedd tripp | 1995 | SP shepherd press |
E0804 | The power vision | george barna | 1973 | Regal |
E0805 | The shorter catechism | G.I. Williamson | 1970 | P & R Publishing |
E0806 | Parent's answer book | DR.James dobson | 2003 | Tyndale |
E0807 | The calavary road | Boy and revel hession | 1950 | Christian literature crusade |
E0808 | Last curlews | Fred bodsworth | 1995 | Counterpoint |
E0809 | Busman's honeymoon | Dorothy L.sayers | 1937 | Harper |
E0810 | Man asks, God answers | craig R.brown | 2012 | Brown family foundation |
E0811 | New Testament commentary Revelation | SimonJ.kistemaker | 2001 | Baker Academic |
E0812 | New Testament commentary Ames,Epistles of john ,peter,and jude | SimonJ.kistemaker | 1989 | Baker Academic |
E0813 | New Testament commentary thessalonians,the pastorals, and hebrews | 1955 | Baker Academic | |
E0814 | On being achristian hans kung | Edward Quinn | 1966 | A wallaby book |
E0815 | Lifeviews | R.C.sproul | 1973 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0816 | The music of his promises | Elisabeth elliot | 2000 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0817 | Unveiled at last | Bob sogren | 1992 | YWAM Publishing |
E0818 | The gospel of john | F.F.bruce | 1983 | Eerdmans |
E0819 | Word biblical commentary volume3 | Exodus john I durham | 1987 | Word Publishing |
E0820 | Tyndale new testament commentaries volume | Leon Morris | 1985 | Inter Varsity press |
E0821 | Preaching christ in all of scripture | Edmund P. clowney | 2003 | Crossway Books |
E0822 | Setting our affections upon glory | Martyn lloyd-Jones | 2013 | Crossway Books |
E0823 | Counted righteous in christ | John piper | 2002 | Crossway Books |
E0824 | I dared to call him father | Bilquis Sheikh with Richard H. Schneider | 2003 | Chosen books |
E0825 | The road less traveled | M.sott peck,M.D. | 1987 | A touchstone book |
E0826 | Gilead | Marilynne robinson | 2004 | Picador |
E0827 | Religion in america | Winthrop S.Hudson | 1987 | Macmillan publishing company |
E0828 | Ephesians astudy manual | R.D.Stuart | 1987 | P & R Publishing |
E0829 | Classical apologetics | R.C.sproul John grstner Arthur lindsley | 1984 | Academie books |
E0830 | Dictionary of the Presbyterian&Reformed tradltion in america | General editorD.G.hart | 1999 | P & R Publishing |
E0831 | Commentaries Twelve minor prophets | John calvin | 1996 | Baker Book House |
E0832 | The navigator | RoberTD. foster | 1983 | Challenge books,Ltd |
E0833 | Brothers,we are not professionals | John piper | 2002 | Broadman&Holman publishers |
E0834 | New international biblical commentary 1and 2 peter,jude | ThomasF.Johnson | 1993 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0835 | Praying with paul | Carson, D.A. | 1992 | Baker Academic |
E0836 | The heidelberg catechism | G.I. Williamson | 1993 | P & R Publishing |
E0837 | The minor prophets volume1 | Hosea-jonah | 1983 | Baker Books |
E0838 | Romans volume2 The reign of grace(romans5-8) | James montgomery boice | 1992 | Baker Books |
E0839 | Ephesians | James montgomery boice | 1988 | Baker Books |
E0840 | The gospel of john volume 5 triumph through tragedy(John18-21) | James montgomery boice | 1985 | Baker Books |
E0841 | Teach your children to pray | Denise george | 1973 | Christian Focus |
E0842 | Tools for bibliographical and backgrounds research on the new testanent | Norman Elliott anderson | 1987 | Gordon-conwell Theological seminary |
E0843 | Christ and the bible | John Wenham | 1994 | Baker Books |
E0844 | The gospel according to John | Herman N.ridderbos | 1987 | Eerdmans |
E0845 | The glory of Christ | RC sproul | 1979 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E0846 | You are Talented | Patrick kavanaugh | 2002 | Chosen books |
E0847 | Word biblical commentary volume49 1peter | J.Ramsey michaels | 1988 | Word books,Publisher.waco,texas |
E0848 | With one voice | 1995 | Augsburg Fortress Minneapois | |
E0849 | What every pastor should know about sunday shool | ElmerL. towns&stan toler | 1979 | Regal |
E0850 | Your spiritual gifts can help your church grow | C.peter wagner | 1958 | Regal Books |
E0851 | How to lead small groups | Neal F. Mcbride | 1990 | Navpress |
E0852 | The passion of jesus christ | John piper | 2004 | Crossway Books |
E0853 | On speaking well | Peggy noonan | 1998 | Regan books |
E0854 | Think on these things | John C.Maxwell | 1979 | Beacon hill press of kansas city |
E0855 | The glory of Christ | Jhon owen | 1987 | Grace Publications |
E0856 | Culture shift | R.albert mohler jr. | 1962 | Multnomah Books |
E0857 | Whiter than snow meditations on sin and mercy | paul david dripp | 2008 | Crossway Books |
E0858 | A history of christianity | Kenneth scott latourette | 1953 | HarpersanFrancisco |
E0859 | The intercessory prayer of jesus | Warren W.wiersbe | 1997 | Baker Books |
E0860 | When I don't desire God | Jhon piper | 2004 | Crossway Books |
E0861 | The nine tailors | Dorothy L.sayers | 1934 | A Harvest book/Harcourt,Inc. |
E0862 | On being a missionary | Thomas hale | 1995 | William carey library |
E0863 | Justification and variegated nomism | Carson, D.A.Peter T o'brien,and mark A.seifrid | 2001 | Baker Academic |
E0864 | Revolution in word missions | K.P.Yohannan | 1986 | Gfa books |
E0865 | Tao te ching | Lao tzu | 1991 | Barnes&Noble Classics |
E0866 | The practice christian | Gordon J.Keddie | 1989 | Evangelical press |
E0867 | The marks of God's children | Jean Taffin | 2003 | Baker Academic |
E0868 | 24ways to improve your teaching | Kenneth O.gangel | 1974 | Victors Books |
E0869 | The mimistry | Charles J.brown | 2006 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0870 | Humility true creatness | C.J.Mahaney | 2005 | Multnomah |
E0871 | Acts an expositional commentary | James montgomery boice | 1997 | Baker Books |
E0872 | A public faith | charles drew | 2000 | Navpress |
E0873 | The witness of the stars | Ethelbert W.bullinger | 1893 | Kregel Publications |
E0874 | Micah for you | DR.stephen Um | 2018 | The good book |
E0875 | New international biblical commentary Matthew | Robert H.Mounce | 1985 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0876 | A commentary on the revelation of john | George eldon ladd | 1972 | William B.eerdmans publishing company |
E0877 | Favorite old testament passages | Douglas stuart | 1985 | The westminster Press |
E0878 | The gospel according to mark | G.campbell Morgan,D.D | 1927 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0879 | Disciplines of a godly man | R.kent hughes | 1991 | Crossway Books |
E0880 | The crossway classic commentaries luke | J.C.Ryle | 1997 | Crossway Books |
E0881 | Rediscovering catechism | Donald van dyken | 2000 | P & R Publishing |
E0882 | Truting God in atwisted world. | Elisabeth elliot | 1961 | Power books |
E0883 | Evidence that demands a verdict volume I | Josh Mcdowell | 1972 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E0884 | Gleanings from paul | Arthur W,pink | 1967 | Moody Press |
E0885 | The comp tales and poems of edgar allan poe | Arthur hobson hobon quinn edward H. | 1992 | Barnes&Noble |
E0886 | When god writes you love story | Eric&Leslie Ludy | 1999 | Loyal publishing |
E0887 | Expository sermons on 2 peter | D.M.lloyd-jones | 1983 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0888 | The gospel of john volume 2 | James montgomery boice | 1985 | Baker Books |
E0889 | The rice single life | Kevin Meath | 1998 | Pursuit of godliness series |
E0890 | Philippians second edition | Moises silva | 1992 | Baker Academic |
E0891 | The gospel of john volume 4 | James montgomery boice | 1985 | Baker Books |
E0892 | Romans volume3 | James montgomery boice | 1983 | Baker Books |
E0893 | Daniel | John F. Walvoord | 2012 | Moody Publishers |
E0894 | The new international dictionary of the bible | Douglas, J.D. & Merrill C.tenney | 1963 | Macmillan publishing |
E0895 | A commentary on the greek text of the epistle of paul to the ephesians | John eadie,D.D,LL.D | 1998 | Wipf & Stock Publishers |
E0896 | Judges | David M.gunn | 2005 | Blackwell Publishing |
E0897 | God's pattern for creation | W.robert godfrey | 2003 | P & R Publishing |
E0898 | The macarthur new testament commentary galatians | MacArthur, Jhon.F. | 1987 | Moody Press |
E0899 | The message of Daniel | Dale ralph davis | 2013 | IVP Academic |
E0900 | I don't have enough faith tobe an atheist | Norman L.geisler frankTurek | 2004 | Crossway Books |
E0901 | Redeeming Science | Poythress V. S | 2006 | Crossway |
E0902 | Aristotle on poetry and style | Grube, G.M.A | 1979 | Bobbs Merrill |
E0903 | The best short stories of Ring Lardner | Lardner, Ring | 1957 | The scribner library |
E0904 | The book of Isaiah Vol. 2 | Young, E. J | 1993 | Eerdmans |
E0905 | Jonathan Edwards on revival | 1987 | The Banner of Truth Trust | |
E0906 | Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul | Lightfoot, J.B. | 1995 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E0907 | The book of Isaiah Vol. 3 | Young, E. J | 1993 | Eerdmans |
E0908 | Lectures to my students | Spurgeon, C.H. | 1954 | Zondervan |
E0909 | Basic for believers | Carson, D.A. | 1996 | Baker |
E0910 | Word biblical themes Philippians | Hawthorne, G.F | 1987 | Word books |
E0911 | An expositional commentary Genesis Vol.2 | Boice, J.M. | 2006 | Baker |
E0912 | An expositional commentary Rpmans Vol.4 | Boice, J.M. | 2006 | Baker |
E0913 | An expositional commentary Romans Vol.1 | Boice, J.M. | 2006 | Baker |
E0914 | An expositional commentary Genesis Vol.1 | Boice, J.M. | 2006 | Baker |
E0915 | Interpreting the Psalms | Futato, M.D | 2007 | Kregel |
E0916 | Commentary on Galatians | Luther, Martin | 1998 | Fleming H. Revell |
E0917 | Amazing Grace | Rawlyk & Noll | 1993 | Baker |
E0918 | An expositional commentary Psalms Vol.2 | Boice, J.M. | 2006 | Baker |
E0919 | An expositional commentary Minor Prophets Vol.2 | Boice, J.M. | 2006 | Baker |
E0920 | Deuteronomy | Thompson, J.A | 1974 | IVP |
E0921 | 1 & 2 Samuel | Baldwin, J.G | 1988 | IVP |
E0922 | Hosea | Hubbard, D.A | 1989 | IVP |
E0923 | Joel & Amos | Hubbard, D.A | 1989 | IVP |
E0924 | Psalms 73-150 | Kinder, D. | 1975 | IVP |
E0925 | Job | Andersen, F.I | 1976 | IVP |
E0926 | Ezekiel | Taylor, J.B | 1969 | IVP |
E0927 | Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi | Baldwin, J.G | 1972 | IVP |
E0928 | Ezra & Nehemiah | Kinder, D. | 1979 | IVP |
E0929 | Esther | Baldwin, J.G | 1984 | IVP |
E0930 | Judges & Ruth | Cundall & Morris | 1968 | IVP |
E0931 | Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah | Baker, D.W | 1988 | IVP |
E0932 | C.T.Studd Man of faith | Grubb N.P | 2018 | WEC |
E0933 | Stepping Out | Gibson T. | 1992 | YWAM |
E0934 | Improving aid to Africa | Walle N & Johnston T.A | 1996 | Overseas Development Council |
E0935 | The doctrine of the Holy Spirit | Berkhof, H | 1977 | John Knox Press |
E0936 | Who you are when no one's looking | Hybels, B | 1987 | IVP |
E0937 | PEAR | Gill, S | 2011 | Yonsei University |
E0938 | My disability-God's ability | Kang, Young Woo | 2004 | Abigdon Press |
E0939 | Catch the vision 2000 | Stearns, Bill & Amy | 1991 | Bethany House Peblishers |
E0940 | Measure your life | Duewel W.L | 1992 | Duewel Literature Trust |
E0941 | Dictionary of modern theological German | Ziefle, H. W | 1982 | Baker Book House |
E0942 | Transferable concepts for powerful living | Bright, Bill | 1985 | Here's Life |
E0943 | Thieves of Bagdad | Bogdanos | 2005 | Bloomsbury |
E0944 | PEAR | Denney, S. C | 2012 | Yonsei University |
E0945 | Knowing God | Packer, J. I | 1973 | IVP |
E0946 | God's power is for you | Deuwel, W. L | 1997 | OM |
E0947 | A short history of the early church | Boer, H. R | 1976 | Eerdmans |
E0948 | Marriage, divorce and remarriage in the Bible | Adams, J.E | 1980 | Zondervan |
E0949 | Becoming a titus 2 woman | Peace, M | 1997 | Focus |
E0950 | Ordinary men called by God | Boice, J.M. | 1998 | Kregel |
E0951 | The heart of the cross | Boice & Ryken | 1999 | Crossway |
E0952 | The abolition of man | Lewis, C. S | 1971 | HarperSanFrancisco |
E0953 | The supremacy of God in preaching | Piper, J | 1990 | Baker Book House |
E0954 | The message of the sermon on the mount | Stott John R.W | 1978 | IVP |
E0955 | If I perish | Kim, Esther Ahn | 1977 | Moody Press |
E0956 | The righteous mind | Haidt, J | 2013 | Vintage Books |
E0957 | Lord, teach me to pray in 28 days | Arthur, K | 1982 | Havest House |
E0958 | Parenting in the pew | Graham, R. B | 1993 | IVP |
E0959 | The will to meaning | Fankel, V. E | 1988 | A Meridian Book |
E0960 | The tipping point | Gladwell M | 2000 | Back Day Books |
E0961 | Power encounters | Powlison, D. | 1995 | Baker |
E0962 | The education of Karl Witte | Witte, K.H | 1914 | Thomas Y. Crowell |
E0963 | How to understand the Virgin Mary | Bur, J. | 1992 | Continuum |
E0964 | America is | Currutt | 1984 | Charles E. Merrill |
E0965 | Contemporary worship music | Frame, J.M | 1997 | P&R |
E0966 | Stand | McFarland, A. | 2005 | Tyndale |
E0967 | Team of rivals | Goodwin, D.K | 2005 | Simon&Schuster |
E0968 | Devotional classics | Foster&Smith | 1993 | Harper Collins |
E0969 | The politics of Chinese language and culture | Hodge & louie | 1998 | Loutledge |
E0970 | A biblical portrait of marriage | Wilkinson, B.H | 1995 | Walk Thru the Bible |
E0971 | Introduction to christian worship | White, J.F | 1992 | Abingdon |
E0972 | What Americans believe and how they worship | Williams, J.P | 1952 | Harper & Brothers |
E0973 | Powers, weakness, and the tabernacling of God | Dawn, M.J | 2001 | Eerdmans |
E0974 | The Lord's supper | Barclay, W. | 1967 | Westminster |
E0975 | With reverence and awe | Hart & Muether | 2002 | P&R |
E0976 | Koshersex | Boteach, S. | 1999 | Doubleday |
E0977 | The peacemaking pastor | Poirier, A. | 2007 | Baker |
E0978 | The peacemaker | Sande, K. | 2007 | Baker |
E0979 | The sinfulness of sin | Venning, R. | 1997 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0980 | The reformed pastor | Brown, W. | 1989 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E0981 | Exegtical Fallacies | Carson, D.A. | 1990 | Baker |
E0982 | Discovering the fullness of worship | Engle, P.E | 1991 | Great Commission |
E0983 | Worship in spirit and truth | Frame, J.M | 1996 | P&R |
E0984 | The new charismatics | Moriarty, M.G | 1992 | Zondervan |
E0985 | Reaching out without dumbing down | Marty, M.E | 1995 | Eerdmans |
E0986 | The beginning of christianity | Craig, C.T | Abingdon | |
E0987 | How our religion began | Baxter, E.M | 1939 | Harper & Brothers |
E0988 | At risk: bringing hope to hurting teenagers | Larson, S. | 1999 | Group |
E0989 | The end of racism | D'Souza, D. | 1996 | Free Press |
E0990 | More hard sayings of the new testament | Davids, P.H | 1991 | IVP |
E0991 | Jesus Freaks : Martyrs | 1999 | Bethany House Peblishers | |
E0992 | Introducing covenant theology | Horton, M. | 2009 | Baker |
E0993 | The NIV application commentary: James | Nystrom, D.P | 1997 | Zondervan |
E0994 | Covenant and eschatology | Horton, M. | 2002 | Westminster |
E0995 | Grant | Smith, J.E | 2001 | Simon&Schuster |
E0996 | The church | Clowney, E.P. | 1995 | IVP |
E0997 | An unexpected journey | Godfrey | 2004 | P&R |
E0998 | 12 sermons on commitment | Spurgeon, C.H. | 1978 | Baker |
E0999 | Women helping women | Fitzpatrick & Cornish | 1997 | Harvest House |
E1000 | Liberty and tyranny | Levin, M.R | 2009 | Threshold Editions |
E1001 | Worship his majesty | Bock, F. | 1987 | Gaither Music |
E1002 | Trinity hymnal | Tolsma, J. | 1999 | Great Commission |
E1003 | The message the new testament | Peterson, E.H. | 1993 | Navpress |
E1004 | Scripture and worship | Muller & Ward | 2007 | P&R |
E1005 | Truly the community | Dawn, M.J | 1992 | Eerdmans |
E1006 | A book of reformed prayers | Rice & Williamson, Jr. | 1998 | Westminster |
E1007 | Unceasing worship | Best, H.M | 2003 | IVP |
E1008 | A royal waste of time | Dawn, M.J | 1999 | Eerdmans |
E1009 | From sabbath to Lord's day | Carson, D.A. | 1999 | Wipf and Stock |
E1010 | How long O Lord? | Carson, D.A. | 2006 | Baker |
E1011 | A grammer of the Greek New Testament | Robertson, A.T | Broadman | |
E1012 | Perfectionism Vol. 1 | Warfield, B.B | 1931 | Oxford University |
E1013 | The shepherd | Girzone, J.F | 1990 | Macmillan |
E1014 | The treasury of scripture knowledge | Canne | 1982 | MacDonald |
E1015 | The presbyterian liturgies | Baird, C.W | 2006 | Wipf & Stock Publishers |
E1016 | The book of hymes | 1966 | The methodist | |
E1017 | Nearer, my God | Buckley Jr. W.F | 1997 | Harcourt Brace |
E1018 | Each for the other | Chapell, B. | 1998 | Baker |
E1019 | The wisdom of each other | Peterson, E.H. | 1998 | Zondervan |
E1020 | The rule of love | Fesko, J.V | 2009 | Reformation Heritage Books |
E1021 | Twelve Prophets vol.1 | Craigie, P.C | 1984 | Westminster |
E1022 | Grace abounding | Bunyan, J. | 1993 | Whitaker House |
E1023 | For all God's worth | Wright, N.T. | 1997 | Eerdmans |
E1024 | The unfolding mystery | Clowney, E.P. | 1988 | P&R |
E1025 | Revolution in world missions | Yohannan, K.P | 2003 | gfa books |
E1026 | Five of cries youth | Strommen, M.P | 1988 | Harper & Row Publishers |
E1027 | My dear Alex | D'Souza & Fossedal | 1987 | Regnery |
E1028 | If democrats had any brains, they'd be republicans | Coulter, A. | 2007 | Crown Forum |
E1029 | Reagan on leadership | Strock, J.M | 1998 | Prima |
E1030 | Men in black | Levin, M.R | 2005 | Regnery |
E1031 | What's so great about christianity | D'Souza, D. | 2007 | Regnery |
E1032 | Bias | Goldberg, B. | 2001 | Regnery |
E1033 | A national party no more | Miller, Z. | 2003 | Stroud&Hall |
E1034 | The world id flat | Friedman, T.L | 2005 | Farrar,Straus and Giroux |
E1035 | The compleat gentleman | Miner, B. | 2004 | Spence |
E1036 | The epistle of James | Adamson, J.B | 1976 | Eerdmans |
E1037 | The epistle of James | Davids, P.H | 1982 | Eerdmans |
E1038 | James | Manton, T. | 1998 | Banner of Truth |
E1039 | WBC James | Martin, R.P | 1988 | Nelson |
E1040 | James | Hughes, R.K | 1991 | Crosway |
E1041 | Miles gone by | Buckley Jr. W.F | 2004 | Regnery |
E1042 | Arrogance | Goldberg, B. | 2003 | Warner |
E1043 | Hand of providence | Brown, M.B | 2004 | WND |
E1044 | What's so great about America | D'Souza, D. | 2002 | Regnery |
E1045 | I exalt you O God | Brigdes, J. | 2001 | Waterbrook |
E1046 | My grandfather's son | Thomas, C. | 2007 | Harper |
E1047 | American heroes | North, O. | 2008 | B&H |
E1048 | A american soldier | Franks, T. | 2004 | Regan |
E1049 | The trillion dollar meltdown | Morris, C.R | 2008 | PublicAffairs |
E1050 | WBC 1,2,3 John | Smalley, S.S | 1984 | Word |
E1051 | WBC Jude, 2 Peter | Bauckham, R.J | 1983 | Word |
E1052 | NAC Judges, Ruth | Block, D.I | 1999 | Broadman |
E1053 | The six-day warriors | Braverman & Silver | 1969 | Bloch |
E1054 | Interpretation Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon | Martin, R.P | 1991 | John Knox Press |
E1055 | NIGTC the pastoral epistles | Knight, G.W | 1992 | Eerdmans |
E1056 | What's in the Bible | Sproul & Wolgemuth | 2000 | Word |
E1057 | Growing true disciples | Barna, G. | 2001 | Waterbrook |
E1058 | Rewriting history | Morris, D. | 2004 | Reganbooks |
E1059 | Five days in october | Ferrell, R.H | 2005 | Missouri |
E1060 | True success | Morris, T. | 1994 | Grosset Putnam |
E1061 | Gospel worship | Burroughs, J. | 2006 | Soli Deo Gloria |
E1062 | Persecution | Limbaugh, D. | 2003 | Regnery |
E1063 | A better way | Horton, M. | 2002 | Baker |
E1064 | What's so amazing about grace | Yancey, P.D | 1997 | Zondervan |
E1065 | Opening to god | Benner, D.G | 2010 | IVP |
E1066 | The law of perfect freedom | Horton, M.S | 1993 | Moody Press |
E1067 | REC daniel | Duguid, I.M | 2008 | P&R |
E1068 | Theology in Exodus | Gowan, D.E | 1994 | WJK |
E1069 | Old Testament History | Preiffer, C.F | 1990 | Baker |
E1070 | Connecting | Crabb, L. | 1997 | Word |
E1071 | Interpretation 1&2 Peter, James and Jude | Perkins, P. | 1995 | John Knox Press |
E1072 | Evangelicalism & the future of christianity | McGrath, A. | 1995 | IVP |
E1073 | WBC Philippians | Hawthorne, G.F | 1983 | Word |
E1074 | What husbands wish their wives knew about men | Morley, P.M. | 1998 | Zondervan |
E1075 | New testament history | Niswonger, R.L | 1988 | Academie |
E1076 | WBT 1,2 Thessalonians | Morris, L. | 1989 | Word |
E1077 | GSC Jonah | Martin, H. | 1995 | Banner of Truth |
E1078 | Science and religion | Monsma, J.C | 1962 | GPPS |
E1079 | PNTC The gospel according to John | Carson, D.A. | 1991 | Eerdmans |
E1080 | Everyone in the bible | Barker, W.P | 1966 | Revell |
E1081 | Presbyterian and reformed churches A global history | James E. Mcgoldrick | 2012 | RHB |
E1082 | Growing up jewish an anthology | Jay David | 1996 | Morrow |
E1083 | Romans Atonement and justification | D.Martyn, LLoyd-Jones | 1970 | Ministry resources library |
E1084 | The gospel of luke | Marshall | 1978 | Eerdmans |
E1085 | Barnes'note on the Old & New Testaments Isaiah1 | Robert Frew,D.D | 1981 | Baker |
E1086 | The prevailing church | Randy Pope | 2002 | Moody |
E1087 | To the rising Generation | Jonathan Edwards | 2005 | Soli Deo Golria |
E1088 | ||||
E1089 | ||||
E1090 | Too good to be true | Horton | 2006 | Zondervan |
E1091 | The almost christian Discorered | Matthew Mead | 1993 | Soli Deo Golria |
E1092 | Ancient christian commentary on scripture new testament VIII Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians | Mark J.Edwards | 1999 | IVP |
E1093 | Isaiah | Watts | 1989 | Word |
E1094 | Jonah, Micah & Nahum | John Calvin | 1986 | Banner of Truth |
E1095 | Gospel-centered hermeneutics | Goldsworthy | 2006 | IVP |
E1096 | The revenge of conscience | J.Budziszewski | 1999 | Spence |
E1097 | The contemporary christian | Stott | 1992 | IVP |
E1098 | Ⅰ&Ⅱ Samuel | Gordon | 1986 | Regency |
E1099 | What's in the Bible | R.C. Sproul & Robert Wolgemuth | 2000 | Word |
E1100 | The christian counselor's Manual | Jay E.Adams | 1973 | Zondervan |
E1101 | The Anchor Bible Ephesians 4-6 | Markus Barth | 1974 | Doubleday |
E1102 | Churchill on leadership | Steven F.Hayward | 1997 | Prima |
E1103 | Revolution of character | Willard, Simpson | 2005 | Navpress |
E1104 | The book of Ruth | Robert L.Hubbard JR. | 1988 | Hubbard |
E1105 | Galatians | Morris | 1996 | IVP |
E1106 | Not a chance | Sproul | 1994 | Baker |
E1107 | Divine Appointments | Jacks/Jacks | 2002 | Navpress |
E1108 | Christ-centered preaching | Chapell | 1994 | Baker |
E1109 | Word Biblical Themes 1,2 Corinthians | Martin | 1988 | Word |
E1110 | Difficult passages in the New Testament | Stein | 1990 | Baker |
E1111 | Ⅰ&Ⅱ Corinthians | Charles Hodge | 1988 | Banner of Truth |
E1112 | Lloyd-jones Romans Assurance Exposition of chapter 5 | D.Martyn, LLoyd-Jones | 1972 | Zondervan |
E1113 | Lloyd-jones Romans The new man Exposition of chapter 6 | D.Martyn, LLoyd-Jones | 1973 | Zondervan |
E1114 | ||||
E1115 | Respectable sins | Bridges | 2007 | Navpress |
E1116 | Toxic faith Understanding and Overcoming Religious Addicion | Arterburn & Felton | 1991 | Oliver Nelson |
E1117 | The roots of endurance | John Piper | 2002 | Crossway |
E1118 | ||||
E1119 | The Premarital Counseling Handbook | Wright | 1992 | Moody |
E1120 | How to rescue the earth without worshiping nature | Tony Campolo | 1992 | Nelson |
E1121 | Practical Psychology for pastors | Miller & Jackson | 1985 | Prentice-Hall |
E1122 | ||||
E1123 | Chruches that abuse | Enroth | 1992 | Zondervan |
E1124 | ||||
E1125 | Collected Writing on scripture | Carson | 2010 | Crossway |
E1126 | Jesus in Blue jeans | Laurie Beth Jones | 1997 | HyPerion |
E1127 | ||||
E1128 | The Bible Exposition commentary Volume2 | Wiersbe | 1989 | Victor Books |
E1129 | The Bible Exposition commentary Volume1 | Wiersbe | 1989 | Victor Books |
E1130 | Geneva series of commentaries Revelation | James Ramsey | 1995 | Banner of Truth |
E1131 | Church: why bother? | Yancey | 1998 | Zondervan |
E1132 | Angels | Biliy Graham | 1994 | The Essential Billy Graham Library |
E1133 | Willful blindness | McCarthy | 2008 | Encounter Books |
E1134 | Jesus in Beijing | Aikman | 2003 | Regnery |
E1135 | Explorations in exegetical method | Silva | 1996 | Baker |
E1136 | Better country seeking A | Hart & Muethek | 2007 | P&R |
E1137 | Future grace | Piper | 1995 | Multnomah |
E1138 | The synoptic problem | stein | 1989 | Baker |
E1139 | Improving your serve | Charles Swindoll | 1981 | W Publishing |
E1140 | When critics ask A popular handbook on Bible Difficulties | Geisler Howe | 1992 | Victor |
E1141 | An Introduction to the new testament | Carson,Moo, adn Morris | 1992 | Zondervan |
E1142 | The Andrew Murray collection Abibe in Christ | Barbour | ||
E1143 | Rescuing sprite | Mark R. Levin | 2007 | Pocket Books |
E1144 | Between two worlds | Stott | 1988 | Eerdmans |
E1145 | Children at risk | Dobson/Bauer | 1990 | Word |
E1146 | Fremale piety: a yong women's guide | John Angell James | 1995 | Soli Deo Golria |
E1147 | The gospel according to John | Morris | 1995 | EErdmans |
E1148 | Do hard things | Alex & Brett Harris | 2008 | Multnomah |
E1149 | The new international Greek testamen commentary The Epistle to the Galatians | Bruce | 1982 | Eerdmans |
E1150 | The garden of Eden | Hemingway, E. | 1986 | Library of Congress |
E1151 | Genesis | Waltke | 2001 | Zondervan |
E1152 | The text of the new testament | Aland/Aland | 1989 | Eerdmans |
E1153 | Figures of speech used in the Bible | Bullinger | 1992 | Baker |
E1154 | Genesis Vol.3 Genesis 37-50 | James Montgomenry Boice | 2002 | Baker |
E1155 | A soldier's promise | Daniel Hendres with Wes Smith | 2006 | Simon Spotlight Entertainment |
E1156 | T.S. Eliot Collected Poems 1909-1962 | Harcourt, Brace | 1970 | World |
E1157 | Kingdom conspiracy | Mcknight | 2014 | Baker |
E1158 | Biblical Sermons | Robinson | 1990 | Baker |
E1159 | The power of team leadership | Barna | 2001 | Water Brook |
E1160 | Biblical preaching | Robinson | 1980 | Baker |
E1161 | Galatians | Ryken | 2005 | Library of Congress |
E1162 | Renovation of the willard | Willard | 2002 | Navpress |
E1163 | Loeb classical library Apostolic fathers1 | G.P.Goold | 1985 | Harvard University Press |
E1164 | Hard sayings of Jesus | Bruce | 1983 | IVP |
E1165 | word Biblical Themes John | Beasley-Murray | 1989 | Word |
E1166 | Manners & customs in the Bible | Mattews | 1990 | Hendrickson |
E1167 | The emotionally healthy church | Cazzero | 2003 | Zondervan |
E1168 | Doing Church as a team | Wayne Cordeiro | 2004 | Regal |
E1169 | 7 myths of working mothers | Venker | 2004 | Spence |
E1170 | Word Biblical Themes Daniel | Goldingay | 1989 | Word |
E1171 | The riddle of joy | G.K. Chesterton and C.S.Lewis | 1989 | EErdmans |
E1172 | Crossing the Threshold of hope | John Paul II | 1994 | KNOPE |
E1173 | Philippians | Fee | 1999 | IVP |
E1174 | The English Bible New and Revised edition | F.F.Bruce | 1970 | Oxford |
E1175 | Dangerous calling | Tripp | 2012 | Crossway |
E1176 | Safe in the world | Lloyd-Jones | 1988 | Crossway |
E1177 | The connecting church | Frazee | 2001 | Zondervan |
E1178 | From embers to a flamme | Harry L. Reeder III | 2004 | P&R |
E1179 | The life of the reverend soyang Ju Gi-Cheul, lamb of Jesus | Kim insoo Tr.son dal-lg | 2008 | Presbyterian theological college & seminary Press |
E1180 | Nicholas Sparks | John | 2006 | Warner |
E1181 | Celebration of Discipline | Foster | 1988 | Harper & Row |
E1182 | John Calvin's Sermons on Ephesians | John Calvin | 1973 | Banner of Truth |
E1183 | Rebuilding your broken world | MacDonald | 1988 | Oliver Nelson |
E1184 | Invitation to solitude and silence | Barton | 2004 | IVP |
E1185 | Starting out together | H.Norman Wring | 1996 | Regal |
E1186 | Running scared | Edward t.welch | 2007 | New Growth |
E1187 | The volunteer revolution | Bill Hybels | 2004 | Zondervan |
E1188 | Eat this book a conyersation in the art of spiritual reading | Peterson | 2006 | Eerdmans |
E1189 | A history of Israel Third edition | Bright | 1981 | Westminster |
E1190 | Lasting love | Alistair Begg | 1997 | Moody |
E1191 | The quest for character | Swindoll | 1987 | Multnomah |
E1192 | Dying for change | Anderson | 1990 | Betheany House |
E1193 | Faithfullness and holiness | Packer | 2002 | Crossway |
E1194 | Living the resurrection | Peterson | 2006 | Navpress |
E1195 | The case for Christ | Strobel | 1998 | Zondervan |
E1196 | Developing the leader within you | John C.Maxwell | 1993 | Nelson |
E1197 | What did you expect? | Tripp | 2010 | Crossway |
E1198 | The meanding of marriage | Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller | 2011 | Dutton |
E1199 | My utmost for his highest Updated edition | Chambers | 1992 | Discovery House |
E1200 | Night Light | Dobson | 2000 | Multnomah |
E1201 | Life in the Spirit in marriage,home & work Ephesians 5:18-6:9 | Lloyd-Jones | 1975 | Baker |
E1202 | The Christian solder Ephesians 6:10-20 | Lloyd-Jones | 1978 | Baker |
E1203 | Darknes and light Ephesians 4:17-5:17 | Lloyd-Jones | 1982 | Baker |
E1204 | The Christian warfare Ephesians 6:10-13 | Lloyd-Jones | 1977 | Baker |
E1205 | A history of religions in Korea | Duk-Whang Kim | 1963 | |
E1206 | Loeb classical library Apostolic fathers2 | Translated by Kirsopp Lake | 1976 | Cox&Wyman |
E1207 | The great omission | Willard | 2006 | Harper SanFrancisco |
E1208 | Preaching the cross | Dever,Duncan,Mohler,Mahaney | 2007 | Crossway |
E1209 | The Soul's Quest for God | Sproul | 1992 | Tyndale House |
E1210 | More than an ark on ararat | Irwin | 1985 | Broadman |
E1211 | Calvinism in the Las Vegas airport | Mouw | 2004 | Zondervan |
E1212 | The Ascent of a leader | Thrall Mcnicol Mcelrath | 1999 | Jossey-Bass |
E1213 | Can man live without God | Ravi Zacharias | 1994 | Word |
E1214 | Redemptive history and Biblical interpretation | Geerhardus Vos | 2001 | P&R |
E1215 | Foundations of evangelical theology | Davis | 1984 | Baker |
E1216 | The kingdom of the cults | Martin | 1997 | Betheany House |
E1217 | Integrative theology volume one | Lewis & Demarest | 1987 | Zondervan |
E1218 | Lies women believe | Nancy Leigh DeMoss | 2001 | Moody |
E1219 | Becoming a healthy church | Macchia | 1999 | Baker |
E1220 | Pursuing the pearl | Fong | 1999 | Judson |
E1221 | The praying church sourcebook second edition | Alvin J.Vander Griend | 1997 | Faith Alive |
E1222 | Before the face of God Book2 A daily guide for living from the Gospel of Luke | R.C. Sproul | 1993 | Baker |
E1223 | Finding God in the Questions | Johnson | 2004 | IVP |
E1224 | Before the face of God Book3 A daily guide for living from the Old Testament | R.C. Sproul | 1994 | Baker |
E1225 | The push-pull marriage | Carter | 1983 | Baker Book House |
E1226 | Waiting for godot | Samuel Beckett | 1954 | Grove Press |
E1227 | Francis Schaeffer the manand his message | Parkhurst | 1986 | Word Books |
E1228 | Sovereignty | Bertrand De Jouvenel | 1957 | Canbridge university press |
E1229 | The reformation and Reunion | C.Sydney Carter | The Church Book Room | |
E1230 | Religion and philosophy | Waiter Kaufmann | 1961 | Anchor Books |
E1231 | Language, truth and logic | Ayer | 1975 | Penguin Books |
E1232 | A history of the medieval church 590-1500 | Margaret Deanesly | 1959 | Methuen & Co Ltd |
E1233 | The church before the watching world | Schaeffer | 1978 | interVarsity |
E1234 | The early church | Henry Chadwick | 1971 | Penguin Books |
E1235 | The early christian fathers | Bettenson | 1969 | Oxford |
E1236 | The historical geography of the holy land | George Adam Smith | 1966 | Collins Clear-Type |
E1237 | Thoughts on art, literature and humor | Jane Stuart Smith and Betty Carlson | 1987 | |
E1238 | Problems of biblical theology in the twentieth century | Reventlow | 1986 | SCM press |
E1239 | The reformation of the 16th century | Roland Bainton | 1963 | Hodder |
E1240 | Isaiah's immnuel | Hindson | 1982 | P&R |
E1241 | The oecumenical documents of the faith | Bindley | 1950 | Methuen & Co Ltd |
E1242 | Isaiah 1-12 nwe edition | Otto kaiser | 1983 | SCM press |
E1243 | Finally comes the poet | Brueggeman | 1989 | Fortress Press |
E1244 | Jesus and Judaism | Sanders | 1985 | SCM press |
E1245 | Quiet time with God | Kristen Johnson Ingram | 1984 | Judson |
E1246 | Atonement today | John Goldingay | 1995 | SPCK |
E1247 | Abraham Kiyper | Berg | 1978 | Paideia press |
E1248 | The birth of the new testament | Moule | 1990 | Adam & Charles Black |
E1249 | A pattern of doctrines3 volume 5 | George Vass | 2001 | Sheed & Ward |
E1250 | The one, the three and the many | Gunton | 2000 | Cambridge |
E1251 | The word of God in transition | Schniedewind | 1995 | Sheffield Academic |
E1252 | Theology of the new testament.1 | Bultmann | 1952 | SCM press |
E1253 | The gospel of Thomas | Meyer | 1992 | Harper SanFrancisco |
E1254 | Problems of biblical theology in the twentieth century | Reventlow | 1986 | Fortress Press |
E1255 | Beyond Identity | Dick Keyes | 1984 | Servant Books |
E1256 | Reading the bible again for the first time | Borg | 2001 | Harper SanFrancisco |
E1257 | Apostle and bishop | A.G.Hebert | 1963 | Faber |
E1258 | Explorations in Theology 1 | DE Nineham | 1977 | SCM press |
E1259 | Explorations in Theology 2 | DE Nineham | 1977 | SCM press |
E1260 | Explorations in Theology 3 | DE Nineham | 1978 | SCM press |
E1261 | Veiled desire: augustine on women | Power K. | 1996 | Continuum Intl Pub Group |
E1262 | The Reformation: roots and ramifications | Oberman, H | 2004 | T&T Clark |
E1263 | New testament interpretation: essays on principles and methods | Marshall, I. H. (editor) | 1983 | William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company |
E1264 | Looking both ways exploring the Interface between Christianity and sociology | Perkins, R. | 1987 | Baker Pub Group |
E1265 | An existentialist theology: a comparison of Heidegger and Bultmann | Macquarriem, J | 2012 | Hymns Ancient & Modern |
E1266 | A theology of the holy spirit: the pentecostal experience and the new testament witness | Bruner, F.D. | 1970 | William B. Eerdmans |
E1267 | Preaching on the sayings of Jesus | Ford, D.W.C. | 1996 | Morehouse |
E1268 | An introduction to the theology of Rudolf Bultmann | Schmithals, W | 1968 | S.C.M. |
E1269 | An alternative vision an interpretation of liberation theology | Haight, R. | 1985 | Paulist |
E1270 | Christian theology: An introduction to its traditions and tasks | Hodgson, P. & King, R. | 1985 | Fortress |
E1271 | New testament studis | Dodd, C.H. | 1967 | Manchester University |
E1272 | The spirituality of the new testament and the fathers | Bouyer, L. | 1963 | Desclee Company |
E1273 | The erosion of calvinist orthodoxy: seceders and subscription in scottish presbyterianism | Hamilton, I. | 1992 | Edwin Mellen Pr |
E1274 | Revelation: vision and insight | Boxall, I. | 2002 | Spck |
E1275 | New testament theology: the theology of the gospel of mark | Telford, W.R. | 1999 | Cambridge University |
E1276 | The new testament: history, literature, religion | Theissen, G. | 2003 | T & T Clark |
E1277 | My sermon-notes: a selection from outline of discourses delivered | Spurgeon, C.H. | 1903 | Passmore and Alabaster |
E1278 | The message of judges: grace abounding | Wilcock, M. | 1993 | Inter-Varsity |
E1279 | Innovative approaches to counselling | Collins, G.R. | 1986 | Word Publishing |
E1280 | Luke:new testament guides | Tuckett, C.M. | 1996 | Sheffield Academic |
E1281 | The mystery of the cross | Hume, C.B. | 1998 | Cromwell |
E1282 | Intellect and action: elucidations on christian theology and the life of faith | Gunton, C. | 2001 | UNKNO |
E1283 | Man and woman in christian perspective | Neuer, W. (Author, Introduction), Wenham, G.J. (Translator) | 1991 | Crossway Books |
E1284 | Philosophy of religion third edition | Hick, J.H. | 1983 | Prentice-Hall |
E1285 | Theology of the new testament: volume two | Bultmann, R. | 1955 | SGM |
E1286 | The interpretation of the fourth gospel | Dodd, C.H. | 1965 | Cambridge University |
E1287 | The christian faith: an introduction to christian doctrine | Gunton, C.E. | 2002 | Wiley-Blackwell |
E1288 | Patrology vol.1: the beginnings of patristic literature from the apostles creed to irenaeus | Quasten, J. (Author), Burghardt, w.j. (Editor) | 1983 | Christian Classics |
E1289 | Theology and the problem of evil (signposts in theology) | Surin, K. | 1986 | Wipf and Stock |
E1290 | Servant and son: Jesus in parable and gospel | Michaels, J.R. | 1981 | John Knox |
E1291 | The birth of the new testament | Moule, C.F.D. | 1966 | Adam & Charles Black |
E1292 | Paul and Jesus: Origin and general character of Paul's preaching of Christ | Ridderbos, H. | 1977 | Presbyterian and reformed publishing co. |
E1293 | Witness to the gospel: the theology of acts | Marshall, I.H. & Peterson, D. edited | 1998 | Wm. B. Eerdmans |
E1294 | A materialist reading of the gospel of mark | Belo, F. (Author), O'Connell, M.J. (Translator) | 1981 | Orbis Books |
E1295 | The canterbury preacher's companion 2007 | Counsell, M. | 2006 | Canterbury |
E1296 | The Greek way | Hamilton, E. | 1964 | The Norton Library |
E1297 | Ministering to the silent minority | Lawrence, E.D. | 1978 | Gospel Publishing House |
E1298 | Ludwig wittgenstein a memoir | Malcom, N. | 1967 | Oxpord University |
E1299 | A new eusebius: documents illustrating the history of the church to AD 337 | Stevenson, J. (Editor), Frend, W.H.C. (Editor) | 2013 | Baker Academic |
E1300 | Paul: a critical life | O'Connor, J.M. | 1997 | Oxford University |
E1301 | The actuality of atonment: a study of metaphor, rationality, and the christian tradition | Gunton, C.E. | 1988 | Eerdmans |
E1302 | The hidden art of homemaking | Schaeffer, E. | 1982 | Tyndale House |
E1303 | Time and eternity and other biblical studies | Custance, A.C. | 1977 | Zondervan Publishing House |
E1304 | Brave new people: ethical issues at the commencement of life | Jones, D.G. | 1985 | Eerdmans |
E1305 | Fundamental aprinciples of the metaphysic of ethics | Abbott, T.K. & Kant, I. | 1923 | Sagwan |
E1306 | The rationality of religious belief essays in honour of Basil Mitchell | Abraham, W.J. (editor), Holtzer, S.W. (editor) | 1987 | Oxford University |
E1307 | Mind: the fascinating ways it works for you | Collins, G.R. | 1985 | Word |
E1308 | studies on the trstament of job (society for new testament studies monograph series, series number 66) | Knibb, M.A. (Editor), Horst, P.W.V.D. (Editor) | 1990 | Cambridge University |
E1309 | The bible in the modern world | Barr, J. | 1973 | SCM |
E1310 | A chorus of witness: model sermons for today's preacher | Long, T.G. & Plantinga, C. | 1994 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E1311 | Roman law in a nutshell | Ellas, D. | 1945 | Sweet & Maxwell |
E1312 | Dutch Calvinism in modern America: a history of a conservative subculture | Bratt, J.D. | 1984 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E1313 | The idea of office | Sietsma, K. | 1985 | Paideia |
E1314 | Prodigal press: the anti-christian bias of the American news media | Olasky, M. | 1988 | Crossway Books |
E1315 | Reframing theology and film: new focus for an emerging discipline | Johnston, R.K. (editor) | 2007 | Baker Academic |
E1316 | The origin of satan | Pagels, E. | 1995 | Penguin Books |
E1317 | Derrida for beginners | Collins, J. & Mayblin, B. | 1996 | Icon Books |
E1318 | The bible, politics, and democracy | Neuhaus, R.J. | 1987 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E1319 | John Calvin's sermons on ephesians | Calvin, J. | 1974 | Banner of Truth |
E1320 | Calvin Geneva, and the reformation: a study of Calvin as social reformer, churchman, pastor and theologia | Wallage, R. | 1988 | Scottish Academic Pr |
E1321 | The gospel according to st. John: an introduction with commentary and notes on the greek text | Barrett, C.K. | 1975 | S.P.C.K. |
E1322 | Calvin: commentaries vol. 23 | Haroutunian, J. | 1958 | SCM |
E1323 | Religious thought in the reformation | Reardon, B.M.G. | 1981 | Longman |
E1324 | Reformed theological writings | Finlayson, R.A. | 2001 | Mentor |
E1325 | The christian polity of John Calvin | Höpfl, H. | 1985 | Cambridge University |
E1326 | Union with Christ: John Calvin and the mysticismof St. Bernard (Columbia series in reformed theology) | Tamburello, D.E. | 1994 | Westminster John Knox |
E1327 | The counselling of Jesus | Buchanan, D. | 1985 | Intervarsity |
E1328 | The Religion of Jesus the jew | Vermes, G. | 1993 | SCM |
E1329 | A survey of the new testament | Gundry, R.H. | 1981 | Zondervan |
E1330 | The reformation in medieval perspective | Ozment, S.E. | 1971 | Quadgrangle Books |
E1331 | Reformation and societyin in sixteenth-century Europe | Dickens, A.G. | 1966 | Harcourt, Brace & World |
E1332 | Style and content in christian art | Dillenberger, J. | 1965 | Crossroad |
E1333 | The church and the state | Simpson, P.C. | 1929 | James Clarke |
E1334 | The Latin church in the middle ages | Lagarde, A | 1915 | T. & T. Clark |
E1335 | The soul search: a spiritual journey to authentic intimacy with God | Collins, G.R. | 1998 | Thomas Nelson |
E1336 | Calvin's doctrine of the word and sacrament | Wallage, R. | 1953 | Oliver and Boyd |
E1337 | Theology for a scientific age | Peacocke, A. | 1993 | SCM |
E1338 | The Claims of truth: John Owen's Trinitarian theology | Trueman, C.R. | 1998 | Great Britain |
E1339 | Gregory of nyssa and the concept of divine persons | Turcescu, L | 2005 | Oxford |
E1340 | The bible as it was | Kugel, J.L. | 1997 | BELKNAP |
E1341 | Reformation thougtt: an introduction | McGRATH, A.E. | 1988 | Basil Blackwell |
E1342 | Nicene christianity: the future for a new Ecumenism | Seatz, C.R. | 2001 | Brazos |
E1343 | Nicene christianity: the future for a new Ecumenism | Seatz, C.R. | 2001 | Brazos |
E1344 | The divine trinity | Brown, D. | 1985 | Great Britain |
E1345 | The Cambridge modern history | Acton, L. | 1907 | Cambridge University |
E1346 | Exposition of Isaiah | Leupold, H.C. | 1977 | Evangelical |
E1347 | Dictionary of Latin and Greek theological terms | Muller, R.A. | 1985 | Baker Books |
E1348 | Parables and Fables: exegesis, textuality and politics in central Africa | Mudimbe, V.Y. | 1992 | University of Wisconsin |
E1349 | The new brown, driver, and briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament | Brown, F. | 1981 | Associated Publishers and authors |
E1350 | Calvin in context | Steinmetz, D. | 1995 | Oxford University |
E1351 | The catholicity of the reformation | Braaten, C.E. & Jenson, R.W. | 1996 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E1352 | History of dogma | Harnack, A. | 1898 | Williams & Norgate |
E1353 | The hidden gospel: decoding the spiritual message of the Aramaic Jesus | Klotz, N.D. | 1999 | Quest Books |
E1354 | The great controversy between Christ and Satan: the conflict of the ages in the christian dispensation | White, E.G. | 1950 | Pacific |
E1355 | History of dogma vol. 2 | Harnack, A. (Author) & Neil Buchanan, N. (Translator) | 1895 | Williams & Norgate |
E1356 | Service in christ: Essays presented to Karl Barth on his 80th birthday | Parker, T.H.L. (author) & McCord, J.I. (editor) | 1966 | Eerdmans |
E1357 | History of dogma vol. 1 | Harnack, A. (Author) & Neil Buchanan, N. (Translator) | 1905 | Williams & Norgate |
E1358 | The letters of st. Bernard of Clairvaux | James, B.S. | 1953 | Burns Oates |
E1359 | The syudy of the parables | Habershon, A.R. | 1915 | London : Pickering & Inglis |
E1360 | Believe: living the story of the bible to become like Jesus | Frazee, R. | 2015 | Zondervan |
E1361 | The NIV application commentary 1 & 2 thessalonians | Holmes, M.W. | 1998 | Zondervan Academic |
E1362 | The NIV application commentary: acts | Fernando, A. | 1998 | Zondervan Academic |
E1363 | Voice from Dickens' London | Paterson, M. | 2006 | D & C |
E1364 | A new critique of theoretical thought | Dooyeweerd, H. | 1958 | Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing |
E1365 | Doing theology for the people of God: studies in honor of J.I. Packer | Lewis, D., McGrath, A. & Packer, J.I. (editor) | 1996 | Intervarsity Pr |
E1366 | God-talk: an examination of the language and logic of theology | Macquarrie, J. | 1967 | SCM |
E1367 | The intellectual origins of the European reformation 2nd edition | McGRATH, A.E. | 2003 | Wiley-Blackwell |
E1368 | 20-century theology: God & the world in a translational age | Grenz, S.J. & Olson, R.E. | 1992 | Paternoster |
E1369 | The original Jesus | Borchert, O.(author), Stalker, L.M.(translater) | 1944 | Lutterworth |
E1370 | The success journey: the process of living your dreams | Maxwell, J.C. | 1997 | Thomas Nelson |
E1371 | Word pictures in the new testament- vol. 1 Matthew and Mark | Robertson, A.T. | 1960 | Broadman & Holman |
E1372 | The Protestant tradition; an essay in interpretation | Whale, J.S. | 1955 | Cambridge University |
E1373 | Luther and Calvin on secular authority | Unknown | 1991 | China Politics and Law University |
E1374 | The five points of Calvinism: defined, defended, documented | Steele, D.N. & Thomas, C.C. | 1978 | Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing |
E1375 | Calvin's new testament commentaries | Parker, T.H.L | 1971 | Eerdmans |
E1376 | The weekend that changed the world: the mystery of Jerusalem's empty tomb | Walker, P. | 2000 | Westminster John Knox |
E1377 | After our likeness: the church as the image of the Trinity | Volf, M. | 1997 | Wm. B. Eerdmans |
E1378 | The Oxford book of letters | Kermode, F. & Kermode, A. (editor) | 1995 | Oxford University |
E1379 | The sociology of protestantism | Mehl, R. | 1970 | SCM |
E1380 | What I believe | Ellul, J. (authr), Bromiley, G.W. (translator) | 1989 | William B. Eerdmans |
E1381 | Yesterday & today: a study of continuities in christology | Gunton, C.E. | 1983 | Darton, Longman & Todd |
E1382 | Speaking the christian God: the holy trinity and the challenge of feminism | Kimel, A.F. (editor) | 1992 | Publisher Wm. B. Eerdmans |
E1383 | Transforming mission: paradigm shifts in theology of mission | Bosch, D.J. | 1998 | Orbis Books |
E1384 | Paul | Bornkamm, G. (author) & Stalker, D.M.G. (Trsl.) | 1971 | Harper & Row |
E1385 | The interpretation of John | Ashton, J. (editor) | 1997 | T & T Clark |
E1386 | Christian systematic theology in a world context | Smart, N. & Konstantine, S. | 1991 | HarperCollins |
E1387 | Sola scriptura: problems and principles in preaching historical texts | Greidanus, S. | 1970 | WEDGE |
E1388 | Defensor pacis | Padua, M. | 1980 | Toronto University |
E1389 | A reader in sociology: christian respectives | Santo, C.P., Redekop, C. & Smith-Hinds, W.L. (Editor) | 1981 | Herald |
E1390 | Critical theology | Jones, G. | 1995 | Polity Press |
E1391 | The Princeton theology | Noll, M.A. | 1983 | Baker Book House |
E1392 | Everybody can know | Francis (Author), Schaeffer(editor) | 1973 | Tyndale House |
E1393 | Introduction to the new testament | Kummel, W.G. | 1981 | Nashville |
E1394 | Korean journal of christian studies | Korea Association of christian studies | 2010 | The Christian Literature Society of Korea |
E1395 | The primacy of perception: and other essays on phenomenological psychology, the philosophy of art, history and politics | Ponty, M.M.?(Merleau-Ponty, M.?) (Author), Edie, J.M. (Editor) | 1964 | Northwestern University |
E1396 | The apostolic fathers | Lightfoot, J.B. (Author), Harmer, J.R. (Editor) | 1983 | Baker Book |
E1397 | The christian college: a history of protestant higher education in America | Ringenberg, W.C. | 1984 | Eerdmans |
E1398 | Evangelism in the early church | Green, M | 2003 | William B.Eerdmans |
E1399 | More skits that win | Vaughn, R. | 1977 | Zondervan |
E1400 | Mary Magdalene: beyond the Myth | Boer, E.A. | 1997 | Trinity |
E1401 | A once-and pentecostcoming spirit at pentecost: essays on the liturgical readings between easter and pentecost | Brown, R.E. | 1994 | Liturgical |
E1402 | Prodigal press: the anti-christian bias of the American news media | Olasky, M. | 1988 | Crossway |
E1403 | Rock reconsidered: a christian looks at contemporary music | Lawhead, S. | 1981 | InterVarsity |
E1404 | The gift of music: great composers and their influence | SmithJ.S. & Carlson, B. | 1987 | Crossway |
E1405 | Reclaiming the bible for the church | Braatrn, C.E. & Jenson, R.W. | 1995 | T & T |
E1406 | The theological interpretation of Scripture: classic and contemporary readings | Fowl, S.E. (editor) | 1997 | Wiley-Blackwell |
E1407 | Mary Magdalene: in the new testament gospels and early tradition | Atwood, R. | 1993 | Peter Lang |
E1408 | The principles of theology: an introduction to the thirty-nine articles | Thomas, W.H.G. | 1956 | Church Book Room |
E1409 | Kierkegaard as negative theologian | Law, D.R. | 1993 | Crarendon |
E1410 | The christian doctrine of the church, faith, and the consummation (Dogmatics Vol. III) | Brunner, E. | 1962 | Lutterworth |
E1411 | The reformation | Robertson, A. | 1960 | Watts |
E1412 | The I ching: the book of changes | Legge, J. (translator) | 1963 | Dover |
E1413 | A theology on its way: essays on Karl Barth | Roberts, R.H. | 1991 | T & T |
E1414 | Church, World and the Christian life: practical-prophetic ecclesiology | Healy, N.M. | 2000 | Cambridge University |
E1415 | The Best in theology vol. two | Packer, J.I. & Fromer, P. (editor) | 1988 | Carol Stream |
E1416 | The parables of Jesus | Wenham, D. | 1989 | InterVaIsity |
E1417 | The theology of the Letter to Hebrews (new testament theolog) | Lindars, B. | 1991 | Cambridge University |
E1418 | Principles of christian theology: revised edition | Macquarrie, J. | 1998 | SCM |
E1419 | Confucianism and christianity: a comparative study | Ching, J. | 1977 | Kodansha |
E1420 | The kingdom of God: in the teaching of Jesus | Chilton, B. (editor) | 1984 | Fortress |
E1421 | The christian frame of mind | Torrance, T.F. | 1985 | Handsel |
E1422 | Science and God: reconciling science with the Christian faith | Clark, G. | 1979 | Anzea |
E1423 | Holiness | Webster, J. | 2003 | SCM |
E1424 | Act and being | Gunton, C.E. | 2002 | SCM |
E1425 | Joshua and the flow of biblical history | Schaeffer, F.A. | 1975 | interVarsity |
E1426 | The doctrine of God: an historical survey | Kaiser, C.B. | 1982 | Marshall Morgan & Scott |
E1427 | Interpreting God and the postmodern self: on meaning, manipulation and promise | Thiselton, A.C. | 1995 | T & T Clark |
E1428 | Essays on John | Barrett, C.K. | 1982 | SPCK |
E1429 | The structure of behavior | Ponty, M.M. (author) & Fisher, A.L. (translator) | 1963 | Beacon |
E1430 | The theology of the second letter to the Corinthians (new testament theolog) | Dunn, J.D.G. (editor) | 1991 | Cambridge University |
E1431 | The cross of Christ: eight public lectures | Taylor, V. | 1956 | Macmillan |
E1432 | The Trinity in contemporary theology | Welch, C. | 1953 | SCM |
E1433 | Letter and papers from prison | Bonhoeffer, D. | 1953 | SCM |
E1434 | Self-talk, imagery and prayer in counselling vol. 2 | Wright, H.N. (author) & Collins, G.R. (editor) | 1987 | Word |
E1435 | America christian or secular?: readings in American christian history and civil religion | Herbert, J.S. (editor) | 1984 | Multnomah |
E1436 | The generation that knew not Josef: a critique of marxism and the religious left | Morris, R.L. (editor) | 1985 | Multnomah |
E1437 | Fundamentalism | Barr, J. | 1977 | SCM |
E1438 | The christological controversy | Norris, R.A. (translated & edited)) | 1980 | Fortress |
E1439 | Luke: proclamation commentaries: second edition | Danker, F.W. (author), Krodel, G. (editor) | 1987 | Fortress |
E1440 | The gospel and epistles of John: a concise commentary | Brown, R.E. | 1988 | Liturgical |
E1441 | ||||
E1442 | Paul as Apostle to the Gentiles | Daniel.J | 1997 | Paternoster |
E1443 | Cuurch and state on the european continent | Keller.A & Lidgett.J.S | 1936 | Epworth Press |
E1444 | A new eusebius | Stevenson.J | 1960 | SPCK |
E1445 | Hope against hope | Bauckham.T & Hart& Richard | 1990 | Darton,Longman & Todd Ltd |
E1446 | Davidson inquiries into truth and interpretation | Davidson.D | 1984 | Oxford University Press |
E1447 | The birth of the new testament | Moule .C. F. D. | 1962 | Adam and Charles Black |
E1448 | I believe in the second coming of Jesus | Stephen.T | 1982 | Hodder & Stoughton Ltd |
E1449 | The church and Jesus | Downing.F.G | 1968 | S.C.M. Press |
E1450 | Joachim jeremias Lerusalem in the time of Jesus | Jeremias.J | 1969 | SCM |
E1451 | Young ludwig wittgenstein's life 1889-1921 | Mcguinness.B | 2005 | Oxford |
E1452 | God was in christ | Baille.D.M | 1942 | Faber and Faber |
E1453 | Manners and customs of the Bible | James M. Freeman | 1978 | Bridge Logos Fndtn |
E1454 | Regnum del | Robertson.A | 1901 | methuen&co. |
E1455 | Augustine's prayerful ascent | Mcmahon.R | 1989 | Georgia |
E1456 | The wonderful spirit-filled life | Stanley.C | 1992 | Thomas Nelson Publishers |
E1457 | From the maccabees to the mishnah | Cohen.J.D | 1987 | Westminster Press |
E1458 | Theology and praxis | Boff.C | 2009 | Wipf and Stock |
E1459 | The historical Jesus | John Dominic Crossan | 1993 | HarperOne |
E1460 | Authenticating the words of Jesus | Chilton.B & A.Evans.C | 2002 | Brill |
E1461 | The first urban christians | Wayne A. Meeks | 1983 | yale |
E1462 | none | none | none | none |
E1463 | History of the reformation | Merle d'Aubigné | - | Simpkin |
E1464 | Biblical interpretation in the era of the Richard A. Muller | 1996 | Eerdmans Pub Co; | |
E1465 | Between church and state | Bernard Guenee | 1990 | University of Chicago Press |
E1466 | Judaism and hellen | Hengel.M | 1974 | SCM Press |
E1467 | The zealots | Martin Hengel | 1997 | UNKNO |
E1468 | Judaism and its social metaphors | Jacob Neusner | 1989 | Cambridge University Press |
E1469 | Jesus the messiah | Manson.W | 1945 | Hodder & Stoughton Ltd |
E1470 | The quset of the historical Jesus | Albert Schweitzer | 1954 | Macmillan |
E1471 | History of the reformation | T.M Lindsay.D.D | 1959 | T&T Clark |
E1472 | History of the reformation | T.M Lindsay.D.D | 1959 | T&T Clark |
E1473 | The institutes of justunlan | Moyle.J.B | 1928 | Oxford University Press |
E1474 | Divine discourse | Nicholas Wolterstorff | 1995 | Cambridge University Press |
E1475 | The question of woman | Jackson.J | 1996 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1476 | Newman & gadamer | Thomas K. Carr | 1996 | UNKNO |
E1477 | Jesus in his time | Daniel-Rops | 1955 | Eyre & Spottiswoode |
E1478 | The history of the jewish people | Moses A. Shulvass | 1982 | Regnery Gateway |
E1479 | Bible translations | Worth.H | 1992 | Mcf |
E1480 | Christ in the thousand places | Walter J. Burghardt | 2000 | Paulist Pr |
E1481 | Pain,perplexity and promotion | Sorge.B | 1999 | Oasis House |
E1482 | Luke | Tannehill.R | 1996 | Abingdon Press |
E1483 | Narrative Dynamics in paul | Longenecker .B.W | 2002 | Westminster John Knox |
E1484 | A harmonu of the gospels | Thomas .R&Gundry.S | 1986 | HarperOne |
E1485 | From women's experoence to feminist theology | Hogan.L | 1997 | Sheffield Academie |
E1486 | Towards a transformation of philosophy | Kael Otto Apel | 1973 | Routledge & Kegan paul |
E1487 | Revelation,Reademption,and Rseponse | Butin.P.W | 1995 | Oxford University Press |
E1488 | Absolutely and the golden eggs | Carlson.B | - | - |
E1489 | Tow old testament theologies | Spriggs.D.G | 1974 | S.C.M. Press |
E1490 | The frorm of the church | Hebert.A.G | 1948 | Faber and Faber |
E1491 | St.anselms prosloion | Charlesworth.M.J | 1965 | Oxford University Press |
E1492 | The prayers of Jesus | Jeremias.J | 1964 | SCM |
E1493 | Meditating upon God's word | Toon.P | 1988 | Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd |
E1494 | Charismatic Renewal: a Search for a Theology by Tom Smail, Andrew Walker and Nigel Wright | Smail,Walker and wright | 1993 | SPCK |
E1495 | Biblical words and their meaning | Silva.M | 2010 | Zondervan Academie |
E1496 | How to win the culture war | Kreeft .P | 2002 | IVP |
E1497 | A peactical grammar | Weingreen,J | 1959 | Oxford University Press |
E1498 | Women,authority&the Bible | Mickelsen.A | 1986 | Marshall Pickering |
E1499 | Richard rufus of cornwall and the teadition of oxford theology | Raedts.P | 1987 | Oxford University Press |
E1500 | A dictionary of Biblical interpretation | Coggins.R. J.&Houlden.J.L | 1990 | SCM |
E1501 | Make the old testament live | Hess.R&Wenham.G | 1998 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1502 | Bible background commentary old testament | Walton,J & Matthews.H | 2000 | Inter-Varsity Press |
E1503 | Slavery in babylonia | Dandamaev.M | 1984 | Northern Illinois University Press |
E1504 | Strasbourg and the reform | Chrisman.M.U | 1967 | Yale University Press |
E1505 | Theolory for the community of God | Stanley J. Grenz | 1994 | Eerdmans |
E1506 | The protestant Reformation | Hillerbrand .H | 1968 | Macmillan |
E1507 | The social teaching of the christilan | Troeltsch.E | 1949 | Macmillan |
E1508 | Thomas aquinas and gabriel Biel | Farthing.J | 1988 | Duke University Press |
E1509 | Reimagining denominationalism | Mullin.R.B & Richey.R | 1994 | Oxford University Press |
E1510 | The Reformation Theologians | Lindberg .C | 2001 | Wiley-Blackwell |
E1511 | Aary magdalen | Haskins.S | 1995 | Riverthrad Trade |
E1512 | The german people and the reformation | Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia | 1988 | Cornell University Press |
E1513 | A call to spiritual Reformation | Carson .D.A | 1993 | Inter-Varsity Press |
E1514 | The impact of the reformation | Oberman.H.A | 1994 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1515 | Continuing the reformation | Gerrish .B.A | 1994 | University of Chicago Press |
E1516 | The ancient near east A history | Hallo.W | 1971 | H.B.J |
E1517 | Hyper-calvinism and the call of the gospel | Engelsma.D | 1980 | Reformed Free Pub. Association |
E1518 | Science and person | Bong Ho Son | 1972 | Van Gorcum |
E1519 | The evangelical church catholic | Carnegie.P.C | 1934 | Hodder & Stoughton Ltd |
E1520 | Nothing but the truth | Edwards.B | 1978 | Evangelical |
E1521 | The calvin auditorium | Mobbs.A | 1985 | Genevr |
E1522 | The protestant Reformation | Spitz.L | 1966 | Prentice-Hall |
E1523 | The wast land and other poems | Eliot.T.S | 1998 | Signet |
E1524 | The law of liberty in the spiritual life | Hopkins.E | 1957 | Sunday School Times Co |
E1525 | The old and the new in the church | - | 1961 | S.C.M. Press |
E1526 | Feminist theory and christian theology | Jones.S | 2000 | Fortress Press |
E1527 | Religious thought in the reformation | Reardon.B.G | 1982 | Longman Pub Group |
E1528 | Jesus the jew.Vermes | Vermes.G | 1993 | SCM Press |
E1529 | Iesus and the world of judaism | Vermes.G | 2012 | SCM Press |
E1530 | Jesus is the christ | Morris .L | 1989 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1531 | A new commentary on holy scripture incluing the apocrypha | Charles | 1937 | S.P.C.K |
E1532 | Inscription and reflections Essays in philosophical theology | Scharlemann .R | 1989 | University press of Virginia |
E1533 | A sbort history of christian thought | Urban .L | 1995 | Oxford University Press |
E1534 | Men and ideas in sixteenth century | Hillerbrand .H | 1969 | Rand McNally |
E1535 | Early history of christian doctrine | Bethune-Baker | 1951 | Methuen&co. |
E1536 | Confessing christ in a plural world | Wood.N | 2002 | Whitley Publications |
E1537 | History of christianity, Vol. 2: reformation to the present | Latourette.K.S | 1997 | Prince Press |
E1538 | Involvement:Socialan and sexualrelationships in the modern world | Stott.J | 1985 | Fleming H. Revell |
E1539 | A godward life book tow | Piper.J | 2003 | Multnomahbooks |
E1540 | New thstament history | Bruce, F.F. | 1983 | Galilee / Doubleday |
E1541 | The essential enneagram | Daniels.D & Price.V | 2009 | HarperOne |
E1542 | Gifts differing | Myers.P | 1995 | CPP |
E1543 | Conflict & Community in corint | Witherington .B | 1995 | Eerdmans |
E1544 | Principles of Biblical interpretation | Berkhof .L | 1990 | Baker Book House |
E1545 | Cornelius vantil an analysis of his thought | Frame .J | 1995 | P & R Publishing |
E1546 | The Jesus i never knew | Yancey .P | 1995 | Paperback |
E1547 | Sociology and the Jesus movement | Horsley.R | 1994 | Continuum |
E1548 | The hermeneutical spiral | Osborne.G | 1991 | Inter-Varsity Press |
E1549 | The treasury of christian spiritual classics | Publishers.T.N | 1994 | thomas Nelson Publishers |
E1550 | A quest for godliness | Packer.J.I | 1990 | Crossway Books |
E1551 | New testament theology | Jeremias.J | 1987 | S.C.M. Press |
E1552 | The new testament and the people of God | Wright .N.T | 1992 | Fortress Press |
E1553 | The greco roman world | Jeffers.J | 1999 | IVP Academie |
E1554 | The parables | Young.B | 1998 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E1555 | Inerrancy | Geisler.N | 1980 | Zondervan Academie |
E1556 | Biblical hermeneutics | Terry.M | 1974 | Zondervan Academie |
E1557 | Realworship Wiersbe | Wiersbe .W | 2000 | Baker Books |
E1558 | Sermon classics by great preach | Gunther.P | 1982 | Moody Press |
E1559 | From sabbath to lord's day | Carson .D.A | 1982 | Zondervan Academie |
E1560 | Man and his destiny in the great religions | Brandon .S.G.F | 1962 | University Press |
E1561 | Toward old testament ethics | Kaiser .W | 1983 | Zondervan Academie |
E1562 | Toward an exegetical theology | Kaiser .W | 1985 | Baker Book House |
E1563 | Hard sayings of the old testament | Kaiser .W | 1988 | Inter-Varsity Press |
E1564 | More hard sayings of the old testament | Kaiser .W | 1991 | Inter-Varsity Press |
E1565 | Handbook of christian apologetics | Kreeft .P & Tacelli.R | 1994 | Inter-Varsity Press |
E1566 | The Biblical view of Self esteem,Self love,Self image | Adams.J | 1986 | Harvest House Publishers |
E1567 | Now that's good question | Sproul.R.C | 1996 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E1568 | Introduction to systmatic theology | Berkhof .L | 1979 | Baker Book House |
E1569 | Manual of christian doctrine | Berkhof .L | 1939 | Eerdmans |
E1570 | Making sense of the old testament | Longman.T | 1998 | Baker Publishing Group |
E1571 | Caught in between the extraordinary story of arab palestinian christian israeh | Riah Abu El-assal | 2000 | S.P.C.K |
E1572 | Jonathan Edwards | Hosier | 1999 | Barbour Publishing, Inc. |
E1573 | A simplified guide to bhs | Scott .W | 1995 | Biblia Press |
E1574 | The birth of christianty the first twenty | Barnett .P | 2005 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co |
E1575 | From sabbath to lord's day | Carson.D. A | 1982 | Zondervan Academie |
E1576 | Ancient israelite literature in its cultural co | Walton .J | 1994 | Zondervan Academic |
E1577 | Hankbook for Bible study | Osborne.G | 1987 | Baker Book House |
E1578 | Quest for renewal | Kaiser .W | 1986 | Moody Press |
E1579 | Readings for reflection and meditation | Lewis.C.S | 1995 | HarperCollins Publishers |
E1580 | The restitution of man | Aeschliman.M | 1998 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1581 | Biblical exegesis in the apostoloc period | Longenecker.R | 1999 | Eerdmans |
E1582 | Christ the end of the law | Radenas.R | 1985 | JSOT press |
E1583 | basics of biblical greek | Mounce .W | 2003 | Zondervan Academic |
E1584 | The art of biblical poetry | Alter .R | 1985 | Basic Books |
E1585 | Recovering biblical manhood & womanhood | Gruden.W & Grudem.W | 1991 | Crossway Books |
E1586 | The authority of the old tesament | Bright.J | 1991 | Baker Book House |
E1587 | Preaching and biblical theology | Clowney .E | 2002 | P & R Publishing |
E1588 | The old testament in contemporory preodching | Kaiser .W | 1973 | Baker Book House |
E1589 | Religion,pluralism and public life | Lugo.L | 2000 | Eerdmans Pub Co |
E1590 | Paul and the New perspective | Kim .S | 2001 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co |
E1591 | The reformed doctrine of predestination boett | Boettner.L | 1932 | P & R Publishing |
E1592 | The art of biblical poetry | Alter .R | 2005 | Baker Book House |
E1593 | The prophets of israel | Wood.L | 1985 | Baker Book House |
E1594 | Studiesld in old testament theology | Hubbard.R & Johnston.R | 1992 | Word Publishing |
E1595 | Studies in the sermon on the mount | Martyn.D | 1984 | William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company |
E1596 | The unity of the book of genesis | Henry.W | 1979 | Baker Book House |
E1597 | Authentic christianity | Jones.M.L | 2000 | Crossway |
E1598 | The progress of redemption | VanGemeren | 1998 | Academie book |
E1599 | Tell the truth | Metzger .W | 1984 | InterVarsity |
E1600 | On the preparation and delivery of sermo | Broadus.J | 1979 | HarperOne |
E1601 | Religion & culture in ancient israel | Dearman.J.A | 1992 | Hendrickson Publishers |
E1602 | An introduction to early juduaism | Vanderkam .J.C | 2000 | Eerdmans |
E1603 | On the reliability of the old testament | Kitchen .K. A. | 2006 | Eerdmans |
E1604 | Jesus & the restoration of Israel | Newman.C.C | 2009 | IVP Academic |
E1605 | Encyclopedia of Bible difficulties | Archer.G.L | 1982 | Regency |
E1606 | Instruments in the redeemer"s hands | Tripp .P.D | 2002 | P & R Publishing |
E1607 | Biblical theology | Geerhardus Vos | 1948 | Eerdmans |
E1608 | Immanuel kant's critique of pure reason | Smith.N.K | 1964 | Macmillan |
E1609 | Between two horizons | Green.J.B & Turner.M | 1999 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1610 | The shadow of christ in the law of moses | Poythress .V.S | 1991 | P & R Publishing |
E1611 | Paul an outline of his theology | Ridderbos, H | 1997 | Eerdmans |
E1612 | Select sermons of george whitefield | Ryle.J.C & Elliot .R | 1959 | Oxford |
E1613 | The legacy of sovereign joy | Piper .J | 2006 | Crossway |
E1614 | The hidden smile of God | Piper .J | 2008 | Crossway |
E1615 | The last days according to Jesus | Sproul .R.C | 1998 | Baker Book House |
E1616 | The first epistle to the corinthians | Fee, G.D. | 2014 | Eerdmans |
E1617 | The letter to the Ephesians | O'Brien, P.T. | 1999 | Eerdmans |
E1618 | Hebrews | Brown, J. | 1961 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E1619 | Word biblical themes Hosea-Jonah | Stuart, D. | 1989 | Word Publishing |
E1620 | Psalms1-41 | Boice, J.M. | 1987 | W Publishing Group |
E1621 | Receiving the Day | Bass, D.C. | 2000 | Jossy-Bass |
E1622 | Glory in our midst - A Biblical-Theological Reading of Zechariah's Night Visions | Kline, G. | 2001 | Two Age Press |
E1623 | Chinese Intellecturals and the Gospel | Ling, S. & Bieler, S. | 2000 | Horizon |
E1624 | Preaching and biblical Theology | Clowney, P. | 2002 | P & R Publishing |
E1625 | The leadership - Genius of Jesus:: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Business | Beausay, W. | 2009 | Thomas Nelson |
E1626 | From fear to faith | Carothers, M.R. | 2002 | Merlin R. Carothers |
E1627 | The doctrine of God | Bray, G. | 1993 | IVP |
E1628 | A prophetic voice in the city | Martini, C. | 1997 | Liturgical Pr |
E1629 | Get wisdom, Get Insight | Dell, K.J. | 2000 | Smyth & Helwys |
E1630 | Liberating the gospels: Reading the Bible with Jewish Eyes | Spong, J.S. | 1997 | HarperOne |
E1631 | Early christian doctrines | Kelly, J.N.D. | 1978 | HarperOne |
E1632 | Worship in the early church | Martin, R.P. | 1975 | Wm. B. Eerdmans |
E1633 | The Faith : A symposium of bible doctrine | Tatford, F.A. | 1952 | Pickering & Inglis |
E1634 | These three are one: The Practice of Trinitarian Theology | Cunningham, D.S. | 1998 | Blackwell |
E1635 | Trinitarian theology today | Schwoebel, C. | 2000 | T&T Clark |
E1636 | Phenomenology and ontology | Mohanty, J.N. | 1970 | Martingus Nijhoff |
E1637 | A History of Philosophy 8: Modern Philosophy: Bentham to Russell | Copleston, F. | 1967 | NEWMAN |
E1638 | Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther | Brockington, L. H. | 1969 | Nelson |
E1639 | Calvin and Scottish Theology: The Doctrine of Assurance | Bell, M.C. | 1996 | Handsel Press |
E1640 | A History of Philosophy 1: Greece and Rome From the Pre-Socratics to Plotinus | Copleston, F. | 1967 | NEWMAN |
E1641 | A History of Philosophy 2: Medieval Philosophy - From Augustine to Duns Scotus | Copleston, F. | 1967 | NEWMAN |
E1642 | A History of Philosophy 3: Ockham, Francis Bacon, and the Beginning of the Modern World | Copleston, F. | 1967 | NEWMAN |
E1643 | A History of philosophy 4: From Descartes to Leibnitz | Copleston, F. | 1967 | NEWMAN |
E1644 | A History of philosophy 5: Hobbes to Hume | Copleston, F. | 1967 | NEWMAN |
E1645 | A History of philosophy 6: Wolff to Kant | Copleston, F. | 1967 | NEWMAN |
E1646 | A History of philosophy 7: Fichte to Nietzsche | Copleston, F. | 1967 | NEWMAN |
E1647 | A History of philosophy 9: Maine to Sartre | Copleston, F. | 1967 | NEWMAN |
E1648 | The parables in the Gospels | Drury, J. | 1989 | Crossroad |
E1649 | The phenomenon of the new testament | Moule, C.D.F. | 2012 | Hymns Ancient & Modern |
E1650 | Jesus | Schweizer, E. | 1968 | SCM Press |
E1651 | The great sayings of Jesus: Proverbs, Parables and Prayers | Drane, J. | 1999 | Palgrave Macmillan |
E1652 | The Church and the Sacrament | Rahner, K. | 1963 | Herder |
E1653 | The Man God Mastered | Cadier, J. | 1964 | Inter-Varsity Fellowship |
E1654 | Christian and Reformed today | Bolt, J. | 1984 | Paideia Press |
E1655 | Documents on the continental reformation | Naphy, W.G. | 1996 | Macmillan Press |
E1656 | Qumran questions | Charlesworth, J.H. | 1995 | UNKNO |
E1657 | Friendship of the Lord, An Old Testament Spirituality | Sheriffs, D. | 1996 | Authentic Media |
E1658 | The faith of Israel Rowley | Rowley, H.H. | 2012 | Hymns Ancient & Modern |
E1659 | Studies in Romans | Robinson, T. | 1982 | Kregel |
E1660 | Reading HABERMAS | Rasmussen, D.M. | 1990 | Basil-Blackwell |
E1661 | God and World: Christian Texts in Perspective | Madges, W. | 1998 | Orbis |
E1662 | The Theology of John Calvin | Barth, K. | 1995 | Eerdmans |
E1663 | John Calvin | Stickelberger, E. | 2003 | Lutterworth Press |
E1664 | Three French Treatises | Calvin, J. | 1970 | Athlone Press |
E1665 | A reformation debate | Calvin, J. & Sadoleto, J. | 1966 | Baker |
E1666 | The rise and fallof civilization: From Creation Through the Flood | Hocking, D. | 1989 | Multnomah Pub |
E1667 | Ethics : Alternatives and issues | Geisler, N.L. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E1668 | How to explain your faith | Pritchard, J. | 2014 | SPCK |
E1669 | A future for the Historical Jesus | Keck, L.E. | 1972 | SCM |
E1670 | Did Jesus rise from the dead? The Resurrection Debate | Habermas, G. | 2003 | Wipf and Stock |
E1671 | The Gospels and Jesus | Stanton, G. | 2002 | Oxford Univ. |
E1672 | HEGEL : The making of modern theology | Hegel, G.W.F. & Hodgson, P.C. | 1997 | Augsburg Fortress |
E1673 | Early anabaptis sprituality | Liechty, D. | 1994 | Paulist Pr |
E1674 | Essays in later medieval history | Jacob, E. F. | 1968 | Manchaster Univ |
E1675 | Essays in european history 1453-1648 | Loades, D.M. | 1993 | Headstart History |
E1676 | Luther's Progress to the diet of worms 1521 | Rupp, G. | 1951 | SCM |
E1677 | The creative suffering of God | Fiddes, P.S. | 1988 | Oxford University |
E1678 | The plan of salvation | Warfield, B.B. | 1984 | Eerdmans |
E1679 | Matthew for everyone part two | Wright, T. | 2004 | Westminster John Knox |
E1680 | Reflecting the Glory | Wright, T. | 1997 | BRF |
E1681 | Ancient philosophy : A very short introduction | Annas, J. | 2001 | Oxford Univ |
E1682 | Quantum theory for beginners | McEvoy, J.P. & Zarate, O. | 1999 | Icon Books |
E1683 | Rediscovering Friendship | Moltmann-Wendel, E. | 2001 | Fortress Press |
E1684 | Praying for people | Pawley, M. | 1992 | Triangle |
E1685 | Dictionnaires LE Robert & Collins Pocket | Collins | 1992 | HarperCollins Pub |
E1686 | A man for all seasons | Bolt, R. | 1990 | Vintage |
E1687 | Teach your self LATIN | Betts, G. | 1986 | Hodder Headline |
E1688 | The Jews from Alexander to Herod | Russell, D.S. | 1973 | Oxford Univ |
E1689 | An outline of European history 1494-1714 | Walxer, G. | 1953 | Victor Gollancz |
E1690 | Holy blood, Holy grail : The Secret History of Christ & The Shocking Legacy of the Grail | Baigent, M. & Leigh, R. & Lincoln, H. | 2004 | Dell |
E1691 | A theology of the new testament | Ladd, G.E. | 1993 | Eerdmans |
E1692 | The living word | Wingren, G | 1960 | SCM |
E1693 | Christian Apologetics | Dyrness, W. | 2002 | Wipf and Stock |
E1694 | JOSEPHUS | Whiston | 1981 | Kregel |
E1695 | Matthew for everyone part one | Wright, T. | 2004 | Westminster John Knox |
E1696 | The meaning of JESUS | Wright, N.T. & Borg, M. | 2007 | HarperOne |
E1697 | The christian vision : man and mind | Burke, T.J. | 1987 | Hillsdale College |
E1698 | The origin of christology | Moule, C.F.D. | 1978 | Cambridge Univ |
E1699 | The social world of the first christians | Stambaugh, J.E. | 1986 | SPCK |
E1700 | God and history in early christian thought | Patterson, L.G. | 1967 | Adam&Charles Black |
E1701 | The dead sea scrolls uncovered | Eisenman, R. | 1994 | Dorset House |
E1702 | The essene writings from qumran | Sommer, D. | 1969 | Meridian Books |
E1703 | Texts Reading Texts, Sacred and secular | Jack, A. | 1999 | Sheffield Academic |
E1704 | Anglican and Puritan: The Basis of Their Opposition, 1558 - 1640 | New, J.F.H. | 1965 | Stanford |
E1705 | Becoming and Being: The Doctrine of God in Charles Hartshorne and Karl Barth | Gunton, C.E. | 1978 | Oxford Univ |
E1706 | PAUL An outline of his theology | Ridderbos, H. | 1997 | Eerdmans |
E1707 | The epistle to the romans | Barrett, C.K. | 1986 | Hendrickson |
E1708 | After Paul left Corinth: The Influence of Secular Ethics and Social Change | Winter, B.W. | 2001 | Wm. B. Eerdmans |
E1709 | 365 Guidelines for daily living | Sala, H.J. | 1988 | Baker Pub |
E1710 | How to have real joy | Spurgeon, C.H. | 2001 | Whitaker House |
E1711 | N/A | |||
E1712 | Second Timothy | Hiebert, D.E. | 1959 | Moody Publishers |
E1713 | First Timothy | Hiebert, D.E. | 1957 | Moody Publishers |
E1714 | The concept of God | Ward, K. | 1974 | Blackwell |
E1715 | Does God Exist? | Kung, H. | 1980 | Collins |
E1716 | The continental Reformation | Underwood, A.C. | Kingsgate | |
E1717 | Jesus and Archaeology | Charlesworth, J.H. | 2006 | Eerdmans |
E1718 | The Hellenistic philosophers | Long, A.A. & Sedley, D.N. | 1987 | Cambridge Univ |
E1719 | Union of christendom | Mackenzie, K. | 1938 | Religious Book Club |
E1720 | Erasmus and the age of reformation | Johan Huizinga | 1957 | Harper Torchbooks |
E1721 | Who am I? What am I? : Search for Meaning in Your Work | Redekop, C. | 1988 | Zondervan |
E1722 | Dictionary of Philosophy | Blackburn, S. | 2016 | Oxford Univ |
E1723 | This Jesus : Martyr, Lord, Messiah | Bockmueh, M. | 1996 | Intervarsity |
E1724 | A Systematic of the christian Religion | Buswell, J.O. | 1962 | Zondervan |
E1725 | Walking to Emmaus | Duffy, E. | 2006 | Burns & Oates |
E1726 | The holiest of all | Murray, A. | 1894 | Fleming H. Revell Company |
E1727 | Systematic Theology (Volume 2) | Pannenberg, W. | 1991 | Eerdmans |
E1728 | Systematic Theology (Volume 1) | Pannenberg, W. | 1991 | Eerdmans |
E1729 | The servant - Messiah | Manson, T.W. | 1953 | Cambridge Univ |
E1730 | Jesish legends of the middle ages | Field, C. | 2005 | Cosimo Classics |
E1731 | The galileo connection | Hummel, C.E. | 1986 | IVP |
E1732 | An introduction to Barth's Dogmatics for Preachers | Come, A.B. | 2012 | Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd |
E1733 | Reformers in the Wings | Steinmetz, D.C. | 2001 | Oxford Univ |
E1734 | Addicted to Mediocrity | Schaeffer, F. | 1981 | Cornerstone Books |
E1735 | Calvin's Wisdom : An anthology arranged alphabetically | Miller, G. | 1992 | Banner of truth |
E1736 | The basic ideas of calvinism | Meeter, H. | 1990 | Baker Pub |
E1737 | The Jesus : Martyr, Lord, Messiah | Bockmuehl, M. | 1996 | Intervarsity Pr |
E1738 | Jesus The Messiah | Edersheim, A. | 1987 | Eerdmans |
E1739 | Explorations in Theology 5 | MacKinnon, D. | 2011 | SCM |
E1740 | Explorations in Theology 7 | Barr, J. | 2012 | Hymns Ancient & Modern |
E1741 | Francis Schaeffer's Apologetics | Morris, T.V. | 1976 | Moody Press |
E1742 | Jesus The parable of God | Schweizer, E. | 1994 | Pickwick |
E1743 | the year 2000 | Stott | 1983 | IVP |
E1744 | Cities of God: The Real Story of How Christianity Became an Urban Movement and Conquered | Stark, R. | 2006 | HarperCollins Pub |
E1745 | Pride and Predudice by Jane Austine | Raymond Wilson | 1985 | Macmillan Press |
E1746 | A kind of Bible : vincent van gogh as evangelist | Wessels, A. | 2000 | Hymns Ancient & Modern |
E1747 | Christianity and Philosophy | Yandell, K.E. | 1984 | Eerdmans |
E1748 | The divine imperative: A Study in Christian Ethics | Brunner, E. | 2002 | Lutterworth Press |
E1749 | The Foucault Reader | Foucault, M. | 1984 | Pantheon |
E1750 | The Chomsky Reader | Chomsky, N. | 1987 | Pantheon |
E1751 | History of Dogma | Harnack, A. | 1899 | Willians & Norgate |
E1752 | Bandits, Prophets, & Messiahs : Popular Movements at the Time of Jesus | Horsley, R.A. | 1988 | Winston |
E1753 | Foucault : A Critical reader | Hoy, D.C. | 1986 | Blackwell |
E1754 | The Reality of God and other essays | Ogden, S.M. | 1967 | SCM |
E1755 | The true image : Christ as the Origin and Destiny of Man | Hughes, P.E. | 1989 | Eerdmans |
E1756 | Process and Reality | Whitehead, A.N. | 1979 | Free Press |
E1757 | The expanded vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words | Vine, W.E. | 1984 | Bethany House |
E1758 | The Reformation in Germany and Switzerland | Johnston & Scribner | 1993 | Cambridge Univ |
E1759 | The Johannine circle | Cullmann, O. | 1976 | Westminster |
E1760 | The Doctrine of the church and reunion : Being the Bampton lectures for the year 1920 | Headlam, A.C. | 1929 | J. Murray |
E1761 | History of the reformation | Lindsay, T. M. | 1922 | Edinburgh |
E1762 | The Vision of God | KIRK, K.E. | 1946 | Longmans Green |
E1763 | In his presence : Daily Devotionals Through the Gospel of Matthew | Wubbels, L. | 2003 | YWAM |
E1764 | The five points of calvinism : Defined, Defended, and Documented | Steele, T. | 2004 | P & R Publishing |
E1765 | Religious Thought in the Reformation | Reardon, B.M.G. | 2014 | Routledge |
E1766 | New Testament Greek Syntax | Perschbacher, W.J. | 1995 | Moody |
E1767 | Christianity in Culture | Kraft, C.H. | 1979 | Orbis Books |
E1768 | A History of the christian church | Walker, W. | 1980 | T&T Clark |
E1769 | The Rise of World Lutheranism: An American Perspective | Nelson, E.C. | 1982 | Fortress Press |
E1770 | New Horizons in Hermeneutics | Thiselton, A.C. | 1992 | HarperCollins Pub |
E1771 | New Resolutions of old conundrums | Duncan, J. & Derrett, M. | 1986 | Peter I. Dringwater |
E1772 | All for Jesus , God at Work in The Christian and Missionary Alliance for More Than 125 Years | Niklaus, R.L. & Sawin, J.S. & Stoesz, S.J. | 2013 | The Christian and Missionary Alliance |
E1773 | The way of the Lord : Christological Exegesis of the Old Testament in the Gospel of Mark | Marcus, J. | 1992 | Westminster John Knox |
E1774 | The seeds of heaven : Sermons on the Gospel of Matthew | Taylor, B.B. | 2004 | Westminster John Knox |
E1775 | Mark : A Commentary on His Apology for the Cross | Gundry, R.H. | 2004 | Eerdmans |
E1776 | Jewish People, Jewish Thought : The Jewish Experience in History | Robert M. Seltzer | 1980 | Pearson College |
E1777 | The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology | Blaiklock, E.M. | 1983 | Zondervan |
E1778 | Archaeology & the New Testament | McRay, J. | 1991 | Baker |
E1779 | Archaeology & the Old Testament | Hoerth, A.J. | 2009 | Baker |
E1780 | The Church Triumphant: A History of Christianity Up to 1300 | Hinson, E.G. | 1995 | MERCER PRESS |
E1781 | A faith to proclaim | Stewart, J.S. | 1952 | Hodder and Stoughton |
E1782 | An Unshakeable KINGDOM | Gooding, D. | 2013 | Myrtlefield House |
E1783 | Mark As Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel | Michie, Donald, Rhoads, David, Dewey, Joanna | 1999 | Augsburg Fortress |
E1784 | The Theme of the Pentateuch | Clines, D.J.A. | 1997 | Sheffield |
E1785 | Strange Intelligence / Men as Trees Walking | Green, M. | 1997 | Inter-Varsity |
E1786 | Rescue shop within a yard of hell | Stewart & Dinnen, M. | 2000 | Christian Focus |
E1787 | Preacher on the Run (Welwyn Commentary Ser) | Keddie, G.J. | 1986 | Presbyterian & Reformed |
E1788 | Search the scriptures: A Three-Year Daily Devotional Guide to the Whole Bible | Stibbs, A.M. | 2004 | IVP |
E1789 | John, the Maverick Gospel | Kysar, R. | 2007 | Westminster John Knox |
E1790 | Exploring the Gospel of John | Phillips, J. | 2001 | Kregel Pub |
E1791 | New Testament Griticism & Interpretation | Black, D.A. | 1991 | Zondervan |
E1792 | The interpretation of the fourth Gospel | Dodd, C.H. | 1968 | Cambridge Univ |
E1793 | Fireseeds from Korea to the World | Becker | 2007 | Campus Crusade for Christ |
E1794 | The Gospel According to John I-XII (Anchor Bible Series, Vol. 29) | Brown, R.E. | 1966 | Anchor Bible |
E1795 | The Quest for the Origin of John's Gospel | Brodie, T.L. | 1993 | Oxford |
E1796 | Voices from the margin | Sugirtharajah, R.S. | 1995 | SPCK |
E1797 | The Politics of Jesus | Yoder, J.H. | 1994 | Eerdmans |
E1798 | The Spirit and the congregation | Martin, R.P. | 1984 | Eerdmans |
E1799 | Redemption accomplished and applied | Murray, J. | 2015 | Eerdmans |
E1800 | Getting to Know John Gospel | Peterson, R.A. | 1984 | Great Commission Pub |
E1801 | Eucharist: Christ's Feast with the Church | Laurence Hull Stookey | 1993 | Abingdon Press |
E1802 | John: Evangelist of the Covenant People | John W. Pryor | 1992 | Darton,Longman & Todd Ltd |
E1803 | Object Relations and Self Psychology: An Introduction | Michael St. Clair | 1986 | Brooks/Cole Publishing Company |
E1804 | The Intimate Gospel: Studies in John | Earl F Palmer | 1978 | W Publishing Group |
E1805 | The Gospel of Matthew | Rudolf Schnackenburg | 2002 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company |
E1806 | The Twilight of Western Thought | Herman Dooyeweerd | 1980 | Craig press |
E1807 | 99 Ways to Start a Study Group and Keep It Growing | Lawrence O. Richards | 1987 | Zondervan Publishing House |
E1808 | Christianity and culture: The idea of a Christian society and Notes towards the definition of culture | T. S Eliot | 1949 | Harcourt, Brace |
E1809 | In Defense of the Faith- Volume VI- Christian-Theistic Evidences | Cornelius VanTil | 1978 | Prebyterian & Reformed |
E1810 | St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Volume Ⅰ | John Fearns | 1948 | Christian Classics |
E1811 | St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Volume Ⅱ | John Fearns | 1948 | Christian Classics |
E1812 | St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Volume Ⅲ | John Fearns | 1948 | Christian Classics |
E1813 | St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Volume Ⅳ | John Fearns | 1948 | Christian Classics |
E1814 | St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Volume Ⅴ | John Fearns | 1948 | Christian Classics |
E1815 | Biblia Hebraica Quinta: General Introduction and Megilloth | J de Waard | 2007 | Tyndale House Publishers |
E1816 | In Defense of the Faith- Volume IV- Psychology of Religion | Cornelius VanTil | 1971 | Prebyterian & Reformed |
E1817 | In Defense of the Faith- Volume II- A Survey of Christian Epistemology | Cornelius VanTil | 1977 | Prebyterian & Reformed |
E1818 | The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture: How Media Shapes Faith, the Gospel, and Church | Shane Hipps | 2006 | Zondervan |
E1819 | Foundations of God's City: Christians in a Crumbling Culture | James Montgomery Boice | 1996 | Intervarsity Pr |
E1820 | Pauline Studies: Essays Presented to Professor F. F. Bruce on His 70th Birthday | Donald A. Hagner | 1981 | Eerdmans Pub Co |
E1821 | The Origins of New Testament Christology | I. Howard Marshall | 1990 | Intervarsity Pr |
E1822 | The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary | Ben Witherington III | 2001 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co |
E1823 | Handbook on the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy | Victor P. Hamilton | 1982 | Baker Pub Group |
E1824 | Power from on High: The Spirit in Israel's Restoration and Witness in Luke-Acts | Max Turner | 2000 | Sheffield Academic Press Ltd |
E1825 | Handbook on the Prophets | Robert B. Jr. Chisholm | 2002 | Baker Academic |
E1826 | ntroduction to the New Testament: History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic Age | Helmut Koester | 1986 | Generic |
E1827 | Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology | David G. Benner | 1985 | Baker Pub Group |
E1828 | Lexicography and Translation | J. P. Louw | 1985 | Bible Society of South Arica |
E1829 | Spiritual Classics: Selected Readings on the Twelve Spiritual Disciplines | Richard J. Foster and Emilie Griffin | 2000 | Renovare |
E1830 | A Theological Assessment of Minjune Theology, Systemaiccally and Biblically | Yong Wha Na | 1988 | Christian Literature Cursade |
E1831 | Word Meanings in the New Testament | Ralph Earle | 1989 | Baker Book House |
E1832 | The Witness of Preaching | Thomas G. Long | 1989 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E1833 | Preaching and Preachers | D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones | 2011 | Zondervan Academic |
E1834 | When the Bamboo Bends: Christ and Culture in Japan | Masao Takenaka | 2002 | World Council of Churches |
E1835 | Who Wrote the Bible? | Richard Friedman | 1989 | HarperSanFrancisco |
E1836 | Seminar on the Book of Isaiah | Christopher R. Seitz | 1988 | Fortress Press |
E1837 | The Promise of the Father: Jesus and God in the New Testament | Marianne Meye Thompson | 2000 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E1838 | EXPOSITORY STUDIES IN JOHN 13-17 Secrets of the Spirit | Ray C. Stedman | 1975 | Word Books |
E1839 | Luke-Acts and the Jewish People: Eight Critical Perspectives | Joseph B. Tyson | 1988 | Augsburg Fortress Pub |
E1840 | Conflict in Luke: Jesus, Authorities, Disciples | Jack Dean Kingsbury | 1991 | Augsburg Fortress |
E1841 | Old Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors | Douglas Stuart | 2001 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E1842 | John's Gospel & the Renewal of the Church | Wes Howard-Brook | 1997 | Orbis Books |
E1843 | A History of the Christian Church Hardcover | Williston Walker | 1970 | Charles Scribner's Sons |
E1844 | Theology of The Gospel of John | D. Moody Smith | 1995 | Cambridge University Press |
E1845 | The Revell Bible Dictionary [Deluxe Color Edition] | Lawrence O. Richards | 1994 | Fleming H Revell Co |
E1846 | Theology of the Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and Deuteronomy | Norbert Lohfink | 1994 | Fortress Press |
E1847 | The Pentateuch: An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible | Joseph Blenkinsopp | 1992 | Doubleday |
E1848 | Idioms of the Greek New Testament | Stanley E. Porter | 1994 | Sheffield Academic Press Ltd |
E1849 | The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism | Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland | 1987 | Generic |
E1850 | The JPS Torah Commentary: Numbers | Jacob Milgrom | 1989 | JEWISH PUBLICATON SOCIETY |
E1851 | The JPS Torah Commentary: Leviticus | Dr. Baruch A. Levine | 1989 | JEWISH PUBLICATON SOCIETY |
E1852 | Introduction to the New Testament, Vol.1: History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic Age | Helmut Koester | 1995 | WALTER DE GRUYTER |
E1853 | Ancient Israel's Criminal Law: A New Approach to the Decalogue | Anthony Phillips, B.D, Ph.D | 1970 | Oxford Basil Blackwell |
E1854 | A Christian View of Philosophy and Culture (The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Worldview, Vol. 1) | Schaeffer Francis | 1982 | CrossWay Books |
E1855 | A Christian View of the Bible as Truth (The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Worldview, Vol. 2) | Schaeffer Francis | 1982 | CrossWay Books |
E1856 | A Christian View of Sporituality (The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Worldview, Vol. 3) | Schaeffer Francis | 1982 | CrossWay Books |
E1857 | A Christian View of the Church (The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Worldview, Vol. 4) | Schaeffer Francis | 1982 | CrossWay Books |
E1858 | A Christian View of the West (The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Worldview, Vol. 5) | Schaeffer Francis | 1982 | CrossWay Books |
E1859 | Jesus and Divorce: The Problem With The Evangelical Consensus | 1984 | Thomas Nelson Publishers | |
E1860 | The Theology of Jürgen Moltmann | Richard Bauckham | 1995 | T&T Clark |
E1861 | The Promise of the Father: Jesus and God in the New Testament | Marianne Meye Thompson | 2000 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E1862 | From Sabbath to Lord's Day: A Biblical, Historical and Theological Investigation | D. A. Carson | 1982 | Zondervan Academic |
E1863 | Brother of Jesus, Friend of God: Studies in the Letter of James | Mr. Luke Timothy Johnson | 2004 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1864 | Philemon's Problem: A Theology of Grace | James Tunstead Burtchaell | 1998 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1865 | Why Grace Changes Everything | Chuck Smith | 1994 | Harvest House |
E1866 | Christian Teachers in Public Schools : A Guide for Teachers, Administrators, and Parents | Julia K. Stronks and Gloria Goris Stronks | 1999 | Baker Publishing Group |
E1867 | Standing on the Promises: A Handbook of Biblical Childrearing | Douglas Wilson | 1997 | Canon Press |
E1868 | Psalms: Reading and Studying the Book of Praises | W. H. Bellinger, JR | 1990 | Hendrickson |
E1869 | The Living Psalms | Claus Westermann | 1999 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1870 | Psalms of Promise: Exploring the Majesty & Faithfulness of God | E. Calvin Beisner | 1994 | Presbyterian and Reformed Publishong Co. |
E1871 | Psalms (Bible Study Commentary) | J. Stafford Wright | 1982 | Christian Literature Crusade |
E1872 | The Letters to the Seven Churches | William M. Ramsay | 1985 | Baker Book House |
E1873 | The Communicator's Commentary: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah | Lloyd J. Ogilvie | 1990 | Word Books |
E1874 | The Future of Theology: Essays in Honor of Jurgen Moltmann | Miroslav Volf and Carmen Krieg and Thomas Kucharz | 1996 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1875 | The Bible and Healing: A Medical and Theological Commentary | John Wilkinson | 1998 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1876 | Paul’s Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in Their Cultural Setting | Robert Banks | 1988 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1877 | Religious No More: Building Communities of Grace and Freedom | Mark D. Baker | 1999 | Intervarsity Press |
E1878 | Theology in the Service of the Church: Essays in Honor of Thomas W. Gillespie | Wallace M. and Alston Jr. | 2000 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1879 | People in Rural Development | Peter Batchelor | 1993 | Paternoster Press |
E1880 | The Leadership Paradox: A Challenge to Servant Leadership in a Power Hungry World | Denny Gunderson | 1997 | YWAM Publishing |
E1881 | Old Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors | Douglas Stuart | 2001 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E1882 | The Collected Writings of W. E. Vine Volume 1 | William Edwy Vine | 1985 | Gospel Tract Publications |
E1883 | The Collected Writings of W. E. Vine Volume 2 | William Edwy Vine | 1985 | Gospel Tract Publications |
E1884 | The Collected Writings of W. E. Vine Volume 3 | William Edwy Vine | 1985 | Gospel Tract Publications |
E1885 | The Collected Writings of W. E. Vine Volume 4 | William Edwy Vine | 1985 | Gospel Tract Publications |
E1886 | My Servants the Prophets | Edward J. Young | 1985 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1887 | The tree of Life: Reading Proverbs Today | Graeme Goldsworthy | 1993 | Anglican Information Office Press |
E1888 | Philippians | Gordon H. Clark | 1996 | Trinity Foundation |
E1889 | Wrestling With Angels: What Genesis Teaches Us About Our Spiritual Identity, Sexuality and Personal Relationships | Naomi H. Rosenblatt and Joshua Horwitz | 1996 | Delta |
E1890 | Handbook for the Common Lectionary | Peter C. Bower | 1987 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E1891 | Interpreting the Minor Prophets | Robert B. Chisholm Jr. | 1990 | Zondervan Academic |
E1892 | Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking | Robert H. Schuller | 1967 | Jove Book |
E1893 | Jesus and the Kingdom of God | G.R. Beasley-Murray | 1988 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1894 | The Kingdom of God | John Bright | 1981 | Abingdon Press |
E1895 | Kingdom of God and the Teaching of Jesus: In 20th Century Theology | Mark Saucy | 1997 | W Pub Group |
E1896 | The Revelation of Jesus Christ | John F. Walvoord | 1966 | Moody Press |
E1897 | A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews | Philip Edgcumbe Hughes | 1987 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1898 | Mark A Portrait of the Servant | D. Edmond Hiebert | 1974 | Moody Press |
E1899 | The Gospel according to Matthew | Leon Morris | 1992 | Eerdmans |
E1900 | The Motif of Wonder in the Gospel of Mark | Timothy Dwyer | 1996 | UNKNO |
E1901 | For Faith and Freedom | Leonard Hodgson | 1968 | SCM Press Ltd |
E1902 | New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate | Gerhard Hasel | 1978 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1903 | Groundwork of Christian Ethics | Richard G. Jones | 1984 | Epworth Press |
E1904 | A Primer on Postmodernism | Stanley J. Grenz | 1996 | Eerdmans |
E1905 | A Practical Application of God's Word Doing Theology | Kwang Hee Lee | 2016 | MIZIdesign |
E1906 | According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the Bible | Graeme Goldsworthy | 1991 | InterVarsity Press |
E1907 | Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics | Reinhold Niebuhr | 1960 | Charles Scribner's Sons |
E1908 | The Logic of Evangelism | William J. Abraham | 1989 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1909 | Behind the Scenes of the New Testament | Paul Barnett | 1990 | InterVarsity Press |
E1910 | Psalms 1 - 59: Continental Commentaries | Hans-Joachim Kraus and Hilton C. Oswald | 1993 | Fortress Press |
E1911 | New Testament Survey | Merrill C. Tenney | 1985 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1912 | Holman New Testament Commentary - 1 & 2 Corinthians | Jr. Pratt, Richard L. | 2000 | Holman Reference |
E1913 | The First and Second Letters to Timothy | Jerome D. Quinn and William C. Wacker | 1995 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1914 | Theology of the New Testament | Leonhard Goppelt | 1981 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1915 | The Old Testament of the Old Testament: Patriarchal Narratives and Mosaic Yahwism | R.W.L. Moberly | 1992 | Fortress Press |
E1916 | The Sociology of Religion | Max Weber | 1992 | Beacon Press Boston |
E1917 | Created in God's Image | Anthony A. Hoekema | 1986 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1918 | What Is New Testament Theology? | Dan O. Via | 2002 | Fortress Press |
E1919 | My Servants the Prophets | Edward J. Young | 1985 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1920 | Studies i Daniel's prophecy | Charles H. H. and Wright | 1983 | Klock&Klock |
E1921 | The New Testament Story | Ben Witherington III | 1994 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1922 | New Testament: An Introduction to Its History and Literature | J. Gresham Machen | 1976 | Banner of Truth |
E1923 | Daniel: Everyday Bible Commentary series | John C. Whitcomb | 1985 | Moody Press |
E1924 | First & Second Kings: Everyman's Bible Commentary | Robert L Hubbard, Jr. | 1991 | Moody Press |
E1925 | Ezekiel: Bible Study Commentary | Paul P. Enns | 1986 | Lamplighter Books |
E1926 | Kingdoms in Conflict: Reading Daniel Today | Andrew Reid | 1993 | Anglican Information Office |
E1927 | Reflections on the Bible: Human Word and Word of God | Dietrich Bonhoeffer | 2004 | Hendrickson |
E1928 | The Comedy of Revelation: Paradise Lost and Regained in Biblical Narrative | Francesca Aran Murphy | 2000 | T&T Clark |
E1929 | The Culture of English Puritanism, 1560-1700 | Christopher Durston and Jacqueline Eales | 1996 | Macmillan Press |
E1930 | Retrieving Fundamental Theology: The Three Styles of Contemporary Theology | Gerald O'Collins, S. J. | 1993 | Paulist Press |
E1931 | Thomas Aquinas and Gabriel Biel | John L. Farthing | 1988 | Duke University Press |
E1932 | God, History and Historians | C. T. McIntire | 1977 | Oxford University Press |
E1933 | The Reality of Christian Learning: Strategies for Faith-Discipline Integration | Harold Heie and David L. Wolfe | 1987 | Christian Unversity Press |
E1934 | I Believe in Preaching | John R W Stott | 1982 | Hodder & Stoughton Religious Books |
E1935 | Faith and Modernity | Philip Sampson, Vinay Samuel and chris Sugden | 1994 | Regnum Book International |
E1936 | Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road | Timothy J. Keller | 1997 | P & R Publishing |
E1937 | Calvinus Sacrae Scripturae Professor: Calvin as Confessor of Holy Scripture | Wilhelm H. Neuser | 1994 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1938 | The Writings of John Calvin: An Introductory Guide | Wulfert de Greef | 1993 | Baker Book House |
E1939 | Faith and Violence: Christian Teaching and Christian Practice | Thomas Merton | 1968 | University of Notre dame Press |
E1940 | The Life and Death of Dietrich Bonhoeffer | Mary Bosanquet | 1968 | Hodder and Stoughton |
E1941 | Reading the Gospels Today | Stanley E. Porter | 2004 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1942 | Ascent of Mount Carmel | St John Of The Cross | 1983 | Burns & Oates |
E1943 | The Christian view of God and the World | James Orr, D.D. | 1907 | Edinburgh: Andrew Elloit |
E1944 | Proverbs | Charles Bridges | 1994 | Banner of Truth |
E1945 | The Lord is King: The message of Daniel | Ronald S. Wallace | 1979 | InterVarsity Press |
E1946 | The Handwriting on the Wall: Secrets From the Prophecies of Daniel | David Jeremiah | 1992 | Walk Thru the Bible Ministries |
E1947 | Wrath and Mercy: A Commentary on the Books of Habakkuk and Zephaniah | Maria Eszenyei Szeles | 1987 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E1948 | Malachi: The Divine Messenger | Beth Glazier-McDonald | 1987 | Society of Biblical Literature |
E1949 | Daniel | James Montgomery Boice | 1989 | Ministry Resources Library |
E1950 | Whoredom: God's Unfaithful Wife in Biblical Theology, New Studies in Biblical Theology | Raymond C. Ortlund | 1996 | Eerdmans Pub Co |
E1951 | Amos of Israel: A New Iterpretation | Stanley N. Rosenbaum | 1990 | Mercer University Press |
E1952 | The Tree of Life: An Exploration of Biblical Wisdom Literature | Roland E. Murphy | 1996 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1953 | A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 | W. Phillip Keller | 1970 | Zondervan |
E1954 | Higher Ground | R T Kendall | 2001 | Christian Focus |
E1955 | Job: With Hebrew Text and English Translation | Rabbi DR. Victor E. Reichert | 1946 | The Soncini Press |
E1956 | The Dead Sea Scrolls Today | James C. VanderKam | 1994 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1957 | Jeremiah: Interpretation | Ronald E. Clements | 1988 | John Konx Press |
E1958 | The Message of the New Testament | F.F. Bruce | 1973 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1959 | The Ways of God: How God Reveals Himself Before a Watching World | Henry T. Blackaby and Roy T. Edgemon | 2000 | Broadman & Holman Publishers |
E1960 | A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens | 1984 | Macmillan Education |
E1961 | God's Game Plan | Fellowship of Christian Athletes | 1996 | Tyndale House Publishers |
E1962 | Lean Hard on Jesus: God's Great Goodness in Your Darkest Night | Crossway | 2005 | Crossway |
E1963 | New Testament Introduction | Donald Guthrie | 1970 | IVP Academic |
E1964 | Handbook on the Prophets | Robert B. Jr. Chisholm Jr. | 2009 | Baker Academic |
E1965 | An Introduction to the Old Testament | Raymond B. Dillard and Tremper Longman III | 1994 | Zondervan Publishing House |
E1966 | Refractions: A Journey of Faith, Art, and Culture | Makoto Fujimura | 2009 | NavPress |
E1967 | New Testament foundations: A guide for Christian students | Ralph P Martin | 1975 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E1968 | The Bible: Questions and Answers | J. Carter Swaim | 1965 | Edward Ernst Inc. |
E1969 | A philosophy of the Second Advent | Howard A Redmond | 1985 | Mott Media |
E1970 | Revelation: New Testament Guides | John M. Court | 1994 | Sheffield Academic Press |
E1971 | The Gospel of John & Judaism | C. K Barrett | 1975 | S.P.C.K |
E1972 | The Doctrine of the Church | Dow Kirkpatrick | 1964 | Abingdon Press |
E1973 | No Other Foundation: The Church Through Twenty Centuries | Jeremy C. Jackson | 1980 | Cornerstone Books |
E1974 | The Word of God and Tradition: Historical Studies Interpreting the Divisions of Christianity | Gerhard Ebeling | 1968 | Fortress Press |
E1975 | The David Story: A Translation with Commentary of 1 and 2 Samuel | Robert Alter | 2000 | W. W. Norton & Company |
E1976 | Gadamer and Hermeneutics: Science, Culture, Literature | Hugh J. Silverman | 1991 | Routledge |
E1977 | The Promise of Trinitarian Theology | Colin E. Gunton | 1997 | T&T Clark |
E1978 | Stephen Hawking For Beginners | J. P. McEvoy and Oscar Zarate | 1995 | Icon Book Ltd. |
E1979 | Chomsky For Beginners | Maher, J. & Grives, j. | 1998 | Icon Book Ltd. |
E1980 | The Generation That Knew Not Josef: A Critique of Marxism and the Religious Left | Billingsley, L. | 1985 | Multnomah Press |
E1979 | New Testament Commentary Survey | Carson, D.A. | 2013 | Baker Academic |
E1980 | A History of the Reformation in Two Volumes | Lindsay, T.M. | 1907 | T. & T. Clark |
E1981 | New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought | Alan Bullock | 1999 | Harper Collins Publishers |
E1982 | New Testament Foundations | Ralph P. Martin | 1978 | The Paternoster Press |
E1983 | Founder of Christianity | C H Dodd | 1971 | Collins |
E1984 | Practical praying / Linette Martin | Linette Martin | 1997 | Eerdmans |
E1985 | Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church (Spck Church History) | Hall, S.G. | 1991 | Stuart G.Hall |
E1986 | Liberal Protestantism | Reardon | 1968 | Stanford University Press |
E1987 | nicaea and its legacy an approach to fourth-century trinitarian | Lewis Ayres | 2004 | Oxford university press inc |
E1988 | My God is yahweh elijah and Ahab in an Age of Apostasy | M.B.VAN'T VEER | 1980 | Paideia Premoer |
E1989 | Being human the nature of spiritual experience | McCaulay, R. & Barrs, J. | 1875Inter-Var | Inter-Varsity |
E1990 | Reading the New Testament today | Beck, B.E. | 1978 | John Knox Press |
E1991 | New Testament Questions for Today | Kasemann, E. | 2012 | Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd |
E1992 | If Jesus Were Mayor: How Your Local | Moffitt, B. & Tesch, K. | 2004 | Monarch Books |
E1993 | The Lives of Jesus: God, Jew, Rebel | Tully, M. | 1996 | BBC Consumer Publishing; First Edition |
E1994 | The New Hermeneutic | Van Til, C. | 1974 | Presbyterian and Reformed |
E1995 | A Retreat With St. Bonaventure | Leonard J. Bowman | 1994 | Element Books Ltd |
E1996 | Jesus the Miracle Worker: A Historical and Theological Study | Graham H. Twelftree | 1999 | IVP Academic |
E1997 | Variations on a Theme: King, Messiah and Servant in the Book of Isaiah | H.g.m. Williamson | 2000 | Paternoster |
E1998 | NIV Bible Commentary | McGrath, A.E. | 1995 | Hodder & Stoughton |
E1999 | Studies in LUCK-ACTS | L.E.Keck&J.L.Martyn | 1968 | London S.P.C.K |
E2000 | Worldly Saints: The Puritans As They Really Were | Leland Ryken | 1990 | Zondervan |
E2001 | Freedom beyond Forgiveness: The Book of Jonah Re-examined | Thomas M. Bolin | 1997 | Sheffield Academic Press |
E2002 | Rudolph Bultmann | Roger A. Johnson | 1987 | Collins Publishers |
E2003 | Authority in the Church | Sean Mac Reamoinn | 1996 | Twenty Third Pubns |
E2004 | A Risen Christ in Eastertime: Essays on the Gospel Narratives of the Resurrection | Raymond E. Brown SS | 1991 | Liturgical Press |
E2005 | Isaiah 1-12, Second Edition (1983): A Commentary (Old Testament Library) | Otto Kaiser | 1983 | Westminister John Knox Press |
E2006 | Printing, Propaganda, and Martin LutherMark U. Edwards | 2004 | Augsburg Fortress Publishers | |
E2007 | Wolfhart Pannenberg / Metaphysics and the Idea of God | Wolfhart Pannenberg | 2001 | Generic |
E2008 | Erasmus-Luther: Discourse on Free Will | Ernst F. Winter (Translator, Editor), Erasmus | 1973 | Frederick Ungar Publ. Co., Inc. |
E2009 | Calvinism: Pure and Mixed: A Defence of the Westminster Standards | William Shedd | 1986 | Banner of truth |
E2010 | Calvinism | William G. Shedd | 1986 | Banner of Truth |
E2011 | A Short History Of Nearly Everything | Bill Bryson | 2003 | Transworld Pub |
E2012 | Christians Organizing for Political Service | James W. Skillen | 1980 | Association for Public Justice Education |
E2013 | Calvinism (Duckworth's theology series) Arthur Dakin | 1949 | Duckworth | |
E2014 | Models of the Church | Avery Dulles | 1974 | doubleday&company,inc |
E2015 | The Greek East and the Latin West | Philip Sherrard | 1995 | Harvey |
E2016 | The Threshold of Ethics | Kirk, Kenneth E. (Kenneth Escott) | 1928 | Skeffington |
E2017 | Marriage in church and state. | Lacey. T. A. (Thomas Alexander) | 1959 | S.P.C.K |
E2018 | Foundations of Christian Scholarship | Gary North | 2008 | Ross House Books |
E2019 | Reformed Symbolics: A Comparison of Catholicism Orthodoxy ,and Protestantism | 1962 | Wilhelm Niesel | |
E2020 | Ezra-Nehemiah (The NIV Application Commentary) | Donna Petter, Thomas Petter | 2002 | Zondervan Academic |
E2021 | Marriage and celibacy | Max Thurian | 1959 | SCM PRESS LTD |
E2022 | Christianity and Philosophy | Keith E. Yandell | 1984 | Eerdmans Pub Co |
E2023 | Righteousness | Gottfried. Gottlob Schrenk Quell | 1951 | London : A. And C. Black |
E2024 | Letters and Papers from Prison, Enlarged Edition | Dietrich Bonhoeffer , Eberhard Bethge | SCM Press | |
E2025 | Down to earth studies in cbristianity and culture | Robert T.Coote nd John Stoott | 1971 | Grand Rapids, Michigan |
E2026 | Spiritual Leadership, Responsible Management: A Guide for Leaders of the Church | Michael T. Dibbert | 1989 | Zondervan |
E2027 | Revelation and theology: an analysis of the Barth-Harnack correspondence of 1923 | H. Martin Rumscheidt | 1972 | Cambridge University Press |
E2028 | The Two Horizons: New Testament Hermeneutics and Philosophical Description | Anthony C. Thiselton | 1980 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E2029 | Language and Learning: The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky | Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini | 1980 | Harvard University Press |
E2030 | Which mary? The marys of Early Christian Tradition | F.Stanley Jhons | 2002 | Society of Biblical Literature |
E2031 | Jesus Means Freedom | Ernst Käsemann | 1969 | Augsburg Fortress Publishers |
E2032 | Heidegger and Christianity: The Hensley Henson Lectures | John MacQuarrie | 1994 | Continuum Intl Pub Group |
E2033 | Reason and Imagination in C. S. Lewis: A Study of Till We Have Faces | Peter J. Schakel | 1984 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E2034 | The Rise of Christianity: How the Obscure, Marginal Jesus Movement Became the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a Few Centuries | Rodney Stark | 1997 | HarperSanFrancisco |
E2035 | The Effects of the Reformation On Ideals of Life and Conduct | F K Chaplin | 1927 | W.Heffer and Sons Ltd |
E2036 | Manufacturing humans: The challenge of the new reproductive technologies | D. Gareth Jones | 1987 | Inter-Varsity Press |
E2037 | God in Patristic Thought | G. L. Prestige | 1964 | S.P.C.K |
E2038 | Saint Jerome in the Renaissance (The Johns Hopkins Symposia in Comparative History) | Eugene F. Rice | 1988 | The Johns Hopkins Press |
E2039 | The church (Bible key words from Gerhard Kittel's Theologisches WoÌ rterbuch zum Neuen Testament) | Karl Ludwig Schmidt (Author), J. R. Coates (Translator) | 1957 | Adam and Charles Black |
E2040 | Teaching and Preaching the New Testament | Archibald M Hunter | 1963 | Westminister Press |
E2041 | Origins of Modern Science1300-1800 | Herbert Butterfield | 1965 | FREE PRESS |
E2042 | A critical and exegetical commentary on the Gospel according to St. Mark | Ezra P Gould | 1982 | T.W&T.clark ltd.rdinbutgh |
E2043 | A philosophy of the Christian religion | Edward John Carnell | 1952 | Baker book house grand rapids,michigan |
E2044 | The Holy Land: An Oxford Archaeological Guide (Oxford Archaeological Guides) | Jerome Murphy-OConnor | 1998 | Oxxford university press |
E2045 | Thine is the kingdom: A biblical perspective on the nature of government and politics today | Paul A Marshall | 1986 | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co |
E2046 | The Psalms and the Life of Faith | Walter Brueggemann , Patrick D. Miller | 1995 | Fortress Press |
E2047 | Economics and Ethics: A Christian Inquiry | J. Philip Wogaman | 1986 | Fortress Press |
E2048 | Reformational Theology: A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics | Gordon J. Spykman | 1992 | Eerdmans Pub Co |
E2049 | The Myth of Religious Neutrality: An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories | Roy A. Clouser | 1991 | University of Notre Dame Press Notre Dame |
E2050 | Calvin's Ecclesiastical Advice | John Calvin | 1991 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E2051 | Pentecost and After: Studies in the Book of Acts | M. R. Dehaan | 1996 | Kregel Classics |
E2052 | The Reformers And The Theology Of The Reformation | William Cunningham | 2010 | The banner of truth trust |
E2053 | Systematic Theology An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine | Wayne Grudem | 1994 | Zondervan Academic |
E2054 | Galilee from Alexander the Great to Hadrian | Sean Freyne | 1980 | T&T Clark edinburgh |
E2055 | The Go-Between God: The Holy Spirit and the Christian Mission | John V. Taylor | 1995 | SCM PRESS LTD |
E2056 | Fifth Times Book of Best Sermons | Ruth Gledhill | 2000 | Bloomsbury Academic |
E2057 | Ark of the Covenant the True Story Of | Roderick Grierson | 1999 | Weidenfeld & Nicolson |
E2058 | The Transforming Power of the Gospel | Jerry Bridges | 2012 | NavPress |
E2059 | Invitation to Love: The Way of Christian Contemplation | Thomas Keating O.C.S.O. | 1994 | Bloomsbury Academic |
E2060 | The Prayers of Kierkegaard | Soren Kierkegaard (Author), Perry D. LeFevre (Editor) | 1996 | University of Chicago Press |
E2061 | Can you trust psychology? | Gary R Collins | 1988 | InterVarsity Press |
E2062 | Past Event and Present Salvation: The Christian Idea of Atonement | Paul S. Fiddes | 1989 | Westminster/John Knox Press |
E2063 | The Life of St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury. | Editor) Eadmer (R. W. Southern (Author) | Sandpiper Books (Oxford University Press) | |
E2064 | The People Of God, An Inquiry Into Christian Origins | Harold F. Hamilton | 1912 | Oxford university press |
E2065 | The Lapsed / The Unity of the Catholic Church | St. Cyprian (Author), Maurice Bevenot (Translator) | 1957 | The newman Press london longmans |
E2066 | Karl Rahner: The Philosophical Foundations | Thomas Sheehan | 1987 | Ohio University Press |
E2067 | John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor | W. Robert Godfrey | 2009 | Crossway |
E2068 | John Calvin | T. H. L. Parker | 1975 | Lion publishing |
E2069 | The Christian Understanding of Atonement | F. W. Dillistone | 1968 | The Westminster Press |
E2070 | Christ: the Sacramental Word: Incarnation, Sacrament and Poetry | David Brown , Ann Loades 1996 | 1996 | SPCK (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge) |
E2071 | Shape of Soteriology | John McIntyre | 2000 | T&T Clark; New edition |
E2072 | The Niv Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament | John Kohlenberger | 1980 | Zondervan |
E2073 | God for Us: The Trinity and Christian Life | Catherine Mowry LaCugna | 1993 | HarperSanFrancisco |
E2074 | The Parables of Jesus: A Commentary | Arland J. Hultgren | 2000 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2075 | New Critique of Theoretical Thought | Herman Dooyeweerd | 1953 | Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing |
E2076 | Philosophy of Religion: The Big Questions | Eleonore Stump (Editor), Michael J. Murray (Editor) | 1999 | Wiley-Blackwell |
E2077 | Willmington's Complete Guide to Bible Knowledge | Harold L. Willmington | 1990 | Tyndale House Pub |
E2078 | New Critique of Theoretical Thought | Herman Dooyeweerd | 1955 | Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing |
E2079 | The Foundations of Dialogue in Science and Religion | by Alister E. McGrath | 1998 | Wiley-Blackwell |
E2080 | by Alister E. McGrath | Rolf Rendtorff | 2000 | T&T Clark |
E2081 | Theological Essays 2 | Eberhard Jungel (Author), J. B. Webster (Translator) | 1995 | T&T Clark |
E2082 | The IVP/Lion New Concise Bible Dictionary | Derek Williams | 1990 | Lion Publishing PLC |
E2083 | Light of Truth & Fire of Love: A Theology of the Holy Spirit | Gary D. Badcock | 1997 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source; First Edition |
E2084 | The Visible Words Of God | Joseph C. McLelland (Author), Thomas F. Torrance (Foreword) | 1957 | Oliver and boyd |
E2085 | Bondage and Liberation of the Will | John Calvin | 1996 | Baker Publishing Group |
E2086 | Ethnicity, Religion and Class in Israeli Society | Eliezer Ben-Rafael , Stephen Sharot | 1991 | Cambridge University Press |
E2087 | The Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth | John Webster | 2000 | Cambridge University Press |
E2088 | The Triumph of Grace in the Theology of Karl Barth | G. C. Berkouwer | 1956 | London the paternoster press |
E2089 | Toward the Origins of Christmas | Susan K. Rol | 1995 | Kok Pharos Publishing House |
E2090 | A Time for Anger: The Myth of Neutrality | Franky Schaeffer | 1982 | Crossway Books |
E2091 | Fundamentalism and American Culture | George M. Marsden | 1982 | Oxford University Press |
E2092 | Calvin: Commentaries. | Joseph Haroutunian | 1958 | Westminster Press |
E2093 | A History of Protestantism Volum One the Reformation | Emile G. Leonard Edited By H. H. Rowley (Author) | 1965 | Nelson |
E2094 | Religion and Revelation | Keith Ward | 1994 | Clarendon Press |
E2095 | The Trinity and the Kingdom | Jürgen Moltmann | 1993 | Fortress Press |
E2096 | Karl Barth: A Theological Legacy | Eberhard Jungel | 1986 | Westminster John Knox Pr |
E2097 | The Göttingen Dogmatics: Instruction in the Christian Religion | Karl Barth (Author), Hannelotte Reiffen (Editor) | 1991 | Eerdmans Pub Co |
E2098 | ||||
E2099 | Explorations in Theology 9 | Ronald H. Preston | 2012 | Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd |
E2100 | Preaching the Tradition: Homily and Hermeneutics after the Exile | Rex Mason | 1990 | Cambridge University Press |
E2101 | What the Bible Teaches About What Jesus Did | F.F. Bruce | 1979 | Tyndale House Publishers |
E2102 | Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader | Ralph D. Winter | 1992 | William Carey Library Pub |
E2103 | The Spirit of Life: A Universal Affirmation | Jurgen Moltmann | 2001 | Fortress Press |
E2104 | Freedom and Reason | Richard Mervyn Hare | 1978 | oxford university press |
E2105 | Robert M Grant / Gods and the One God | Robert M Grant | 1986 | Generic |
E2106 | Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah | Joseph Addison ( J. A. ) Alexander | 1976 | Zondervan |
E2107 | Council & Commune: The Conciliar Movement & the Council of Basle | Antony Black | 1979 | Burns&Oates.London The Patmos Press |
E2108 | The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church | Vladimir Lossky | 1991 | James Clarke & Co |
E2109 | Augustine's Quest of Wisdom: His Life, Thought, and Works | Vernon J. Bourke | 1993 | Magi Books |
E2110 | Augustine: The City of God against the Pagans | Augustine (Author), R. W. Dyson (Editor) | 1998 | Cambridge University Press; Edition Unstated |
E2111 | Jesus the Pharisee | Hyam Maccoby | 2003 | SCM Press |
E2112 | Jesus the Healer | Stevan L. Davies | 2015 | SCM Press |
E2113 | Escaping from Fundamentalism | James Barr | 1984 | SCM Press |
E2114 | How to read the Gospels"ACTS" | Joelb.Green | 1987 | Inter Varsity Press |
E2115 | Daniel (Old Testament Guides) | P. R. Davies | 1987 | Sheffield Academic Press; Annotated edition |
E2116 | Jesus and the Word: And Other Essays | C. K. Barrett | 1995 | Pickwick Publications |
E2117 | New Century Bible Commentary Isaiah 1-39 | R. E. Clements | 1981 | Eerdmans Pub Co |
E2118 | Revisioning the Past Prospects in Historical Theology | Mary Potter Engel (Author), Walter E. Wyman (Editor) | 1992 | Augsburg Fortress Pub |
E2119 | A History Of Protestantism: Volume 2 Theestablishment | Emile G. Leonard | 1967 | Nelson |
E2120 | Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader | Ralph D. Winter | 1992 | William Carey Library Pub |
E2121 | Numbers: A Commentary (The Old Testament Library) | Martin Noth | 1968 | SCM PRESS LTD |
E2122 | What Happens in Holy Communion | Michael Welker | 2000 | Society for Promoting Christian |
E2123 | Getting the Message: A Plan for Interpreting and Applying the Bible | Daniel M. Doriani | 1996 | P & R Publishing; Edition Unstated |
E2124 | A Political Theology of Nature | Peter Scott | 2003 | Cambridge University Press |
E2125 | Reading with God | David Foster | 2006 | Continuum |
E2126 | Resurrection and Moral Order: An Outline for Evangelical Ethics | Oliver O'Donovan | 1994 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co |
E2127 | Christ, Ethics and Tragedy: Essays in Honour of Donald MacKinnon | Kenneth Surin | 1989 | Cambridge University Press |
E2128 | Name Above All Names: Jesus Christ Our Savior and Lord | Dan Hayden | 2004 | Crossway Books |
E2129 | From Bondage to Blessing: The Redemption, Restoration and Release of God's Women | Dee Alei | 2002 | Sovereign world |
E2130 | Nicah, Nahum, Obadiah (Old Testament guides) | R. Mason | 1991 | Jsot press |
E2131 | God of the Possible: A Biblical Introduction to the Open View of God | Gregory A. Boyd | 2000 | Baker Books |
E2132 | Becoming a Woman of Freedom | Cynthia Heald | 2017 | NavPress |
E2133 | The Word Became Flesh: Evangelicals and the Incarnation | David Peterson | 2003 | Paternoster |
E2134 | The Thirteenth Disciple: The Life of Mary Magdalene | Gordon Thomas | 2001 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
E2135 | Righteousness in the new testament | John Reumann | 1982 | Fortress Press |
E2136 | The Fruit of Her Hands: Respect and the Christian Woman (Family) | Nancy Wilson | 1997 | Canon Press |
E2137 | Narrative Art in Genesis: Specimens of Stylistic and Structural Analysis | J. P. Fokkelman | 1991 | Jsot press |
E2138 | practical theology and the ministry of the church1952-1984 | Hav=rvie M.Com | 1990 | Presbyterian and reformed pubilishing company |
E2139 | The Christian Doctrine of God, One Being Three Persons | Thomas Forsyth Torrance | 1996 | T&T Clark edinburgh |
E2140 | Focus: The Power of People Group Thinking | John D. Robb | 1989 | Missions Advanced Research |
E2141 | the who he is holy what he does spirit | Robert Gromacki | 1999 | Word publishing |
E2142 | Great Men of the Bible, Volume II | F. B. Meyer | 1982 | Zondervan Publishing House |
E2143 | Great Men of the Bible, Volume I | F. B. Meyer | 1981 | Zondervan Publishing House |
E2144 | Making Friends: Leaving Lonliness Behind : Men and Women Can Be Friends | Perry Treadwell | 1992 | helath communications,inc |
E2145 | Breaking the Code | Bruce M. Metzger | 2006 | Abingdon |
E2146 | Necf malaysia watchmen's forum2 | Edmund Ng tan jin huat | 2000 | National Evangelical Christian Fellowship Malaysia |
E2147 | Heal Our Land Jecuring God's Blessing on America | Jack w.Hayford | 1997 | Fleming H. Revell |
E2148 | The Structure of Matthew's Gospel: A Study in Literary Design (The Library of New Testament Studies) | David Bauer | 1989 | Sheffield Academic Press |
E2149 | Laymans Bible Book Commentary: Matthew | Clair M. Crissey | 1981 | Baptist Sunday School Board; First Edition |
E2150 | penguin book of american short stories | James Cochrane | 1969 | Penguine Books |
E2151 | The Lion encyclopedia of the Bible | Pat (ed) ALEXANDER | 1978 | Lion Publishing |
E2152 | America's battle for God | Geiko muller-Fahrenholz&Donald W.Shriver Jr | 2007 | Wm.Berdmans |
E2153 | Judges, Ruth: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture | Daniel I. Block | 1999 | Holman Reference |
E2154 | Because | Greg Laurie | 2010 | Multnomah |
E2155 | The Origin of the Soul in St. Augustine's Later Works | Robert J. O'Connell S.J. | 1987 | Fordham University Press |
E2156 | The European Reformation | Euan Cameron | 1991 | Oxford University Press |
E2157 | The Morality of Pluralism | John Kekes | 1993 | Princeton University Press |
E2158 | Is It a Lost Cause?: Having the Heart of God for the Church's Children | Marva J. Dawn | 1997 | Eerdmans Pub Co |
E2159 | ||||
E2160 | ||||
E2161 | A Survey of Israael's History | Leon Wood | 1970 | Zondervan |
E2162 | Sign with your Baby | Joseph Garcia | 1999 | Stratton-Kehl Publications |
E2163 | He Still Moves Stones | Max Lucato | 1993 | W Publishing Group |
E2164 | A History of the Christian Student Movements in Korea, 1884-1990 | Zoh, Byoung-Ho | 2004 | Tanggulshi |
E2165 | The Political Meaning of Christianity | Glenm Tinder | 1989 | Louisiana State University Press |
E2166 | Jubilate II | Donald P. Hustad | 1989 | Hope Publishing Company |
E2167 | Old Testament Times | R.K.Harrison | 1970 | Eerdmans |
E2168 | The Covenant Thology of Francis Roberts | Won Taek Lim | 2002 | King & Kingdom |
E2169 | The Drama of Christmas | Morton Kelsey | 1994 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E2170 | Men in Revolt | Emil Brunner | 1939 | The Westminster Press |
E2171 | The Knowledge of God in Calvins Theology | Edward A. Dowey, Jr. | 1994 | Eerdmans |
E2172 | God of my Father | Larry Crabb, Jr. & Lawrence Crabb, Sr. | 1994 | Zondervan |
E2173 | Her Hand in Marriage | Douglas Wilson | 1997 | Canon Press |
E2174 | Spiritual Depression | D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones | 1965 | Eerdmans |
E2175 | Know the Truth | Bruce Milne | 1982 | InterVarsity |
E2178 | Theology for Ordinary People | Bruce L. Shelly | 1993 | InterVarsity |
E2179 | The Prince | Niccolo Machiavelli | 2009 | Penguin Books |
E2180 | Theological Diversity and the Authority of the Old Testament | John Goldingay | 1987 | Eerdmans |
E2181 | One God, One Lord In A World of Religious Pluralism | Ed. by Andrew D. Clarke and Burce W. WInter | 1991 | Tyndale House |
E2182 | Hermeneutics, Authority and Canon | D.A.Carson and John D. Woodbridge | 1986 | Zondervan |
E2183 | Old Testament Theology | Elmer A. Martens | 1997 | Baker Books |
E2184 | Old Testament Theology | Elmer A. Martens | 1997 | Baker Books |
E2185 | Old Testament Theology | Elmer A. Martens | 1997 | Baker Books |
E2186 | Suspicion & Faith | Merold Westphal | 1998 | Fordham University Press |
E2187 | Groundwork of Theology | John Stacey | 1977 | Epworth Press |
E2188 | The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross | Leon Morris | 1965 | Eerdmans |
E2189 | Simple Sermons on Evangelistic Themes | W. Herschel Ford | 1970 | Baker Books House |
E2190 | The Power of a Praying Wife | Stormie Omartian | 1977 | Harvest House |
E2191 | Out of the Depths : The Psalms Speak for Us Today | Bernhard W. Anderson | 1983 | The Westminster Press |
E2192 | Keeping the Sabbath Wholly | Marva J. Dawn | 1989 | Eerdmans |
E2193 | Truth Applied | Jay E. Adams | 1990 | Zondervan |
E2194 | What God Wants to Know | Bruce Larson | 1993 | HarperCollins |
E2195 | God's Revolution | Eberhard Arnold | 1997 | The Plough Publishing House |
E2196 | The Bumps are What You Climb on | Warren W. Wiersbe | 2002 | Baker Books |
E2197 | Louisa May Alcott's Christmas Treasury : The Complete Christmas Collection | Ed. by Stephen W. Hines | 2002 | RiverOak |
E2198 | 17 Things My Kids Taught me About God | J. Mack Stiles | 1998 | InterVarsity |
E2199 | War of Words | Paul David Tripp | 2000 | P&R Publishing |
E2200 | Some Telltale Words in the New Testament | J. Duncan M. Derrett | 1997 | Peter I. Drinkwater, England |
E2201 | Being a Good Dad | Tim Wesemann | 2002 | Beacon Hill Press |
E2202 | Rescue Shop within a Yard of Hell | Stewart and Marie Dinnen | 2000 | Christian Focus Publications |
E2203 | Introdution to Saint Thomas Aquinas | Ed. by Anton C. Pegis | 1948 | The Mdern Library |
E2204 | Contemporary Religious Thingkers | Ed. by John Macquarrie | 1968 | SCM Press |
E2205 | Studies in Doctrine | Alister E. McGrath | 1997 | Zondervan |
E2206 | The Psalms and the Life of Faith | Walter Bureggemann Ed. by Patrick D. Miller | 1995 | Fortress Press |
E2207 | First and Second Samuel | Walter Bureggemann | 1990 | John Knox Press |
E2208 | What's on Your Mind? | Merlin R. Carothers | 1984 | Merlin R. Carothers |
E2209 | The Bible and the Future | Anthony A. Hoekema | 1979 | Eerdmans |
E2210 | Sex and the Church | Kathy Rudy | 1997 | Beacon Press |
E2211 | Wertlose Wahrheit | Eberhard Jungel | 2003 | Mohr Siebeck |
E2212 | Leadership That Works | Leith Anderson | 1999 | Bethany House Publishers |
E2213 | Knowledge and the Sacred | Seyyed Hossein Nasr | 1981 | Edinburgh University Press |
E2214 | Topography of Terror | Ed. by Reinhard Rurup | 1989 | Verlag Willmuth Arenhovel |
E2215 | The Possibilities of Theology | Ederhard Jungel Ed. by John Webstr | 1994 | T&T Clark |
E2216 | Cambridge Latin Course Unit IIB | Integrated Edition with Language Information | 1990 | Cambridge University Press |
E2217 | Cambridge Latin Course Unit IIIB | Integrated Edition with Language Information | 1990 | Cambridge University Press |
E2218 | The Major Works | Anselm of Canterbury | 1998 | Oxford University Press |
E2219 | Introducing the Old Testament | Richard J. Coggins | 1990 | Oxford University Press |
E2220 | A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament | Nahtan E. Han | 1971 | Herald Press |
E2221 | Modern Trinitarian Perspectives | John Thompson | 1994 | Oxford University Press |
E2222 | Virgil | Ed. By Charles Martindale | 1997 | Cambridge University Press |
E2223 | Judges | Terry L. Brensinger | 1999 | Herald Press |
E2224 | Roman Wives, Roman Widows | Bruce W. Winter | 2003 | Eerdmans |
E2225 | The Oxford Companion to the Bible | Ed. by Bruce M. Metzger and Michael D. Coogan | 1993 | Oxford University Press |
E2226 | The Acts of the Apostles | Luke Timothy Johnsom | 1992 | The Liturgical Press |
E2227 | A Companion to Aesthetics | Ed. by David Cooper | 1995 | Blackwell Publishers |
E2228 | The Modern Theologians(Second Ed.) | Ed. by David F. Ford | 1997 | Blackwell Publishers |
E2229 | The Reformation : A Narrative History Related by Contemporary Observers and Participants | Ed. by Hans Hillerbrand | 1972 | Baker Book House |
E2230 | The Literary Guide to the Bible | Ed. by Robert Alter and Frank Kermode | 1988 | William Collins Sons |
E2231 | Willmington's Complete Guide to Bible Knowledge | Harold L. Willmington | 1990 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E2232 | The Christian Faith | Fridrich Schleiermacher | 1989 | T&T Clark |
E2233 | Jesus and the Sabbath in Matthew's Gospel | Yong-Eui Yang | 1995 | Coverty University |
E2234 | The Modern Theologians(Thierd Ed.) | Ed. by David F. Ford | 2005 | Blackwell Publishers |
E2235 | Hopeful Imaginaton: Prophetic Voices in Exile | Walter Bureggemann | 1986 | Fortress Press |
E2236 | The Prophetic Imagination | Walter Bureggemann | 1978 | Fortress Press |
E2237 | The Hebrew Bible today: An Introduction to Critical Issues | Ed. by Steven L. McKenzie & M. Patrick Graham | 1998 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E2238 | Christian Doctrine | Ed. by Colin E. Gunton | 1997 | Cambridge University Press |
E2239 | Zephaniah Habakkuk Joel | Rex Mason | 1994 | JSOT Press |
E2240 | Tough Questions Christians Ask | Ed. by David Neff | 1989 | Victor Books |
E2241 | A Passion for Fullness | Jack Hayford | 1990 | Word Publishing |
E2242 | Testament : The Bible and History | John Romer | 1988 | Michael O'mara Books |
E2243 | The Oxford Companion to British History | Ed. by John Cannon | 1997 | Oxford University Press |
E2244 | A Dictonary of Comparative Religion | Ed. by S. G. F. Brandon | 1970 | Charles Scribner's Sons |
E2245 | Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels | Ed. by Joel B. Green, Scot Mcknight, I. Howard Marshall | 1992 | InterVarsity |
E2246 | Affliction | Edith Schaeffer | 1978 | Fleming H. Revell |
E2247 | A Historical Jesus : A Comprehensive Guide | Gerd Theissen and Annette Merz | 1998 | Fortress Press |
E2248 | The Gospel of Matthew | Daniel J. Harrington, S.J. | 1991 | The Liturgical Press |
E2249 | Living at the Edge | Penny Jamieson | 1997 | Mowbray |
E2250 | Lifelines: The Ten Commandment For Today | Edith Schaeffer | 1982 | Crossway Books |
E2251 | John Calvin: A Biography | T.H.L.Parker | 1975 | J.M.Dent & Sons |
E2252 | Calvin | Michael Mullett | 1989 | Routledge |
E2253 | A Bend in the Road | David Jeremiah | 2000 | W Publishing Group |
E2254 | Seven Theories of Religion | Daniel L. Pals | 1996 | Oxford University Press |
E2255 | The Highway of God | H.R.Mackintosh | 1931 | T&T Clark |
E2256 | Give Us A King! Samuel, Saul, and David | Everett Fox | 1999 | Schocken Books |
E2257 | God Who is Rich in Mercy | Ed. by Peter T. O'Brien, David G. Peterson | 1986 | Anzea Publishers |
E2258 | I Kings | Mordechai Cogan | 2001 | Doubleday |
E2259 | The Past of Jesus in the Gospels | Eugene E. Lemcio | 1991 | Cambridge University Press |
E2260 | ||||
E2261 | The Spirituality of the Middle Ages | Dom Jean Leclercq, Dom Francois Vanderbroucke, Louis Bouyer | 1968 | The Seabury Press |
E2262 | A History of the Synoptic Problem | David Laird Dungan | 1999 | Doubleday |
E2263 | The Gospel of Luke | Luke Timothy Johnsom | 1991 | The Liturgical Press |
E2264 | The Trial of Luther | James Atkinson | 1971 | B.T.Batsford |
E2265 | Prophetic Oracles of Salvation in the Old Testament | Claus Westermann | 1987 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E2266 | Heidegger and Modern Philosophy | Ed. by Michael Murray | 1978 | Yale University Press |
E2267 | Return to Sodom and Gomorrah | Charles Pellegrino | 1994 | Random House |
E2268 | The Young Calvin | Alexandre Ganoczy | 1987 | T & T Clark Limited |
E2269 | One Faith : Biblical and Patristic Contributions Toward Understanding Unity in Faith | William Henn | 1995 | Paulist Press |
E2270 | The Christian East and the Rise of the Papacy | John Meyendorff | 1994 | ST. Vladimir's Seminary Press |
E2271 | Who Killed Jesus? | John Dominic Crossan | 1996 | Harper SanFrancisco |
E2272 | Tell the Truth: The Whole Gospel to the Whole Person by Whole People | Will Metzger | 1984 | InterVarsity |
E2273 | Revelation and the Spirit | Graham J. Watts | 2005 | Paternoster |
E2274 | The Doctrine of Justification | James Buchanan | 1961 | The Banner of Truth Trust |
E2275 | Principles of Christian Theology(Re. Ed) | John Macquarrie | 1977 | SCM Press |
E2276 | The Theology of Huldrych Zwingli | W.P.Stephens | 1986 | Clarendon Press |
E2277 | Life is Religion: Essays in Honor of H.Evan Runner | Ed. by Henry Vander Goot | 1981 | Paideia Press |
E2278 | ||||
E2279 | Temple Beyond Time | Herbert Arthur Klein | 1986 | Joseph Simon Pangloss Press |
E2280 | The Theology of the Reformed Confessions | Karl Barth | 2002 | John Knox Press |
E2281 | A History fo Jerusalem : One city, Three Faiths | Karen Armstrong | 1997 | HarperCollins |
E2282 | The Gospel as Center | Ed. by D.A.Carson and Timothy Keller | 2012 | Crossway |
E2283 | What the Bible Teaches about the Church | John F. Balchin | 1979 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E2284 | Community and Gospel in Luke-Acts | Philip Prancis Esler | 1989 | Cambridge University Press |
E2285 | Readings in the History of Christian Theology vol.1. | William C. Placher | 1988 | The Westminster Press |
E2286 | Twin Powers: Politics and the Sacred | Thomas Molnar | 1988 | Eerdmans |
E2287 | Genesis | Walter Bureggemann | 1982 | John Knox Press |
E2288 | Religion without Revelation | J.S.Huxley | 1927 | Ernest Benn Limited |
E2289 | Christ and Church: A Theology of the Mystery | M.J.Le Guillou | 1963 | Desclee Company |
E2290 | An Elementary Latin Dictionary | Charlton T. Lewis | 1993 | Oxford University Press |
E2291 | Genesis : the New NIV Application Commentary | John H. Walton | 2001 | Zondervan |
E2292 | A History of the Ecumenical Movement 1517-1948 | Ed. by Ruth Rouse and Stephen Charles Heill | 1967 | SPCK |
E2293 | Judges | Tammi J. Schneider | 2000 | The Liturgical Press |
E2294 | Jesus of Nazareth | Gunther Bornkamm | 1960 | Hodder and Stoughton |
E2295 | The Coherence of Theism(Re. Ed.) | Richard Swinburne | 1993 | Clarendon Press |
E2296 | Preaching the Gospel of Luke | Keith F. Nickle | 2000 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E2297 | A Christian Critique of the University | Charles Habib Malik | 1982 | InterVarsity |
E2298 | The Concept of Anxiety | Soren Kierkegaard | 1980 | Princeton University Press |
E2299 | Patterns of Discipleship in the New Testament | Ed. by Richard N. Longenecker | 1996 | Eerdmans |
E2300 | Capital vol. one | Karl Marx | 1986 | Penguin Books |
E2301 | The Concise Dictionary of the Christian Tradition | J.D.Douglas, Walter A. Elwell, Peter Toon | 1989 | Zondervan |
E2302 | Eternal Word and Changing Worlds | Harvie M. Conn | 1984 | Zondervan |
E2303 | Ascension and Ecclesia | Douglas Farrow | 1999 | T&T Clark |
E2304 | Mere Christianity | C.S.Lewis | 1952 | HarperCollins |
E2305 | How to Read the Bible | A.J.Conyers | 1986 | InterVarsity |
E2306 | Jesus | Ed. by David F.Ford & Mike Higton | 2002 | Oxford University Press |
E2307 | Hermeneutics | Richard E. Palmer | 1969 | Northwestern University Press |
E2308 | Early Christian Doctrines(Fifth Ed.) | J.N.D. Kelly | 1976 | A&C Black |
E2309 | Christian Faith and Practice in the Modern World | Ed. by Mark A. Noll, David F. Wells | 1988 | Eerdmans |
E2310 | Freeing Theology: The Essentials of theology in Feminist Perspective | Ed. by Catherine Mowry LaCugna | q993 | Harper SanFrancisco |
E2311 | In Memory of Her (Second Ed.) | Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza | 1994 | SCM Press |
E2312 | Renaissance and Reformation: A Survey of European History between 1450 and 1660 | V.H.H.Green | 1952 | Edward Arnold |
E2313 | Christian Doctrine | Ed. by Colin E. Gunton | 1997 | Cambridge University Press |
E2314 | Intellectuals and Society | Thomas Sowell | 2009 | Basic Books |
E2315 | Two Early Political Associations | N.C.Hunt | 1961 | Oxford University Press |
E2316 | Theological Science | Thomas F. Torrance | 1969 | Oxford University Press |
E2317 | Union of Christendom (vol.ii) | Ed. by Kenneth Mackenzie | 1938 | Religious Book Club |
E2318 | History, Method and Theology | Matthew L. Lamb | 1978 | Scholars Press |
E2319 | From Nicaea to Chalcedon | Frances M. Young | 1983 | SCM Press |
E2320 | The One, The Three and The Many | Colin E. Gunton | 1993 | Cambridge University Press |
E2321 | Fear and Trembling Repetition | Soren Kierkegaard | 1983 | Princeton University Press |
E2322 | Warrior, Dancer, Seductress Queen | Susan Ackeerman | 1998 | Doubleday |
E2323 | Theology after Liberalism | Ed. by John Webster and George P. Schner | 2000 | Blackwell Publishers |
E2324 | Gott als Gehimnis der Welt | Eberhard Jungel | 2001 | Mohr Siebeck |
E2325 | Indikative der Gnade - Imperative der Freiheit | Eberhard Jungel | 2000 | Mohr Siebeck |
E2326 | Isaiah 40-66 | Claus Westermann | 1969 | SCM Press |
E2327 | Confident Public Speaking | Chritian H. Godefroy and Stephanie Barrat | 1990 | Judy Piatkus |
E2328 | Sermons on Isaiah's Prophecy of the Death and Passion of Christ | John Calvin | 1956 | James Clarke & Co. Ltd. |
E2329 | The Pastoral Epistles(Re. Ed.) | Donald Guthrie | 1995 | InterVarsity |
E2330 | The New Theologian | Ved Mehta | 1965 | Weidenfeld and Nicolson |
E2331 | Bold Purpose | Dan B. Allener and Tremper Longman III | 1998 | Tyndale House |
E2332 | A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on The Book Ezekiel | G.A.Cooke | 1970 | T&T Clark |
E2333 | Paul's Idea of Community | Robert Banks | 1981 | Anzea Publishers |
E2334 | Eschatology in the Old Testament | Donald E. Gowan | 1986 | T&T Clark |
E2335 | Paul's Letter to the Romans | John Ziesleer | 1989 | SCM Press |
E2336 | Christianity and Paradox | Ronald W. Hepburn | 1958 | C.A. Watts |
E2337 | Introduction to the New Testament | W.G.Kummel | 1975 | SCM Press |
E2338 | John | Calvin, J. | 1994 | Crossway Books |
E2339 | Calvin's Doctrine of the work of Christ | J.F.Jansen | 1956 | James Clarke & Co. Ltd. |
E2340 | The Christian Hope | Brian Hebblethwaite | 1984 | Eerdmans |
E2341 | The Writings of St. Paul: A Norton Critical Edition | Wayne A. Meeks | 1972 | W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. |
E2342 | Making Choices: Practical Wisdom for Everyday Moral Decisions | Peter J. Kreeft | 1990 | Servant Books |
E2343 | What Is the Gospel? | Greg Gilbert | 2010 | Crossway |
E2344 | Problems in Social and Political Thought: A Philosophical Introduction | Whitaker T. Deininger | 1965 | Macmillan |
E2345 | Creeds, Councils and Controversies: Documents Illustrating the History of the Church AD 337-461 | J. Stevenson and W. H. C. Frend | 1989 | SPCK |
E2346 | Zeitungsdeutsch | Kwang-Yo Kim and Yo-Yung Lee | 1980 | Shina - Sa |
E2347 | An Existentialist Theology: A Comparison of Heidegger and Bultmann | John Macquarrie | 1955 | Harper Torchbooks |
E2348 | Patrology: Vol. 3, The Golden Age of Greek Patristic Literature | Johannes Quasten | 1983 | Christian Classics |
E2349 | Richard Hooker and the Authority of Scripture, Tradition and Reason: Reformed Theologian of the Church of England? | Nigel Atkinson | 1997 | Paternoster Press |
E2350 | A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew | J. Weingreen | 1959 | Oxford University Press |
E2351 | Hungry for God | Ralph Martin | 2000 | Ignatius Press |
E2352 | The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle | Karen L. King | 2003 | Polebridge Press |
E2353 | Textbook of the History of Doctrines | Reinhold Seeberg | 1983 | Baker Book House |
E2354 | The Church of England | Hensley Henson | 1939 | Cambridge At The University Press |
E2355 | More Than the ABC's: The Early Stages of Reading and Writing | Judith A. Schickendanz | 1986 | Natl Assn for the Education |
E2356 | A Theology of the New Testament | George Eldon Ladd | 1974 | William B. Eerdman Publishing Company |
E2357 | Remembering Reinhold Niebuhr: Letters of Reinhold and Ursula M. Niebuhr | Ursula Niebuhr | 2001 | Bloomsbury T&T Clark |
E2358 | Bible Keywords: Righteousness | Gottfried Quell and Gottlob Schrenk | 1951 | Adam & Charles Black |
E2359 | The Basics of Essay Writing | Nigel Warburton | 2006 | Routledge |
E2360 | Literature and Religion: A Study in Conflict | Charles Irving Glicksberg | 1960 | Southern Methodist University Press |
E2361 | Bible Keywords:Wrath | H. Kleinknecht, J. Fichtner and G. Stahlin Et Al. | 1964 | Adam & Charles Black |
E2362 | Kept by the Power of God: A Study of Perseverance and Falling Away | I. Howard Marshall | 1969 | Epworth Press |
E2363 | Love Is Stronger Than Death | Peter Kreeft | 1992 | Ignatius Press |
E2364 | The Salt Covenant | H. Clay Trumbull | 1999 | Impact Christian Books |
E2365 | The Problem of the Text of Acts: Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, Series Number 71 | W. A. Strange | 1992 | Cambridge University Press |
E2366 | The Jesus Debate: Modern Historians Investigate the Life of Christ | Mark Allan Powell | 1999 | Lion Publishing PLC |
E2367 | The Origin of I Corinthians | John Cooidge Hurd | 1983 | Mercer University Press |
E2368 | Modern Trinitarian Perspectives | John Thompson | 1994 | Oxford University Press |
E2369 | The covenants of promise: A theology of the Old Testament covenants | Thomas Edward McComiskey | 1985 | Publisher Baker Book House |
E2370 | The Gospel According to St. Luke | A. R. C. Leaney | 1966 | Adam & Charles Black |
E2371 | The History of the Jewish People: Late Middle Ages | Moses A. Shulvass | 1985 | Gateway Books |
E2372 | Word Pictures in the New Testament: Volume IV, The Epistles of Paul Leather | Archibald Thomas Robertson | 1931 | Broadman Press |
E2373 | Understanding the New Testament | Howard Clark Kee | 1983 | Prentice-Hall |
E2374 | Studies in the Patriarchal Narratives | William McKane | 1979 | Longwood Pr Ltd |
E2375 | The Last Philosophy | Don Cupitt | 1995 | SMC Press Ltd. |
E2376 | Word and Faith | Gerhard Ebeling | 1984 | SMC Press Ltd. |
E2377 | The Rise and Fall of the Five Empires in the Bible | Byoungho Zoh | 2017 | Tongdokwon |
E2378 | Escaping Eden: New Feminist Perspectives on the Bible | Harold C. Washington, Susan Lochrie Graham and Pamela Thimmes | 1998 | Sheffield Academic Press |
E2379 | The Heritage of the Reformation Hardcover | Wilhelm Pauck | 1961 | The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc. |
E2380 | At Risk in the Promised Land: A Commentary on the Book of Judges | E. John Hamlin | 1990 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E2381 | Scripture by Heart: Devotional Practices for Memorizing God's Word | Joshua Choonmin Kang | 2010 | IVP Books |
E2382 | The Dead Sea Scriptures | Theodor H. Gaster | 1976 | Anchor Books |
E2383 | The Church Through the Centuries | Cyril Charles Richardson | 1950 | C. Scribner's Sons, Ltd |
E2384 | Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent | Robert F Barsky | 1998 | The MIT Press |
E2385 | The Dawn of the Reformation: Essays in Late Medieval and Early Reformation Thought | Heiko Augustinus Oberman | 1986 | T & T. Clark Ltd. |
E2386 | The Reformation in National Context | Robert Scribner, Roy Porter and Mikulas Teich | 1994 | Cambridge University Press |
E2387 | Introduction to the New Testament | Werner Georg Kümmel | 1975 | Abingdon Press |
E2388 | The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications | John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris | 1961 | P & R Publishing |
E2389 | The New Testament Environment: New Testament library | Eduard Lohse | 1975 | SMC Press Ltd. |
E2390 | Salvation in History: New Testament Library | Oscar Cullmann | 1967 | SMC Press Ltd. |
E2391 | New Testament Survey | Merrill C. Tenney | 1985 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2392 | Christian Magistrate and State Church: The Reforming Career of Johannes Brenz | James Martin Estes | 1983 | University of Toronto Press |
E2393 | New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament | Fritz Rienecker and Cleon Rogers | 1980 | Zondervan Academic |
E2394 | A Short Life of Christ | Everett F. Harrison | 1968 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2395 | The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism | Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland | 1987 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2396 | The Historical Jesus of the Synoptics | Juan Luis Segundo | 1985 | Orbis Books |
E2397 | Reinhold Niebuhr | Kenneth Durkin | 1989 | Kenneth Durkin |
E2398 | Grace and Gratitude: The Eucharistic Theology of John Calvin | B. A. Gerrish | 1993 | T & T. Clark Edinburgh |
E2399 | Spirit of God | Eduard Schweizer and Others | 1960 | Adam & Charles Black |
E2400 | Unfashi Nable: Makeing a Difference in the World by Being Different | Tullian Tchividjian | 2009 | Multnomah Books |
E2401 | Divine Freedom and the Doctrine of the Immanent Trinity: In Dialogue with Karl Barth and Contemporary Theology | Paul D. Molnar | 2002 | T&T Clark |
E2402 | A Companion to Metaphysics | Jaekwon Kim and Ernest Sosa | 1995 | Blackwell Press |
E2403 | Women & Christian Origins | Ross Shepard Kraemer and Mary Rose D'Angelo | 1999 | Oxford University Press |
E2404 | The Prostitute and the Prophet: Hosea's Marriage in Literary-Theoretical Perspective | Yvonne Sherwood | 1996 | Sheffield Academic Press |
E2405 | How to Read Prophecy | Joel B. Green | 1984 | Intervarsity Press |
E2406 | Creeds, Councils and Controversies: Documents Illustrating the History of the Church, AD 337-461 | J. Stevenson and W. H. C. Frend | 1995 | SPCK |
E2407 | The Gospel Code: Novel Claims About Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Da Vinci | Ben Witherington III | 2004 | Intervarsity Press |
E2408 | God Will Be All in All | Richard Bauckham | 1999 | T&T Clark |
E2409 | Holy Scripture: A Dogmatic Sketch | John Webster | 2003 | Cambridge University Press |
E2410 | Irony in Mark's Gospel: Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series | Jerry Camery-Hoggatt | 1992 | Cambridge University Press |
E2411 | The Cambridge Companion to Liberation Theology | Christopher Rowland | 1997 | Cambridge University Press |
E2412 | My Enemy Is My Guest: Jesus and Violence in Luke | J. Massyngbaerde Ford | 1984 | Orbis Books |
E2413 | Commentary on the Gospel of Luke | Norval Geldenhuys | 1951 | Marshall, Morgan & Scott |
E2414 | Revelations of Divine Love | Julian of Norwich | 1977 | Burns & Oates |
E2415 | Faith after Foundationalism | D.Z. Phillips | 1995 | Westview Press |
E2416 | Friar Thomas D'Aquino: His Life, Thought and Work | James A. Weisheipl | 1974 | The Catholic University of America Press |
E2417 | Calvin's Commentaries | Ephesians-Jude | 1970 | Associated Publishers and Authors Inc |
E2418 | Christian Mindset In A Secular Society: Promoting Evangelical Renewal & National Righteousness | Carl F. H. Henry | 1984 | Multnomah Press |
E2419 | The Majesty of Man: The Dignity of Being Human | Ronald B. Allen | 1978 | Multnomah Press |
E2420 | A Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament | Fritz Rienecker and Cleon L. Rogers | 1920 | Zondervan |
E2421 | An Introduction to the Old Testament | Edward J. Young | 1960 | Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source |
E2422 | New Testament Introduction | Donald Guthrie | 1976 | IVP Press |
E2423 | Jesus and the Politics of his Day | Ernst Bammel and C. F. D. Moule | 1985 | Cambridge University Press |
E2424 | A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period: Volume I, From the Beginnings to the End of the Monarchy | Rainer Albertz | 1992 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E2425 | The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God: A Theology of Lordship | John M. Frame | 1987 | P & R Publishing |
E2426 | Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book I | Maurice Balme and Gilbert Lawall | 1990 | Oxford University Press |
E2427 | The faith of the Mother Church: An essay on the theology of the Judeo-Christians | Emmanuele Testa | 1992 | Franciscan Printing Press |
E2428 | Mary Magdalene, The First Apostle: The Struggle for Authority | Ann Graham Brock | 2003 | Harvard Theology Studies |
E2429 | Reading Luke-Acts: Dynamics of Biblical Narrative | William S. Kurz | 1993 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E2430 | Our Father's House | Sister Mariella Gable | 1945 | Sheed & Ward |
E2431 | Christian Countermoves in a Decadent Culture | Carl F. H. Henry | 1986 | Multnomah Press |
E2432 | Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism | John L. Girardeau | 1984 | Sprinkle Publications |
E2433 | The Institutes of the Christian Religion | John Calvin | 1994 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2434 | The Holy Bible | Holy Bible | 1971 | Collins' Clear-Type Press |
E2435 | I Will Pour Out My Spirit: A History and Theology of Revivals and Evangelical Awakenings | R. E. Davies | 1992 | Monarch Publications |
E2436 | WILLIAM BLAKE: Jerusalem | William R. Hughes | 1964 | Publisher George Allen & Unwin |
E2437 | Radical Orthodoxy: A New Theology | John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock and Graham Ward | 1998 | Routledge |
E2438 | What the Bible Says About God the Ruler | What the Bible Says About God the Ruler | 1989 | College Press Publishing Company |
E2439 | The People of God: An Inquiry Into Christian Origins, Volume 2 The Church | Harold F. Hamilton | 1912 | Oxford University Press |
E2440 | Christian Theology | Millard J. Erickson | 1998 | Baker Academic |
E2441 | A Pattern of Doctrines 1: God and Christ | George Vass | 1996 | T&T Clar |
E2442 | The Autonomy Theme in the Church Dogmatics: Karl Barth and his Critics | John Macken | 1990 | Cambridge University Press |
E2443 | God's Being is in Becoming: The Trinitarian Being of God in the Theology of Karl Barth | Eberhard Jungel | 2001 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing |
E2444 | Calvin and the Duchess | F. Whitfield Barton | 1989 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E2445 | The Institutes of the Christian Religion | John Calvin | 1975 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2446 | The Cappadocians | Anthony Meredith | 1995 | T&T Clark |
E2447 | The Christian Doctrine Of God: Volume I, Dogmatics | The Christian Doctrine Of God: Volume I: Dogmatics | 1955 | utterworth Press |
E2448 | Theology, Church, and Ministry | John Macquarrie | 1986 | SCM Press Ltd. |
E2449 | One and Apostolic | Adrian Hastings | 1964 | Longman & Todd Ltd. |
E2450 | In the World: Reading and Writing as a Christian | John H. Timmerman and Donald R. Hettinga | 1987 | Baker Book House |
E2451 | Macrux: Volume 3 | Tan Jin Huat | 1995 | Malaysia Bible Seminary |
E2452 | Macrux: Volume 2 | Tan Jin Huat | 1994 | Malaysia Bible Seminary |
E2453 | Be Fertile and Increase, Fill the Earth and Master It: The Ancient and Medieval Career of a Biblical Text | Jeremy Cohen | 1989 | Cornell University Press |
E2454 | The Logic of Theology | Dietrich Ritschl | 1986 | SCM Press Ltd. |
E2455 | In Defense of Faith: Volume IV, Psychology of Religion | Cornelius Vantil | 1976 | Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co. |
E2456 | The Origin of Paul's Gospel | Seyoon Kim | 1981 | J. C. B. Mohr Siebeck |
E2457 | The Post Evangelical Debate | Graham Cray | 1997 | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge |
E2458 | "The Son of Man" as the Son of God | Seyoon Kim | 1985 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2459 | The Genesis of John | A. Q. Morton and J. Mcleman | 1980 | The Saint Andrew Press |
E2460 | The Epistle to the Romans | Karl Barth | 1968 | Oxford University Press |
E2461 | Creation And Blessing: A Guide To The Study And Exposition Of Genesis | Allen P. Ross | 1988 | Baker Books House |
E2462 | The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary | Ben Witherington III | 2001 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2463 | Calvin: A Biography | Bernard Cottret | 2000 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2464 | Evangelism & The Sovereignty of God | J. I. Packer | 1991 | IVP Books |
E2465 | Portraying Analogy: Cambridge Studies in Philosophy | J. F. Ross | 1982 | Cambridge University Press |
E2466 | The Quest for the Historical Israel | George W. Ramsey | 1981 | John Knox Press |
E2467 | Calvin and the Consolidation of the Genevan Reformation | William G. Naphy | 1994 | Manchester University Press |
E2468 | Revelation : A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary | J. Massyngberde Ford | 1975 | The Anchor Bible Doubleday |
E2469 | Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger | Ronald J. Sider | 1984 | IVP Books |
E2470 | The Work of the Holy Spirit | Abraham Kuyper | 1979 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2471 | The Significance of J. Gresham Machen Today | Paul Woolley | 1977 | Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co. |
E2472 | Reckoning with Barth: Essays in Commemoration of the Centenary of Karl Barth's Birth | Nigel Biggar | 1988 | Mowbray |
E2473 | Twentieth-Century Religious Thought: The Frontiers of Philosophy and Theology, 1900-1960 | 1963 | SCM Press Ltd. | |
E2474 | The Cosmic Center: The Supremacy of Christ in a Secular Wasteland | D. Bruce Lockerbie | 1986 | Multnomah Press |
E2475 | A Survey of Old Testament Introduction | Gleason L. Archer | 1964 | Moody Press |
E2476 | Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy: The Complete Guide to Scriptural Predictions and Their Fulfillment | J. Barton Payne | 1980 | Baker Books House |
E2477 | A Time for Anger: The Myth of Neutrality | Franky Schaeffer | 1984 | Crossway Books |
E2478 | New Testament Introduction | Donald Guthrie | 1970 | InterVarsity Press |
E2479 | The Johannine Logos: The Mind of Christ | Gordon H. Clark | 1972 | The Trinity Foundation |
E2480 | The Method and Message of Jesus' Teachings | Robert H. Stein | 1978 | The Westminster Press |
E2481 | Getting Together: A Guide for Good Groups | Em Griffin | 1982 | InterVarsity Press |
E2482 | How to Counsel from Scripture | Martin Bobgan and Deidre Bobgan | 1985 | Moody Press |
E2483 | Christology in the Making: A New Testament Inquiry Into the Origins of the Doctrine of the Incarnation | James D. G. Dunn | 1980 | The Westminster Press |
E2484 | The History of the Jewish People: VolumeⅠ, The Antiquity | Moses A. Shulvass | 1982 | Regnery Gateway |
E2485 | Calvin on Scripture and Divine Sovereignty | John Murray | 1979 | Evangelical Press |
E2486 | Hermeneutics, inerrancy, & the Bible: Papers from ICBI Summit II | Earl D. Radmacher and Robert D. Preus | 1984 | Academie Books |
E2487 | Handbook of Christian Apologetics | Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli | 1994 | InterVarsity Press |
E2488 | Conversion and Text: The Cases of Augustine of Hippo, Herman-Judah, and Constantine Tsatsos | Karl F. Morrison | 1992 | University of Virginia |
E2489 | University of Virginia | Richard Grigg | 1985 | Mercer University Press |
E2490 | Catholicism and Christianity: A Vindication of Progressive Protestantism | Cecil John Cadoux | 1928 | George Allen & Unwin Ltd. |
E2491 | A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research | A. T. Robertson | 1934 | Broadman Press |
E2492 | Mark: The NIV Application Commentary | David E Garland | 1996 | Zondervan Academic |
E2493 | A Survey of the New Testament | A Survey of the New Testament | 1981 | Zondervan Academic |
E2494 | Luke: The NIV Application Commentary | Darrell L. Bock | 1996 | Zondervan Academic |
E2495 | Calvin And Augustine | Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield | 1974 | Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co. |
E2496 | The Contemporary Christian | John Stott | 1992 | IVP Books |
E2497 | Narration and Discourse in the Book of Genesis | Hugh C. White | 1991 | Cambridge University Press |
E2498 | The Creative Gift: The Arts and the Christian Life | H. R. Rookmaaker | 1981 | Inter-Varsity Press |
E2499 | 개혁논총 | Kim, I.H. | 2010 | Reformed Theology Association |
E2500 | Evangelical Theology: An Introduction | Karl Barth | 1992 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2501 | The Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth | John Webster | 2000 | Cambridge University Press |
E2502 | Jesus and the Christian | William Manson | 1967 | James Clarke & Co. Ltd |
E2503 | Luke: A Challenge to Present Theology | Eduard Schweizer | 1982 | SPCK |
E2504 | The rRenascence of Religion: Being the Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the World Congress of Faiths Cambridge University | Sir Francis Younghusband | 1938 | World Congress Of Faiths |
E2505 | Biblical Answers to Contemporary Issue | Charles C. Ryrie | 1991 | Moody Press |
E2506 | Calvin and the Reformation | Emile Doumergue, August Lang, Herman Bavinck and Benjamin B. Warfield | 1980 | Baker Book House |
E2507 | Pilgrims of Paradox: Calvinism and Experience Among the Primitive Baptists of the Blue Ridge | James L. Peacock and Ruel W. Tyson, Jr. | 1989 | Smithsonian Institution Press |
E2508 | The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century | Roland H. Bainton | 1985 | Beacon Press |
E2509 | Faith in the Fires of Criticism: Christianity in Modern Thought | Paul Avis | 1995 | Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd |
E2510 | Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church | Stuart G. Hall | 1994 | SPCK |
E2511 | Renaissance and Reformation: 1300-1648 | G. R. Elton | 1976 | Pearson College Div |
E2512 | The Italian Renaissance: The Origins of Intellectual and Artistic Change Before the Reformation | John Stephens | 1992 | Longman |
E2513 | The People's Reformation: Magistrates, Clergy, and Commons in Strasbourg 1500-1598 | Lorna Jane Abray | 1985 | Basil Blackwell |
E2514 | Easter faith and History | Daniel P. Fuller | 1965 | The Tyndale Press |
E2515 | The Christology of the New Testament | Oscar Cullmann | 1963 | SCM Press Ltd. |
E2516 | The Jesus Inquest | Charles Foster | 2006 | Moarch Books |
E2517 | The Cross of Christ | John Stott | 1986 | Inter-Varsity Press |
E2518 | Does God Suffer? | Thomas G. Weinandy, O.F.M., Cap. | 2000 | T&T Clark Ltd. |
E2519 | To Understand God Truly: What's Theological About A Theological School | David H. Kelsey | 1992 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E2520 | Matthew: A Commentary on His Handbook for a Mixed Church under Persecution | Robert H. Gundry | 1995 | William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. |
E2521 | Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul | Richard B. Hays | 1989 | Yale University Press |
E2522 | Miracles | C.S Lewis | 1947 | Geoffrey Bles books |
E2523 | Scripture and Truth | D.A. Carson and John D. Woodbridge | 1983 | IVP |
E2524 | Realist Christian Theology in a Postmoern Age | Sue Patterson | 1999 | Cambridge University Press |
E2525 | The Structure of the Divine Society | F. W Dillistone | 1951 | Lutter Worth Press |
E2526 | Readings in Modern Theology | Robin Gill | 1995 | Redwood Books |
E2527 | A Theology of Artistic Sensibilities | John Dillenberge | 1986 | the Corssroad Publishing Company |
E2528 | Johannine Christianity | D. Doody Smith | 1984 | Unversity of South Carolina Press |
E2529 | Christology | Gerald O'collins | 1995 | Oxford University Press |
E2530 | The Christian Doctrine of Ceration and Redemption | Emil Brunner | 1962 | Lutter Worth Press |
E2531 | Theoloty and Chruch | Walter Kasper | 1989 | Crossroad |
E2532 | Luther's Theology of the Cross | Alister E. McGrath | 1993 | Basil Blackwell |
E2533 | Luther : Letters of Spiritual Counsel | Theodore G. Tappert | London SCM Press LTE | |
E2534 | The Victory of Reason | Rodney Stark | 2005 | Random House Trade Paperbacks |
E2535 | Liberated Traditionalism | rRonald & Beverly Allen | 1978 | Multmoman Press |
E2536 | Calvinism in Europe | Andrew Pettegree, Alastair Duke and Gillian Lewis | 1996 | Cambridge University Press |
E2537 | Problems of Authority in the Reformation Debates | G. R. Evans | 1992 | Cambridge University Press |
E2538 | An Eye for An Eye | Christopher J. H. Wright | 1983 | Intervarsity Pr |
E2539 | The Christology of the New Testament | Oscar Cullmann | 1963 | SCM Press |
E2540 | The Death of Christ | James Denney | 1961 | The Tyndale Press |
E2541 | Rome and the Eastern Churches | Aidan Nichols OP | 1992 | T&T Clark |
E2542 | The Case for Calvinism | Cornelius Van Til | 1968 | Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co |
E2543 | John Calvin, His Influence in the Western World | W. Stanford Reid | 1982 | Zondervan Publishing Company |
E2544 | A History of Medieval Europe: From Constantine to Saint Louis | R.H.C. Davis | 1958 | Longmans, Green and Co |
E2545 | A History of Christian Doctrine | Hubert Cunliffe-Jones | 1978 | T&T Clark |
E2546 | The Paul Quest | Ben Witherington Ⅲ | 1998 | ivp |
E2547 | Postmodernism for Begineners | Richard Appingnanesi and chirst Garrait | 1995 | Icon Books |
E2548 | Barthes for Begineners | Philip Thody and Ann Coruse | 1997 | Icon Books |
E2549 | Creeds, Councils and Controversies | J. Stevenson and W. H. C. Frend | 2000 | SPCK |
E2550 | Paul: A Servant of Jesus Christ | F.B Meyer | 1757 | CLC |
E2551 | The Classic New Testament Commentary Romans | H.C.G Mould | 1992 | Marshall Pickering |
E2552 | The Acts of the Apostles greek text with introduction and commentary | F.F Bruce | 1990 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. |
E2553 | Jesus the Christ | Oscar Cullmann | 2003 | Our Sunday Visitor Publishing division |
E2554 | Revelation (Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching & Preaching) | M. Eugene Boring | 1989 | John Knox Press |
E2555 | A New Dictionary of Christian Theology | Alan Richardson and John Bowden | 1983 | SCM Press |
E2556 | Lectures on Calvinism | Abraham Kuyper | 1983 | William B. Erdmans Publishing Co |
E2557 | Conflict & Communith in Corinth | Ben Witherington Ⅲ | 1995 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. |
E2558 | Sex and Love Quotations | Michael C. Thomesett & Jean Freestone Thomsett | 1995 | McFarland & Company |
E2559 | Calvin's Doctrine of The Christian Life | Rlnald S. Wallace | 1959 | Gsneva Divinity School press |
E2560 | Revelation | Jim McGuiggan | 1976 | International Biblical Resources |
E2561 | Luther | Franz Lau | 1963 | SCM Press |
E2562 | The Book of Deuteronomy | Peter C. Craigie | 1976 | Willim B. Eerdmans publishing Co |
E2563 | 1&2 Chronicles | John Mark Hicks | 1984 | College Press Publishing Co |
E2564 | Narcissism | C. Fred Alford | 1988 | Yale University Press |
E2565 | The Council, Reform and Reunion | Hans Küng | 1961 | Sheed and Ward; Third Impression edition |
E2566 | The Progress of Redemption | Willem VanGemeren | 1988 | Academie Books |
E2567 | The Pentateuch in Its Cultural Environment | G. herbert Livingston | 1987 | Baker Book House |
E2568 | The Westminste Dictionary of Church History | Jerald C. Brauer | 1971 | Westminster John Knox Pr |
E2569 | The Way of Jesus Christ | Jürgen Moltmann | 1990 | SCM Press |
E2570 | Evangelical Anglicans: Their Role and Influence in the Church Today | R. T. France, Alister E. McGrath | 1993 | SPCK; First Edition |
E2571 | Calvinism in Europe 1540-1610 | Alastair C. Duke (Editor), Gillian Lewis (Editor), & 1 more | 1992 | Manchester Univ Pr |
E2572 | What is narrative Critisism | Mark Allen Powell | 1993 | SPCK |
E2573 | Atheist Universe | David Mills | 2006 | Ulysses Press |
E2574 | Liberation of Theology | Juan Luis Segundo | 1976 | Orbis Books |
E2575 | Hard Sayings of the Old Testament | Jr. Walter C. Kaiser | 1988 | Intervarsity Pr |
E2576 | Twilight of a Great Civilization: The Drift Toward Neo-Paganism | Carl F. H. Henry | 1988 | Crossway Books |
E2577 | The Threat of Life | Walter Brueggemann | 1996 | Fortress Publishers Minneapolis |
E2578 | 1987 Annotated Bibliography on the bible and the Church | Douglas Moo | 1986 | Trinity Evangelical Divinity School |
E2579 | Ruth and Esther | Katrina J.A Larkin | 2000 | Sheffield Acadimic Press |
E2582 | Update on Christian Counseling | Jay Edward Adams | 1980 | Baker Book House |
E2583 | Pastor and Parish-A Systems Approach | E. Mansell Pattison | 1977 | Fortress Press |
E2584 | Management for Your Church | Alvin J. Lindgren and Norman Shawchuck | 1984 | Organization Resources Press |
E2585 | Living the Faith Community | John H. Westerhoff Ⅲ | 1985 | Harper & Row |
E2586 | Making the Small Church Effective | Carl S. Dudley | 1989 | Abingdon Press |
E2587 | Effective Church Planning | Lyle E. Schaller | 1988 | Abingdon Pr |
E2588 | Marketing the Church | George Barna | 1988 | Navpress |
E2589 | In Search of Jesus | Clinton Bennett | 2001 | Continuum |
E2590 | The Cross in the New Testament | Leon Morris | 1999 | Willim B. Eerdmans publishing Co |
E2591 | Christian Nurture | Horace Bushnell | 1979 | Baker Book House |
E2592 | Roman Catholics and Evangelicals | Norman L. Geisler and Ralph E. MacKenzie | 1995 | Baker Academic |
E2593 | New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the current debate | Gerhard Hasel | 1897 | Willim B. Eerdmans publishing Co |
E2594 | Antagonists in the Church | Kenneth C. Haugk | 1972 | Augsburg Publishing |
E2595 | A Contemporary Look at the Formula of Concord | Wilbert Preus Robert D.; Rosin | 1978 | Concordia Pub. House |
E2596 | Handbook for Bible Teachers and Preachers | G. Campbell Morgan | 1982 | Baker Pub Group |
E2597 | The Two Horizons | Mr. Anthony C. Thiselton | 1993 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing; Illustrated edition |
E2598 | Attention Deficit Disorder | Elaine K. McEwan | 1995 | Harold Show Piblishers |
E2599 | My Teenager is Driving Me Crazy | Joyce L. Vedral | 1989 | Ballantine Books |
E2600 | Adolescence is not an Illness | Bruce Narramore | 1973 | Fleming H. Revell Company |
E2601 | 44 Ways to increase Church Attendance | Lyle E. Schaller | 1988 | Abingdon Press |
E2602 | Mutual Ministry | James C. Fenhagen | 1977 | Harper & Row |
E2603 | Helping Laity Help Others | Stanley J. Menking | 1984 | Westminster Pr |
E2604 | Healing the Wounded Heart | Dudley J. Delffs | 2004 | WaterBrook Press |
E2605 | Tweleve Keys to an Effective Church | Kennon L. Callahan | 1983 | Harper & Row |
E2606 | Your Church Can Grow | C. Peter Wagner | 1984 | Regal Books |
E2607 | Activating the Passive Church | Lyle E. Schaller | 1985 | Abingdon Press |
E2608 | Becoming A Minister | Thomas C. Oden | 1987 | Crossroad |
E2609 | Church Administration Handbook | Bruce P. Powers | 1986 | Broadman Press |
E2610 | Dynamics in Pastoring | Jacob Firet | 1986 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. |
E2611 | Congregations in Conflict | Tom Allen | 1991 | Christian Pubns |
E2612 | The Church Ministray to the Older Un | M.D. Hugen | 1960 | Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing |
E2613 | Paul and Rabbinic Judaism | W. D. Davies | 1980 | Fortress Press; 4th edition |
E2614 | The Complete Book of Youth Ministry | Warren S Benson & Mark H. Senter Ⅲ | 1987 | Moody Pr |
E2615 | The Cross of Christ | John Stott | 2000 | ivp |
E2616 | Effective Evancelism | Donald Anderson McGavran | 1988 | Presbyterian & Reformed Pub Co |
E2617 | The Wisdom of Proverbs, Job Ecclesiastes | Derek Kidner | 1985 | ivp |
E2618 | Friends | EM Griffin | 1987 | ivp |
E2619 | Talk Thru the Bible | Bruce Wilkinson, Kenneth D. Boa | 1983 | Thomas Nelson |
E2620 | 20th-Century Theolory | Stanley J. Grenz, Roger E. Olson | 1992 | IVP Academic |
E2621 | The Office of the Holy Spirit | James Buchanan | 1984 | The Banner of Trugh Trust |
E2622 | A Biblical Theology of the New Testament | Roy B. Zuck (Editor), David Lowery | 1994 | Moody Publishers |
E2623 | Martin Luther The Preservation of the Church | Martin Brecht | 1993 | Fortress Press |
E2624 | The Council, Reform and Reunion | Hans Küng | 1961 | Sheed and Ward |
E2625 | Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion | David Hume; Edited with Introduction by Henry D. Aiken | 1984 | Hafner Press |
E2626 | Fatal Attractions: Sermon on the Seven Deadly sins | William R. White | 1992 | Abingdon Press |
E2627 | Creative Leadership Series: Church Growth | Donald A. McGavran & George G,. Hunter Ⅲ | 1986 | Abingdon Press |
E2628 | Effective Speech, Communication in Leading Worship | Charles L. Bartow | 1988 | Abingdon Press |
E2629 | Walther on the Church | C. F. W. Walther, John M. Drickamer | 1981 | Concordia Pub House |
E2630 | Editorials from "Lehre und Wehre" | Herbert J. Bouman | 1981 | Concordia Pub House |
E2631 | The Attributes of God | Arthur W. Pink | 1975 | Baker Books |
E2632 | Living Life May 1997 | 1997 | Tyarnnus International Ministry | |
E2633 | The Baptist Deacon | Robert E. Naylor | 1955 | Broadman Press |
E2634 | Romans: A Self-Study Guide | Irving L. Jensen | 1969 | The Moody Bible Institute |
E2635 | Adolescent Spirituality | Charles M. Shelton | 1989 | Crossroad |
E2636 | Addicted to Adultery:How We Saved Our Marriage and How You Can Save Yours Richard Brzeczek | 1989 | Bantam | |
E2637 | Addictive Behavior | Edward T. Welch, Gary Steven Shogren | 1995 | Baker Books |
E2638 | Introduction to Addictive Behaviors | Dennis L. Thombs and Cynthia J. Osborn | 1994 | The Guilford Press |
E2639 | Christ Knocking at the Door Sinners hearts | John Flavel | 1978 | Baker Book House |
E2640 | The Psalms for Modern Man | Today's English version | 1973 | Fortress Press |
E2641 | Liberating the Church | Howard A. Snyder | 1983 | ivp |
E2642 | Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge | Warren G. Bennis & Burt Nanus | 1985 | Harper & Row |
E2643 | How to Change the Image of Your Church | John David Webb | 1993 | Abingdon Press |
E2644 | Parenting with Love & Limits | Bruce Narramore | 1987 | Zondervan Pub. House |
E2645 | How to Live with Your Parents without Losing Your Mind! | Ken Davis | 1988 | Zondervan |
E2646 | When Your teen gose Astray | Jeanette G. Littleton | 2004 | Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City |
E2647 | Mothers and Daughters: Loving and Letting go | Evelyn S. Bassoff | 1989 | A Plume Book |
E2648 | Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity | Eugene H. peterton | 1993 | Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing |
E2649 | How to mobilize Church Volunteers | marlene Wilson | 1983 | Augsburg Publishing |
E2650 | Foundations for A Practical Theology of Ministry | James N. Poling & Donald E. Miller | 1985 | Abingdon Press |
E2651 | Empowering the Laity | Gerald Foley | 1986 | Sheed & Ward |
E2652 | Life after Stress | M. Shaffer | 1993 | Contemporary Books Inc |
E2653 | Personality Types | Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson | 1987 | Houghton Mifflin Company |
E2654 | Calm Down | Gary R. Collins | 1981 | Vision House |
E2655 | Crossing Paths: How Your Child's Adolescence Triggers Your Own Crisis | Laurence Steinberg, Wendy Steinberg | 1994 | Simon & Schuster |
E2656 | C.S. Lewis & Francis Schaeffer | Scott R. Burson, Jerry L. Walls | 1998 | IVP Books |
E2657 | The Holy Spirit: Works & Gifts | Donald G. Bloesch | 2000 | IVP Academic |
E2658 | Loving the Poor, Saving the Rich | Helen Rhee | 2012 | Baker Academic |
E2659 | Philosophical Investigations | Ludwig Wittgenstein | 1953 | The Macmillan Company |
E2660 | Jesus and the Victory of God | N. T. Wright | 1996 | Fortress Press |
E2661 | The Godpel According to John | Raymond E. Brown | 1996 | Doubleday & Company, inc |
E2662 | The Writings of the New Testament | Luke Timothy Johnson | 1999 | Fortress Press |
E2663 | When You're Feeling Lonely | Charles Durham | 1984 | Intervarsity Pr |
E2664 | The Quiet Time Companion | Ro Willoughby | 1988 | IVP Connect |
E2665 | Restoring the Image | Roger F. Hurding | 1988 | Exeter The paternoster press |
E2666 | Making Friends | Em Griffin | 1987 | IVP Books |
E2667 | But You Don't Understand | Paul Borthwick | 1986 | A Division of Thomas Nelson Pub |
E2668 | The Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Self-Love, Self-Image | Jay E. Adams | 1986 | Harvest House Publishers |
E2669 | Man Overboard | Sinclair B. Ferguson | 1982 | Living Studies |
E2670 | Out of the Shadows | Patrick J Carnes | 2001 | Hazelden Publishing |
E2671 | Helping People Grow | Gary R. Collins | 1980 | Vision House |
E2672 | The First Years of Forever | Ed Wheat | 1988 | Zondervan |
E2673 | Too Much is never Enough | Gaylen Larson with Marita Littauer | 1992 | Pacific Press Publishing Association |
E2674 | Creative Conflict | Joyce Huggett | 1984 | Intervarsity Pr |
E2675 | What My Parents Did Right | Gloria Gaither | 1991 | Star Song Pub Co |
E2676 | Intensive Care | Rich Van Pelt | 1988 | Zendervan publishing House |
E2677 | surviving Adolescence | Larry Dumont | 1991 | Villard Books |
E2678 | Portrait of Youth Ministry | Maria Harris | 1981 | Paulist Press |
E2679 | The Church and the Powers | Jr. Cobble, James F. | 1988 | Hendrickson |
E2680 | Renewing Our Ministry | David McKenna | 1986 | Word Books Publ |
E2681 | Broken Vows | Les Carter | 1991 | Thomas Nelson Inc |
E2682 | Why What?: what you need to Know about the Teen Sexuality Crisis | Josh McDowell Dick Day | 1977 | Here's Life Publ |
E2683 | The Complete works of Francis a Schaeffer A Christian Worldview Volume two | 1988 | Crossway Books | |
E2684 | The People Called | Paul D. Hanson | 1987 | Harper & Row, Pub |
E2685 | The Analogical Imagination | David Tracy | 2000 | Crossroad |
E2686 | Puritan Paperback: The Reformed Pastor | Richard Baxter | 1974 | The Banner of Trugh Trust |
E2687 | 10,000 Illustrations form the Bible | Charles Eugene Little | 1981 | Baker Pub Group |
E2688 | In His Image | Paul Brand, Philip Yancey | 1984 | Zondervan |
E2689 | The Work of the Minister of Youth | Bob R. Taylor | 1982 | Convention Press |
E2690 | Preaching about Crises in the Community | Samuel D. Proctor | 1988 | Westminster John Knox Pr |
E2691 | Election & Predestination | Paul K. Jewett | 1985 | Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing |
E2692 | Peter & Jude | Martin Luther | 1982 | Kregel Publications |
E2693 | Serving as Senders | Neal Pirolo | 1991 | Operation Mobilization Literature Ministry |
E2694 | Psychology as Relligionn: The Cult of Self-worship | Paul C. Vitz | 1988 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company |
E2695 | The Christian Mind | Harry Blamires | 1963 | Servant Books |
E2696 | Saying Yes to Marriage | Willimon, W.H. | 1979 | Judson Press |
E2697 | Pulpit Speech | Adams Jay E. | 1976 | Baker Book House |
E2698 | Healing Life's Hidden Addictions | Archibald D. Hart | 1990 | Servant Pbulications |
E2699 | Anger:Yours & Mine & What to Do about it | Richard P. Walters | 1981 | Zondervan |
E2700 | Drift from the Churches | William K. Kay, Leslie J. Francis | 1996 | University Of Wales Press |
E2701 | Till We Have Faces | Lewis, C.S. | 1978 | Fount Paperbacks |
E2702 | The Atonement | Gordon, H.C. | 1987 | The Trinity Foundation |
E2703 | Calvin's Calvinism | Calvin, J. | 1558 | Reformed Free Publishing Association |
E2704 | A History of Lutheranism in Korea | Ji, W.Y. | 1988 | Concordia Seminary |
E2705 | A Synoptic Harmony of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles | Newsome, J. | 1986 | Grand Rapids: Baker |
E2706 | The Grace of Law: a Study in Puritan theology | Kevan, E. F. | 1976 | Grand Rapids: Baker |
E2707 | Historical Criticism of the Bible | Linnemann, E. | 1991 | Grand Rapids: Baker |
E2708 | A Life of John Calvin: a study in the shaping of Western culture | McGrath, A.E. | 1993 | Blackwell Publishers |
E2709 | The Open Church: invitation to a messianic lifestyle | Moltmann, J. & Meeks, M. D. | 1978 | SCM Press Ltd. |
E2710 | Time and Eternity | Leftow, B. | 1991 | Cornell University |
E2711 | Christ for the World The Heart of the Lamb | Bertrand de, M. | 1973 | Franciscan Herald Press |
E2712 | Changing Your Life Through the Power of Prayer | Christenson, E. | 1977 | SP Pulications, Inc. |
E2713 | A Theology of the Holy Spirit | Bruner, F.D. | 1987 | Grand Rapids: Eerdmans |
E2714 | The Human Connection | Bolt & Myers | 1984 | Downergrove: InterVarsity |
E2715 | God Delights in You: an introduction to Gospel spirituality | Catoir, John T. | 1990 | The Society of St. Paul |
E2716 | The Canon of Scripture | Bruce, F.F. | 1988 | Downergrove: InterVarsity |
E2717 | Protestants&Catholics: do they now agree? | Ankerberg, J. & Weldon, J. | 1995 | Harvest House Publishers |
E2718 | Paul: An Outline of His Theology | Ridderbos, H.N. | 1975 | Grand Rapids: Eerdmans |
E2719 | The Old Protestantism and the New : essays on the Reformation heritage | Gerrish, B. A. | 1982 | The University of Chicago |
E2720 | Good News Bible | Today English Version | 1985 | United Bible Societies |
E2721 | The Works of Philo Judaeus | Yonge, C.D. | 1993 | Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. |
E2722 | Westminster Confession of Faith | Westminster Confession | 1983 | F. P. Publications |
E2723 | A Reader's Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament | T. A. Armstrong/ D. L. Busby/ C. F. Carr | 1986 | Grand Rapids: Zondervan |
E2724 | The Reformed Pastor&Modern Thought | Van Til, C. | 1980 | Philadelphia: P & R Publishing Co. |
E2725 | Pastoral Care in Context | John Patton | 1993 | Westminster/John Knox Press |
E2726 | Foundations For Purposeful Church Administration | Lindgren, Alvin J. | 1979 | Abingdon Press |
E2727 | The Westminster Confession of Faith | Williamson, G. I. | 1965 | Presbyterian and Rofomed Publishing Company |
E2728 | Lay Voices in an Open Church | Habn, Celia A. | 1985 | An Alban Institurte Pulication |
E2729 | The Liberation of the Laity | Rowthorn, Anne W. | 1986 | Morehouse-Barlow Co., Inc. |
E2730 | Ministry of the Laity | Anderson, James D. (James Desmond) | 1986 | Harper & Row, Publishers, San Francisco |
E2731 | Jews and Christians : getting our stories straight : the Exodus and the Passion-Resurrection | Goldberg, Michael | 1991 | UNKNO |
E2732 | The Craft of Sermon Illustration | Sangster, W. E. (William Edwin) | 1950 | Westminster |
E2733 | The Idea of the Holy | Otto, Rudolf | 2017 | CreateSpace |
E2734 | A Biblical Approach to Chinese Traditions and Beliefs | Tong, Daniel | 2012 | ARMOUR Publishing |
E2735 | Josephus and the New Testament | Mason, Steve | 2002 | Baker Academic |
E2736 | Doing Theology in a Revolutionary Situation | Míguez Bonino, José | 1975 | Fortress Press |
E2737 | How to Walk with God | Fullam, Everett L. | 1987 | Thomas Nelson |
E2738 | Discipling Music Ministry : twenty-first century directions | Johansson, Calvin M. | 1992 | Tyndale House |
E2739 | Worship in Early Church | Martin, Ralph P. | 1975 | Eerdmans |
E2740 | The Effective Pastor | White, C. Peter | ||
E2741 | The Adversary: the Christian versus demon activity | Bubeck, Mark I. | 2013 | Moody Publishers |
E2742 | Keys to the Deeper Life | Tozer, A. W. | 2014 | Pioneer Library |
E2743 | The Forgotten Trinity | White, James R. (James Robert) | 2019 | Bethany House |
E2744 | Understanding Pietism | Brown, Dale W. | 1996 | Evangel Pub |
E2745 | The Art of Prayer : a Simple Guide | Jones, Timothy K. | 2005 | WaterBrook |
E2746 | Demons in the world today | Merrill F.Ungor | 1987 | Tyndale house |
E2747 | The Devil | John Wesley White | 1971 | Tyndale House |
E2748 | Introducing New Testament Interpretation | McKnight, Scot | 1990 | Baker Academic |
E2749 | Getting to Know John's Gospel : a fresh look at its main ideas | Peterson, Robert A. | 1989 | P & R Publishing |
E2750 | First and Second Kings | McNeely, Richard I. | 1978 | Moody Press |
E2751 | Law and Gospel : a study in Biblical theology | Wilhelm, Andersen | 1961 | UNITED SOCIETY |
E2752 | In the Beginning : Genesis chapters 1 to 3 and the authority of scripture | Young, Edward J. (Edward Joseph) | 1976 | Banner of Truth |
E2753 | Business | J. Radcliffe | 2009 | Typhoon |
E2754 | Dictionary | J. Radcliffe | 2009 | Typhoon |
E2755 | Medical | J. Radcliffe | 2009 | Typhoon |
E2756 | Thesaurus | J. Radcliffe | 2009 | Typhoon |
E2757 | Grammar | J. Radcliffe | 2009 | Typhoon |
E2758 | Spelling | J. Radcliffe | 2009 | Typhoon |
E2759 | Computer | J. Radcliffe | 2009 | Typhoon |
E2760 | Quotations | J. Radcliffe | 2009 | Typhoon |
E2761 | Worship Evangelism : inviting unbelievers into the presence of God | Morgenthaler, Sally | 1995 | HarperCollins |
E2762 | Teach Us to Pray: Prayer in the Bible and the World | Carson, D. A | 2002 | Wipf & Stock |
E2763 | Trinity Theological Journal 1996 Volume 5 | Trinity Theological College | 1996 | Trinity Theological College |
E2765 | New Perspectives on Hegel's Philosophy of Religion | Kolb, David | 1992 | SUNY Press |
E2766 | Plurality and Ambiguity | Tracy, David | 1987 | Harper & Row |
E2767 | Faith and Praxis in a Postmodern Age | King, Ursula | 1998 | Continuum Intl |
E2768 | Understanding Dispensationalists | Poythress, Vern S. | 1993 | P & R Publishing |
E2769 | The Transfiguration of Jesus According to MARK | Ezra Sang-Beup Shim | 1994 | Ph.D Thesis |
E2770 | The Bible Natural Science and Evolution | Maatman, R.W. | 1970 | Reformed Fellowship |
E2771 | Volume 4: A History of the Expansion of Christianity Great Century: Europe and the United States | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2772 | Volume 5: A History of the Expansion of Christianity Great Century: The Americas, Australasia and Africa | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2773 | Volume 6: A History of the Expansion of Christianity Great Century: North Africa and Asia | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2774 | Volume 7: A History of the Expansion of Christianity Advance Through Storm | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2775 | Volume 1: A History of the Expansion of Christianity The First Five Centuries | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2776 | Volume 2: A History of the Expansion of Christianity The Thousand Years of Uncertainty | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2777 | Volume 3: A History of the Expansion of Christianity Three Centuries of Advance | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2778 | Volume II: Christianity in a Revolutionary Age The 19th Century in Europe | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2779 | Volume I: Christianity in a Revolutionary Age The 19th Century in Europe | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2780 | Volume IV: Christianity in a Revolutionary Age The 19th Century in Europe | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2781 | Volume V: Christianity in a Revolutionary Age The 20th Century Outside Europe | Latourette, K.S. | 1971 | Zondervan |
E2782 | Arabic-English Dictionary | Hans W. & Cowan, J.M. | 1976 | Spoken Language Service |
E2783 | Christian Dogmatics Volume III | Peter, F. | 1968 | Concordia Publishing |
E2784 | The Covenant Theology of Francis Roberts | Lim, Won Taek | 2002 | King & Kingdom |
E2785 | The Covenant Theology of Francis Roberts | Lim, Won Taek | 2003 | King & Kingdom |
E2786 | The Covenant Theology of Francis Roberts | Lim, Won Taek | 2004 | King & Kingdom |
E2787 | The Covenant Theology of Francis Roberts | Lim, Won Taek | 2005 | King & Kingdom |
E2788 | The Covenant Theology of Francis Roberts | Lim, Won Taek | 2006 | King & Kingdom |
E2789 | Praying Jesus' Way : a guide for beginners & veterans | Dodd, Brian J. | 1997 | Intervarsity Pr |
E2790 | Ethics in a Permissive Society | Barclay, William | 1972 | HarperCollins |
E2791 | Old Testament Exegesis | Douglas Stuart | 2001 | Westerminster John Knoc |
E2792 | How to Prepare Bible Messages | Braga, James | 2005 | Multnomah |
E2793 | Principles of Biblical Interpretation in the Lutheran Confessions (Revised Edition) | Bohimann, Ralph A. | 1968 | Concordia Publishing |
E2794 | A commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians | Barrett, C. K. | 1968 | Harper & Row |
E2795 | The Gospel According to John (xiii-xxi) | Brown, Raymond E. | 1970 | Doubleday&Company |
E2796 | Romans: A Shorter Commentary | Cranfield, C. E. B. | 1985 | Eerdmans |
E2797 | Tudor Puritanism : a Chapter in the History of Idealism | Knappen, Marshall Mason | 1963 | Peter Smith |
E2798 | New Testament Social Ethics for Today | Longenecker, Richard N. | 1984 | Eerdmans |
E2799 | On Paul and John, some selected theological themes | Manson, T. W. | 2009 | Wipf and Stock |
E2800 | A Simplified Guide to BHS : critical apparatus, masora, accents, unusual letters & other markings | Scott, William R. | 1995 | BIBAL Press |
E2801 | Jesus in Beijing : how Christianity is transforming China and changing the global balance of power | Aikman, David | 2006 | Monarch Books |
E2802 | Book Editors Talk to Writers | Mandell, Judy | 1995 | Wiley |
E2803 | Judaism and Hellenism | Hengel, Martin | 1975 | Fortress Press |
E2804 | Full Life Study Bible (New International Version) | Bible | 1992 | Zondervan |
E2805 | Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures | Ridderbos, Herman N. | 1988 | P & R Publishing |
E2806 | Kingdom of Priests : a history of Old Testament Israel | Merrill, Eugene H. | 2008 | Baker Academic |
E2807 | Christianity in Culture | Kraft, Charles H. | 1979 | Orbis |
E2808 | Dictionary of Modern Theological German | Ziefle, Helmut W. | 1991 | Baker Pub |
E2809 | Phenomenology and Existentialism | Solomon, Robert C. | 1991 | Rowman & Littlefield |
E2810 | Spirituality in an Age of Change : rediscovering the spirit of the reformers | McGrath, Alister E. | 1994 | Zondervan |
E2811 | Conversational Russian | Nadya L.Peterson | 1993 | CROWN |
E2812 | Interpreting the Bible | Mickelsen, A. Berkeley | 1963 | Eerdmans |
E2813 | Decisive Issues Facing Christians Today | Stott, John R. W. | 1996 | Fleming H Revell |
E2814 | In Search of Christian Unity : basic consensus, basic differences | Burgess, Joseph A. | 1991 | Fortress Press |
E2815 | Ambitious To Be Well-Pleasing : a festschrift for the centennial of the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church | Allen C. Guelzo | 1986 | Trinity Foundation |
E2816 | Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships | Ingram, Chip | 2015 | Baker Books |
E2817 | Lamentations | Villanueva, Federico G. | 2016 | Langham Global |
E2818 | 1, 2, 3 John | Soo Hoo, Gilbert; Sultan, Pervaiz | 2016 | Langham Global |
E2819 | How to Get a PhD | Phillips, Estelle Pugh, Derk Salman | 2000 | Open Univ |
E2820 | Our Heritage Our Future | Trinity Theological College | 1999 | Trinity Theological College |
E2821 | The Book of Joy | Wirt, Sherwood Eliot | 1994 | McCracken Pr |
E2822 | Persia and the Bible | Tamauchi, Edwin M. | 1997 | Baker Academic |
E2823 | The World as Will and Representation (Volume Two) | Schopenhauer, Arthur | 1966 | Dover Publications |
E2824 | The Role Relationship of Men&Women : New Testament teaching | Knight, George W. (George William) | 1989 | P & R Publishing |
E2825 | With Wings as Eagles | Murray, Andrew | 2002 | Whitaker House |
E2826 | History of Dogma 3 | Harnack, Adolf von | 2015 | CreateSpace |
E2827 | History of Dogma 4 | Harnack, Adolf von | 2015 | CreateSpace |
E2828 | History of Dogma 5 | Harnack, Adolf von | 2015 | CreateSpace |
E2829 | History of Dogma 6 | Harnack, Adolf von | 2015 | CreateSpace |
E2830 | History of Dogma 7 | Harnack, Adolf von | 2015 | CreateSpace |
E2831 | History of Dogma 1 | Harnack, Adolf von | 2015 | CreateSpace |
E2832 | History of Dogma 2 | Harnack, Adolf von | 2015 | CreateSpace |
E2833 | Matthew as Story | Kingsbury, Jack Dean | 1988 | Fortress Press |
E2834 | Christian Faith : Introduction to the study of the faith | Hendricus Berkhof | 1986 | Eerdmans |
E2835 | Moral Man and Immoral Society | Niebuhr, Reinhold | 2001 | Westminster John Knox |
E2836 | Pentecost And Missions | Harry R. Boer | 1964 | Eerdmans |
E2837 | The Story of Christianity (Volume1) : The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation | González, Justo L. : | 1984 | HarperOne |
E2838 | Outlines of Theology | Hodge, Archibald Alexander | 2015 | Arkose Press |
E2839 | New Testament Interpretation: Essays On Principles and Methods | Marshall, I. Howard | 1991 | Eerdmans |
E2840 | Weddings, Funerals&Special Events | Peterson & Miller | 1987 | Distributed by Word Book |
E2841 | Dominion Theology: Blessing or Curse? | House, H. Wayne | 1988 | Multnomah Pub |
E2842 | Latin | Wheelock, Frederic M. | 2011 | Collins Reference |
E2843 | Faith in Christ and the Worship of Christ : new approaches to devotion to Christ | Auer, Johann | 1986 | Ignatius Press |
E2844 | We Confess the Sacraments (Volume 2) | Sasse | 1985 | Concordia Pub |
E2845 | Jesus is Coming for You | Torrey, Reuben Archer | 1997 | Whitaker House |
E2846 | Convention Essays | Walther A. Suelflow | 1981 | Concordia Pub |
E2847 | Your Money or Your Life : a new look at Jesus' view of wealth and power | Alexander, John F. | 1986 | HarperCollins |
E2848 | Sometimes It's O.K. to Tell Secrets! | Lenett, Robin etc | 1986 | A Tom Doherty |
E2849 | Temptation : how Christians can deal with it | Carroll, Frances L. | 1984 | Prentice Hall |
E2850 | The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope, and Love | St. Augustine | 1996 | Gateway Edition |
E2851 | The Normal Christian Life | Nee, Watchman | 1977 | Tyndale House |
E2852 | The Resurrection of the Chinese Church | Lambert, Tony | 1994 | Harold Shaw |
E2853 | The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text : interpreting and preaching biblical literature | Greidanus, Sidney | 1989 | Eerdmans |
E2854 | The Anchor Bible: Second Isaiah | McKenzie, John L. | 1983 | Doubleday |
E2855 | Church History in Plain Language | Shelley, Bruce L. | 1995 | Word Publishing |
E2856 | The Pastoral Epistles | Clark, Gordon Haddon | 1983 | Trinity Foundation |
E2857 | Theology as Narration : a commentary on the book of Exodus | Knight, George A. F. | 1977 | Handsel Press |
E2858 | Paul&Perseverance : staying in and falling away | Gundry Volf, Judith M. | 1990 | Westminster John Knox |
E2859 | Biblical Christian Ethics | Jones, David Clyde | 1994 | Baker Books |
E2860 | Motherpeace : a way to the goddess through myth, art, and tarot | Noble, Vicki | 1994 | HarperOne |
E2861 | Protestant Biblical Interpretation : a textbook of hermeneutics | Ramm, Bernard Lawrence | 1980 | Baker Publishing |
E2862 | Christian Healing Rediscovered : a guide to spiritual, mental, physical wholeness | Lawrence, Roy | 1980 | InterVarsity Press |
E2863 | Interpreting the Parables | Blomberg, Craig L. | 1990 | IVP Academic |
E2864 | The Key to Growing in Love | Smalley and Trent | 1996 | Bbs Pub |
E2865 | Korea at the Crossroads : the history and future of East Asia | Pae, Ki-ch'an Translated by Kim, Jin | 2007 | Happyreadin |
E2866 | Trinity Theological Journal Vol. 13 / 2005 | Trinity Theological College | 2005 | Trinity Theological College |
E2867 | Psychology and Society In Islamic Perspective | M. B. Husain Ph. D. | 1996 | Institute of Objective |
E2868 | New Testament Introduction | Guthrie, Donald | 1990 | Intervarsity Press |
E2869 | Sentimental Imperialists : the American experience in East Asia | Thomson, James Claude | 1981 | Harper & Row |
E2870 | The Spirit Filled Life | Finney, Charles | 2000 | Whitaker House |
E2871 | Hudson Taylor and Maria : pioneers in China | Pollock, John | 1963 | Hodder & Stoughton |
E2872 | The Little, Brown Reader | Barnet, Sylvan; Stubbs, Marcia | 1989 | Harper Collins |
E2873 | Postcolonial Identities in Africa | Werbner, Richard P. | 1996 | Zed Books |
E2874 | More than Conquerors : an interpretation of the book of Revelation | Hendriksen, William | 2015 | Baker Books |
E2875 | Metaphysics & The Idea of God | Pannenberg, Wolfhart | 1990 | Eerdmans |
E2876 | Let the Reader Understand : reader-response criticism and the Gospel of Mark | Fowler, Robert M. | 1991 | Fortress Press |
E2877 | Paul as Benefactor : reciprocity, strategy and theological reflection in Paul's collection | Joubert, Stephan | 2016 | Wipf and Stock |
E2878 | The Conversion of the Imagination | Hays, Richard B. | 2005 | Eerdmans |
E2879 | Writer's International Guide to Book Editors, Publishers, and Literary Agents | Herman | 1999 | Prima Lifestyles |
E2880 | Handbook on the Prophets | Chisholm | 2009 | Baker Academic |
E2881 | God Can Be Trusted | Goldsmith | 1996 | Authentic |
E2882 | Your Work Matters to God | Sherman and Hendricks | 1990 | NavPress |
E2883 | The New Scofield Study Bible (New King James Version) | Thomas Nelson | 1989 | Oxford University |
E2884 | The Gospel According to Rome | McCarthy | 1995 | Harvest House |
E2885 | The Religion of the Heart | Campbell | 1991 | Univ of South Carolina |
E2886 | The Triune Creator | Colin E. Gunton | 1998 | Eerdmans |
E2887 | Select Sermons of George Whitefield | George Whitefield | 1958 | Banner of Truth |
E2888 | The Intercession of Christ | John Bunyan | 1997 | Christian Heritage |
E2889 | Chiasmus in the New Testament | Lund | 1992 | Hendrickson Pub |
E2890 | Geschichte der Philosophie | Friedlein | 1992 | Erich Schmidt |
E2891 | Theology of the Lutheran Confessions | Mildenberger | 1996 | Fortress Press |
E2892 | Prayers of the Eucharist | Jasper&Cuming | 1987 | Liturgical Press |
E2893 | The Five Year : Pathways to Church Growth | Suzanne G.Braden | 1987 | Discipleship Resource |
E2894 | Truth Applied | Adams | 1990 | Ministry Resources Library |
E2895 | The Birth of the Modern World Society 1815-1830 | Paul Johnson | 1991 | HarperCollins |
E2896 | Integrative Theology (Volume Two) | Lewis&Demarest | 1987 | Zondervan |
E2897 | Integrative Theology (Volume One) | Lewis&Demarest | 1987 | Zondervan |
E2898 | Constructing a Public Theology | Thiemann | 1991 | Westminster John Knox |
E2899 | Mirrors of His Glory | Sanderson | 1990 | Presbyterian & Reformed |
E2900 | Jews and Christians in Dialogue | John Koenig | 1979 | Westminster John Knox |
E2901 | The Seven Dealy Sins | Schimmel | 1997 | Oxford Univ |
E2902 | Foundational Theology | Fiorenza | 1984 | Crossroad |
E2903 | The Fourth Gospel | C. H. Dodd | 1968 | Cambridge Univ |
E2904 | Roman Catholicism: Evangelical Protestants Analyze What Divides and Unites Us | John Armstrong | 1998 | Moody Publishers |
E2905 | Interpreting Revelation | Tenney | 2001 | Hendrickson Pub |
E2906 | The European Reformations Sourcebook | edited by Lindberg | 1991 | Wiley-Blackwell |
E2907 | Emma 爱玛姑娘 | Jane Austen | 2003 | Penguin Classics |
E2908 | Back to Jerusalem | Paul Hattaway | 2003 | Gabriel Publishing |
E2909 | Song of Songs | Watchman Nee | 1995 | Living Stream Ministry |
E2910 | Living with the Living God | George Smeaton | 1998 | Grace Pulications |
E2911 | International Review of Mission (Brazilian Churches in Mission) | Christopher Duraisingh | 1996 | Brazilian Churches |
E2912 | International Review of Mission (Jesus Christ-the Life of the World) | Emilo Castro | 1982 | Brazilian Churches |
E2913 | Powers, Weakness, and the Tabernacling of God | Dawn | 2001 | Eerdmans |
E2914 | Jakarta AMA 2000 | Jacob Nahuway | 2000 | Jakarta Indonesia |
E2915 | Love One Another | Watchman Nee | 1980 | CFP |
E2916 | Hymns to An Unknown God : Awakening the Spirit in Everyday Life | Sam Keen | 1995 | Bantam |
E2917 | The Study of Liturgy | editors: Cheslyn Jones, Geoffrey Wainwright, Edward Yarnold, S | 1992 | SPCK |
E2918 | Blended Worship | Webber | 1996 | Hendrickson Pub |
E2919 | Worship in Spirit and Truth | Frame | 1996 | P & R Publishing |
E2920 | Streams in the Desert | Cowman, L.B. | 2006 | Zondervan |
E2921 | Women as Leaders | Haub, K.M. | 1993 | Marc Pubns |
E2922 | Missionary to Ecuador | Elliot, J. | 1995 | Barbour Publishing |
E2923 | A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans | Barrett, C.K. | 1986 | Hendrickson |
E2924 | The Death and Resurrection of Jesus | Goergen, D.J. | 2003 | Wipf and Stock |
E2925 | The New Testament (Today's English Version) Fourth Edition | Bible | 1976 | abs |
E2926 | Right with God: Justification in the Bible and the World | Edited by D. A. Carson | 2002 | Wipf and Stock |
E2927 | Pauline Theology | Ellis, E. | 2005 | Wipf and Stock |
E2928 | Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People | Sanders | 1983 | Fortress Press |
E2929 | Law in Paul's Thought | Hubner | 2004 | T&T Clark |
E2930 | Modern Christian Thought | James C. Livingston | 2006 | Fortress Press |
E2931 | Book of Common Phrases | Betty Kirk Patrick | 2002 | Geddes & Grosset |
E2932 | Messianic Revelation in the Old Testament | Van/Groningen | 1990 | Baker Pub Group |
E2933 | The Mystery of the Holy Spirit | Sproul, R.C. | 1990 | Tyndale House |
E2934 | His Needs, Her Needs : Building a Marriage That Lasts | Harley | 2002 | Revell |
E2935 | Ephesians | Boice | 2006 | Baker Books |
E2936 | Write for College | Sebranek/Kemper/Meyer | 2007 | Great Source |
E2937 | God's Empowering Presence | Fee | 2012 | Baker Academic |
E2938 | Born Again | Charles Colson | 2008 | Hendrickson Pub |
E2939 | Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century | Karl Barth | 2002 | Eerdmans |
E2940 | Catechism of the Catholic Church | U.S. Catholic Church | 2003 | Double Day |
E2941 | How to Read Church History Vol. 1 | Comby | 1996 | Crossroad |
E2942 | The Aesthetics of Gyorgy Lukacs | Bela Kiralyfalvi | 1975 | Princeton University |
E2943 | The Fundamentals of Marxist Leninist Philosophy | F. V. Konstantinoble? | 1982 | Progress Publishers |
E2944 | Asia Journal of Theology Volume 6 | K.C.Abraham | 1992 | Asia Journal of Theology |
E2945 | The Open Society and Its Enemies Vol. 1 Plato | K. R. Popper | 2011 | Routledge |
E2946 | D. T. Suzuki/Weg | Bach | 1971 | Deuch |
E2947 | People of the Lie | M. Scott Peck, M. D. | 1983 | A TOUCHSTONE |
E2948 | A Call to Excellence | Inrig | 1985 | Scripture Pr |
E2949 | Asia Journal of Theology Volume 10 Number 2 October | Asia Journal of Theology | 1996 | Asia Journal of Theology |
E2950 | Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 6:1 January | Asia Journal of Theology | 1999 | Asia Journal of Theology |
E2951 | Asia Journal of Theology Volume 13 Number 2 October | Asia Journal of Theology | 2003 | Asia Journal of Theology |
E2952 | Kept from the Hour | Stanton | 1990 | Schoettle Publishing |
E2953 | Widsom of the Sadhu | Sadhu Sundar Singh | 2014 | Plough Publishing |
E2954 | Hearts of Iron Feet of Clay | Inrig | 2005 | Discovery House |
E2955 | Love in the New Testament | Moffatt | 1929 | Horder and Stouton |
E2956 | Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology 13:1 June | JAET | 2005 | JAET |
E2957 | China's Imperial Past: An Introduction to Chinese History and Culture | Charles O. Hucker | 1975 | Stanford |
E2958 | Kant and the Transcendental Object | Findlay | 1981 | Oxford |
E2959 | Critique of Practical Reason Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals | Kant | 2015 | Cambridge University |
E2960 | Chinese Gods | Chamberlain, J. | 1997 | Weatherhill |
E2961 | Transforming Christianity and the World | Cobb | 1999 | Orbis Books |
E2962 | Korea Journal Vol. 47 No. 1 Spring 2007 | Korea Journal | 2007 | Korea Journal |
E2963 | The Metaphysics of Experience | Kraus, E. | 1997 | Fordham University |
E2964 | A Time to Laugh | Johnson T. K. LIM | 2001 | The Word |
E2965 | The Other Shore | Xingjian, G. | 2000 | The Chinese University |
E2966 | The Archetypes and the Collective Unconsciousness? | Jung, C.G. | 1971 | Princeton University |
E2967 | Chinese Ideas of Life and Death | Michael Loewe | 1982 | George Allen & Unwin |
E2968 | Language in Thought and Action | Allon, G. | 1968 | Hayakawa |
E2969 | Zen-Buddhismus | Enomiya-Lassalle, H.M. | 1972 | Zweite, Gemany |
E2970 | Christian Faith and Other Faiths | Neill | 1962 | Oxford University |
E2971 | Live Like a King | Wiersbe | 1995 | Kregel Publications |
E2972 | The Philosophy of the Upanisads | Chari | 2002 | Munshiram Manoharlal |
E2973 | A New Hermeneutic of Reality | Raj, A.S. | 1998 | Peter LANG |
E2974 | Cassell's German- English English-German Dictionary | Macmillian | 1986 | Cassel Macmillan |
E2975 | Spirit Filled Life Bible (New King James Version) | Hayford, J.W. | 1995 | Nelson |
E2976 | The New Testament and It's Modern Interpresters | Epp/MacRae | 1989 | Society of Biblical Literature |
E2977 | The Servant King (Reading Mark Today) | Paul Barnett | 1991 | Aquila Press |
E2978 | Worship as Theology | Saliers | 1994 | Abingdon |
E2979 | The Worship Leader's Handbook | Tom Kraeuter | 1998 | Emerald Books |
E2980 | The Korean War/ An Oral History Pusan to Chosin | Knox | 1985 | Harcourt |
E2981 | The Christian Attitude Toward World Religions | Fernando | 1987 | Tyndale House |
E2982 | Ninny's Boat | King | 1981 | Atheneum |
E2983 | Understanding Watchman Nee | Roberts | 1981 | Logos Associates |
E2984 | Evangelicals and Tradition | Williams | 2012 | Baker Academic |
E2985 | Modern Philosophy of Mind | William Lyons | 1995 | Orion Publishing |
E2986 | After the Genteel Tradition | Malcolm Cowley | 1993 | Reprint Services |
E2987 | Holiness | Ryle | 2014 | Banner of Truth |
E2988 | Pentecost and Missions | Boer | 1961 | Eerdman |
E2989 | The Mind of St. Paul | William Barclay | 2013 | Windham Press |
E2990 | 30 Days to Understanding the Bible | Max Anders | 1998 | Nelson |
E2991 | The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture | Pache | 1961 | Moody Press |
E2992 | Bernhard Welte's Fundamental Theological Approach to Christology | Godzieba | 1994 | Peter Lang Inc |
E2993 | Asia Journal of Theology Volume 8 Number 2 October 1994 | Asia Journal of Theology | 1994 | Asia Journal of Theology |
E2994 | The Buddhist-Religion: A Historical Introduction | Robinson & Johnson | 1994 | Wadsworth Publishing |
E2995 | Christ and Time | Oscar Cullmann | 1964 | Westminster John Knox |
E2996 | An Introduction to Contemporary History | Barraclough | 1968 | Penguin Books |
E2997 | Asia Journal of Theology Volume 7 Number 1 April 1993 | Asia Journal of Theology | 1993 | Asia Journal of Theology |
E2998 | One Earth Many Religions | Knitter | 1959 | Orbis Books |
E2999 | The People Called | Hanson | 2000 | HarperCollins |
E3000 | Christianity and Liberalism | Machen | 2009 | BiblioLife |
E3001 | Karl Barth: His Life from Letters and Autobiographical Texts | Busch | 1977 | Fortress Pr |
E3002 | The Bondage of the Will | Luther | 2012 | Baker Academic |
E3003 | Hell on Trial: The Case for Eternal Punishment | Peterson | 1995 | P & R Publishing |
E3004 | Confessing the One Faith | World Council Of Churches | 1991 | World Council of Churches |
E3005 | The Hebrew Bible and Its Modern Interpreters | Knight & Tucker | 1985 | Fortress Press |
E3006 | Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentacostal Studies Volume 22 | Journal of the Society | 2000 | Journal of the Society |
E3007 | O Come, Let Us Worship | Rayburn | 2010 | Wipf and Stock |
E3008 | Let Us Sing: Worshiping God with Our Music | Roff | 1991 | Great Commission |
E3009 | Music in the Christian Community | Topp | 1976 | Eerdmans |
E3010 | Developing An Effective Worship Ministry | Kraeuter | 1999 | YWAM Pub |
E3011 | How to Get Started in Christian Music | Chris Christian | 1986 | W Pub Group |
E3012 | Old Testament Story and Faith | Crenshaw | 1992 | Hendrickson Pub |
E3013 | Introduction to the New Testament | Behm & Kommel | 1966 | Abingdon |
E3014 | The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer: A Christian View of Philosophy and Culture Volume 1 | Francis A. Schaeffer | 1985 | Crossway Books |
E3015 | The Theology of Huldrych Zwingli | Stephens | 1986 | Oxford University |
E3016 | The Religious Bodies of America | F. E. Mayer | 1961 | Concordia Pub |
E3017 | A Practical Application of God's Word: Doing Theology | Kwang Hee Lee | 2016 | MIZI design |
E3018 | The Concept of Peace | John Macquarrie | 2012 | Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd |
E3019 | Pastoral Leadership | Dale | 2001 | Abingdon |
E3020 | Greek-English Lexicon | Liddell & Scott | 2007 | Simon Wallenburg |
E3021 | The Augsburg Confession | Grane | 1987 | Augsburg Fortress |
E3022 | A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion | Buswell | 1962 | CLP |
E3023 | Powerlines: What Great Evangelicals Believed about the Holy Spirit 1850-1930 | Choy | 1990 | Christian Pubns |
E3024 | No Other Gospel | Arnolld J.Koelpin | 1980 | Northwestern |
E3025 | The Attributes of God | Pink | 2006 | Baker Books |
E3026 | Biblical Concepts for Christian Counseling | Kirwan | 1984 | Baker Academic |
E3027 | Moral Law | Kevan | 2001 | Sovereign Grace |
E3028 | The Prophets | Koch | 1984 | Fortress Press |
E3029 | The Person in Psychology | Van Leeuwen | 1985 | Eerdmans |
E3030 | Counseling: An Introduction / Second Edition | Pietrofesa/Hoffman/Spleil | 1984 | Houghton Mifflin College |
E3031 | The Praxis of Suffering | Chopp | 2007 | Orbis |
E3032 | Letters form a Mountian Valley | R. A. Torrey, III | 1992 | Word Life Press |
E3033 | Menoirs of Lee Kuan Yew: The Singapore Story (Abridged Edition) | Lee Kuan Yew | 2000 | Times Media |
E3034 | Introducing the Holy Land | Miller | 1983 | SCM Press |
E3035 | The Story of the Other Wise Man | Henry van Dyke | 2008 | CruGuru |
E3036 | Not Less Than Everything | Valerie Griffiths | 2004 | Monarch Books |
E3037 | Sociology and Theology : Alliance and Conflict | Martin, David | 1980 | Branch Line |
E3038 | The Fine Art of Preaching | Blackwood | 1978 | Baker Book |
E3039 | The Politics of Education | Paulo Freire | 1985 | Bergin & Garvey Publishers |
E3040 | History of Singapore (Lower Secondary S/E/N(A)) | Goh Phay Yen | 2002 | Pearson Education Asia |
E3041 | The Economist: Style Guide | The Economist | 2010 | Wiley |
E3042 | No Other Name | Knitter | 1985 | Orbis |
E3043 | The Existence and Attributes of God | Stephen Charnock | 2000 | Baker Books |
E3044 | Good News for Modern Man | Gute Na Chricht | 1966 | American Bible |
E3045 | Dogmatics in Outline | Karl Barth | 1978 | Harper Perennial |
E3046 | Calvin on Scripture and Divine Sovereignty | John Murray | 1979 | Evengelical Press |
E3047 | Paul: A Short Introduction | Hooker | 2003 | Oneworld |
E3048 | The Unity of Isaiah | Oswald T. Allis | 2001 | Wipf & Stock |
E3049 | The Person of Jesus Christ | H. R. Mackintosh | 1912 | Student Christian Movement |
E3050 | Men of Ideas : Some Creators of Contemporary Philosophy | Bryan Magee | 1982 | Oxford Univ |
E3051 | Counsel for Pastors' Wives | Langberg | 2011 | Zondervan |
E3052 | The Leadership Book | Keating | 1977 | Paulist Pr |
E3053 | Psychology and Christianity | Jeeves | 1978 | Inter-varsity |
E3054 | Psychology and Formation | A. Cencini | 1992 | Pauline Publications |
E3055 | Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling | Kollar | 1997 | Zondervan |
E3056 | Introduction to Psychology & Counseling | Meifr Minirkh Wichern | 1991 | Baker |
E3057 | Healthcare Ethics | Michael R. Panicola | 2011 | Anselm Academic |
E3058 | Wiersbe's Expository Oulines on the Old Testament | Wiersbe | 1993 | David C Cook |
E3059 | Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary | Merrill C. Tenney | 1999 | Zondervan |
E3060 | The contemporary Christian | John Stott | 1992 | IVP |
E3061 | Holy Lityrgy for Ohthodox Christians | St. Chrysostom J. | 1975 | The Romanian Orthodox Epcopate of America |
E3062 | The Stillborn God | Lilla M. | 2007 | A.alford A. Knopf |
E3063 | The Kingdom of The Cults | Martin W. | 1985 | Bethany House Publishers |
E3064 | The Gospel in History | Sawicke | 1988 | Paulist Press |
E3065 | A Theology of Word & Spirit : Authority & Method in Theology | Bloesch D.G. | 1992 | IVP |
E3066 | A Harmony of the Gospels | Thomas & Gundry | 1979 | Moody Press |
E3067 | On Being a Charistian(By Hans Kung | translated by Edward Quinn | 1984 | Doubleday |
E3068 | Why Narratives? Reading in Narrative Theology | Hauerwas & Jones | 1989 | Eerdmans |
E3069 | Typology of Scripture | Fairbairn P. | 1989 | Kregel Publications, |
E3070 | When Gods voice is heard : Essays on preaching presented to Dick Lucas | edited by David Jackman and ; Christopher Green. | 1995 | IVP |
E3071 | The Disciple Making Pastor | Hull, Bill | 1988 | Old Tappan, N.J. : F.H. Revell |
E3072 | Effective Biblical Councelling | Yuan Zhiming, Daniel Baida Su | 1977 | Zondervan |
E3073 | Luther's Works : Sermons 2 | Luther M. | 1974 | American Edition |
E3074 | Luther's Works : Liturgy and Hymns | Luther M. | 1965 | American Edition |
E3075 | Basic French Grammar | Worth-Stylianou | 1996 | John Murray |
E3076 | Asia Journal of Theology | 정간물 삭제요망 | ||
E3077 | Genesis and Exodus | Fox E. | 1990 | schoBookscken |
E3078 | Soul Searching-Chinese Intellectuals on the Faith and Society | Yuan Zhiming, Daniel Baida Su | 1997 | China Horizon |
E3079 | The Adversary : The Christian Versus Demon Activity | Bubeck M.I. | 1975 | Moody Press |
E3080 | Merton's Palace of Nowhere | Finley J. | 2003 | Ave Maria Press |
E3081 | Life of the Beloved : Spiritual Living in a Secular World | Nouwen H.M. | 1988 | Hodder & Stoughton |
E3082 | Searching Issues | Gumbel N. | 1995 | Kingsway |
E3083 | The Language of God :s Evidence for Belief Scientist Present | Francis Collins | 2007 | Pocket Books |
E3084 | Karl Barth's Critically Realistic Dialectical the Glory | McCormack | 1997 | Oxford |
E3085 | A Pattern of Doctrines 2 : The Atonement and Mankind's Salvation | Vass G, | 1998 | Sheed & Ward |
E3086 | The History of the Reformation | Greengrass M. | 1958 | Longman |
E3087 | The Longman companion to the European Reformation c.1500-1618 | Greengrass M. | 1998 | London ; New York : Longman |
E3088 | C. S. Lewis for the Third Millennium | Kreeft P. | 1994 | Ignatius Press |
E3089 | The Bible, the Church, and Authority | Lienhard J.T. | 1995 | The Liturgical Press |
E3090 | Spirituality and Liberation | Brown R,M. | 1988 | The Westminster Press |
E3091 | Expository Dictionary of Bible Words | Richards L. O. | 1985 | Regency Reference Librar |
E3092 | Building a Christian World view | Hoffecker W.A. | 1986 | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co. |
E3093 | Lectures on Calvinism | Kuyper A. | 1931 | Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, |
E3094 | Bulding a Christian World view | Hoffecker W.A. | 1986 | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co. |
E3095 | Luther & Prayer | Lehmann | 1985 | Northwestern |
E3096 | Studies in World Christianity | Mackey, P. | 1995 | Edinburgh Univ |
E3097 | Christian Education Journal, 1998 Spring | Downs, G. | 1997 | Trinity evangelical Divine School |
E3098 | All of Grace | Spurgeon C.H. | 2002 | Whitaker House |
E3099 | Spiritual Warfare in a Believer's Life | Spurgeon C.H. | 1993 | Emerald Books |
E3100 | The Genesis Flood : The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications | Whitcomb/Morris | 2011 | P & R Publishing |
E3101 | The Profound Teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, Confuclanism & Shintolsm | Nandy M. | 1996 | Eurasia-Pacific Books |
E3102 | Asia Journal of Theology | Yeow Choo Lack | 1991 | Southeast Asia Graduate |
E3103 | Pittsburgh Theological Seminary | Pittsburgh Theological Seminary | 2001 | Pittsburgh Theolocal Seminary |
E3104 | God's Lively People | Gibbs M. & Morton R. | 1971 | Fontana Press |
E3105 | A Theology of Liberation : History, Politics, and Salvation | Gutierrez G./Inda C. | 1988 | Orbis Books |
E3106 | The Methodist Hymnal | Methodist Church | 1939 | The Methodist Publishig House |
E3107 | The Frst and Second Epistles to the Thessalonans | Best E. | 2009 | Hendrickson Publishing |
E3108 | Agape and Eros | Watson P.S. | 1969 | Harper & Row |
E3109 | The Soclal Setting of Jesus and the Gospels | Edited by Theissen | 2002 | Fortress |
E3110 | Humanity in the thought of Karl Barth | McLean S. | 1804 | T&T Clark Ltd |
E3111 | Jesus and the Ethics of the Kingdom | Chilton and McDonald | 1988 | Eerdmans Pub. Co. |
E3112 | Variety and Unity in New Testament Thought | Reumann J. | 1991 | Oxford |
E3113 | Freedom and Discipleship | Barrs J. | 1983 | IVP |
E3114 | Eclipse of God | Buber M. | 1979 | Humanties Press |
E3115 | Christianity | Carpenter S.C. | 1953 | A Pelican Book |
E3116 | Habakkuk & Joel | Goldsmith M. | 1982 | Marshalls |
E3117 | Theology : A Very Short Introduction | Ford D. | 2013 | Oxford |
E3118 | Beginning New Testament Study | Chilton B. | 1986 | Spck Publishing |
E3119 | The Uses of the Old Testament in the New | Kaiser Jr. W.C. | 2001 | Moody Press |
E3120 | Philippians | Martin | 2008 | IVP |
E3121 | Vatican Council II | Flannery | 1975 | Eerdmans |
E3122 | The Ethics of Martin Luther | Paul Althaus | 1972 | Fortress |
E3123 | The Glorious Body of Christ | Kuiper R.B. | 1967 | Banner of Truth |
E3124 | A History of Israel in Old Testament Times | Henmn | 1884 | SCM-Canterbury Press Ltd |
E3125 | Israel's Law and the Church's Faith: Paul and His Recent Interpreters | Westerholm S. | 1988 | Eerdmans |
E3126 | Christian Docmatics | Pieper F. | 1968 | Concordia Publishing |
E3127 | Theologia Prima: What is Liturgical Theology? | Fagerberg D.W. | 2012 | Hillenbrand Books |
E3128 | How Does America Here the Gospel? | Dyrness | 1990 | Eerdmans |
E3129 | Near Eastern Religious Texts Relating to the Old Testament | Beyerlin W.E. | 1978 | SCM Press |
E3130 | The Psychological Way: the Spiritical Way | Bobgan M. | 1981 | Voice |
E3131 | Unity & Diversity in the New Testament | Dunn, James D.G.. | 2006 | SCM Press |
E3132 | Catecism the Cathalic church | Libreria Editrice Vaticana | 2019 | U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops |
E3133 | The Works David Clarkson Vol. 1 | Clarkson D. | 1998 | Banner Of Truth |
E3134 | The Works David Clarkson Vol. 2 | Clarkson D. | 1998 | Banner Of Truth |
E3135 | The Works David Clarkson Vol. 3 | Clarkson D. | 1998 | Banner Of Truth |
E3136 | Justification: The Article by which the Church Stands or Falls | Braaten | 1990 | Augsburg Fortress |
E3137 | The Message of the Sermon On the Mount | J. Stott | 1992 | BST |
E3138 | The Role of Women in Ministry today | H. W. House | 1995 | Baker Pub. Group |
E3139 | Principles of Catholic Theology: A Synthesis of Dogma and Moral | Gratsch E. | 1981 | Alba house |
E3140 | Meditations on the Gross | Bonhoeffer | 1998 | WJK |
E3141 | The Open Mind and other essay | D. M. MacKa | 1998 | IVP |
E3142 | Anatomy of Reformation | B J van der | 1981 | Potchefstroom Univ |
E3143 | (A Practical Application of God's Word) Doing Theology | Lee, K. H. | 2016 | MIZI design |
E3144 | The Moral Maze | D. Cook | 1983 | SPCK |
E3145 | Bulletin of the Scottish Institute of Missionary Stusies | Wall, A.F. | 1992 | 삭제예정 |
E3146 | The Sign of John | Edward | 1971 | SCM |
E3147 | Ecumenical Theology | Avis, P. | 1986 | SPCK |
E3148 | Persons, Divine And Human | Schwobel & Gunton | 2000 | T & T Clark |
E3149 | Biblical Sites in Turkey | Black, E.C.& Edwards, A. | 1996 | redhouse |
E3150 | Calvin in Asian Church | Edited By S. Y. Lee | 1980 | Cambridge |
E3151 | Old Testament Theology : Basic Issues in the Current Debate | Hasel | 1991 | Eerdmans |
E3152 | The Charismatics | MacArthur, J.F. | 1978 | Zondervan |
E3153 | What's so Amazing about Grace? | Yancey | 2002 | Zondervan |
E3154 | The Jesus I Never Knew | Yancey | 2002 | Zondervan |
E3155 | The interpretation of The Fourth Gospel | Dodd C.H. | 1980 | Cambridge |
E3156 | (Harper's New Testament Commentaries) The Second Epistle to the Corinthians | C. K. Barrett | 1974 | Harpercollins College |
E3157 | (The Way of the Lord Jesus) Christian Moral Principles | Grisez G. | 1983 | Franciscan Herald Press |
E3158 | Church In Asia Today : Challenges & Opportunities | Edited by Saphir Athyal | 1996 | Alcwe |
E3159 | Thy Kingdom Come | Pentecost J.D. | 1990 | Victor Books |
E3160 | Luther's Works : Volume 51: Sermons 1 | Luther M. | 1959 | American Edition |
E3161 | Major Themes in the Reformed Tradition | Donald K. McKim | 1998 | Eerdmans |
E3162 | Piclorial Bible Atlas | Edited by Blaiklock E.M. | 1970 | Zondervan |
E3163 | The Coming of the Kingdom | Ridderbos, H. | 1962 | P & R Publishing |
E3164 | Joshua and the flow of biblical history | Schaeffer, A. | 1978 | IVP |
E3165 | Jesus : A New Vision | Marcus J. Borg | 1991 | Harper San Francisco |
E3166 | How to Have a Healing Ministry in any Church | Wagner C.P. | 1992 | Baker Pub |
E3167 | Creation | Westermann C. | 1974 | Fortress Press |
E3168 | Medical Statistics : A Textbook for the Health Sciences | Walters, Stephen John & Machin, David, | 2020 | Wiley-Blackwell |
E3169 | A Prophet with Honor: the Billy Graham story | Martin W. | 2018 | Zondervan |
E3170 | When Someone Asks for Help | Worthington | 1982 | IVP |
E3171 | Christian & Liberalism | Machen | 2009 | Eerdmans |
E3172 | Psychological Emergencies and Crisis Intervention | Hafen & Frandsen | 1991 | Prentice Hall |
E3173 | Calvin: Commentaries | Joseph Haroutunian | 1958 | Westminster |
E3174 | Ten Answers to Life's Most Perplexing Problems | John V.D. | 1998 | Multnomah Books |
E3175 | The Starting Point of Calvin's Theology | Tavard | 2000 | Eerdmans |
E3176 | Teaching christian adults | Wilbert W.N. | 1980 | Baker Book House, |
E3177 | The Dynamics of Spiritual Formation | Lawrenz | 2000 | Baker |
E3178 | The Role of Woman | Edited By Shirley | 1984 | Inter-Varsity |
E3179 | Discovering The Bible For Yourself | Arnold | 1993 | Intervarsity Pr |
E3180 | Creative Bible learning For Young Children Birth-5Years | Donna Harrell | 1983 | Regal Books |
E3181 | God - the World's Future | Peters | 2000 | Fortress |
E3182 | Modern Faith & Thought | Helmut Thielicke | 1990 | Eerdmans |
E3183 | An exposition of the Sermon on the Mount | Arthur W. Pink | 2012 | Prisbrary |
E3184 | Literary Criticism and the Gospels | Moore S.D. | 1992 | Yale Univ |
E3185 | The Believer's Call to Commitment | Murray A. | 1983 | Bethany House Publishing |
E3186 | Old Testament Parallels : Law and Stories from the Ancient Near East | Matthews V,H. & Benjamin D.C. | 1991Paulist Press | |
E3187 | Understanding World Religions | Rev. Braswell | 1994 | B&H Books |
E3188 | Theological Journal | Jae Hyun Kim | 2007 | KIATS |
E3189 | Protestantism | Dunstan J.L. | 1962 | George Braziller |
E3190 | A History of the Korean Reunifcation Movement : Its Issues and Prospets | Bong Youn Choy | 1984 | Bradley Univ |
E3191 | No Other Name | Small R.L. | 1966 | T.&T. Clark |
E3192 | Quest | ACUCA | 2004 | ACUCA |
E3193 | Red runs The River | Bollback A. | 2004 | Pleasant Word-A Division of WinePress |
E3194 | The Genesis Debate | Youngblood | 2000 | Wipf and Stock |
E3195 | Religious Concept of SIN | Editer by Singh N.K. | 2003 | Global Vision |
E3196 | Counselling : for Life Enrichment Faith, Hope and Love | Poon M.S. | 2003 | All Enterprises Ltd. |
E3197 | Experiencing Spiritual Break through | Wilkinson B.H. | 1999 | Multnomah Publishing |
E3198 | The Hidden Book in the Bible | Friedman | 1999 | Harper Sanfrancisco |
E3199 | Approaches to Paul | Zetterholm | 2009 | Fortress |
E3200 | What are They Saying about the Parables? | Gowler | 2000 | Paulist |
E3201 | The Origin of Satan: How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans, and Heretics | Pagels E. | 1996 | Vintage |
E3202 | The Cambridge Companion to The Gospels | Stephen C. Barton | 2006 | Cambridge |
E3203 | Jesus and the Powers: Conflict, Covenant, and the Hope of the Poor | Horsley | 2010 | Fortress |
E3204 | Jesus and the Fundamentalism of His Day | Loader | 2000 | Eerdmans |
E3205 | Roman Law and Roman Society in the New Testament | Sherwin-White | 1992 | Baker |
E3206 | Waiting of the Word | Bonhoeffer D. | 1999 | Eerdmans |
E3207 | Jesus and Money: A Guide for Times of Financial Crisis | Witherington | 2012 | Brazos Press |
E3208 | Patronage and Power: A Study of Social Networks in Corinth | Chow | 1992 | Sheffield Academic |
E3209 | Letters 1961-1968 | Barth K. | 1981 | Eerdmans |
E3210 | Personal Disciplemaking: A Step-by-step Guide for Leading a Christian From New Birth to Maturity | Christopher B Adsit | 1996 | Integrated Resources |
E3211 | Father, Son and Spirit : The Trinity and John's Gospel | Kostenberger and Swain | 2008 | IVP |
E3212 | Making Higher Education Christian: The History and Mission of Evangelical Colleges in America | Carpenter&Shipps | 2019 | Wipf and Stock |
E3213 | Silence : A Christian History | MacCulloch D. | 2014 | Penguin |
E3214 | The Life of John Calvin | Beza T. | 2012 | Great Christian Books |
E3215 | Fortress Introduction to Contemporary Theologies | Miller/Grenz | 1998 | Fortress |
E3216 | The Land of the Bible: A Historical Geography | Aharonoi | 1979 | Westminster |
E3217 | Cadences of Home : Preaching Among Exiles | Brueggemann | 1997 | Westminster |
E3218 | The Quest for the Messiah: The History, Literature, and Theology of the Johannine Community | Painter | 1994 | Abingdon |
E3219 | 3:16 A Study for Individuals or Small Groups | Lucad M. | 2007 | Thomas Nelson |
E3220 | Adultery and Divorce in Calvin's Geneva | Kingdon | 1995 | Harvard |
E3221 | Saved by Grace | Anthony A. Hoekema | 1994 | Eerdmans |
E3222 | A Hymn of Christ: Philippians 2:5-11 in Recent Interpretation in the Setting of Early Christian Worship | Martin | 1997 | IVP |
E3223 | C. S. Lewis : A companion & Guide | Hooper W. | 1994 | Harpercollins |
E3224 | Mark - Evangelist & Theologian | Martin R.P. | 1986 | Zondervan |
E3225 | A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy | Chan | 1969 | Princeton |
E3226 | Quiet Moments With God for Teens | Honors Books | 2004 | Cook Communications |
E3227 | God Here and Now | Barth K. | 2003 | Routledge |
E3228 | Jerusalem - The Biography | Montefiore S.S. | 2011 | Vintage |
E3229 | The Science of Theology | Galloway E.M. | 1986 | Marshall, Pickering |
E3230 | Perspectives on the World Christian Movement | Hawthorne W. Editors | 2013 | William Carey |
E3231 | Religion and Soclety | edit by Simon Coleman | 1974 | Berghahn Books |
E3232 | One World or Many? The impact of globalisation on mission | RICHARD TIPLADY | 2013 | William Carey |
E3233 | Stories of Our Favorite Hymns | Christopher Idle | 1980 | Eerdmans |
E3234 | Religion in Sociological Perspective | Roberts K.A. | 2003 | Wadsworth |
E3235 | Treasury of the World's Great Sermons | Wiersbe | 1977 | Kregel Pubns |
E3236 | The NIV Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament | Kohenberger | 1980 | Zondervan |
E3237 | Old Testament Parsing Guide : Genesis - Esther | Beall/Banks | 1986 | Moody |
E3238 | Old Testament Parsing Guide : Job-Malachi | Beall/Banks/Smith | 1990 | Moody |
E3239 | Biblical Hebrew an Introductory Grammar | Kelley | 1992 | Eerdmans |
E3240 | Preaching & Preachers | Martyn Lloyd-Jones & etc | 2012 | Zondervan |
E3241 | Reading Thomas Merton | Laughlin, J. | 2000 | Xlibris Corporation |
E3242 | Bulletin of the Scottish Institute of Missionary Studies | Walls, A.F. | 1993 | The Scottish Institute Of Missionary Studies |
E3243 | Asia journal of theology | Yeow, C.L. | 1989 | University Microfilms International |
E3244 | Teachus to pray | Carson, D.A. | 1990 | World Evangelical Fellowship |
E3245 | A dictionary of pholosophy | Lacey, A. R. | 1984 | Routledge & Kegan Paul |
E3246 | How shall they hear? | Consultation on World Evangelization | 1980 | Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization |
E3247 | The first coming | Sheehan, T. | 1986 | Random House |
E3248 | Sanskrit english dictionary | Cappeller, C. | 1982 | Meicho-Fukyu-Kai |
E3249 | The Gospel of Luke | Barclay, W. | 1975 | The Westminster Press |
E3250 | A journey through suffering | McGrath, A. | 1996 | Hodder & Stoughton |
E3251 | What's so amazing about grace | Yancey, P.D. | 2000 | Zondervan |
E3252 | Soul survivor | Yancey, P. | 2001 | Hodder & Stoughton |
E3253 | Healing from the inside out | Marshall, T. | 1999 | Sovereign World |
E3254 | Fire for the journey | Solomon, R.M. | 2002 | Genesis Books |
E3255 | The wounded healer | Nouwen, H.J.M. | 1979 | Doubleday |
E3256 | Moments with the savior | Gire, K. | 1999 | OMF Literature |
E3257 | Van Gogh and God | Edwards, C. | 1989 | Loyola Press |
E3258 | The power of christ's prayer life | Wubbels, L.C. | 1995 | Emerald Books |
E3259 | Telling others | Gumbel, N. | 1998 | SCB |
E3260 | How to read the bible for all its worth | Fee, G.D. & Stuart, D. | 1982 | Zondervan |
E3261 | The christ of the fourth gospel | Sidebottom, E.M. | 1961 | S.P.C.K |
E3262 | The acts of the apostles | Barclay, W. | 1976 | Westminster |
E3263 | Clark speaks from the grave | Clark, G.H. | 1986 | The Trinity Foundation |
E3264 | Philosoph for understanding thology | Allen, D. | 1985 | John Knox Press |
E3265 | Theological worlds | Jones, W.P. | 1990 | Abigdon Press |
E3266 | Leading your church growth | Wagner, C.P. | 1984 | Regal Books |
E3267 | Divorce | Murray, J. | 1961 | Presbyterian & Reformed |
E3268 | Divorce remarriage | H.Wayne House | 1978 | InterVarsity |
E3269 | Ecumenical panorama | Rossouw, D.P. | 1989 | Transo Press |
E3270 | The pathway holiness | White, J. | 1984 | InterVarsity |
E3271 | The buddha and the christ | Streeter, B.H | 1932 | Macmillan |
E3272 | Asia journal of theology | Yeow, C.L. | 1990 | University Microfilms International |
E3273 | Strangely warmed | Methodist Church | 2006 | Armour Publishing Pte Ltd |
E3274 | Honest to God | Hybels, B. | 1992 | Zondervan |
E3275 | Who holds the key to your heart | Terkeurst, L. | 2002 | Moody Press |
E3276 | Marxist analysis and christian faith | Coture, R.A.&OMI&Cort, J.C.1985 | Orbis Books | |
E3277 | English grammar handbook | Shrader, J. | 2003 | Preston Corporation (PTE) LTD |
E3278 | Asia journal of theology | Yeow, C.L. | 1990 | University Microfilms International |
E3279 | The theology of rudolf bultmann | Kegley, C.W. | 1966 | SCM Press |
E3280 | Biblical Theology | Lehman, C.K. | 1971 | Herald Press |
E3281 | Academic writing for graduate students | Swales, J.S. & Feak, C.B. | 1994 | The University Of Michigan Press |
E3282 | Creative ministry | Nouwen, H.J.M. | 1971 | Doubleday |
E3283 | Ablaze for God | Duewel W.L | 1997 | OM Books |
E3284 | With christ in the school of disciple building | Wilson, C.W. | 1998 | Andragathia |
E3285 | Interpreting prophecy | Hughes, P.E. | 1976 | William B.Eerdmans |
E3286 | The master plan of evangelism | Coleman, R.E. | 1993 | Fleming H. Revell |
E3287 | The Jesus I never knew | Yancey, P.D. | 1984 | OMF Literature |
E3288 | Biblical theology | Geerhardus Vos | 1983 | WM.B.EERDMANS |
E3289 | Christ in the thousand places | Burghardt, W.J. | 1999 | Paulist Press |
E3290 | Puritan Christianity in Amecica | Garden, A. | 1990 | Baker Book House |
E3291 | The philosophy of hans-georg gadamer | Hahn, L.E. | 1997 | Open Court |
E3292 | Biblical interpretation | Morgan, R & Barton, J. | 1988 | Oxford University |
E3293 | Judaism | Solomon, N. | 1996 | Oxford University |
E3294 | Herod antipas | Hoehner, H.W. | 1972 | Cambridge University |
E3295 | Calvin's first catechism | Hesselink, I.J. | 1997 | Westminster John Knox Press |
E3296 | Pastor's annual | Crabtree, T.T. | 1997 | Zondervan |
E3297 | The bible's authority | O'Neill, J.C | 1991 | T & T Clark |
E3298 | Alpha questions of life | Gumbel, N. | 2004 | Kingsway Communications LTD |
E3299 | The healing power of prayer | Meehan, B. | 1988 | LIGUORI |
E3300 | Atesea occasional papers No 9 | Yeow, C.L. | 1990 | ATESEA |
E3301 | Shanghai doctor | Comninellis, N. | 1991 | Zondervan |
E3302 | Experiencing God's Forgiveness | Ensor, J. | 1997 | Navpress |
E3303 | From bondage to blessing | Alei, D. | 2002 | Sovereign World |
E3304 | When christ comes | Lucado, M. | 1999 | W Publishing Group |
E3305 | 30 days discovering personal victory through holiness | Wilkinson, B. | 2003 | Multnomah |
E3306 | A guide to doing thology | Parratt, J. | 1996 | SPCK |
E3307 | Truth to proclaim | Chan, S. | 2002 | Trinity theological college |
E3308 | Discipling the city | Greenway, R.S. | 1992 | OMF Literature |
E3309 | English grammar and usage | Wong, S. | 1993 | Federal Publications |
E3310 | The purpose driven life | Warren, R. | 2002 | OMF Literature |
E3311 | Doing theology with the poetic traditions of India | Patmury, J. | 1996 | PTCA/SATHRI |
E3312 | The king is coming | Willmington, H.L. | 1983 | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
E3313 | Don't step on the rope | Wright, W.C. | 2005 | Paternoster Press |
E3314 | The changing faces of Jesus | Wilkinson, A.N. & Mall, D. | 2001 | Penguin Books |
E3315 | Bible & Ethics in the christian life | Birch, B.C. & Rasmussen, L.L. | 1989 | Augsburg / Minneapolis |
E3316 | The happy woman | Yoo, A.S. | 1999 | Handoing |
E3317 | Cheriyan menacherry.christ:the mystery in history | Federlin, W.L. & Weber, E. | 1996 | Peter Lang |
E3318 | Do all to the glory of God | Nee, W. | 1974 | Christian Fellowship |
E3319 | Discover your spiritual gifts | Wagner, C.P. | 2005 |