

图书馆 > 英文图书查询

E0001Boundaries with kidsHenry cloud, John townsend1998zondervan
E0002The coming Revolution in World MissionsK.P.Yohannan1998GFA books
E0003Truths of the Christian FaithR.C.Sproul1992thomas nelson Publishers
E0004Stand in the Gap
E0005Spiritual Motheringsusan hunt1992crossway Books
E0006How to Read a bookmortimer l. adler and charles van doren1972simon schuster
E0007Ikissed dating good bye harris Joshua Harris1997Multonomah
E0008through gates of splendorEllsabeth Elliot1996Tyndale
E0009Getting Together Griffin1982
E0010Little MenDover publications2001Roberts brothers
E0011Joyfully single in a couples' worldHorizon1998
E0012The case for christLee strobel1998Zondervan
E0013How to recognize the antichristArthur E.Bloonfeld1975Bethany Fellowship
E0014The Vision ContinuesGarth M. Rosell1992Robert E.Cooley
E0015In His StepsCharles Sheldon1997Commission Press
E0016The Power DelusionCampolo1983SP
E0017seven solutions for burned-out parentsJames Dobson2004Multonomah
E0018basic christianityJohn R.W. Stott1999William B. Eerdmans
E0019The Tales Christ ToldECHO BOOKS1968
E0020Hyles Church ManualDr. Jack1976SWORD OF THE LORD
E0021The 21 Irregutable L aws of Leadership John C.Maxwell1998the contemporary english version
E0022Developing The Leaders Around YouJone C.Maxwell1995INJOY
E0023The 33 lawsofste wareship2003Newsource
E0024Lesding the Team-Based Church George Cladis1999Jossey-Bass
E0025Handbook for Bible Teachers and Preachers Morgan1982originally
E0026the Peacfmaker ken sande2004baker books
E0027The Heart of Servant Leader C.John Miller2004P&R
E0028Leaders on leadershipGeorge Barna1997REGAL Books
E0029FIVE SMOOTH STONES FOR PASTORAL WORKEugene H. Peterson1992wm.b.eerdmans
E0030Under the unpredictable plantEugene H. Peterson1992wm.b.eerdmans
E0031Heart Aflame Jonh C 1999PR Publishing company
E0032The peacemaking pastor Alfred P 2006Baker books
E0033The Gagging of GodD.A.Carson 1996Zondervan publishing house
E0034Gleanings in the God headArthur W.P1975Moody Press
E0035bringing up Boys DR.James D 2001Tyndal house publishers
E003610000 Illustrations from the bible Charles L1990Baker book house
E0037Gleanings from elisha Arthur W.P1972Moody Press
E0038Imperative people Dr.Les C1991thomas nelson Publishers
E0039Spirit-controlled temperament TIM LAHAYE1993Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0040Spirit-controlled temperament TIM LAHAYE1993Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0041I Believe in the historical Jesus I.Howard M 1979William B. Eerdmans pulishing
E0042Healing and the scriptures D.Martyn L.J 1988A Division of Thomas Nelson publishers
E0043The coming RevivalBill Bright 1995NewLife pubication
E0044The Music os his promisesElisabeth E2000Revell grand rapid,Michigan
E0045Can ethics be christian James M.G 1975The University of Chicago press
E0046The passion of Jesus christ John Piper 2004crossway Books
E0047Reach for the prize Kainh 2001Pergamos publication
E0048Fox's christian Martyrs of the worldJohn Foxe1989A Barbour book
E0049the Pursuit of holinessJerry B2006Navpress
E0050Twelve sermons on prayer C.H.Spurgeon1990Baker book house
E0051Ripening harvest Tsu-Kung C1995Ambassador for Christ
E0052Testimony Morton H.S1995Great Commission
E0053Hints for parents Tedd Tripp2004Shepherd Press
E0054Right with God John B1978Moody Press
E0055Interprting the bibleAnderw M1982Whitaker House
E0056Evangelism & The sovereignty of God J.I.Packer1961Inter Varsity press
E0057Wordly saintsD.L.Moody1994Moody Press
E0058Crisis in the streetsCarl R.R1988Broadman press
E0059The secret of happinessBilly G1985Word Publishing
E0060The rest of us Stephen B1984Litte,Brown and company
E0061Gods Plans for youJ.I.Packer2001Crossway Books
E0062The evenrgence of Liberty in The modern worldDouglas F.KELLY1992presbyterian and reformed
E0063When God WeepsEaecksonTada Estes1997zondervan
E0064The Kingdoom of the cultsMartin1996bethany houser
E0065A reader's Greek English Lexchin of The New Testament1975zondervan
E0066Overcoming Fear,Worry, and AnxietyEyse Fitzpattick2001Harvest House
E0067tuesdays with MorrieMitch Albom1997
E0068The lawyer at the clavierJiyoung Park2006TANGGULSHI
E0069Women Beware WomenMiddleton1975J,R.Mulryne
E0070Adoption MiraclesKaren Kingsbury2005zondervan
E0071Walking with god through pain and sufferingTimothy Keller2013Riverhead
E0072saving eutychusGary Millar and Phil Campbell2013Matthias Media
E0073Great exghangeBridges & Brvington2007crossway Books
E0074The Purpose Driven lifeRick Warren2002zondervan
E0075What Jesus Demands from the World Piper2006crossway Books
E0076HURTCHAP CLARK2006Baker Academic
E0077 Engaging God's World2002wim b. eerdmans
E0078Living in light of the gospel story2004world harvest
E0079Founding Mythsray raphael2004the nwe press
E0080Culture and biblical hermeneuticswilliam j. larkin, jr.1998baker book house
E0081The Joy Fearing GodJerry bridges2006waterbrook
E0082what color is your god?David Ireland2000Impact
E0083A Commentary on the new testament from the talmud and hebraica matthew--1 corinthians volume3John Lightfoot1989Hendrickson Publishers
E0084A Commentary on the new testament from the talmud and hebraica matthew--1 corinthians volume1
E0085Shiloh AutumnBodie & Brock1996thomas nelson Publishers
E0086Big TroubleDave Barry1999G.P. Putnam'sSons
E0087The Defense of the faithVan til1967presbyterian and reformed
E0088Effective Evangelism A Theological MandateDonald A. Mcgavran1988presbyterian and reformed
E0089A Second chicken soup for the woman's soulJACK CANFIELD1998Health Communications
E0090Don't Make Me Count to Three!ginger plowman2003SP
E0091And soflows histioryHana moo-sook2005
E0092A Good look at evilchang-rae lee1999riverhead books
E0093Illiberal Education the politics of race and sex on campusdinesh d' souza1991the fress
E0094The Gospel According to Danielbryan chapell2014baker book house
E0095Daniel an expositional commentaryjames montgomery boice1989baker book house
E0096Brueggemann Reverberations of Faithwalter brueggemann2002westminster john knox press
E0097Newt Gingrich to Renew Americanewt gingrich1995harpercollins
E0098Evangelism Explosionjames kenndy1983tydale house
E0099Family Ministrycharles m. sell1995zondervan
E0100church politycharkes hodge.d.d.westminster
E010150 ways you can share faith Tony Campolo& Gordon Aeschliman1992intervarsity
E0102mission between the timesC. RENE PADILLA1985W.B.Eedmans
E0103the seven sayings of the saviouron the crossArthur W.Pink1993baker book house
E0104pierced by tge word john piper2003Multnomah Books
E0105changing on the insidejohn white1991Vine Books
E0106the act of marriage the beauty of sexual loveTim and lahaye1976zondervan
E0107EURIPIDES.IDvid grene and richmond1955chicago &london
E0108seasons of a marriagewright1985REGAL Books
E0109parention in the pewcastleman2002IVP
E0110when the well runs dry thomas h. green,s.j.2002Darton,longman&todd
E0111parrhful living in a farihless world clementsroy clements1997inter varsity press
E0112A Theology of Christian Counseling Adams1979zondervan
E0113Fit Bodies Fat MindsGuinness1998os guinness
E0114The king jamies version debatecarson, D.A.1990baker book house
E0115The Supremacy of christi in a postmodern worldpiper Taylor2007crossway Books
E0117Be Careful How You Listenadams1983zondervan
E0118Christion Living in the HomeAdams2007solid ground christian
E0119Christian living in the homeJay E.Adams1972presbyterian and reformed
E0120The shaping of a christian familyElisabeth Elliot Gren1992thomas nelson Publishers
E0121Ordinary people, extraordinary faith Joni E .T2001thomas nelson Publishers
E0122the Truth principle Leslie V 2000Waterbook
E0123By faith, not by sight 'Richard B.G2006Paternoster
E0124Too busy not to pray Bill Hybels .L1988Inter Varsity press
E0125Too busy not to pray Bill Hybels .L1988Inter Varsity press
E0126the practice of godliness bridgesJerry B1985Navpress
E0127I Exalt you O God Jerry B 2001Waterbrook
E0128the christ of the empty tomeJames M.B2010P&R publishing
E0129Habits of the HeartBerkeley .L A1996University of California press
E0130The Faith of the spiaicjohnw. jandenson1984P&R publishing
E0131why we figthwilliam j. bennett2002Doubleday publishing
E0132Life changePhilippians 1993Navpress
E0133Playing for PizzaJohn grisham2007Doubleday publishing
E0134How to give her Absolute pleasureLou Paget 2000Broadwaay books
E0135Shepherding a child's heart Tedd Tripp1995Shepherd Press
E013640 Questions about Interpreting the bible Robert L.P 2010Kregel publications
E0137A sacred SorrowMichael C2005Navpress
E0138The Answer La RespuwestaJuana Ines .c 2009The feminist press
E0139Christianty inanage of terrorismGene E.V2002Concordia publishing house
E0140The American Pietism of Cotton MatherRichard F.L 1979Christian university press
E0141Grace & GloryGeerhardus V2007Solid ground christian books
E0142Big truths for young hearts Bruce A.W2009crossway Books
E0144Word Biblical commentary Mark 1-8:26Robert A.G1989Word books
E0145The history of christianity Jihn H.Y.B199pA Lion book
E0146The gospel according to mark William L.L1974William B.Eerdmans publishing company
E0147Word Biblical commentary Psalms 51-100Marvin E.T1990Word books
E0148The book of revelation Robert H.M1977William B.Eerdmans publishing company
E0149Eerdmans handbook to the bible David A.P.A 1973William B.Eerdmans publishing company
E0150To Everyone an answerFrancis J.B 2004Inter Varsity press
E0151Word biblical commentary Volume 46William D.M 2000thomas nelson Publishers
E0152A plea for the Godly Thoms W1993D
E0153The word of the short story Clifton F1986Houghton mifflin company
E0154Solid answers DR.James D 1997Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0155A Commentary on the new testament Matthew-Mark John Lightfoot1989Hendrickson Publishers
E0156Soul survivor Philip Y2001Doubleday publishing
E0157How to be a hero to your kids JoshmcD.D1991Word Publishing
E0158The father book Dr.Frank.M, B.N 1992thomas nelson Publishers
E0159How&When to tell your kids about sexStanton L.B.J1993Navpress
E0160The publications of the american tract society 2007Houghton mifflin company
E0161The publications of the american tract society 2007Solid ground christian books
E0162The publications of the american tract society 2007Solid ground christian books
E0163Gleanings in JoshuaArthur W.P1981Moody Press
E0164Gleanings in ExodusArthur W.P1981Moody Press
E0165Far As the curse is found Michael D.W2005PR Publishing company
E0166A confessing theology for postmodern times Michael S.H2000crossway Books
E0167The deacons handbook Gerard B.L.D1980Christian's library press
E0168Free in christ E.H.Andrews 1996Evabgelical press
E0169The gospel according to John G.Campbell M1992Fleming H. Revell
E0170Inside outDR.Larry C1991Navpress
E0171Soul searching Melinda L.D2009Oxford university press
E0172Souls in transition Patricia S2009Oxford university press
E0173bringing up Boys DR.James D 2001Tyndal house publishers
E0174The epistles of JohnI.Howard M 1993William B.Eerdmans publishing company
E0175The presence of the future Biblical R1981William B.Eerdmans publishing company
E0176The gospel according to luke (X-XXIV)Joseph A.F, S.J.1983The anchor bible doubleday
E0177The new testament in Modern English J.B.Phillips 1995Galahad books
E0178Word biblical commentary Psalms 1-50 Peter C.C1983Word books
E0179Word bilical commentary Hosea-Jonah1987Word books
E0180The Literary study bible Leland R& Philip G.R2007Crossway Bibles
E0181ILLustrations for Biblical Preaching Michael P. G 1991Baker book house
E0183The History Of Christian Theology Paul Avis 1986Marshall Pickering, Basingstoke
E0184Inspiring Quotations A .M. W, JR. 1988Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0186The bible and The future Anthony A.H 1979Willam B.Eerdmans
E0187Concise TheologyJ.I.Packer1993Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0188A Christian Approach to Education H.W.Byrne 1981Baker book house
E0189Praying Backwards19992005Baker books
E0190Feninine Appeal seven virtues of Godly wife and mother Carolyn.M 2004Crossway Books
E0191Man of His word Partenrs in Ministry 1996International Bible Society 1996
E0192Dynamics of spirtual life Richard F.L 1979The paternoster press, LTD
E0193The Expositor's Commentary Frank E.G1981Regency reference library
E0194A Reader's Hebrew-English Lexicon of the old testamentTerry A. D.L. C.F1989Regency reference library
E0195Exposition of the gospel of John Arthur W.P 1975Ministry resources library
E0196Truth for life JOHN.B 1986Evangelical press
E0197Word Biblical Themes Leslie C.A1987Word books
E0198Strange intelligenceMichael.G1997inter varsity press
E0199A Greek grammar of the new testament and other early christian literatureF.BLASS, A.D1961The university of chicago press
E0200The Lamb is all the glory Richard B1986Evangelical press
E0201Hope for the troubled heart Billy graham1991GRASON
E0202Images of the spirit Meredith G.K1986Gordon-conwell theological seminary
E0203Peacemaking womenTARA K. B, Judy D 2005Baker books
E0204Bad Girls in the bible Liz cvrtis H 1999Water Brook
E0205How Jesus transforms the ten command ments Edmund P. C 2007Publishing
E0206American English Rhetoric Robert G. B1978Holt, Rinehart and Winston
E0207IS IT A LOST CAUSE?Marva J. D1997WIllam B.Eerdmans
E0208The Church Edmund P. C 1995Inter Varsity press
E0209From the library of C.S.LEWIS James S. B2004Shaw book
E0210God's presence in the life's chaos Glorious Intruder Joni E.T 1989Multnomah Books
E0211Evangelical ReunionJohn M. F1991Baker book house
E0212What men want H.Norman. W1996Regal Books
E0213Church Walls JIM.P 1992Navpress
E0214Congregations AliveDonald P.S1981The Westminster Press
E0215Songs in the nightWarren W.W1973Baker book house grand rapids. Michigan
E0216The church under the crossJ.B.Philips 1956The macmillan company
E0217New Testament Commentary William H1975Baker Academic
E0220Hebrews volume3John Owen1991The Banner Of Truth Trust
E0221Hebrews volume1John Owen1991The Banner Of Truth Trust
E0222Hebrews volume2John Owen1991The Banner Of Truth Trust
E0223Hebrews volume5John Owen1991The Banner Of Truth Trust
E0224Hebrews volume4John Owen1991The Banner Of Truth Trust
E0225Hebrews volume6John Owen1991The Banner Of Truth Trust
E0226Hebrews volume7John Owen 1991The Banner Of Truth Trust
E0227Women helping women Elyse F.C1997Harvest house
E0228God's way of reconciliation D.Martyn L.J1972Baker book house grand rapids. Michigan
E0229God's ultimate purpose D.Martyn L.J1978Baker book house grand rapids. Michigan
E0230The unsearchable riches of christ D.Martyn L.J1979Baker book house grand rapids. Michigan
E0231Christian unityD.Martyn L.J1980Baker book house grand rapids. Michigan
E0235An index to the revised Geek lexiconJohn .R.A1981Regency reference library
E0236Men's search for meaningViktor E.F 1984Pocket books
E0237The great commission new testament Today's English version1985Holman Bible Publishers
E0238The great commission new testament Today's English version1985Holman Bible Publishers
E0239Union with christ Lewis B.S1983Willam B.Eerdmans publishing company
E0240Read to me: Raising kid who love to readBernice E.C1975Scholastic inc
E0241Your child's sellf- esteemDrorhy C.B 1975A Dolphin book
E0242Living in christs church Edmund P. C 1986Great Commission publications
E0243Fighting the good fight D.G.Hart, J.M1995Orthodox Presbyterian church
E0244Adler's philosophical dictionary Mortimer J.A1996A Touchstone book
E0245The man in the mirrorPatrick M1999Zondervan publishing house
E0246A Vilolent grace Michael card 2000Multnomah publishers,Inc
E0247God-centred evangelismR.B.Kuiper 2002The Banner Of Truth Trust
E0248The leader in you Dale C1993Pocket books
E0249Come and behold him Jack H 1995Multnomah books
E0250Conspiracy of kindnessSteve S1993Servent publications
E0251My toddlerDr.P.W1994Thomas nekson publishers
E0252Word shudies on the holy spirit E.W.Bullinger1979Kregel publications
E0253The letters to the corinthians William B1975The westminster Press
E0254a faith worth sharing C.John M1999PR publisheing
E0255Powerful evangelism for the powerlessC.John M1997PR publisheing
E0256Grace and the gentilesMarcus L. L1981The Banner Of Truth Trust
E0257The new dare to disciplineDr.J.D1992Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0258Living the cross centered lifeC.J Mahaney 2006Multnomah publishers,Inc
E0259Chosen in christRichard D.P2004PR publisheing
E0260Nine marks of a healthy church Mark .D2004Crossway BOOKS
E0261Anthony storr feet of clay Anthony storr1996Free press paperbacks
E0262John owen- the man and his theology John Owen2002Evangelical press
E0263Spiritual desertionGisbertus.V, J.H2003Baker Academic
E0264Movies for leadersShaun.H, C.S1999New media ventus, Inc
E0265Resurrection and redemptionRichard B.G1987Presbyterian and Reformed publishing
E0266Communion with the triune God John Owen 2007Crossway BOOKS
E0267The worship of the English puritansHorton .D 1997Soli deo gloria publications
E0268Joshua and the flow biblical historyFrancis A.S2004Crossway BOOKS
E02692Kings Dale R.D2005Christian Focus Publications
E0270Single PurposeH.Norman. W1997Regal Books
E0271An illustrated Dictionary of The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mary M, K T 1993 Thames,Hudson
E0272JOSHUAJames M.B 1989 Baker
E0273Disciplines of Grace I HughesR.Kent H1993Crossway
E0274A Theology of Liberation Gustavo G1990ORBIS Books
E0275LAUGH AGAINCharles R. S1992 Word Publishing
E0276Rediscovering HolinessJ. I. Packer1992 Vine Books
E0277The Christian MinistryCharles B2006The Banner Of Truth Trust
E0278Christian FaithRobin keeley1992Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0279Teaching P.R.A.Y.Y.E.RBrant D.B2001Abingdon press
E0280The social world of luke-acts Jerome H.N, E1991hendrickson Publishers, Inc
E0281Parables in MidrashDavid S1994Harvard university press
E0282The unnecessary pastorMarva J. D, E.H2000WmB.Eerdmans publishing co
E0283Old testament exegesis A primer for students and pastorsDouglas S 1980The westminster Press
E0284Why I believeD.James K1980Word Publishing
E0285The gospel for real lifeJerry B2003Navpress
E0286The infallible word D.M.Lloyd-J2002PR publisheing
E0287Freedom of simplictyRichard J.F1981Harper&Row,publishers, san francisco
E0288Deserted by GodSinclair B.F 1993Baker books
E0289The vanishing conscienceJohn F.M, A.J1994Word Publishing
E0290The new testament story Ben W2004William B.Eerdmans publishing
E0291Reclaiming the center Millard J. E2004Crossway BOOKS
E0292The use of the bible in theology/Evangelical options Robert K.J 1983John Knox Press
E0293The complete works of E.M. Bounds on prayerE.M.Bounds1990Baker book house
E0294Binlical theology retrospect and prospect Sccott J.H 2002Inter Varsity press
E0295Take another look at guidance Bob M 1993Lifechangers publishing
E0296Training hearts teaching minds Starr M2000PR publisheing
E0297Biblical eldershipRevised , E 1995Lewis and roth publishers
E0298Introduction to the old testament 1C.F.Keil 1988Hendrickson
E0299Introduction to the old testament 2C.F.Keil 1988Hendrickson
E0300The treasury of david C.H.Spurgeon Hendrickson
E0301The naves topical bibleOrville J. N 1969Regency reference library
E0302On being a christian Hans K 1978Wallaby books
E0303On being presbyterianSean M. L2006PR publisheing
E0304Ordinary men called by God James M.B 1998Kregel publications
E0305Ordinary men called by God James M.B 1998Kregel publications
E0306Ordinary men called by God James M.B 1988Victors Books
E0307Planting and growing urban churches Harvie M.C1997Baker books
E0308Engaging with GodDavid P1992Inter Varsity press
E0309Planting growing churches for 21st century Aubrey M2004Baker books
E0310Planting watering growing Daniel R.H , S.L 2011RHB
E0311The Elder Cornelis V.D2009PR publisheing
E0312Disciplines of a godly family Kent.B.H2007Crossway BOOKS
E0313The book of genesis Ronaid Y 1991Baker book house
E0314Understanding the times Andreas J.K, R.W. Y2011Crossway
E0315Overcoming sin and temptation Kelly M.K, J T2006Crossway BOOKS
E0316For the love of God D.A.Carson1998Crossway books
E0317The text of the old testament Ernst W 1979William B.Eerdmans publishing
E0318Saint Luke C.F.Evans1990Trinity press international
E0319Through the year with william stillDavid C.S2006The christian Science
E0320The church of God Stuart R 2009The committee on christian education of the orthodox presbyterian church
E0321Competent to counsel Jay E.A1970Zondervan
E0322The applause of heavenRussell, Doris1982CW,Inc
E0323The anatomy of secret sins Obadiah S, B.D1995Soli deo gloria publications
E0324An introduction to the old testament poetice booksC.Hassell B 1988Moody Press
E0325What Jesus said about successful living Haddon W. R1991Discovery house
E0326Jack hyles speaks on biblical separation DR.J.H1984Hyles-Anderson Publishers
E0327Guarding&Growing Paul E.E1997Great Commission publications
E0328Answers to tough questionsJosh M.D1990Here's life publishers ,Inc
E0329The christian coupleLarry&N.C1977Bethany house publishers
E0330ST.Paul in greeceOtto F.A.M2006Lycabettus press
E0331Growth groups Michael T.D, F B.W1985Ministry resources library
E0332City on a hillPhilip G.R2003Moody Press
E0333Legacy of a pack rat Ruth B.G1989A Division of thomas nelson publishers
E0334A new design for family ministry Dr.Dennis B.G1988David C. Cook publishing co.
E0335from fear to freedom Living as sons and daughters of God Rose M.M1994Shaw books
E0336Philosophy,science,and the sovereignty of GodVern S. P2004PR publisheing
E0337Introduction to Mary Mark M, S.T.D1993Queenship publishing
E0338The living church Donald J.M1982Great Commission publications
E0339Peace with God Billy graham1953Doubleday& company, INC
E0340Is the mormon My brother?James R.W1997Bethany house publishers
E0341Through gatesof splendorElisabeth E1981Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0342The mystery of the holyspirit RC Sproul1990Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0343In the beginning Henri B1984Inter Varsity press
E0344Where the nations meet the church ina multicultural worldStephen A.R1998Inter Varsity press
E0345Revelation of the heartDallas W, R F2005Think book
E0346A praying life Paul E.M2009Navpress
E0347Becoming a woman of excellenceCynthia H1986Navpress
E0348Nine marks of a healthy church Mark d2004Crossway BOOKS
E0349Mary and the Eucharist Fr.Richard F, SJ 1997Hope of saint monica,Inc
E0350A clear and present word Mark D. T2006Inter Varsity press
E0351Living by the book James M.B 1997Baker books
E0352Chosen by God RC Sproul1986Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0353Justification by faith aloneDr.John F.M, RC.S1995Soli deo gloria publications
E0354Angels, Elect and EvilC.Fred D 1975Moody Press
E0355The temple and the church's missionHenri B2004Inter Varsity press
E0356Evidence that demands a verdict 2Josh M 1990Here's life publishers ,Inc
E0357Crime and punishmentFeodor D1975W.W.Norton&Company,Inc
E0358The publications of the American tract society 22007America tract society
E0359The publications of the American tract society 12007America tract society
E0360The publications of the American tract society 32007America tract society
E0361Salvation belongs to the LordFrame, J.M.2006P & R Publishing
E0362The ten commandments for todayBarclay, W.1973Harper & Row Publishers
E0363The gospel according to JohnLincoln, A.T.2005Hendrickson Publishers
E0364Divine appointmentsJacks, B. & Jacks, M.2002Navpress
E0365The message of creationWilkinson, D.2002Inter-Varsity
E0366The message of salvationRyken, P.G.2001Inter-Varsity
E0367The message of the crossTidball, D.2001Inter-Varsity
E0368The best of G. Campbell MorganTurnbull, R. (ed.)1972Baker Book House
E0369The best of R. A. TorreyDavis, G.T.B. (intro.)1991Baker Book House
E0370The best of Dwight L. MoodyTurnbull, R. (ed.)1971Baker Book House
E0371The best of Andrew MurraryTurnbull, R. (intro.)1991Baker Book House
E0372How to read the Bible for all its worthFee, G.D. & Stuart, D.1993Zondervan
E0373The danger of raising nice kidsSmith, T.2006Inter-Varsity
E0374Finally alive: what happens when we are born againPiper, J.2009Christian Focus Publications
E0375Getting to know John's gospelPeterson, R.A.1989P & R Publishing
E0376St. Paul the traveller and Roman citizenRamsay, W.M.1979Baker Book House
E0377Deliver us from evilBasham, D.1972Fleming H. Revell
E0378Sentenced to lifeMuggeridge, M. & Thronhill, A.1983Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0379Take another look at guidanceMumford, B.1993Lifechangers Publishing
E0380Christian basicsStott, J.1991Baker Book House
E0381The familyMacArthur, Jr., J.1982Moody Press
E0382Sacred marriageThomas, G.2000Zondervan
E0383Good morning Holy SpiritHinn, B.1997Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0384Scripture twistingSire, J.W.1980Inter-Varsity
E0385New Testament ExegesisFee, G.D.1983The Westminster Press
E0386RevelationMorris, L.1990Tyndale
E0387God's big pictureRoberts, V.2002Inter-Varsity
E0388Should I not be concerned?Kyle, J.E.1987Inter-Varsity
E0389The raptureEnglish, E.S.1954Loizeaux Brothers, Inc.
E0390Out of the saltshakerPippert, R.M.1979Inter-Varsity
E0391The orthodox churchWare, T.1991Penguin Books
E0392Why God become manColleran, J.M.1969Magi Books, Inc.
E0393The valley of visionBennett, A.1997The Banner of Truth Trust
E0394John Calvin, a reformation debateSadoleto, J.1966Baker
E0395Addictions, a banquet in the graveWelch, E.T.2001Baker
E0396How do I get to know God?Kennedy, D.J.1995Fleming H. Revell
E0397The doctrine of salvationPink, A.W.1975Baker Book House
E0398You can lead a Bible discussion groupPowell, T.1996Multnomah Books
E0399The fruit of the SpiritSanderson, J.W.1976Zondervan
E0400The case of the hopeless marriageAdam, J.E.2006Timeless Texts Stanley, Inc
E0401Wordly saintsRyken, L.1986Zondervan
E0402Scripture twistingSire, J.W.1980Inter-Varsity
E0403The man in the mirrorMorley, P.M.1997Zondervan
E0404Liberating the laityStevens, R.P.1985Inter-Varsity
E0405The church of irresistible influenceLewis, R.2001Zondervan
E0406Unleashing the churchTillapugh, F.R.1982Regal Books
E0407Love to eat, hate to eatFitzpatrick, E.1977Harvest House
E0408The mark of a manElliot, E.1981Fleming H. Revell
E0409Each for the otherChapell, B.2001Baker
E0410Evil and the justice of GodWright, N.T.2006SPCK
E0411Origen, the Bible and philosophyTrigg, J.W.1983John Knox Press
E0412I gave God timeAnderson, A.K.1985Tyndale
E0413Money mattersSproul, Jr., R.C.1985Tyndale
E0414Doing theology in a revolutionaryBonino, J.M.1975Fortress Press
E0415Know what you believeLittle, P.E.1987Chariot Victor
E0416The message of the resurrectionBeasley-Murray, P.2000Inter-Varsity
E0417The message of the living GodLewis, P.2000Inter-Varsity
E0418The message of prayerChester, T.2003Inter-Varsity
E0419The seven sayings of the Savior on the crossPink, A.W.1958Baker
E042012 sermons on the Holy SpiritSpurgeon, C.H.1973Baker
E042112 sermons on the love of ChristSpurgeon, C.H.1977Baker
E042212 sermons on the second coming of ChristSpurgeon, C.H.1976Baker
E042312 sermons of comfort & cheerSpurgeon, C.H.1976Baker
E042412 sermons on praiseSpurgeon, C.H.1982Baker
E0425The one year BibleTyndale House Publishers, Inc.1985Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0426The complete book of Bible triviaLang, J.S.1988Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0427Calvin's commentaries, vol. XXIIOwen, J.1996Baker Book House
E0428The background of the gospelsFairweather, W.1961T. & T. Clark Ltd
E0429D. L. MoodyBailey, F.C.1987Moody Press
E0430EcclesiastesEaton, M.A.1983Inter-Varsity
E0431All things are possiblePartner, D.2002Barbour Publishing, Inc.
E0432Women's ministry in the local churchDuncan, J.L. & Hunt, S.2006Crossway Books
E0433The churchKung, H.1967Burns & Oates Ltd
E0434A model of Christian maturityCarson, D.A.1984Baker Book House
E0435The commentary of Dr. Zacharias UrsinusWilliard, G.W.1852P & R Publishing
E0436Paul, an outline of his theologyRidderbos, H.1975Eerdmans
E0437The epistles to the Colossians, to PhilemonBruce, F.F.1984Eerdmans
E0438An exposition of the whole BibleMorgan, G.C.1959Fleming H. Revell
E0439Getting the gospel rightSproul, R.C.1999Baker Books
E0440Single PurposeWright, H.N.1997Regal Books
E0441Taking hold of GodBeeke, J.R. & Najapfour, B.G.2011Reformation Heritage Books
E0442Gospel and spiritFee, G.D.1991Hendrickson Publishers
E0443Lutheran book of worshipLutheran Church in America1979Augsburg Publishing House
E0444Solving church education's ten toughest problemsCionca, J.R.1990Victors Books
E0445Getting to know the man in the mirrorMorley, P.M.1994Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0446The silence of AdamCrabb, Jr., L.J.1995Zondervan
E0447A passion for excellencePeters, T. & Austin, N.1985Warner Books, Inc.
E0448The winning attitudeMaxwell, J.C.1993Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0449Working the anglesPeterson, E.H.1987Eerdmans
E0450All of the women of the BibleDeen, E.1995Harper & Row Publishers
E0451ExodusThe Navigators1989Navpress
E0452The supremacy of Christ in a postmodernPiper, J. & Taylor, J.2007Crossway Books
E0453The cross and Christian ministryCarson, D.A.1993Baker Books
E0454The family worship bookJohnson, T.L.2009Christian Focus Publications
E0455The godly homeBaxter, R.2010Crossway Books
E0456Instructing a child's heartTripp, T. & Tripp, M.2008Shepherd Press
E0457The gospel for real lifeBridges, J.2003Navpress
E0458St. Paul's epistle to the Colossians and PhilemonLightfoot, J.B.1995Hendrickson Publishers
E0459The creeds of Christendom, vol. ISchaff, P.1993Baker Books
E0460The creeds of Christendom, vol. IIISchaff, P.1993Baker Books
E0461NIV compact dictionary of the BibleDouglas, J.D. & Tenney, M.C.1989Zondervan
E0462Science and health with key to the ScripturesEddy, M.B.1971The Christian Science
E0463Churches that abuseEnroth, R.M.1993Zondervan
E0464The path of lonelinessElliot, E.2001Fleming H. Revell
E0465God's wordsPacker, J.I.1981Baker Book House
E0466God has spokenPacker, J.I.1979Baker Book House
E0467Unveiled at lastSjogren, B.1992YWAM Publishing
E0468Thieves of innocenceAnkerberg, J. & Branch, C.1993Harvest House
E0469God, heaven and Har MagedonKline, M.G.2006Wipf & Stock Publishers
E0470Pastoral leadershipLee, W.S.2015Wipf & Stock Publishers
E0471Through the shadowlandsSibley, B.1994Fleming H. Revell
E0472Learn to discernDeMoss, Jr., R.G.1992Zondervan
E0473Preaching in the Patristic ageHunter, D.G.1989Paulist Press
E0474Singing the Lord's song in a new landPak, S.Y.2005Westminster John Knox Press
E0475Philippians and ColossiansIronside, H.A.1920Kregel
E0476A woman of significanceMorley, D.2001Crossway Books
E0477The epistles to the Philippians and to PhilemonVincent, M.R.1985T. & T. Clark Ltd
E0478St. Paul's epistle to the PhilippiansLightfoot, J.B.1995Hendrickson Publishers
E0479Messianic prophecyBriggs, C.A.1988Hendrickson Publishers
E0480The sermon on the mountBoice, J.M.1972Baker Book House
E0481Peter, eyewitness of his majestyDonnelly, E.1982The Banner of Truth Trust
E0482The gospel according to MatthewRevell, F.H.1929Baker
E0483The evidence for JesusFrance, R.T.1986InterVarsity
E0484Great sermons on the birthSmith, W.M.1991Baker
E0485The epistle to the HebrewsMoffatt, J.1979T & T Clark Limited
E0486HebrewsMacArthur, J.F.1983Moody Press
E0487The churchClowney, E.P.1995InterVarsity
E04881 CorinthiansHinckley, K.1991Navpress
E0489EphesiansMacArthur, J.F.1986Moody Press
E0490The pastorCulbertson, P.L.1990Fortress Press
E0491PhilippiansBoice, J.M.2000Baker
E04921 CorinthiansKistemaker, S.J.1993Baker
E0493Keep a quiet heartElliot, E.1995Vine Books
E0494Christianity in crisisHanegraaff, H.1993Harvest House
E0495Darwin on trialJohnson, P.E.1991InterVarsity
E0496The applause of heavenLucado, M.1995Word Publishing
E0497Whatever happened to the reformationJohnson, G.L.W.2001P & R Publishing
E0498Boiling PointSimon. W.2001Regal Books
E0499Teaching on preachingHyles, J1986Hyles-Anderson Publishers
E0500God's super-apostlesGeivett, R.D. & Pivec, H.2014Weaver Book
E0501The NIV complete concordanceGoodrick, E.W. & Kohlenberger III, J.R.1981Zondervan
E0502Family therapyGoldenberg, I. & Goldenberg, H.2000Brooks/Cole
E0503Pastoral theologyOden, T.C.1983Harper
E0504Back to JerusalemHattaway, P.2003Authentic Media
E0505Jonathan EdwardsNichols, S.J.2001P & R Publishing
E0506Polishing God's monumentsAndrews, J.2007Shepherd Press
E0507A good look at evilRosenthal, A.L.1987Temple University Press
E0508Developing the leader within youMaxwell, J.C.1993Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0509Great cloud of witnessesBullinger, E.W.1979Kregel
E0510Challenging lifestyleGumbel, N.1996Cook Ministry Resources
E0511The ruby in the smokePullman, P1999Random House
E0512C. S. LewisGreen, R.L. & Hooper, W.2003Harper
E0513PhilippiansLee-Thorp, K.1997Navpress
E05141, 2 & 3 JohnLee-Thorp, K.1988Navpress
E0515PhilippiansLee-Thorp, K.1997Navpress
E0516The marks of God's childrenTaffin, J.2003Baker
E0517Fearless faithHayford, Jr., J.W.1996Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0518The God we love & serveCurry, A.D.1991Great Commission
E0519Great sermons on the birthSmith, W.M.1965Baker
E0520Foxe's book of martyrsFoxe, J.1981Whitaker House
E0521The case for faithStrobel, L.2000Zondervan
E0522PhilippiansLee-Thorp, K.1997Navpress
E0525BuchkoOlson, B.1993Creation House
E0526Deep ministry in a shallow worldClark, C. & Powell, K.E.2006Youth Specialties
E052712,000 religious quotationsMead, F.S.1989Baker
E0528Staff your church for growth: building team ministryMcIntosh, G.L.2000Baker Books
E0529Revive us again: biblical insights for encouragingKaiser, Jr., W.C.1999Broadman & Holman Publishers
E0530How to act right when your spouse acts wrongVernick, L.2001Water Brook Press
E0531When people are big and God is smallWelch, E.T.1997P & R Publishing
E0532Passing on the truth: 1 & 2 Timothy simplyBentley, M.1997Evangelical Press
E0533Tell the truthMetzger, W.1984Inter-Varsity
E0534On the crest of the wave: becoming a world ChristianWagner, C.P.1983Regal Books
E0536Resource guide for women's ministriesMcGinn, L.R.1990Broadman & Holman Publishers
E0537A history of religions in KoreaKim, D.W.1963Printed in Korea
E0538Head, heart, & handsHolliner, D.P.2005Inter-Varsity
E0539Webster's dictionary: Roget's thesaurusKappa1997Kappa Books, Inc.
E0541The EPISTLES of JOHN Boice1979Baker Books
E0542THE USE OF DANIEL ING.K. beale1984University Press of America,Inc
E0543JESUS AMONG OTHER GODSRavi Zacharias and Kevin Johnson2000Word Publishing
E0544Interpreting the Pauline EpistlesThomas R. Schreiner1990Baker Book House
E0546HANDBOOK OF BIBLICAL CRITICISMBy Richard N.Soulen1976John Knox Press
E0547Paul’s Literary StyleAida Besancon Spencer1984Evangelical Theological Society Monographs
E0549HOW TO READ THE BIBLEGordon D.fee £Douglas Stuart1982Zondervan
E0550THE Trinity discovering the Depth of the Nature of GodCharlesrs. Swindoll1993Broadman Press
E0551The family OF GODCharlesrs. Swindoll1993Broadman Press
E0553RENEWING YOUR MINDJAmes Montgomery boice1993Kregel
E0554St. Paul’s epistle to the Colossians and PhilemonJ.B .Lightfoot1993Hendrickson Publishers
E0555Great cloud of witnesses in hebrews elevenE. W. BULLINGER1979KREGEL PUBLICATIONS
E0556The tyndale old Testament CommentariesThe rev. Derek Kidner1964The Tyndale Press
E0557JEREMIAH& LAMENTATIONSProfessor D.J.Wiseman 1973The Tyndale Press
E0558The Reformed PastorRichard Baxter2005The Banner of Truth Trust
E0559The collapse of evolution second editionScott M. Huse1993Baker Books
E0560The Seven Habits of Highly Effective PeopleStephen R. Covey1990Franklin Covey CO
E0561Recovering biblical Manhood and WomanhoodJohn Piper and Wayne Grudem1991Piper
E0562The preacher and preachingSamuel T. Logan, Jr1985Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company
E0563Webster’s new Dictionary1990World book marketing,Inc
E0564The Fundamentals Edited by R. A Torrey1993Baker Books
E0565A HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITYKennetn scott Latourette1975Harper & Row RD93
E0566The kingdom of god is a partyAnthony Campolo1990Word Publishing
E0567The westminster Confession of FaithG. I. WILLIAMSON2004Publishing
E0568The Reentrt TeamPIROLO2000Emmaus Road International
E0569How People ChangeTimothy S. Lane2006New Growth Press
E0570The life of our LordCharles Dickens1986The Westminster Press
E0571The church EDMUND P.CLOWNEY1995Lnter Varsity Press
E0572Hard say-ings of the old testament Walter C.Kaiser,Jr1988Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
E0573Overcoming the worldJoel R. Beeke2005Publishing
E0574Ministries of mercyTimothr J. Keller1989Ministry resources library
E0575Resources for DeaconsTimothr J. Keller1985Keller
E0576Generating hope Jimmy long1997InterVarsity press
E0577Smith’s Bible DictionaryBarbour1987A Barbour Book
E0578Saved by graceAnthony A. Hoekema1989William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company
E0579Ordering your Private WorldGordon MacDonald1985Tyndale House Publishers
E0580Chosen for lifeSamuel Storms2007Published by Crossway books
E0581Preaching Christ in all of ScriptureEDMUND P.CLOWNEY2003Published by Crossway books
E0582Livinil what it isStephen baldwin2006Publishing
E0583Straightening out the self-centred churchJohn benton1997Evangelical Press
E0584The infallible wordForeword by D. M.Lloyd-Jones2002Second edition
E0585Counsel from the crossElyse M. Fitzpatrick and Dennis E. Johnson2009Published by Crossway books
E0586Who’s Afraid of PostmodernismJames K.A. Smith2006Baker Academic
E0587Introducing Radical OrthodoxyJames K.A. Smith2004Baker Academic
E0588Berkouwer’s Doctrine of Election Balance or ImbalanceAlvin L. Baker1981Baker
E0589The Education of Little treeForrest Carter1976University Of New Mexico Press
E0590Truths That TransformD.James Kennedy1974Power Books
E0591Keep ln Step With The SpiritJ. I.Packer1993Fleming H. Revell
E0592The Urban Face of MissionHarvie M.Conn and Others2002Publishing
E0593From Jerusalem to Irian JayaRuth A.Tucker1983Academie books
E0594The book of Church OrderN.Easton Road,Bldg2011The orthodox Presbyterian Church
E0595Second peter and JudeBy D.Edmond Hiebert1989Unusual Publications
E0596Teach the nationsDaniel M. Doriani1991Great Commission
E0597Disappointment With GodPhilip Rancey1988Zondervan
E0598The Fundamentals Edited by R. A Torrey1993Baker Books
E0599The Fundamentals Edited by R. A Torrey1993Baker Books
E0600The Fundamentals Edited by R. A Torrey1993Baker Books
E0601Rise ShineCharles R.Swindoll1989Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
E0602The Word is Worth a Thousand PicturesGregory Edward Reynolds2001Wipf & Stock Publishers
E0603Above all Earthly Pow’rsDavid F.Wells2006Wm. B.Eerdmans Publishing Co. All rights reserved
E0604Buried aliveJack Cuozzo2002Master books
E0605Truth in all its gloryWillliam edgar2004P & R Publishing
E0606The prayer life of jesusWillliam David Spencer1990University Press of America
E0607Spiritual Survival During the Y2K CrisisSteve Farrar1999Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0609The book of Common PrayerCharles Mortimer Guilbert1979The church Hymnal Corporation
E0610JucheThomas J.Belke1999Living Sacrifice Book Company
E0611Gospel of lifeG. R.Beasley Murray1991Hendrickson Publishers
E0612Resources for DeaconsTimothr J. Keller1985Published by Presbyterian Church in America
E0613The New Testament deaconAlexander straugh2007Lewis & Roth Publishers
E0614The great gain of godlinessThomas watson2006The Banner of Truth Trust
E0615Out of the DepthsBernhard W.Anderson1983The Westminster Press
E0616Ecclesiastes and The Song of SolomonRobert Davidson1986The Westminster Press
E0617Twelve prophetsPeter C.Cralgle1984The Westminster Press
E0618The tyndale New Testament CommentariesThe Rev. Canon Leon Morris1999Inter-Varsity press
E0619HebrewsWillliam L.Lane1988Hendrickson Publishers
E0620The EPISTLES of JOHN F.F.Bruce 1992William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company
E0621Interpreting the Book of RevelationJ.Ramsey Michaels1992Baker Books
E0622Preaching to a Postmodern World Graham Johnston2006Baker Books
E0623God Centered Biblical InterpretationPoythress1999Publishing
E0624Sermons That Shaped AmericaWilliam S.Barker and Samuel T.Logan JR2003Publishing
E0625Introduction to the old testamentR.K. Harrison 1988William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company
E0626Reviving ophelia Mary Plpher, PH.D1995Ballantine Books
E0627Silence Shusaku EndoShusaku endo1980Apivot book
E0628How does a merica hear the gospelWilliam A.Dyrness1989Wm. B.Eerdmans Publishing Co
E0629Excellence in leadershipJohn White1986Inter-Varsity
E0630How to help people reach their potentialDR.Jack Hyles1990Hyles-Anderson Publishers
E0631A Manual for WritersKate L. Turabian1973The University of Chicago Press
E0632In Search of Excellence Thomas J.Peters and Robert H.Waterman,Jr1983Warner Books
E0633NonzeroRobert Wright2001Vintage books
E0634Boy meets girlJoshua harris2000Multnomah publishers
E0635The Confession of Faith and CatechismsWillow Grove2008Great Commission
E0636I Dols of The HeartElyse Fitzpatrick2001Publishing
E0637Desiring the KingdomJames K.A.Smith2009Baker Academic
E0638Imagining the KingdomJames K.A. Smith2013Baker Academic
E0639Thinking in tonguesJames K.A. Smith2010William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company
E0640The god-Centered PreacherPobert L.Reymond2003Mentor
E0641In Search of Excellence By Thomas J.Peters 1984Warner Books
E0642Blggest BrotherLarry Alexander2006Caliber
E0643The song of solomonG. LLoyd Carr1983Inter-Varsity press
E0644The pastoral EpistlesGeoffrey B.Wilson1982The Banner of Truth Trust
E0645Basic ChristianityJohn r.w.stott1971Inter-Varsity press
E0646PeterD.Edmond Hiebert1992Moody Press
E0647Thisi BelieveJay Allison and Dan Gediman1866A Holt Paperback
E06482 Corinthians Simon J. Kistemaker1997Baker Academic
E0649The tyndale New Testament CommentariesThe Rev. Canon Leon Morris1993Inter-Varsity press
E06501 CorinthiansLeon Morris2006IVP Academic
E0652GenesisProfessor D.J.Wiseman 1967Inter-Varsity press
E0654The Discipline of graceJerry Bridges2006Navpress
E0655The Fruitful LifeJerry Bridges2006Navpress
E0656Joy UnspeakableJ.I.Packer1984Harold Shaw Publishers Wheaton
E0657Partners in PrayerJohn Maxwell1996Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0658Commentary on the Old Testament in the volumesLsaiah By F.Delitzsch1980William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company
E0659Common Mistakes Singles MakeMary Whelchel1989Fleming H. Revell
E0660A long Obedience in the Same DirectionEugene H.P eterson2000Inter-Varsity press
E0661The Discipline of graceJerry Bridges2006Navpress
E0662Knowing godJ.I.Packer1993Inter-Varsity press
E0663The pursuit of holinessJerry Bridges2006Navpress
E0664Taste and seeJohn piper2005Publisher
E0665The mark of a manElisabeth elliot2006Elisabeth Elliot
E0666War of words Paul david Tripp2000Publishing
E0667Surprised by Suffering Robert Ingram1989Ligonier Ministries
E0668how to help your child say no to sexual pressureJosh Mcdowell1987Word Publishing
E0669The grace awakeningGharles R. SWindoll1990Word Publishing
E0670Trusting god jerry bridgesJerry Bridges1992Navpress
E0671A Concordance to the greek testamentWestcott and hort 1989T. & T. Clark Ltd
E0672Genesis Volume 3JAmes Montgomery boice1998Baker Books
E0673St. Paul’s epistle to the GalatiansJ.B .Lightfoot1995Hendrickson Publishers
E0674The message of 1 PeterJohn r.w.stott1989Inter-Varsity press
E0675New Testament CommentaryWillliam Hendriksen2007Baker Academic
E0676An exposition of the Sermon on the MountArthur W.Pink1982Herendeen Swengel Pennsylvania
E0677A Ready Defense Bill Wilson1991Here’s Life Publishers
E0678A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Original Greek Words With their Precise Meanings for English ReadersW. E. Vine, M.AHendrickson Publishers
E0679Bible Truth IllustratedDONALD GREY BARNHOUSE1996Fleming H. Revell
E0680Anywhere but hereMona Simpson1992Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
E0681A Commentary on the new testament from the Talmud and hebraica MatthewJohn Lightfoot1989Hendrickson Publishers
E0682The habits of highly effective churchesGeorge barna1999Regal
E0683The sovereignty of godArthur W.Pink1993Baker Book House
E0684Evangeilsm doing justice and preaching graceHarvie M. Conn1982Publishing
E0685Let us Pray reformed Prayers for Christian WorshipEdited by Martha S.Gilliss2002Peneva press
E0686The sword of the prophetSerge trifkovic2002Regina orthodox press
E0687The ocean of truthJoyce mcpherson2001Greenleaf books
E0688A Piece of the MountainJoyce mcpherson2003Greenleaf books
E0689The river of GraceJoyce mcpherson2003Greenleaf books
E0690The path of True GodlinessWillem Teellinck2003Baker Academic
E0691Auustine on prayerThomas A. hand,O.S.A.1963Catholic book publishing co.
E0692The letters of johnJohn R.w.stott1964InterVarsity press
E0693Daniel an introduction and commentaryJoyce G.baldwin1978InterVarsity press
E0694Christianity through the agesKenneth Scott Latourette1965HarperSanFrancisco
E0695The holy spiritSinclair B. ferguson1996Inter Varsity Press
E0696Machen's notes on GalatiansJ.Gresham Machen2000Solid Ground christian books
E0697Covenant and Eschatology the divine DramaMichael S.horton2002Westminster John Knox Press
E0698The apostles donald Guthrie1975Zondervan Publishing house
E0699The discipline of graceJerry Bridges2006Navpress
E0700The bibie promise bookNew international version1973Barbour
E0701Islamic imperialismEfraim karsh2007Yale unniversity press
E0702The praying church idea book Douglas A.Kamstra1973Faith alive
E0703The crossway classic commentaries 1 CorinthiansCharles hodge1995Crossway Books
E0704The letter to timothy,titus, and philemonWilliam barclay1975The westminster Press
E0705New international biblical commentary MarkLarry W.Hurtado1983Hendrickson Publishers
E0706The pursuit of GodA.W.Tozer1982Christian Focus Publications
E0707The pursuit of GodA.W.Tozer1982Christian Focus Publications
E0708Let me be a womanElliot1967Tyndale
E0709The religious affectionsJohathan edwards1984The Banner of Truth Trust
E0710The pursuit of GodA.W.Tozer1982Christian Focus Publications
E0711The personal or Group study guide to A.W.tozer's the pursuit of godJonathan L.graf1992Christian Focus Publications
E0712The first epistle of peterPeter H.davids1990Eerdmans
E0714The Greeds of Christendom with a history and critical notesPhilip schaff1983Baker Books
E0715Waiting on GodAnderw Murray1981Whitaker House
E0716The expositor's bible commentaryFrank E.Gaebelein general editor1976Regency
E0717The mystery of marriageMike mason1985Multnomah Books
E0718When skeptics askNorman L.geisler and ronald M.brooks1989Victor books
E0719Honest to God?bill hybels1990Zondervan Publishing house
E0720Miracles a preliminary studyC.S.lewis1974HarperSanFrancisco
E0721Guides to the reformed tradition worshipJohn H.Leith&John W.Kuykendall1984John Knox Press
E0722John Calvin, The Institutes of Christian ReligionEdited by Tony Lane and Hilary Osborne1986Baker Book House
E0723Biblical Ethics and Social ChangeStephen Charles Mott1982Oxfore unniversity press
E0724More than a carpenterJosh Mcdowell1977Living books
E0725More than a carpenterJosh Mcdowell1977Living books
E0726Mininstering to Twenty-First Century familiesDennis Rainey2001Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0727The gospel of john volume 1James montgomery boice1985Baker Books
E0728The gospel of john volume 3James montgomery boice1985Baker Books
E0729The expositor's bible commentaryFrank E. Gaebelein general editor1978zondervan
E0730Commentary on ExodusGeorge bush1993Kregel
E0731New Testament historyF.F.bruce1969A Galilee book doubleday
E0732New Testament commentary ActsSimonJ.kistemaker1990Baker Academic
E0733Kuunmong The cloud dream of the nineBy kim Manjung Translated by James S.Gale and introduced by elspet keith robertson scott 2003Kurodahan press
E0734The inner lifeAndrew murray1984Whitaker House
E0735The bruised reedRichard sibbes1630The Banner of Truth Trust
E0736A brief history of the presbytepiansFourth edition1940The Westminster Press
E0737Miracles a preliminary studyC.S.Lewis1947Collier books
E0738Come back barbackC.John miller &Barbara miller Juliani1988P & R Publishing
E0739Every talkJohn A. younts2004SP shepherd press
E0740Parenting isn'tfor cowardsDR.James dobson1987Multnomah Publishers
E0741The duties of parentsJacobus koelman2003Baker Academic
E0742A remedy for wandering thoughts in worshipRev.richard steele,M.A.1988Sprinkle publications
E0743A joureney of faithElie wiesel and ohn cardinal o'connor1990Donald I.fine,inc.
E0744Grow your church from the outside inGeourge barna2002Regal
E0745The practice of godlinessJerry bridges1983Navpress
E0746Cornelius van til an andlysis of his thoughtJohn M. Frame1995P & R Publishing
E0747A commentary on DanielEdward J,young1949THE Banner of Truth Trust
E0748The Westminster confession of faith for study classesG.I. Williamson1964P & R Publishing
E07491 CorinthiansJohn Macarthur2007Thomas Nelson
E0750Showing the spiritCarson, D.A.1987Baker Academic
E0751The book of isaiahEDWard J,young1965Eerdmans
E0752Operation worldJohnsttone1993Zondervan
E0753New international biblical commentary 1and 2 peter,judeNorman hillyer1992Hendrickson Publishers.
E0754The message of EphesiansJohn R.W. sott1979The bible speaks today
E0755Trust and obey obedience and the christianSproul, R.C. Micael horton John Macarthur1996Soli Deo Gloria
E0756Renovation of the heart in daily practiceDallas willard&Jan johnson2002Navpress
E0757Psalms volume3James montgomery boice1998Baker Books
E0758The churchEmund p. Cloweney1995InterVarsity
E0759The epistle to the HebrewsF.F.bruce1990Eerdmans
E0760Designing effective women's ministriesBriscoe,Mcintyre,seversen1995Zondervan
E0761Amazing graceKenneth W.dsbeck1990Kregel
E0762SalvationCharles R.Swindoll1989Broadman&publishers
E076324Ready-to-use-Programs for women's groupsMacnell1996Abingdon press.Nashville
E0764Seeing with new eyesdavid powlison2003Publishing
E0765How can I change?C.J.Mahaney and robin boisvert1993Pursuit of godliness series
E0766Subversive spiritualityEugene H.peter Santucci1994Regal
E0767Evangelical Feminism biblical truthWayne Grudem2004Gruend
E0768Handbook of christian apologeticsronaldk.tacelli1994InterVarsity
E0769Romans a study manualRobert Rogland1988Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company
E0770You are ministersJohn W. Neal2011 the institute for uniting church and home
E0771The wonder of it allPryan chapell1999Crossway Books
E0773Made in AmericaMichael scott horton1991Baker Book House
E0774The death of death in the death of christJohn owen D.D.1852The Banner of Truth Trust
E0775A long obedience journalEugene H.peterson with ruth goring2000InterVarsity
E0776New international biblical commentary JohnJ.ramsey Michaels1984Hendrickson Publishers
E0777Colossians and philemonR.kent hughes1989Crossway Books
E0778The name of the roseHarcourt brace jovanovich1980Umberto eco
E0779The life and diary of david brainerdJonathan edwards1949Baker Book House
E0780Family-based youth mininstryMark devries1994Inter Varsity press
E0781Beyond the curse women called to ministryAida besancon spencer1985Hendrickson Publishers
E0782When you prayPhilip graham ryken 2000P & R Publishing
E0783Jehovah's withesses answered verse by verseDavid A.reed1986Baker Book House
E0784Solomon among the postmodernsPeter J.Leithare2008Brazos press
E0785Charles grandison finney,1792-1875Keith J. hardman1987Baker Book House
E0786Basic ChristianityJohn R.W. sott1958Inter Varsity press
E0787Borden of yaleMrs. howard taylor1988Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0788The master plan of evangelismRobert E.coleman1963Spire book
E0789The life of arthur W.pinkIain H. murray1981The Banner of Truth Trust
E0790Reinhold niebuhr and the issues of our timeRichard harries1986William B.eerdmans publishing company
E0791Psalms 1-72The rev. derek kidner1973Inter Varsity press
E0792Leviticus an introduction& commentaryR.K.harrison,p.D.,D,D1980Inter Varsity press
E0793Raising a christian daughter 1n an mtv worldMary ruth murdoch2000P & R Publishing
E0794The LexiconWilliam F. Buckley JR.1996A Harvest Original
E0795Restoring your spiritual passionGordon Macdonald1986Oliver nelson
E0796Gleanings from the scripthresPink, A.W.1969Moody Press
E0797Commentary on revelationE.W.Bullinger1984Kregel classice
E0798Iustitia deiAlister E.Mcgrath1986Cambridge unniversity press
E0799Christanity in the crosshairsBill wilson2004Destiny image
E0800New Testament commentaryWilliam hendriksen1968Baker Academic
E0801Growing in the propheticMike bickle1996Creation House
E0802Growing in the propheticMike bickle1996Creation House
E0803Shepherding A child's heartTedd tripp1995SP shepherd press
E0804The power visiongeorge barna1973Regal
E0805The shorter catechismG.I. Williamson1970P & R Publishing
E0806Parent's answer bookDR.James dobson2003Tyndale
E0807The calavary roadBoy and revel hession1950Christian literature crusade
E0808Last curlewsFred bodsworth1995Counterpoint
E0809Busman's honeymoonDorothy L.sayers1937Harper
E0810Man asks, God answerscraig R.brown2012Brown family foundation
E0811New Testament commentary RevelationSimonJ.kistemaker2001Baker Academic
E0812New Testament commentary Ames,Epistles of john ,peter,and judeSimonJ.kistemaker1989Baker Academic
E0813New Testament commentary thessalonians,the pastorals, and hebrews1955Baker Academic
E0814On being achristian hans kungEdward Quinn1966A wallaby book
E0815LifeviewsR.C.sproul1973Fleming H. Revell
E0816The music of his promisesElisabeth elliot2000Fleming H. Revell
E0817Unveiled at lastBob sogren1992YWAM Publishing
E0818The gospel of johnF.F.bruce1983Eerdmans
E0819Word biblical commentary volume3Exodus john I durham1987Word Publishing
E0820Tyndale new testament commentaries volumeLeon Morris1985Inter Varsity press
E0821Preaching christ in all of scriptureEdmund P. clowney2003Crossway Books
E0822Setting our affections upon gloryMartyn lloyd-Jones2013Crossway Books
E0823Counted righteous in christJohn piper2002Crossway Books
E0824I dared to call him fatherBilquis Sheikh with Richard H. Schneider2003Chosen books
E0825The road less traveledM.sott peck,M.D.1987A touchstone book
E0826GileadMarilynne robinson2004Picador
E0827Religion in americaWinthrop S.Hudson1987Macmillan publishing company
E0828Ephesians astudy manualR.D.Stuart1987P & R Publishing
E0829Classical apologeticsR.C.sproul John grstner Arthur lindsley1984Academie books
E0830Dictionary of the Presbyterian&Reformed tradltion in americaGeneral editorD.G.hart1999P & R Publishing
E0831Commentaries Twelve minor prophetsJohn calvin1996Baker Book House
E0832The navigatorRoberTD. foster1983Challenge books,Ltd
E0833Brothers,we are not professionalsJohn piper2002Broadman&Holman publishers
E0834New international biblical commentary 1and 2 peter,judeThomasF.Johnson1993Hendrickson Publishers
E0835Praying with paulCarson, D.A.1992Baker Academic
E0836The heidelberg catechismG.I. Williamson1993P & R Publishing
E0837The minor prophets volume1Hosea-jonah1983Baker Books
E0838Romans volume2 The reign of grace(romans5-8)James montgomery boice1992Baker Books
E0839EphesiansJames montgomery boice1988Baker Books
E0840The gospel of john volume 5 triumph through tragedy(John18-21)James montgomery boice1985Baker Books
E0841Teach your children to prayDenise george1973Christian Focus
E0842Tools for bibliographical and backgrounds research on the new testanentNorman Elliott anderson1987Gordon-conwell Theological seminary
E0843Christ and the bibleJohn Wenham1994Baker Books
E0844The gospel according to JohnHerman N.ridderbos1987Eerdmans
E0845The glory of ChristRC sproul1979Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E0846You are TalentedPatrick kavanaugh2002Chosen books
E0847Word biblical commentary volume49 1peterJ.Ramsey michaels1988Word books,Publisher.waco,texas
E0848With one voice1995Augsburg Fortress Minneapois
E0849What every pastor should know about sunday shoolElmerL. towns&stan toler1979Regal
E0850Your spiritual gifts can help your church growC.peter wagner1958Regal Books
E0851How to lead small groupsNeal F. Mcbride1990Navpress
E0852The passion of jesus christJohn piper2004Crossway Books
E0853On speaking wellPeggy noonan1998Regan books
E0854Think on these thingsJohn C.Maxwell1979Beacon hill press of kansas city
E0855The glory of ChristJhon owen1987Grace Publications
E0856Culture shiftR.albert mohler jr.1962Multnomah Books
E0857Whiter than snow meditations on sin and mercypaul david dripp2008Crossway Books
E0858A history of christianityKenneth scott latourette1953HarpersanFrancisco
E0859The intercessory prayer of jesusWarren W.wiersbe1997Baker Books
E0860When I don't desire GodJhon piper2004Crossway Books
E0861The nine tailorsDorothy L.sayers1934A Harvest book/Harcourt,Inc.
E0862On being a missionaryThomas hale1995William carey library
E0863Justification and variegated nomismCarson, D.A.Peter T o'brien,and mark A.seifrid2001Baker Academic
E0864Revolution in word missionsK.P.Yohannan1986Gfa books
E0865Tao te chingLao tzu1991Barnes&Noble Classics
E0866The practice christianGordon J.Keddie1989Evangelical press
E0867The marks of God's childrenJean Taffin2003Baker Academic
E086824ways to improve your teachingKenneth O.gangel1974Victors Books
E0869The mimistryCharles J.brown2006The Banner of Truth Trust
E0870Humility true creatnessC.J.Mahaney 2005Multnomah
E0871Acts an expositional commentaryJames montgomery boice1997Baker Books
E0872A public faithcharles drew2000Navpress
E0873The witness of the starsEthelbert W.bullinger1893Kregel Publications
E0874Micah for youDR.stephen Um2018The good book
E0875New international biblical commentary MatthewRobert H.Mounce1985Hendrickson Publishers
E0876A commentary on the revelation of johnGeorge eldon ladd1972William B.eerdmans publishing company
E0877Favorite old testament passagesDouglas stuart1985The westminster Press
E0878The gospel according to markG.campbell Morgan,D.D1927Fleming H. Revell
E0879Disciplines of a godly manR.kent hughes1991Crossway Books
E0880The crossway classic commentaries lukeJ.C.Ryle1997Crossway Books
E0881Rediscovering catechism Donald van dyken2000P & R Publishing
E0882Truting God in atwisted world.Elisabeth elliot1961Power books
E0883Evidence that demands a verdict volume IJosh Mcdowell1972Thomas Nelson Publishers
E0884Gleanings from paulArthur W,pink1967Moody Press
E0885The comp tales and poems of edgar allan poeArthur hobson hobon quinn edward H.1992Barnes&Noble
E0886When god writes you love storyEric&Leslie Ludy1999Loyal publishing
E0887Expository sermons on 2 peterD.M.lloyd-jones1983The Banner of Truth Trust
E0888The gospel of john volume 2James montgomery boice1985Baker Books
E0889The rice single lifeKevin Meath1998Pursuit of godliness series
E0890Philippians second editionMoises silva1992Baker Academic
E0891The gospel of john volume 4James montgomery boice1985Baker Books
E0892Romans volume3James montgomery boice1983Baker Books
E0893DanielJohn F. Walvoord2012Moody Publishers
E0894The new international dictionary of the bibleDouglas, J.D. & Merrill C.tenney1963Macmillan publishing
E0895A commentary on the greek text of the epistle of paul to the ephesiansJohn eadie,D.D,LL.D1998Wipf & Stock Publishers
E0896JudgesDavid M.gunn2005Blackwell Publishing
E0897God's pattern for creationW.robert godfrey2003P & R Publishing
E0898The macarthur new testament commentary galatiansMacArthur, Jhon.F.1987Moody Press
E0899The message of DanielDale ralph davis2013IVP Academic
E0900I don't have enough faith tobe an atheistNorman L.geisler frankTurek2004Crossway Books
E0901Redeeming Science Poythress V. S2006Crossway
E0902Aristotle on poetry and styleGrube, G.M.A1979Bobbs Merrill
E0903The best short stories of Ring LardnerLardner, Ring1957The scribner library
E0904The book of Isaiah Vol. 2Young, E. J1993Eerdmans
E0905Jonathan Edwards on revival1987The Banner of Truth Trust
E0906Notes on the Epistles of St. PaulLightfoot, J.B.1995Hendrickson Publishers
E0907The book of Isaiah Vol. 3Young, E. J1993Eerdmans
E0908Lectures to my studentsSpurgeon, C.H.1954Zondervan
E0909Basic for believersCarson, D.A.1996Baker
E0910Word biblical themes PhilippiansHawthorne, G.F1987Word books
E0911An expositional commentary Genesis Vol.2Boice, J.M.2006Baker
E0912An expositional commentary Rpmans Vol.4Boice, J.M.2006Baker
E0913An expositional commentary Romans Vol.1Boice, J.M.2006Baker
E0914An expositional commentary Genesis Vol.1Boice, J.M.2006Baker
E0915Interpreting the PsalmsFutato, M.D2007Kregel
E0916Commentary on GalatiansLuther, Martin1998Fleming H. Revell
E0917Amazing GraceRawlyk & Noll1993Baker
E0918An expositional commentary Psalms Vol.2Boice, J.M.2006Baker
E0919An expositional commentary Minor Prophets Vol.2Boice, J.M.2006Baker
E0920DeuteronomyThompson, J.A1974IVP
E09211 & 2 SamuelBaldwin, J.G1988IVP
E0922HoseaHubbard, D.A1989IVP
E0923Joel & AmosHubbard, D.A1989IVP
E0924Psalms 73-150Kinder, D.1975IVP
E0925JobAndersen, F.I1976IVP
E0926EzekielTaylor, J.B1969IVP
E0927Haggai, Zechariah, MalachiBaldwin, J.G1972IVP
E0928Ezra & NehemiahKinder, D.1979IVP
E0929EstherBaldwin, J.G1984IVP
E0930Judges & RuthCundall & Morris1968IVP
E0931Nahum, Habakkuk, ZephaniahBaker, D.W1988IVP
E0932C.T.Studd Man of faithGrubb N.P2018WEC
E0933Stepping OutGibson T.1992YWAM
E0934Improving aid to AfricaWalle N & Johnston T.A1996Overseas Development Council
E0935The doctrine of the Holy SpiritBerkhof, H1977John Knox Press
E0936Who you are when no one's lookingHybels, B1987IVP
E0937PEARGill, S2011Yonsei University
E0938My disability-God's abilityKang, Young Woo2004Abigdon Press
E0939Catch the vision 2000Stearns, Bill & Amy1991Bethany House Peblishers
E0940Measure your life Duewel W.L1992Duewel Literature Trust
E0941Dictionary of modern theological GermanZiefle, H. W1982Baker Book House
E0942Transferable concepts for powerful livingBright, Bill1985Here's Life
E0943Thieves of BagdadBogdanos2005Bloomsbury
E0944PEARDenney, S. C2012Yonsei University
E0945Knowing GodPacker, J. I1973IVP
E0946God's power is for youDeuwel, W. L1997OM
E0947A short history of the early churchBoer, H. R 1976Eerdmans
E0948Marriage, divorce and remarriage in the BibleAdams, J.E1980Zondervan
E0949Becoming a titus 2 womanPeace, M1997Focus
E0950Ordinary men called by GodBoice, J.M.1998Kregel
E0951The heart of the crossBoice & Ryken1999Crossway
E0952The abolition of manLewis, C. S1971HarperSanFrancisco
E0953The supremacy of God in preaching Piper, J1990Baker Book House
E0954The message of the sermon on the mountStott John R.W1978IVP
E0955If I perishKim, Esther Ahn1977Moody Press
E0956The righteous mindHaidt, J2013Vintage Books
E0957Lord, teach me to pray in 28 daysArthur, K1982Havest House
E0958Parenting in the pewGraham, R. B1993IVP
E0959The will to meaningFankel, V. E1988A Meridian Book
E0960The tipping pointGladwell M2000Back Day Books
E0961Power encounters Powlison, D.1995Baker
E0962The education of Karl WitteWitte, K.H1914Thomas Y. Crowell
E0963How to understand the Virgin MaryBur, J.1992Continuum
E0964America isCurrutt1984Charles E. Merrill
E0965Contemporary worship musicFrame, J.M1997P&R
E0966StandMcFarland, A.2005Tyndale
E0967Team of rivalsGoodwin, D.K2005Simon&Schuster
E0968Devotional classicsFoster&Smith1993Harper Collins
E0969The politics of Chinese language and cultureHodge & louie1998Loutledge
E0970A biblical portrait of marriageWilkinson, B.H1995Walk Thru the Bible
E0971Introduction to christian worshipWhite, J.F1992Abingdon
E0972What Americans believe and how they worshipWilliams, J.P1952Harper & Brothers
E0973Powers, weakness, and the tabernacling of GodDawn, M.J2001Eerdmans
E0974The Lord's supperBarclay, W.1967Westminster
E0975With reverence and aweHart & Muether2002P&R
E0976KoshersexBoteach, S.1999Doubleday
E0977The peacemaking pastorPoirier, A.2007Baker
E0978The peacemakerSande, K.2007Baker
E0979The sinfulness of sinVenning, R.1997The Banner of Truth Trust
E0980The reformed pastorBrown, W.1989The Banner of Truth Trust
E0981Exegtical FallaciesCarson, D.A.1990Baker
E0982Discovering the fullness of worshipEngle, P.E1991Great Commission
E0983Worship in spirit and truthFrame, J.M1996P&R
E0984The new charismaticsMoriarty, M.G1992Zondervan
E0985Reaching out without dumbing downMarty, M.E1995Eerdmans
E0986The beginning of christianityCraig, C.TAbingdon
E0987How our religion beganBaxter, E.M1939Harper & Brothers
E0988At risk: bringing hope to hurting teenagersLarson, S.1999Group
E0989The end of racismD'Souza, D.1996Free Press
E0990More hard sayings of the new testamentDavids, P.H1991IVP
E0991Jesus Freaks : Martyrs1999Bethany House Peblishers
E0992Introducing covenant theologyHorton, M.2009Baker
E0993The NIV application commentary: JamesNystrom, D.P1997Zondervan
E0994Covenant and eschatologyHorton, M.2002Westminster
E0995GrantSmith, J.E2001Simon&Schuster
E0996The churchClowney, E.P.1995IVP
E0997An unexpected journeyGodfrey2004P&R
E099812 sermons on commitmentSpurgeon, C.H.1978Baker
E0999Women helping womenFitzpatrick & Cornish1997Harvest House
E1000Liberty and tyrannyLevin, M.R2009Threshold Editions
E1001Worship his majestyBock, F.1987Gaither Music
E1002Trinity hymnalTolsma, J.1999Great Commission
E1003The message the new testamentPeterson, E.H.1993Navpress
E1004Scripture and worshipMuller & Ward2007P&R
E1005Truly the communityDawn, M.J1992Eerdmans
E1006A book of reformed prayersRice & Williamson, Jr.1998Westminster
E1007Unceasing worshipBest, H.M2003IVP
E1008A royal waste of timeDawn, M.J1999Eerdmans
E1009From sabbath to Lord's dayCarson, D.A.1999Wipf and Stock
E1010How long O Lord?Carson, D.A.2006Baker
E1011A grammer of the Greek New TestamentRobertson, A.TBroadman
E1012Perfectionism Vol. 1Warfield, B.B1931Oxford University
E1013The shepherdGirzone, J.F1990Macmillan
E1014The treasury of scripture knowledgeCanne1982MacDonald
E1015The presbyterian liturgiesBaird, C.W2006Wipf & Stock Publishers
E1016The book of hymes1966The methodist
E1017Nearer, my GodBuckley Jr. W.F1997Harcourt Brace
E1018Each for the otherChapell, B.1998Baker
E1019The wisdom of each otherPeterson, E.H.1998Zondervan
E1020The rule of loveFesko, J.V2009Reformation Heritage Books
E1021Twelve Prophets vol.1Craigie, P.C1984Westminster
E1022Grace aboundingBunyan, J.1993Whitaker House
E1023For all God's worthWright, N.T.1997Eerdmans
E1024The unfolding mysteryClowney, E.P.1988P&R
E1025Revolution in world missionsYohannan, K.P2003gfa books
E1026Five of cries youthStrommen, M.P1988Harper & Row Publishers
E1027My dear Alex D'Souza & Fossedal1987Regnery
E1028If democrats had any brains, they'd be republicansCoulter, A.2007Crown Forum
E1029Reagan on leadershipStrock, J.M1998Prima
E1030Men in blackLevin, M.R2005Regnery
E1031What's so great about christianityD'Souza, D.2007Regnery
E1032BiasGoldberg, B.2001Regnery
E1033A national party no moreMiller, Z.2003Stroud&Hall
E1034The world id flatFriedman, T.L2005Farrar,Straus and Giroux
E1035The compleat gentlemanMiner, B.2004Spence
E1036The epistle of JamesAdamson, J.B1976Eerdmans
E1037The epistle of JamesDavids, P.H1982Eerdmans
E1038JamesManton, T.1998Banner of Truth
E1039WBC JamesMartin, R.P1988Nelson
E1040JamesHughes, R.K1991Crosway
E1041Miles gone by Buckley Jr. W.F2004Regnery
E1042ArroganceGoldberg, B.2003Warner
E1043Hand of providenceBrown, M.B2004WND
E1044What's so great about AmericaD'Souza, D.2002Regnery
E1045I exalt you O GodBrigdes, J.2001Waterbrook
E1046My grandfather's sonThomas, C.2007Harper
E1047American heroesNorth, O.2008B&H
E1048A american soldierFranks, T.2004Regan
E1049The trillion dollar meltdownMorris, C.R2008PublicAffairs
E1050WBC 1,2,3 JohnSmalley, S.S1984Word
E1051WBC Jude, 2 PeterBauckham, R.J1983Word
E1052NAC Judges, RuthBlock, D.I1999Broadman
E1053The six-day warriorsBraverman & Silver1969Bloch
E1054Interpretation Ephesians, Colossians and PhilemonMartin, R.P1991John Knox Press
E1055NIGTC the pastoral epistlesKnight, G.W1992Eerdmans
E1056What's in the BibleSproul & Wolgemuth2000Word
E1057Growing true disciplesBarna, G.2001Waterbrook
E1058Rewriting historyMorris, D.2004Reganbooks
E1059Five days in octoberFerrell, R.H2005Missouri
E1060True successMorris, T.1994Grosset Putnam
E1061Gospel worshipBurroughs, J.2006Soli Deo Gloria
E1062Persecution Limbaugh, D.2003Regnery
E1063A better wayHorton, M.2002Baker
E1064What's so amazing about graceYancey, P.D1997Zondervan
E1065Opening to godBenner, D.G2010IVP
E1066The law of perfect freedomHorton, M.S1993Moody Press
E1067REC danielDuguid, I.M2008P&R
E1068Theology in ExodusGowan, D.E1994WJK
E1069Old Testament HistoryPreiffer, C.F1990Baker
E1070ConnectingCrabb, L.1997Word
E1071Interpretation 1&2 Peter, James and JudePerkins, P.1995John Knox Press
E1072Evangelicalism & the future of christianityMcGrath, A.1995IVP
E1073WBC PhilippiansHawthorne, G.F1983Word
E1074What husbands wish their wives knew about menMorley, P.M.1998Zondervan
E1075New testament historyNiswonger, R.L1988Academie
E1076WBT 1,2 ThessaloniansMorris, L.1989Word
E1077GSC JonahMartin, H.1995Banner of Truth
E1078Science and religionMonsma, J.C1962GPPS
E1079PNTC The gospel according to JohnCarson, D.A.1991Eerdmans
E1080Everyone in the bibleBarker, W.P1966Revell
E1081Presbyterian and reformed churches A global historyJames E. Mcgoldrick2012RHB
E1082Growing up jewish an anthologyJay David1996Morrow
E1083Romans Atonement and justificationD.Martyn, LLoyd-Jones1970Ministry resources library
E1084The gospel of lukeMarshall1978Eerdmans
E1085Barnes'note on the Old & New Testaments Isaiah1Robert Frew,D.D1981Baker
E1086The prevailing churchRandy Pope2002Moody
E1087To the rising GenerationJonathan Edwards2005Soli Deo Golria
E1090Too good to be trueHorton2006Zondervan
E1091The almost christian DiscoreredMatthew Mead1993Soli Deo Golria
E1092Ancient christian commentary on scripture new testament VIII Galatians, Ephesians, PhilippiansMark J.Edwards1999IVP
E1094Jonah, Micah & NahumJohn Calvin1986Banner of Truth
E1095Gospel-centered hermeneuticsGoldsworthy2006IVP
E1096The revenge of conscienceJ.Budziszewski1999Spence
E1097The contemporary christianStott1992IVP
E1098Ⅰ&Ⅱ SamuelGordon1986Regency
E1099What's in the BibleR.C. Sproul & Robert Wolgemuth2000Word
E1100The christian counselor's ManualJay E.Adams1973Zondervan
E1101The Anchor Bible Ephesians 4-6Markus Barth1974Doubleday
E1102Churchill on leadershipSteven F.Hayward1997Prima
E1103Revolution of characterWillard, Simpson2005Navpress
E1104The book of RuthRobert L.Hubbard JR.1988Hubbard
E1106Not a chanceSproul 1994Baker
E1107Divine AppointmentsJacks/Jacks2002Navpress
E1108Christ-centered preachingChapell1994Baker
E1109Word Biblical Themes 1,2 CorinthiansMartin1988Word
E1110Difficult passages in the New TestamentStein1990Baker
E1111Ⅰ&Ⅱ CorinthiansCharles Hodge1988Banner of Truth
E1112Lloyd-jones Romans Assurance Exposition of chapter 5D.Martyn, LLoyd-Jones1972Zondervan
E1113Lloyd-jones Romans The new man Exposition of chapter 6D.Martyn, LLoyd-Jones1973Zondervan
E1115Respectable sinsBridges2007Navpress
E1116Toxic faith Understanding and Overcoming Religious AddicionArterburn & Felton1991Oliver Nelson
E1117The roots of enduranceJohn Piper2002Crossway
E1119The Premarital Counseling HandbookWright1992Moody
E1120How to rescue the earth without worshiping natureTony Campolo1992Nelson
E1121Practical Psychology for pastorsMiller & Jackson1985Prentice-Hall
E1123Chruches that abuseEnroth1992Zondervan
E1125Collected Writing on scriptureCarson2010Crossway
E1126Jesus in Blue jeansLaurie Beth Jones1997HyPerion
E1128The Bible Exposition commentary Volume2Wiersbe1989Victor Books
E1129The Bible Exposition commentary Volume1Wiersbe1989Victor Books
E1130Geneva series of commentaries RevelationJames Ramsey1995Banner of Truth
E1131Church: why bother?Yancey1998Zondervan
E1132AngelsBiliy Graham1994The Essential Billy Graham Library
E1133Willful blindnessMcCarthy2008Encounter Books
E1134Jesus in BeijingAikman2003Regnery
E1135Explorations in exegetical methodSilva1996Baker
E1136Better country seeking AHart & Muethek2007P&R
E1137Future gracePiper1995Multnomah
E1138The synoptic problemstein1989Baker
E1139Improving your serveCharles Swindoll1981W Publishing
E1140When critics ask A popular handbook on Bible DifficultiesGeisler Howe1992Victor
E1141An Introduction to the new testamentCarson,Moo, adn Morris1992Zondervan
E1142The Andrew Murray collection Abibe in ChristBarbour
E1143Rescuing spriteMark R. Levin2007Pocket Books
E1144Between two worldsStott1988Eerdmans
E1145Children at riskDobson/Bauer1990Word
E1146Fremale piety: a yong women's guideJohn Angell James1995Soli Deo Golria
E1147The gospel according to JohnMorris1995EErdmans
E1148Do hard thingsAlex & Brett Harris2008Multnomah
E1149The new international Greek testamen commentary The Epistle to the GalatiansBruce1982Eerdmans
E1150The garden of Eden Hemingway, E. 1986Library of Congress
E1152The text of the new testamentAland/Aland1989Eerdmans
E1153Figures of speech used in the BibleBullinger1992Baker
E1154Genesis Vol.3 Genesis 37-50James Montgomenry Boice2002Baker
E1155A soldier's promiseDaniel Hendres with Wes Smith2006Simon Spotlight Entertainment
E1156T.S. Eliot Collected Poems 1909-1962 Harcourt, Brace1970World
E1157Kingdom conspiracy Mcknight2014Baker
E1158Biblical SermonsRobinson1990Baker
E1159The power of team leadershipBarna2001Water Brook
E1160Biblical preachingRobinson1980Baker
E1161GalatiansRyken2005Library of Congress
E1162Renovation of the willardWillard2002Navpress
E1163Loeb classical library Apostolic fathers1G.P.Goold1985Harvard University Press
E1164Hard sayings of JesusBruce1983IVP
E1165word Biblical Themes JohnBeasley-Murray1989Word
E1166Manners & customs in the BibleMattews1990Hendrickson
E1167The emotionally healthy church Cazzero2003Zondervan
E1168Doing Church as a teamWayne Cordeiro2004Regal
E11697 myths of working mothersVenker2004Spence
E1170Word Biblical Themes DanielGoldingay1989Word
E1171The riddle of joyG.K. Chesterton and C.S.Lewis1989EErdmans
E1172Crossing the Threshold of hopeJohn Paul II1994KNOPE
E1174The English Bible New and Revised editionF.F.Bruce1970Oxford
E1175Dangerous callingTripp2012Crossway
E1176Safe in the worldLloyd-Jones1988Crossway
E1177The connecting churchFrazee2001Zondervan
E1178From embers to a flammeHarry L. Reeder III2004P&R
E1179The life of the reverend soyang Ju Gi-Cheul, lamb of JesusKim insoo Tr.son dal-lg2008Presbyterian theological college & seminary Press
E1180Nicholas SparksJohn2006Warner
E1181Celebration of DisciplineFoster1988Harper & Row
E1182John Calvin's Sermons on EphesiansJohn Calvin1973Banner of Truth
E1183Rebuilding your broken worldMacDonald1988Oliver Nelson
E1184Invitation to solitude and silenceBarton2004IVP
E1185Starting out togetherH.Norman Wring1996Regal
E1186Running scaredEdward t.welch2007New Growth
E1187The volunteer revolution Bill Hybels2004Zondervan
E1188Eat this book a conyersation in the art of spiritual readingPeterson2006Eerdmans
E1189A history of Israel Third editionBright1981Westminster
E1190Lasting loveAlistair Begg1997Moody
E1191The quest for characterSwindoll1987Multnomah
E1192Dying for changeAnderson1990Betheany House
E1193Faithfullness and holinessPacker2002Crossway
E1194Living the resurrectionPeterson2006Navpress
E1195The case for ChristStrobel1998Zondervan
E1196Developing the leader within youJohn C.Maxwell1993Nelson
E1197What did you expect?Tripp2010Crossway
E1198The meanding of marriageTimothy Keller with Kathy Keller2011Dutton
E1199My utmost for his highest Updated editionChambers1992Discovery House
E1200Night LightDobson2000Multnomah
E1201Life in the Spirit in marriage,home & work Ephesians 5:18-6:9Lloyd-Jones1975Baker
E1202The Christian solder Ephesians 6:10-20Lloyd-Jones1978Baker
E1203Darknes and light Ephesians 4:17-5:17Lloyd-Jones1982Baker
E1204The Christian warfare Ephesians 6:10-13Lloyd-Jones1977Baker
E1205A history of religions in KoreaDuk-Whang Kim1963
E1206Loeb classical library Apostolic fathers2Translated by Kirsopp Lake1976Cox&Wyman
E1207The great omissionWillard2006Harper SanFrancisco
E1208Preaching the crossDever,Duncan,Mohler,Mahaney2007Crossway
E1209The Soul's Quest for God Sproul1992Tyndale House
E1210More than an ark on araratIrwin1985Broadman
E1211Calvinism in the Las Vegas airportMouw2004Zondervan
E1212The Ascent of a leaderThrall Mcnicol Mcelrath1999Jossey-Bass
E1213Can man live without GodRavi Zacharias1994Word
E1214Redemptive history and Biblical interpretationGeerhardus Vos2001P&R
E1215Foundations of evangelical theologyDavis1984Baker
E1216The kingdom of the cultsMartin1997Betheany House
E1217Integrative theology volume oneLewis & Demarest1987Zondervan
E1218Lies women believeNancy Leigh DeMoss2001Moody
E1219Becoming a healthy churchMacchia1999Baker
E1220Pursuing the pearlFong1999Judson
E1221The praying church sourcebook second editionAlvin J.Vander Griend1997Faith Alive
E1222Before the face of God Book2 A daily guide for living from the Gospel of LukeR.C. Sproul1993Baker
E1223Finding God in the QuestionsJohnson2004IVP
E1224Before the face of God Book3 A daily guide for living from the Old TestamentR.C. Sproul1994Baker
E1225The push-pull marriageCarter1983Baker Book House
E1226Waiting for godotSamuel Beckett1954Grove Press
E1227Francis Schaeffer the manand his messageParkhurst1986Word Books
E1228SovereigntyBertrand De Jouvenel1957Canbridge university press
E1229The reformation and ReunionC.Sydney CarterThe Church Book Room
E1230Religion and philosophyWaiter Kaufmann1961Anchor Books
E1231Language, truth and logicAyer1975Penguin Books
E1232A history of the medieval church 590-1500Margaret Deanesly1959Methuen & Co Ltd
E1233The church before the watching worldSchaeffer1978interVarsity
E1234The early churchHenry Chadwick1971Penguin Books
E1235The early christian fathersBettenson1969Oxford
E1236The historical geography of the holy landGeorge Adam Smith1966Collins Clear-Type
E1237Thoughts on art, literature and humorJane Stuart Smith and Betty Carlson1987
E1238Problems of biblical theology in the twentieth centuryReventlow1986SCM press
E1239The reformation of the 16th centuryRoland Bainton1963Hodder
E1240Isaiah's immnuelHindson1982P&R
E1241The oecumenical documents of the faithBindley1950Methuen & Co Ltd
E1242Isaiah 1-12 nwe editionOtto kaiser1983SCM press
E1243Finally comes the poetBrueggeman1989Fortress Press
E1244Jesus and JudaismSanders1985SCM press
E1245Quiet time with GodKristen Johnson Ingram1984Judson
E1246Atonement today John Goldingay1995SPCK
E1247Abraham KiyperBerg1978Paideia press
E1248The birth of the new testamentMoule1990Adam & Charles Black
E1249A pattern of doctrines3 volume 5George Vass2001Sheed & Ward
E1250The one, the three and the manyGunton2000Cambridge
E1251The word of God in transitionSchniedewind1995Sheffield Academic
E1252Theology of the new testament.1Bultmann1952SCM press
E1253The gospel of ThomasMeyer1992Harper SanFrancisco
E1254Problems of biblical theology in the twentieth centuryReventlow1986Fortress Press
E1255Beyond IdentityDick Keyes1984Servant Books
E1256Reading the bible again for the first timeBorg2001Harper SanFrancisco
E1257Apostle and bishopA.G.Hebert1963Faber
E1258Explorations in Theology 1DE Nineham1977SCM press
E1259Explorations in Theology 2DE Nineham1977SCM press
E1260Explorations in Theology 3DE Nineham1978SCM press
E1261Veiled desire: augustine on womenPower K.1996Continuum Intl Pub Group
E1262The Reformation: roots and ramificationsOberman, H2004T&T Clark
E1263New testament interpretation: essays on principles and methodsMarshall, I. H. (editor)1983William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
E1264Looking both ways exploring the Interface between Christianity and sociologyPerkins, R.1987Baker Pub Group
E1265An existentialist theology: a comparison of Heidegger and Bultmann Macquarriem, J2012Hymns Ancient & Modern
E1266A theology of the holy spirit: the pentecostal experience and the new testament witnessBruner, F.D. 1970William B. Eerdmans
E1267Preaching on the sayings of JesusFord, D.W.C.1996Morehouse
E1268An introduction to the theology of Rudolf BultmannSchmithals, W 1968‎S.C.M.
E1269An alternative vision an interpretation of liberation theologyHaight, R.1985Paulist
E1270Christian theology: An introduction to its traditions and tasksHodgson, P. & King, R.1985Fortress
E1271New testament studisDodd, C.H.1967Manchester University
E1272The spirituality of the new testament and the fathersBouyer, L.1963Desclee Company
E1273The erosion of calvinist orthodoxy: seceders and subscription in scottish presbyterianismHamilton, I.1992Edwin Mellen Pr
E1274Revelation: vision and insightBoxall, I.2002Spck
E1275New testament theology: the theology of the gospel of markTelford, W.R.1999Cambridge University
E1276The new testament: history, literature, religionTheissen, G.2003T & T Clark
E1277My sermon-notes: a selection from outline of discourses deliveredSpurgeon, C.H.1903Passmore and Alabaster
E1278The message of judges: grace aboundingWilcock, M.1993Inter-Varsity
E1279Innovative approaches to counsellingCollins, G.R.1986Word Publishing
E1280Luke:new testament guidesTuckett, C.M.1996Sheffield Academic
E1281The mystery of the crossHume, C.B.1998Cromwell
E1282Intellect and action: elucidations on christian theology and the life of faithGunton, C.2001UNKNO
E1283Man and woman in christian perspectiveNeuer, W. (Author, Introduction), Wenham, G.J. (Translator)1991Crossway Books
E1284Philosophy of religion third editionHick, J.H.1983Prentice-Hall
E1285Theology of the new testament: volume twoBultmann, R.1955SGM
E1286The interpretation of the fourth gospelDodd, C.H.1965Cambridge University
E1287The christian faith: an introduction to christian doctrineGunton, C.E.2002Wiley-Blackwell
E1288Patrology vol.1: the beginnings of patristic literature from the apostles creed to irenaeusQuasten, J. (Author), Burghardt, w.j. (Editor)1983Christian Classics
E1289Theology and the problem of evil (signposts in theology)Surin, K.1986Wipf and Stock
E1290Servant and son: Jesus in parable and gospelMichaels, J.R.1981John Knox
E1291The birth of the new testamentMoule, C.F.D.1966Adam & Charles Black
E1292Paul and Jesus: Origin and general character of Paul's preaching of ChristRidderbos, H.1977Presbyterian and reformed publishing co.
E1293Witness to the gospel: the theology of actsMarshall, I.H. & Peterson, D. edited1998Wm. B. Eerdmans
E1294A materialist reading of the gospel of markBelo, F. (Author), O'Connell, M.J. (Translator)1981Orbis Books
E1295The canterbury preacher's companion 2007Counsell, M.2006Canterbury
E1296The Greek wayHamilton, E.1964The Norton Library
E1297Ministering to the silent minorityLawrence, E.D.1978Gospel Publishing House
E1298Ludwig wittgenstein a memoirMalcom, N.1967Oxpord University
E1299A new eusebius: documents illustrating the history of the church to AD 337 Stevenson, J. (Editor), Frend, W.H.C. (Editor)2013 Baker Academic
E1300Paul: a critical lifeO'Connor, J.M.1997Oxford University
E1301The actuality of atonment: a study of metaphor, rationality, and the christian tradition Gunton, C.E.1988Eerdmans
E1302The hidden art of homemakingSchaeffer, E.1982Tyndale House
E1303Time and eternity and other biblical studiesCustance, A.C.1977Zondervan Publishing House
E1304Brave new people: ethical issues at the commencement of lifeJones, D.G.1985Eerdmans
E1305Fundamental aprinciples of the metaphysic of ethics Abbott, T.K. & Kant, I.1923Sagwan
E1306The rationality of religious belief essays in honour of Basil Mitchell Abraham, W.J. (editor), Holtzer, S.W. (editor)1987Oxford University
E1307Mind: the fascinating ways it works for youCollins, G.R.1985Word
E1308studies on the trstament of job (society for new testament studies monograph series, series number 66)Knibb, M.A. (Editor), Horst, P.W.V.D. (Editor)
1990Cambridge University
E1309The bible in the modern worldBarr, J.1973SCM
E1310A chorus of witness: model sermons for today's preacherLong, T.G. & Plantinga, C.1994Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E1311Roman law in a nutshellEllas, D.1945Sweet & Maxwell
E1312Dutch Calvinism in modern America: a history of a conservative subcultureBratt, J.D.1984Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E1313The idea of officeSietsma, K.1985Paideia
E1314Prodigal press: the anti-christian bias of the American news mediaOlasky, M.1988Crossway Books
E1315Reframing theology and film: new focus for an emerging disciplineJohnston, R.K. (editor)2007Baker Academic
E1316The origin of satanPagels, E.1995Penguin Books
E1317Derrida for beginnersCollins, J. & Mayblin, B.1996Icon Books
E1318The bible, politics, and democracyNeuhaus, R.J.1987Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E1319John Calvin's sermons on ephesiansCalvin, J.1974Banner of Truth
E1320Calvin Geneva, and the reformation: a study of Calvin as social reformer, churchman, pastor and theologiaWallage, R.1988Scottish Academic Pr
E1321The gospel according to st. John: an introduction with commentary and notes on the greek textBarrett, C.K.1975S.P.C.K.
E1322Calvin: commentaries vol. 23Haroutunian, J.1958SCM
E1323Religious thought in the reformationReardon, B.M.G.1981Longman
E1324Reformed theological writingsFinlayson, R.A.2001Mentor
E1325The christian polity of John CalvinHöpfl, H.1985Cambridge University
E1326Union with Christ: John Calvin and the mysticismof St. Bernard (Columbia series in reformed theology)Tamburello, D.E.1994Westminster John Knox
E1327The counselling of JesusBuchanan, D.1985Intervarsity
E1328The Religion of Jesus the jewVermes, G.1993SCM
E1329A survey of the new testamentGundry, R.H.1981Zondervan
E1330The reformation in medieval perspectiveOzment, S.E.1971Quadgrangle Books
E1331Reformation and societyin in sixteenth-century Europe Dickens, A.G.1966Harcourt, Brace & World
E1332Style and content in christian artDillenberger, J.1965Crossroad
E1333The church and the stateSimpson, P.C. 1929James Clarke
E1334The Latin church in the middle agesLagarde, A1915T. & T. Clark
E1335The soul search: a spiritual journey to authentic intimacy with God Collins, G.R.1998Thomas Nelson
E1336Calvin's doctrine of the word and sacramentWallage, R.1953Oliver and Boyd
E1337Theology for a scientific agePeacocke, A.1993SCM
E1338The Claims of truth: John Owen's Trinitarian theologyTrueman, C.R.1998Great Britain
E1339Gregory of nyssa and the concept of divine personsTurcescu, L2005Oxford
E1340The bible as it wasKugel, J.L.1997BELKNAP
E1341Reformation thougtt: an introductionMcGRATH, A.E.1988Basil Blackwell
E1342Nicene christianity: the future for a new EcumenismSeatz, C.R.2001Brazos
E1343Nicene christianity: the future for a new EcumenismSeatz, C.R.2001Brazos
E1344The divine trinityBrown, D.1985Great Britain
E1345The Cambridge modern historyActon, L.1907Cambridge University
E1346Exposition of IsaiahLeupold, H.C.1977Evangelical
E1347Dictionary of Latin and Greek theological termsMuller, R.A.1985Baker Books
E1348Parables and Fables: exegesis, textuality and politics in central AfricaMudimbe, V.Y.1992University of Wisconsin
E1349The new brown, driver, and briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old TestamentBrown, F.1981Associated Publishers and authors
E1350Calvin in contextSteinmetz, D.1995Oxford University
E1351The catholicity of the reformationBraaten, C.E. & Jenson, R.W.1996Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E1352History of dogmaHarnack, A.1898Williams & Norgate
E1353The hidden gospel: decoding the spiritual message of the Aramaic Jesus Klotz, N.D.1999Quest Books
E1354The great controversy between Christ and Satan: the conflict of the ages in the christian dispensationWhite, E.G.1950Pacific
E1355History of dogma vol. 2Harnack, A. (Author) & Neil Buchanan, N. (Translator)1895Williams & Norgate
E1356Service in christ: Essays presented to Karl Barth on his 80th birthday Parker, T.H.L. (author) & McCord, J.I. (editor)1966Eerdmans
E1357History of dogma vol. 1Harnack, A. (Author) & Neil Buchanan, N. (Translator)1905Williams & Norgate
E1358The letters of st. Bernard of ClairvauxJames, B.S.1953Burns Oates
E1359The syudy of the parablesHabershon, A.R.1915London : Pickering & Inglis
E1360Believe: living the story of the bible to become like JesusFrazee, R.2015Zondervan
E1361The NIV application commentary 1 & 2 thessaloniansHolmes, M.W.1998Zondervan Academic
E1362The NIV application commentary: actsFernando, A.1998Zondervan Academic
E1363Voice from Dickens' LondonPaterson, M.2006D & C
E1364A new critique of theoretical thoughtDooyeweerd, H.1958Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing
E1365Doing theology for the people of God: studies in honor of J.I. Packer Lewis, D., McGrath, A. & Packer, J.I. (editor)1996Intervarsity Pr
E1366God-talk: an examination of the language and logic of theologyMacquarrie, J.1967SCM
E1367The intellectual origins of the European reformation 2nd editionMcGRATH, A.E.2003Wiley-Blackwell
E136820-century theology: God & the world in a translational ageGrenz, S.J. & Olson, R.E.1992Paternoster
E1369The original JesusBorchert, O.(author), Stalker, L.M.(translater)1944Lutterworth
E1370The success journey: the process of living your dreamsMaxwell, J.C.1997Thomas Nelson
E1371Word pictures in the new testament- vol. 1 Matthew and MarkRobertson, A.T.1960Broadman & Holman
E1372 The Protestant tradition; an essay in interpretationWhale, J.S.1955Cambridge University
E1373Luther and Calvin on secular authorityUnknown 1991China Politics and Law University
E1374The five points of Calvinism: defined, defended, documentedSteele, D.N. & Thomas, C.C.1978Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing
E1375Calvin's new testament commentariesParker, T.H.L1971Eerdmans
E1376The weekend that changed the world: the mystery of Jerusalem's empty tombWalker, P.2000Westminster John Knox
E1377After our likeness: the church as the image of the TrinityVolf, M.1997Wm. B. Eerdmans
E1378The Oxford book of lettersKermode, F. & Kermode, A. (editor)1995Oxford University
E1379The sociology of protestantismMehl, R.1970SCM
E1380What I believeEllul, J. (authr), Bromiley, G.W. (translator)1989William B. Eerdmans
E1381Yesterday & today: a study of continuities in christologyGunton, C.E.1983Darton, Longman & Todd
E1382Speaking the christian God: the holy trinity and the challenge of feminismKimel, A.F. (editor)1992Publisher
Wm. B. Eerdmans
E1383Transforming mission: paradigm shifts in theology of missionBosch, D.J.1998Orbis Books
E1384PaulBornkamm, G. (author) & Stalker, D.M.G. (Trsl.)1971Harper & Row
E1385The interpretation of JohnAshton, J. (editor)1997T & T Clark
E1386Christian systematic theology in a world contextSmart, N. & Konstantine, S.1991HarperCollins
E1387Sola scriptura: problems and principles in preaching historical texts Greidanus, S.1970WEDGE
E1388Defensor pacisPadua, M.1980Toronto University
E1389A reader in sociology: christian respectivesSanto, C.P., Redekop, C. & Smith-Hinds, W.L. (Editor)1981Herald
E1390Critical theologyJones, G.1995Polity Press
E1391The Princeton theologyNoll, M.A.1983Baker Book House
E1392Everybody can know Francis (Author), Schaeffer(editor)1973Tyndale House
E1393Introduction to the new testamentKummel, W.G.1981Nashville
E1394Korean journal of christian studiesKorea Association of christian studies2010The Christian Literature Society of Korea
E1395The primacy of perception: and other essays on phenomenological psychology, the philosophy of art, history and politicsPonty, M.M.?(Merleau-Ponty, M.?) (Author), Edie, J.M. (Editor)1964Northwestern University
E1396The apostolic fathersLightfoot, J.B. (Author), Harmer, J.R. (Editor)1983Baker Book
E1397The christian college: a history of protestant higher education in America Ringenberg, W.C.1984Eerdmans
E1398Evangelism in the early churchGreen, M2003William B.Eerdmans
E1399More skits that winVaughn, R.1977Zondervan
E1400Mary Magdalene: beyond the MythBoer, E.A.1997Trinity
E1401A once-and pentecostcoming spirit at pentecost: essays on the liturgical readings between easter and pentecostBrown, R.E.1994Liturgical
E1402Prodigal press: the anti-christian bias of the American news mediaOlasky, M.1988Crossway
E1403Rock reconsidered: a christian looks at contemporary musicLawhead, S.1981InterVarsity
E1404The gift of music: great composers and their influenceSmithJ.S. & Carlson, B.1987Crossway
E1405Reclaiming the bible for the churchBraatrn, C.E. & Jenson, R.W.1995T & T
E1406The theological interpretation of Scripture: classic and contemporary readingsFowl, S.E. (editor)1997Wiley-Blackwell
E1407Mary Magdalene: in the new testament gospels and early traditionAtwood, R.1993Peter Lang
E1408The principles of theology: an introduction to the thirty-nine articlesThomas, W.H.G.1956Church Book Room
E1409Kierkegaard as negative theologianLaw, D.R.1993Crarendon
E1410The christian doctrine of the church, faith, and the consummation (Dogmatics Vol. III)Brunner, E.1962Lutterworth
E1411The reformationRobertson, A.1960Watts
E1412The I ching: the book of changesLegge, J. (translator)1963Dover
E1413A theology on its way: essays on Karl BarthRoberts, R.H.1991T & T
E1414Church, World and the Christian life: practical-prophetic ecclesiologyHealy, N.M.2000Cambridge University
E1415The Best in theology vol. twoPacker, J.I. & Fromer, P. (editor)1988Carol Stream
E1416The parables of JesusWenham, D.1989InterVaIsity
E1417The theology of the Letter to Hebrews (new testament theolog)Lindars, B. ‎1991Cambridge University
E1418Principles of christian theology: revised editionMacquarrie, J.1998SCM
E1419Confucianism and christianity: a comparative studyChing, J.1977Kodansha
E1420The kingdom of God: in the teaching of JesusChilton, B. (editor)1984Fortress
E1421The christian frame of mindTorrance, T.F.1985Handsel
E1422Science and God: reconciling science with the Christian faithClark, G.1979Anzea
E1423HolinessWebster, J.2003SCM
E1424Act and beingGunton, C.E.2002SCM
E1425Joshua and the flow of biblical historySchaeffer, F.A.1975interVarsity
E1426The doctrine of God: an historical surveyKaiser, C.B.1982Marshall Morgan & Scott
E1427Interpreting God and the postmodern self: on meaning, manipulation and promise Thiselton, A.C.1995T & T Clark
E1428Essays on JohnBarrett, C.K.1982SPCK
E1429The structure of behaviorPonty, M.M. (author) & Fisher, A.L. (translator)1963Beacon
E1430The theology of the second letter to the Corinthians (new testament theolog)Dunn, J.D.G. (editor)1991Cambridge University
E1431The cross of Christ: eight public lecturesTaylor, V.1956Macmillan
E1432The Trinity in contemporary theologyWelch, C.1953SCM
E1433Letter and papers from prisonBonhoeffer, D.1953SCM
E1434Self-talk, imagery and prayer in counselling vol. 2Wright, H.N. (author) & Collins, G.R. (editor)1987Word
E1435America christian or secular?: readings in American christian history and civil religion Herbert, J.S. (editor)1984Multnomah
E1436The generation that knew not Josef: a critique of marxism and the religious leftMorris, R.L. (editor)1985Multnomah
E1437FundamentalismBarr, J.1977SCM
E1438The christological controversyNorris, R.A. (translated & edited))1980Fortress
E1439Luke: proclamation commentaries: second editionDanker, F.W. (author), Krodel, G. (editor)1987Fortress
E1440The gospel and epistles of John: a concise commentaryBrown, R.E.1988Liturgical
E1442Paul as Apostle to the GentilesDaniel.J1997Paternoster
E1443Cuurch and state on the european continentKeller.A & Lidgett.J.S1936Epworth Press
E1444A new eusebius Stevenson.J1960SPCK
E1445Hope against hope Bauckham.T & Hart& Richard1990Darton,Longman & Todd Ltd
E1446Davidson inquiries into truth and interpretationDavidson.D1984Oxford University Press
E1447The birth of the new testamentMoule .C. F. D.1962Adam and Charles Black
E1448I believe in the second coming of JesusStephen.T1982Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
E1449The church and JesusDowning.F.G1968S.C.M. Press
E1450Joachim jeremias Lerusalem in the time of JesusJeremias.J1969SCM
E1451Young ludwig wittgenstein's life 1889-1921Mcguinness.B2005Oxford
E1452God was in christBaille.D.M1942Faber and Faber
E1453Manners and customs of the BibleJames M. Freeman1978Bridge Logos Fndtn
E1454Regnum del Robertson.A1901methuen&co.
E1455Augustine's prayerful ascentMcmahon.R1989Georgia
E1456The wonderful spirit-filled lifeStanley.C1992Thomas Nelson Publishers
E1457From the maccabees to the mishnahCohen.J.D1987Westminster Press
E1458Theology and praxisBoff.C2009Wipf and Stock
E1459The historical JesusJohn Dominic Crossan 1993HarperOne
E1460Authenticating the words of JesusChilton.B & A.Evans.C2002Brill
E1461The first urban christiansWayne A. Meeks 1983yale
E1463History of the reformationMerle d'Aubigné-Simpkin
E1464Biblical interpretation in the era of the Richard A. Muller 1996Eerdmans Pub Co;
E1465Between church and state Bernard Guenee 1990University of Chicago Press
E1466Judaism and hellenHengel.M1974SCM Press
E1467The zealotsMartin Hengel 1997UNKNO
E1468Judaism and its social metaphorsJacob Neusner 1989Cambridge University Press
E1469Jesus the messiah Manson.W1945Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
E1470The quset of the historical Jesus Albert Schweitzer 1954Macmillan
E1471History of the reformationT.M Lindsay.D.D1959T&T Clark
E1472History of the reformationT.M Lindsay.D.D1959T&T Clark
E1473The institutes of justunlanMoyle.J.B1928Oxford University Press
E1474Divine discourseNicholas Wolterstorff 1995Cambridge University Press
E1475The question of womanJackson.J1996Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1476Newman & gadamerThomas K. Carr1996UNKNO
E1477Jesus in his time Daniel-Rops1955Eyre & Spottiswoode
E1478The history of the jewish peopleMoses A. Shulvass1982Regnery Gateway
E1479Bible translationsWorth.H1992Mcf
E1480Christ in the thousand placesWalter J. Burghardt2000 Paulist Pr
E1481Pain,perplexity and promotionSorge.B1999Oasis House
E1482Luke Tannehill.R1996Abingdon Press
E1483Narrative Dynamics in paulLongenecker .B.W2002‎ Westminster John Knox
E1484A harmonu of the gospelsThomas .R&Gundry.S1986‎ HarperOne
E1485From women's experoence to feminist theologyHogan.L1997Sheffield Academie
E1486Towards a transformation of philosophyKael Otto Apel1973Routledge & Kegan paul
E1487Revelation,Reademption,and RseponseButin.P.W1995Oxford University Press
E1488Absolutely and the golden eggsCarlson.B--
E1489Tow old testament theologiesSpriggs.D.G1974S.C.M. Press
E1490The frorm of the churchHebert.A.G1948Faber and Faber
E1491St.anselms prosloionCharlesworth.M.J1965Oxford University Press
E1492The prayers of JesusJeremias.J1964SCM
E1493Meditating upon God's wordToon.P1988Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd
E1494Charismatic Renewal: a Search for a Theology by Tom Smail, Andrew Walker and Nigel Wright Smail,Walker and wright1993‎SPCK
E1495Biblical words and their meaningSilva.M 2010Zondervan Academie
E1496How to win the culture war Kreeft .P2002IVP
E1497A peactical grammarWeingreen,J 1959Oxford University Press
E1498Women,authority&the BibleMickelsen.A1986Marshall Pickering
E1499Richard rufus of cornwall and the teadition of oxford theologyRaedts.P1987Oxford University Press
E1500A dictionary of Biblical interpretationCoggins.R. J.&Houlden.J.L 1990SCM
E1501Make the old testament liveHess.R&Wenham.G1998Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1502Bible background commentary old testamentWalton,J & Matthews.H2000Inter-Varsity Press
E1503Slavery in babyloniaDandamaev.M1984Northern Illinois University Press
E1504Strasbourg and the reformChrisman.M.U1967Yale University Press
E1505Theolory for the community of GodStanley J. Grenz 1994‎Eerdmans
E1506The protestant ReformationHillerbrand .H1968Macmillan
E1507The social teaching of the christilanTroeltsch.E1949Macmillan
E1508Thomas aquinas and gabriel BielFarthing.J1988Duke University Press
E1509Reimagining denominationalismMullin.R.B & Richey.R1994Oxford University Press
E1510The Reformation TheologiansLindberg .C2001Wiley-Blackwell
E1511Aary magdalenHaskins.S1995Riverthrad Trade
E1512The german people and the reformationRonnie Po-Chia Hsia1988Cornell University Press
E1513A call to spiritual ReformationCarson .D.A1993Inter-Varsity Press
E1514The impact of the reformationOberman.H.A1994Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1515Continuing the reformationGerrish .B.A1994University of Chicago Press
E1516The ancient near east A historyHallo.W1971H.B.J
E1517Hyper-calvinism and the call of the gospelEngelsma.D1980Reformed Free Pub. Association
E1518Science and personBong Ho Son1972Van Gorcum
E1519The evangelical church catholicCarnegie.P.C1934Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
E1520Nothing but the truthEdwards.B1978Evangelical
E1521The calvin auditoriumMobbs.A1985Genevr
E1522The protestant ReformationSpitz.L1966Prentice-Hall
E1523The wast land and other poemsEliot.T.S1998Signet
E1524The law of liberty in the spiritual life Hopkins.E1957Sunday School Times Co
E1525The old and the new in the church-1961S.C.M. Press
E1526Feminist theory and christian theologyJones.S2000Fortress Press
E1527Religious thought in the reformationReardon.B.G1982Longman Pub Group
E1528Jesus the jew.VermesVermes.G1993SCM Press
E1529Iesus and the world of judaismVermes.G2012SCM Press
E1530Jesus is the christMorris .L1989Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1531A new commentary on holy scripture incluing the apocryphaCharles1937S.P.C.K
E1532Inscription and reflections Essays in philosophical theologyScharlemann .R1989University press of Virginia
E1533A sbort history of christian thoughtUrban .L1995Oxford University Press
E1534Men and ideas in sixteenth centuryHillerbrand .H1969Rand McNally
E1535Early history of christian doctrineBethune-Baker1951Methuen&co.
E1536Confessing christ in a plural worldWood.N2002Whitley Publications
E1537History of christianity, Vol. 2: reformation to the presentLatourette.K.S1997Prince Press
E1538Involvement:Socialan and sexualrelationships in the modern worldStott.J1985Fleming H. Revell
E1539A godward life book towPiper.J2003Multnomahbooks
E1540New thstament historyBruce, F.F.1983Galilee / Doubleday
E1541The essential enneagramDaniels.D & Price.V2009HarperOne
E1542Gifts differingMyers.P1995CPP
E1543Conflict & Community in corintWitherington .B1995Eerdmans
E1544Principles of Biblical interpretationBerkhof .L1990Baker Book House
E1545Cornelius vantil an analysis of his thoughtFrame .J1995P & R Publishing
E1546The Jesus i never knew Yancey .P1995Paperback
E1547Sociology and the Jesus movementHorsley.R1994Continuum
E1548The hermeneutical spiral Osborne.G1991Inter-Varsity Press
E1549The treasury of christian spiritual classicsPublishers.T.N1994thomas Nelson Publishers
E1550A quest for godlinessPacker.J.I 1990Crossway Books
E1551New testament theologyJeremias.J1987S.C.M. Press
E1552The new testament and the people of GodWright .N.T1992Fortress Press
E1553The greco roman worldJeffers.J1999IVP Academie
E1554The parablesYoung.B1998Hendrickson Publishers
E1555InerrancyGeisler.N1980Zondervan Academie
E1556Biblical hermeneuticsTerry.M1974Zondervan Academie
E1557Realworship WiersbeWiersbe .W2000Baker Books
E1558Sermon classics by great preachGunther.P1982Moody Press
E1559From sabbath to lord's dayCarson .D.A1982Zondervan Academie
E1560Man and his destiny in the great religionsBrandon .S.G.F1962University Press
E1561Toward old testament ethicsKaiser .W1983Zondervan Academie
E1562Toward an exegetical theologyKaiser .W1985Baker Book House
E1563Hard sayings of the old testamentKaiser .W1988Inter-Varsity Press
E1564More hard sayings of the old testamentKaiser .W1991Inter-Varsity Press
E1565Handbook of christian apologeticsKreeft .P & Tacelli.R1994Inter-Varsity Press
E1566The Biblical view of Self esteem,Self love,Self imageAdams.J1986Harvest House Publishers
E1567Now that's good questionSproul.R.C1996Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E1568Introduction to systmatic theologyBerkhof .L1979Baker Book House
E1569Manual of christian doctrineBerkhof .L1939Eerdmans
E1570Making sense of the old testamentLongman.T1998Baker Publishing Group
E1571Caught in between the extraordinary story of arab palestinian christian israehRiah Abu El-assal2000S.P.C.K
E1572Jonathan EdwardsHosier1999Barbour Publishing, Inc.
E1573A simplified guide to bhsScott .W1995Biblia Press
E1574The birth of christianty the first twenty Barnett .P2005Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co
E1575From sabbath to lord's dayCarson.D. A 1982Zondervan Academie
E1576Ancient israelite literature in its cultural coWalton .J1994Zondervan Academic
E1577Hankbook for Bible studyOsborne.G1987Baker Book House
E1578Quest for renewalKaiser .W1986Moody Press
E1579Readings for reflection and meditationLewis.C.S1995HarperCollins Publishers
E1580The restitution of manAeschliman.M1998Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1581Biblical exegesis in the apostoloc periodLongenecker.R1999Eerdmans
E1582Christ the end of the lawRadenas.R1985JSOT press
E1583basics of biblical greekMounce .W2003Zondervan Academic
E1584The art of biblical poetryAlter .R1985Basic Books
E1585Recovering biblical manhood & womanhoodGruden.W & Grudem.W1991Crossway Books
E1586The authority of the old tesamentBright.J1991Baker Book House
E1587Preaching and biblical theologyClowney .E2002P & R Publishing
E1588The old testament in contemporory preodchingKaiser .W1973Baker Book House
E1589Religion,pluralism and public lifeLugo.L2000‎Eerdmans Pub Co
E1590Paul and the New perspectiveKim .S2001Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co
E1591The reformed doctrine of predestination boettBoettner.L1932P & R Publishing
E1592The art of biblical poetryAlter .R2005Baker Book House
E1593The prophets of israelWood.L1985Baker Book House
E1594Studiesld in old testament theologyHubbard.R & Johnston.R1992Word Publishing
E1595Studies in the sermon on the mountMartyn.D1984William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
E1596The unity of the book of genesisHenry.W1979Baker Book House
E1597Authentic christianityJones.M.L2000Crossway
E1598The progress of redemptionVanGemeren1998Academie book
E1599Tell the truthMetzger .W1984InterVarsity
E1600On the preparation and delivery of sermoBroadus.J1979HarperOne
E1601Religion & culture in ancient israelDearman.J.A1992Hendrickson Publishers
E1602An introduction to early juduaismVanderkam .J.C2000Eerdmans
E1603On the reliability of the old testamentKitchen .K. A.2006Eerdmans
E1604Jesus & the restoration of IsraelNewman.C.C2009IVP Academic
E1605Encyclopedia of Bible difficultiesArcher.G.L1982Regency
E1606Instruments in the redeemer"s handsTripp .P.D2002P & R Publishing
E1607Biblical theologyGeerhardus Vos1948Eerdmans
E1608Immanuel kant's critique of pure reasonSmith.N.K1964Macmillan
E1609Between two horizonsGreen.J.B & Turner.M1999Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1610The shadow of christ in the law of mosesPoythress .V.S1991P & R Publishing
E1611Paul an outline of his theologyRidderbos, H1997Eerdmans
E1612Select sermons of george whitefieldRyle.J.C & Elliot .R1959Oxford
E1613The legacy of sovereign joyPiper .J2006Crossway
E1614The hidden smile of GodPiper .J2008Crossway
E1615The last days according to JesusSproul .R.C1998Baker Book House
E1616The first epistle to the corinthiansFee, G.D.2014Eerdmans
E1617The letter to the EphesiansO'Brien, P.T.1999Eerdmans
E1618HebrewsBrown, J.1961The Banner of Truth Trust
E1619Word biblical themes Hosea-JonahStuart, D.1989Word Publishing
E1620Psalms1-41Boice, J.M.1987W Publishing Group
E1621Receiving the DayBass, D.C.2000Jossy-Bass
E1622Glory in our midst - A Biblical-Theological Reading of Zechariah's Night VisionsKline, G. 2001Two Age Press
E1623Chinese Intellecturals and the GospelLing, S. & Bieler, S.2000Horizon
E1624Preaching and biblical TheologyClowney, P.2002P & R Publishing
E1625The leadership - Genius of Jesus:: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Business Beausay, W.2009Thomas Nelson
E1626From fear to faithCarothers, M.R. 2002Merlin R. Carothers
E1627The doctrine of GodBray, G.1993IVP
E1628A prophetic voice in the cityMartini, C.1997Liturgical Pr
E1629Get wisdom, Get InsightDell, K.J.2000Smyth & Helwys
E1630Liberating the gospels: Reading the Bible with Jewish EyesSpong, J.S.1997HarperOne
E1631Early christian doctrinesKelly, J.N.D.1978HarperOne
E1632Worship in the early churchMartin, R.P. 1975Wm. B. Eerdmans
E1633The Faith : A symposium of bible doctrineTatford, F.A.1952Pickering & Inglis
E1634These three are one: The Practice of Trinitarian TheologyCunningham, D.S.1998Blackwell
E1635Trinitarian theology today Schwoebel, C. 2000T&T Clark
E1636Phenomenology and ontologyMohanty, J.N.1970Martingus Nijhoff
E1637A History of Philosophy 8: Modern Philosophy: Bentham to RussellCopleston, F.1967NEWMAN
E1638Ezra, Nehemiah and EstherBrockington, L. H. 1969Nelson
E1639Calvin and Scottish Theology: The Doctrine of AssuranceBell, M.C.1996Handsel Press
E1640A History of Philosophy 1: Greece and Rome From the Pre-Socratics to PlotinusCopleston, F.1967NEWMAN
E1641A History of Philosophy 2: Medieval Philosophy - From Augustine to Duns ScotusCopleston, F.1967NEWMAN
E1642A History of Philosophy 3: Ockham, Francis Bacon, and the Beginning of the Modern WorldCopleston, F.1967NEWMAN
E1643A History of philosophy 4: From Descartes to LeibnitzCopleston, F.1967NEWMAN
E1644A History of philosophy 5: Hobbes to HumeCopleston, F.1967NEWMAN
E1645A History of philosophy 6: Wolff to KantCopleston, F.1967NEWMAN
E1646A History of philosophy 7: Fichte to NietzscheCopleston, F.1967NEWMAN
E1647A History of philosophy 9: Maine to SartreCopleston, F.1967NEWMAN
E1648The parables in the GospelsDrury, J.1989Crossroad
E1649The phenomenon of the new testamentMoule, C.D.F. 2012Hymns Ancient & Modern
E1650Jesus Schweizer, E.1968SCM Press
E1651The great sayings of Jesus: Proverbs, Parables and PrayersDrane, J.1999Palgrave Macmillan
E1652The Church and the SacramentRahner, K.1963Herder
E1653The Man God MasteredCadier, J.1964Inter-Varsity Fellowship
E1654Christian and Reformed todayBolt, J.1984Paideia Press
E1655Documents on the continental reformationNaphy, W.G.1996Macmillan Press
E1656Qumran questionsCharlesworth, J.H.1995UNKNO
E1657Friendship of the Lord, An Old Testament SpiritualitySheriffs, D.1996Authentic Media
E1658The faith of Israel RowleyRowley, H.H.2012Hymns Ancient & Modern
E1659Studies in RomansRobinson, T.1982Kregel
E1660Reading HABERMASRasmussen, D.M.1990Basil-Blackwell
E1661God and World: Christian Texts in PerspectiveMadges, W.1998Orbis
E1662The Theology of John CalvinBarth, K.1995Eerdmans
E1663John CalvinStickelberger, E.2003Lutterworth Press
E1664Three French TreatisesCalvin, J.1970Athlone Press
E1665A reformation debateCalvin, J. & Sadoleto, J.1966Baker
E1666The rise and fallof civilization: From Creation Through the FloodHocking, D.1989Multnomah Pub
E1667Ethics : Alternatives and issuesGeisler, N.L.1971Zondervan
E1668How to explain your faithPritchard, J.2014SPCK
E1669A future for the Historical JesusKeck, L.E. 1972SCM
E1670Did Jesus rise from the dead? The Resurrection DebateHabermas, G. 2003Wipf and Stock
E1671The Gospels and JesusStanton, G.2002Oxford Univ.
E1672HEGEL : The making of modern theology Hegel, G.W.F. & Hodgson, P.C.1997Augsburg Fortress
E1673Early anabaptis spritualityLiechty, D.1994Paulist Pr
E1674Essays in later medieval historyJacob, E. F.1968Manchaster Univ
E1675Essays in european history 1453-1648Loades, D.M.1993Headstart History
E1676Luther's Progress to the diet of worms 1521Rupp, G.1951SCM
E1677The creative suffering of GodFiddes, P.S.1988Oxford University
E1678The plan of salvationWarfield, B.B.1984Eerdmans
E1679Matthew for everyone part twoWright, T.2004Westminster John Knox
E1680Reflecting the GloryWright, T.1997BRF
E1681Ancient philosophy : A very short introductionAnnas, J.2001Oxford Univ
E1682Quantum theory for beginnersMcEvoy, J.P. & Zarate, O.1999Icon Books
E1683Rediscovering FriendshipMoltmann-Wendel, E.2001Fortress Press
E1684Praying for peoplePawley, M.1992Triangle
E1685Dictionnaires LE Robert & Collins PocketCollins 1992HarperCollins Pub
E1686A man for all seasonsBolt, R.1990Vintage
E1687Teach your self LATINBetts, G. 1986Hodder Headline
E1688The Jews from Alexander to HerodRussell, D.S.1973Oxford Univ
E1689An outline of European history 1494-1714Walxer, G.1953Victor Gollancz
E1690Holy blood, Holy grail : The Secret History of Christ & The Shocking Legacy of the GrailBaigent, M. & Leigh, R. & Lincoln, H.2004Dell
E1691A theology of the new testamentLadd, G.E.1993Eerdmans
E1692The living wordWingren, G1960SCM
E1693Christian ApologeticsDyrness, W.2002Wipf and Stock
E1695Matthew for everyone part oneWright, T.2004Westminster John Knox
E1696The meaning of JESUSWright, N.T. & Borg, M.2007HarperOne
E1697The christian vision : man and mindBurke, T.J.1987Hillsdale College
E1698The origin of christologyMoule, C.F.D. 1978Cambridge Univ
E1699The social world of the first christiansStambaugh, J.E. 1986SPCK
E1700God and history in early christian thoughtPatterson, L.G.1967Adam&Charles Black
E1701The dead sea scrolls uncoveredEisenman, R.1994Dorset House
E1702The essene writings from qumranSommer, D.1969Meridian Books
E1703Texts Reading Texts, Sacred and secularJack, A.1999Sheffield Academic
E1704Anglican and Puritan: The Basis of Their Opposition, 1558 - 1640New, J.F.H.1965Stanford
E1705Becoming and Being: The Doctrine of God in Charles Hartshorne and Karl BarthGunton, C.E.1978Oxford Univ
E1706PAUL An outline of his theologyRidderbos, H.1997Eerdmans
E1707The epistle to the romansBarrett, C.K.1986Hendrickson
E1708After Paul left Corinth: The Influence of Secular Ethics and Social ChangeWinter, B.W. 2001Wm. B. Eerdmans
E1709365 Guidelines for daily living Sala, H.J.1988Baker Pub
E1710How to have real joySpurgeon, C.H.2001Whitaker House
E1712Second TimothyHiebert, D.E.1959Moody Publishers
E1713First TimothyHiebert, D.E.1957Moody Publishers
E1714The concept of GodWard, K.1974Blackwell
E1715Does God Exist?Kung, H. 1980Collins
E1716The continental ReformationUnderwood, A.C.Kingsgate
E1717Jesus and ArchaeologyCharlesworth, J.H. 2006Eerdmans
E1718The Hellenistic philosophersLong, A.A. & Sedley, D.N.1987Cambridge Univ
E1719Union of christendomMackenzie, K.1938Religious Book Club
E1720Erasmus and the age of reformationJohan Huizinga1957Harper Torchbooks
E1721Who am I? What am I? : Search for Meaning in Your WorkRedekop, C.1988Zondervan
E1722Dictionary of PhilosophyBlackburn, S.2016Oxford Univ
E1723This Jesus : Martyr, Lord, MessiahBockmueh, M.1996Intervarsity
E1724A Systematic of the christian Religion Buswell, J.O.1962Zondervan
E1725Walking to EmmausDuffy, E.2006Burns & Oates
E1726The holiest of allMurray, A.1894Fleming H. Revell Company
E1727Systematic Theology (Volume 2)Pannenberg, W.1991Eerdmans
E1728Systematic Theology (Volume 1)Pannenberg, W.1991Eerdmans
E1729The servant - MessiahManson, T.W.1953Cambridge Univ
E1730Jesish legends of the middle agesField, C.2005Cosimo Classics
E1731The galileo connection Hummel, C.E. 1986 IVP
E1732An introduction to Barth's Dogmatics for PreachersCome, A.B.2012Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd
E1733Reformers in the WingsSteinmetz, D.C. 2001Oxford Univ
E1734Addicted to MediocritySchaeffer, F.1981Cornerstone Books
E1735Calvin's Wisdom : An anthology arranged alphabeticallyMiller, G.1992Banner of truth
E1736The basic ideas of calvinismMeeter, H.1990Baker Pub
E1737The Jesus : Martyr, Lord, MessiahBockmuehl, M.1996Intervarsity Pr
E1738Jesus The MessiahEdersheim, A.1987Eerdmans
E1739Explorations in Theology 5MacKinnon, D.2011SCM
E1740Explorations in Theology 7Barr, J.2012Hymns Ancient & Modern
E1741Francis Schaeffer's ApologeticsMorris, T.V. 1976Moody Press
E1742Jesus The parable of GodSchweizer, E.1994Pickwick 
E1743the year 2000Stott1983IVP
E1744Cities of God: The Real Story of How Christianity Became an Urban Movement and ConqueredStark, R.2006HarperCollins Pub
E1745Pride and Predudice by Jane AustineRaymond Wilson1985Macmillan Press
E1746A kind of Bible : vincent van gogh as evangelistWessels, A.2000Hymns Ancient & Modern
E1747Christianity and PhilosophyYandell, K.E. 1984Eerdmans
E1748The divine imperative: A Study in Christian EthicsBrunner, E.2002Lutterworth Press
E1749The Foucault ReaderFoucault, M.1984Pantheon
E1750The Chomsky ReaderChomsky, N.1987Pantheon
E1751History of DogmaHarnack, A.1899Willians & Norgate
E1752Bandits, Prophets, & Messiahs : Popular Movements at the Time of JesusHorsley, R.A. 1988Winston
E1753Foucault : A Critical readerHoy, D.C.1986Blackwell
E1754The Reality of God and other essaysOgden, S.M.1967SCM
E1755The true image : Christ as the Origin and Destiny of ManHughes, P.E.1989Eerdmans
E1756Process and RealityWhitehead, A.N. 1979Free Press
E1757The expanded vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament WordsVine, W.E.1984Bethany House
E1758The Reformation in Germany and SwitzerlandJohnston & Scribner1993Cambridge Univ
E1759The Johannine circleCullmann, O.1976Westminster
E1760The Doctrine of the church and reunion : Being the Bampton lectures for the year 1920Headlam, A.C.1929J. Murray
E1761History of the reformationLindsay, T. M.1922Edinburgh
E1762The Vision of GodKIRK, K.E. 1946Longmans Green
E1763In his presence : Daily Devotionals Through the Gospel of MatthewWubbels, L.2003YWAM 
E1764The five points of calvinism : Defined, Defended, and DocumentedSteele, T.2004P & R Publishing
E1765Religious Thought in the ReformationReardon, B.M.G. 2014Routledge
E1766New Testament Greek SyntaxPerschbacher, W.J. 1995Moody
E1767Christianity in CultureKraft, C.H. 1979Orbis Books
E1768A History of the christian church Walker, W.1980T&T Clark
E1769The Rise of World Lutheranism: An American PerspectiveNelson, E.C.1982Fortress Press
E1770New Horizons in HermeneuticsThiselton, A.C. 1992HarperCollins Pub
E1771New Resolutions of old conundrumsDuncan, J. & Derrett, M.1986Peter I. Dringwater
E1772All for Jesus , God at Work in The Christian and Missionary Alliance for More Than 125 YearsNiklaus, R.L. & Sawin, J.S. & Stoesz, S.J.2013The Christian and Missionary Alliance
E1773The way of the Lord : Christological Exegesis of the Old Testament in the Gospel of MarkMarcus, J.1992Westminster John Knox
E1774The seeds of heaven : Sermons on the Gospel of MatthewTaylor, B.B.2004Westminster John Knox
E1775Mark : A Commentary on His Apology for the CrossGundry, R.H.2004Eerdmans
E1776Jewish People, Jewish Thought : The Jewish Experience in HistoryRobert M. Seltzer1980Pearson College
E1777The New International Dictionary of Biblical ArchaeologyBlaiklock, E.M. 1983Zondervan
E1778Archaeology & the New TestamentMcRay, J.1991Baker
E1779Archaeology & the Old TestamentHoerth, A.J. 2009Baker
E1780The Church Triumphant: A History of Christianity Up to 1300Hinson, E.G.1995MERCER PRESS
E1781A faith to proclaim Stewart, J.S.1952Hodder and Stoughton
E1782An Unshakeable KINGDOMGooding, D.2013Myrtlefield House
E1783Mark As Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel Michie, Donald, Rhoads, David, Dewey, Joanna1999Augsburg Fortress
E1784The Theme of the PentateuchClines, D.J.A.1997Sheffield
E1785Strange Intelligence / Men as Trees WalkingGreen, M.1997Inter-Varsity
E1786Rescue shop within a yard of hellStewart & Dinnen, M.2000Christian Focus
E1787Preacher on the Run (Welwyn Commentary Ser)Keddie, G.J.1986Presbyterian & Reformed
E1788Search the scriptures: A Three-Year Daily Devotional Guide to the Whole BibleStibbs, A.M.2004IVP
E1789John, the Maverick GospelKysar, R.2007Westminster John Knox
E1790Exploring the Gospel of JohnPhillips, J.2001Kregel Pub
E1791New Testament Griticism & Interpretation Black, D.A.1991Zondervan
E1792The interpretation of the fourth GospelDodd, C.H. 1968Cambridge Univ
E1793Fireseeds from Korea to the WorldBecker2007Campus Crusade for Christ
E1794The Gospel According to John I-XII (Anchor Bible Series, Vol. 29)Brown, R.E.1966Anchor Bible
E1795The Quest for the Origin of John's GospelBrodie, T.L.1993Oxford
E1796Voices from the marginSugirtharajah, R.S.1995SPCK
E1797The Politics of JesusYoder, J.H.1994Eerdmans
E1798The Spirit and the congregation Martin, R.P. 1984Eerdmans
E1799Redemption accomplished and appliedMurray, J.2015Eerdmans
E1800Getting to Know John Gospel Peterson, R.A.1984Great Commission Pub
E1801Eucharist: Christ's Feast with the Church Laurence Hull Stookey1993Abingdon Press
E1802John: Evangelist of the Covenant PeopleJohn W. Pryor 1992Darton,Longman & Todd Ltd
E1803Object Relations and Self Psychology: An IntroductionMichael St. Clair 1986Brooks/Cole Publishing Company
E1804The Intimate Gospel: Studies in JohnEarl F Palmer1978W Publishing Group
E1805The Gospel of MatthewRudolf Schnackenburg2002Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
E1806The Twilight of Western Thought Herman Dooyeweerd1980Craig press
E180799 Ways to Start a Study Group and Keep It GrowingLawrence O. Richards1987Zondervan Publishing House
E1808Christianity and culture: The idea of a Christian society and Notes towards the definition of cultureT. S Eliot1949Harcourt, Brace
E1809In Defense of the Faith- Volume VI- Christian-Theistic EvidencesCornelius VanTil1978Prebyterian & Reformed
E1810St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Volume ⅠJohn Fearns1948Christian Classics
E1811St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Volume ⅡJohn Fearns1948Christian Classics
E1812St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Volume ⅢJohn Fearns1948Christian Classics
E1813St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Volume ⅣJohn Fearns1948Christian Classics
E1814St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica Volume ⅤJohn Fearns1948Christian Classics
E1815Biblia Hebraica Quinta: General Introduction and MegillothJ de Waard2007Tyndale House Publishers
E1816In Defense of the Faith- Volume IV- Psychology of ReligionCornelius VanTil1971Prebyterian & Reformed
E1817In Defense of the Faith- Volume II- A Survey of Christian EpistemologyCornelius VanTil1977Prebyterian & Reformed
E1818The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture: How Media Shapes Faith, the Gospel, and ChurchShane Hipps2006Zondervan
E1819Foundations of God's City: Christians in a Crumbling CultureJames Montgomery Boice1996Intervarsity Pr
E1820Pauline Studies: Essays Presented to Professor F. F. Bruce on His 70th Birthday Donald A. Hagner1981Eerdmans Pub Co
E1821The Origins of New Testament ChristologyI. Howard Marshall1990Intervarsity Pr
E1822The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical CommentaryBen Witherington III2001Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co
E1823Handbook on the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, DeuteronomyVictor P. Hamilton 1982Baker Pub Group
E1824Power from on High: The Spirit in Israel's Restoration and Witness in Luke-ActsMax Turner2000Sheffield Academic Press Ltd
E1825Handbook on the ProphetsRobert B. Jr. Chisholm2002Baker Academic
E1826ntroduction to the New Testament: History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic AgeHelmut Koester1986Generic
E1827Baker Encyclopedia of PsychologyDavid G. Benner1985Baker Pub Group
E1828Lexicography and TranslationJ. P. Louw1985Bible Society of South Arica
E1829Spiritual Classics: Selected Readings on the Twelve Spiritual DisciplinesRichard J. Foster and Emilie Griffin2000Renovare
E1830A Theological Assessment of Minjune Theology, Systemaiccally and BiblicallyYong Wha Na1988Christian Literature Cursade
E1831Word Meanings in the New TestamentRalph Earle1989Baker Book House
E1832The Witness of PreachingThomas G. Long1989Westminster John Knox Press
E1833Preaching and PreachersD. Martyn Lloyd-Jones2011Zondervan Academic
E1834When the Bamboo Bends: Christ and Culture in JapanMasao Takenaka2002World Council of Churches
E1835Who Wrote the Bible?Richard Friedman1989HarperSanFrancisco
E1836Seminar on the Book of IsaiahChristopher R. Seitz1988Fortress Press
E1837The Promise of the Father: Jesus and God in the New TestamentMarianne Meye Thompson2000Westminster John Knox Press
E1838EXPOSITORY STUDIES IN JOHN 13-17 Secrets of the SpiritRay C. Stedman1975Word Books
E1839Luke-Acts and the Jewish People: Eight Critical PerspectivesJoseph B. Tyson1988Augsburg Fortress Pub
E1840Conflict in Luke: Jesus, Authorities, DisciplesJack Dean Kingsbury1991Augsburg Fortress
E1841Old Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and PastorsDouglas Stuart2001Westminster John Knox Press
E1842John's Gospel & the Renewal of the ChurchWes Howard-Brook1997Orbis Books
E1843A History of the Christian Church HardcoverWilliston Walker1970Charles Scribner's Sons
E1844Theology of The Gospel of JohnD. Moody Smith1995Cambridge University Press
E1845The Revell Bible Dictionary [Deluxe Color Edition]Lawrence O. Richards1994Fleming H Revell Co
E1846Theology of the Pentateuch: Themes of the Priestly Narrative and DeuteronomyNorbert Lohfink1994Fortress Press
E1847The Pentateuch: An Introduction to the First Five Books of the BibleJoseph Blenkinsopp1992Doubleday
E1848Idioms of the Greek New TestamentStanley E. Porter1994Sheffield Academic Press Ltd
E1849The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual CriticismKurt Aland and Barbara Aland1987Generic
E1850The JPS Torah Commentary: NumbersJacob Milgrom1989JEWISH PUBLICATON SOCIETY
E1851The JPS Torah Commentary: LeviticusDr. Baruch A. Levine1989JEWISH PUBLICATON SOCIETY
E1852Introduction to the New Testament, Vol.1: History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic AgeHelmut Koester1995WALTER DE GRUYTER
E1853Ancient Israel's Criminal Law: A New Approach to the DecalogueAnthony Phillips, B.D, Ph.D1970Oxford Basil Blackwell
E1854A Christian View of Philosophy and Culture (The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Worldview, Vol. 1)Schaeffer Francis1982CrossWay Books
E1855A Christian View of the Bible as Truth (The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Worldview, Vol. 2)Schaeffer Francis1982CrossWay Books
E1856A Christian View of Sporituality (The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Worldview, Vol. 3)Schaeffer Francis1982CrossWay Books
E1857A Christian View of the Church (The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Worldview, Vol. 4)Schaeffer Francis1982CrossWay Books
E1858A Christian View of the West (The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, A Christian Worldview, Vol. 5)Schaeffer Francis1982CrossWay Books
E1859Jesus and Divorce: The Problem With The Evangelical Consensus1984Thomas Nelson Publishers
E1860The Theology of Jürgen MoltmannRichard Bauckham1995T&T Clark
E1861The Promise of the Father: Jesus and God in the New Testament Marianne Meye Thompson
2000 Westminster John Knox Press
E1862From Sabbath to Lord's Day: A Biblical, Historical and Theological InvestigationD. A. Carson1982Zondervan Academic
E1863Brother of Jesus, Friend of God: Studies in the Letter of JamesMr. Luke Timothy Johnson2004William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1864Philemon's Problem: A Theology of GraceJames Tunstead Burtchaell1998William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1865Why Grace Changes EverythingChuck Smith1994Harvest House
E1866Christian Teachers in Public Schools : A Guide for Teachers, Administrators, and ParentsJulia K. Stronks and Gloria Goris Stronks1999Baker Publishing Group
E1867Standing on the Promises: A Handbook of Biblical ChildrearingDouglas Wilson1997Canon Press
E1868Psalms: Reading and Studying the Book of PraisesW. H. Bellinger, JR1990Hendrickson
E1869The Living PsalmsClaus Westermann1999William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1870Psalms of Promise: Exploring the Majesty & Faithfulness of GodE. Calvin Beisner1994Presbyterian and Reformed Publishong Co.
E1871Psalms (Bible Study Commentary)J. Stafford Wright1982Christian Literature Crusade
E1872The Letters to the Seven ChurchesWilliam M. Ramsay1985Baker Book House
E1873The Communicator's Commentary: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, JonahLloyd J. Ogilvie1990Word Books
E1874The Future of Theology: Essays in Honor of Jurgen MoltmannMiroslav Volf and Carmen Krieg and Thomas Kucharz1996William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1875The Bible and Healing: A Medical and Theological CommentaryJohn Wilkinson 1998William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1876Paul’s Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in Their Cultural SettingRobert Banks1988William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1877Religious No More: Building Communities of Grace and FreedomMark D. Baker1999Intervarsity Press
E1878Theology in the Service of the Church: Essays in Honor of Thomas W. GillespieWallace M. and Alston Jr.2000William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1879People in Rural DevelopmentPeter Batchelor1993Paternoster Press
E1880The Leadership Paradox: A Challenge to Servant Leadership in a Power Hungry WorldDenny Gunderson1997YWAM Publishing
E1881Old Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and PastorsDouglas Stuart2001Westminster John Knox Press
E1882The Collected Writings of W. E. Vine Volume 1William Edwy Vine1985Gospel Tract Publications
E1883The Collected Writings of W. E. Vine Volume 2William Edwy Vine1985Gospel Tract Publications
E1884The Collected Writings of W. E. Vine Volume 3William Edwy Vine1985Gospel Tract Publications
E1885The Collected Writings of W. E. Vine Volume 4William Edwy Vine1985Gospel Tract Publications
E1886My Servants the ProphetsEdward J. Young1985Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1887The tree of Life: Reading Proverbs TodayGraeme Goldsworthy1993Anglican Information Office Press
E1888PhilippiansGordon H. Clark1996Trinity Foundation
E1889Wrestling With Angels: What Genesis Teaches Us About Our Spiritual Identity, Sexuality and Personal RelationshipsNaomi H. Rosenblatt and Joshua Horwitz1996Delta
E1890Handbook for the Common LectionaryPeter C. Bower1987Westminster John Knox Press
E1891Interpreting the Minor ProphetsRobert B. Chisholm Jr.1990Zondervan Academic
E1892Move Ahead With Possibility ThinkingRobert H. Schuller1967Jove Book
E1893Jesus and the Kingdom of GodG.R. Beasley-Murray1988Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1894The Kingdom of GodJohn Bright1981Abingdon Press
E1895Kingdom of God and the Teaching of Jesus: In 20th Century TheologyMark Saucy1997W Pub Group
E1896The Revelation of Jesus ChristJohn F. Walvoord1966Moody Press
E1897A Commentary on the Epistle to the HebrewsPhilip Edgcumbe Hughes1987Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1898Mark A Portrait of the ServantD. Edmond Hiebert1974Moody Press
E1899The Gospel according to MatthewLeon Morris1992Eerdmans
E1900The Motif of Wonder in the Gospel of MarkTimothy Dwyer1996UNKNO
E1901For Faith and FreedomLeonard Hodgson1968SCM Press Ltd
E1902New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current DebateGerhard Hasel1978William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1903Groundwork of Christian EthicsRichard G. Jones1984Epworth Press
E1904A Primer on PostmodernismStanley J. Grenz1996Eerdmans
E1905A Practical Application of God's Word Doing Theology Kwang Hee Lee2016MIZIdesign
E1906According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the BibleGraeme Goldsworthy1991InterVarsity Press
E1907Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and PoliticsReinhold Niebuhr1960Charles Scribner's Sons
E1908The Logic of EvangelismWilliam J. Abraham1989William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1909Behind the Scenes of the New TestamentPaul Barnett1990InterVarsity Press
E1910Psalms 1 - 59: Continental CommentariesHans-Joachim Kraus and Hilton C. Oswald1993Fortress Press
E1911New Testament SurveyMerrill C. Tenney1985William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1912Holman New Testament Commentary - 1 & 2 CorinthiansJr. Pratt, Richard L.2000Holman Reference
E1913The First and Second Letters to TimothyJerome D. Quinn and William C. Wacker1995William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1914Theology of the New TestamentLeonhard Goppelt1981William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1915The Old Testament of the Old Testament: Patriarchal Narratives and Mosaic YahwismR.W.L. Moberly1992Fortress Press
E1916The Sociology of ReligionMax Weber1992Beacon Press Boston
E1917Created in God's ImageAnthony A. Hoekema1986William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1918What Is New Testament Theology? Dan O. Via 2002Fortress Press
E1919My Servants the ProphetsEdward J. Young1985Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1920Studies i Daniel's prophecyCharles H. H. and Wright1983Klock&Klock
E1921The New Testament StoryBen Witherington III1994William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1922New Testament: An Introduction to Its History and LiteratureJ. Gresham Machen1976Banner of Truth
E1923Daniel: Everyday Bible Commentary seriesJohn C. Whitcomb1985Moody Press
E1924First & Second Kings: Everyman's Bible CommentaryRobert L Hubbard, Jr.1991Moody Press
E1925Ezekiel: Bible Study CommentaryPaul P. Enns1986Lamplighter Books
E1926Kingdoms in Conflict: Reading Daniel TodayAndrew Reid1993Anglican Information Office
E1927Reflections on the Bible: Human Word and Word of GodDietrich Bonhoeffer 2004Hendrickson
E1928The Comedy of Revelation: Paradise Lost and Regained in Biblical NarrativeFrancesca Aran Murphy2000T&T Clark
E1929The Culture of English Puritanism, 1560-1700Christopher Durston and Jacqueline Eales1996Macmillan Press
E1930Retrieving Fundamental Theology: The Three Styles of Contemporary TheologyGerald O'Collins, S. J.1993Paulist Press
E1931Thomas Aquinas and Gabriel BielJohn L. Farthing1988Duke University Press
E1932God, History and HistoriansC. T. McIntire1977Oxford University Press
E1933The Reality of Christian Learning: Strategies for Faith-Discipline IntegrationHarold Heie and David L. Wolfe1987Christian Unversity Press
E1934I Believe in PreachingJohn R W Stott1982Hodder & Stoughton Religious Books
E1935Faith and ModernityPhilip Sampson, Vinay Samuel and chris Sugden1994Regnum Book International
E1936Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho RoadTimothy J. Keller1997P & R Publishing
E1937Calvinus Sacrae Scripturae Professor: Calvin as Confessor of Holy ScriptureWilhelm H. Neuser1994Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1938The Writings of John Calvin: An Introductory GuideWulfert de Greef1993Baker Book House
E1939Faith and Violence: Christian Teaching and Christian PracticeThomas Merton1968University of Notre dame Press
E1940The Life and Death of Dietrich BonhoefferMary Bosanquet 1968Hodder and Stoughton
E1941Reading the Gospels TodayStanley E. Porter2004William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1942Ascent of Mount CarmelSt John Of The Cross1983Burns & Oates
E1943The Christian view of God and the World James Orr, D.D.1907Edinburgh: Andrew Elloit
E1944ProverbsCharles Bridges1994Banner of Truth
E1945The Lord is King: The message of DanielRonald S. Wallace1979InterVarsity Press
E1946The Handwriting on the Wall: Secrets From the Prophecies of DanielDavid Jeremiah1992Walk Thru the Bible Ministries
E1947Wrath and Mercy: A Commentary on the Books of Habakkuk and ZephaniahMaria Eszenyei Szeles1987Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E1948Malachi: The Divine MessengerBeth Glazier-McDonald 1987Society of Biblical Literature
E1949DanielJames Montgomery Boice 1989Ministry Resources Library
E1950Whoredom: God's Unfaithful Wife in Biblical Theology, New Studies in Biblical TheologyRaymond C. Ortlund1996Eerdmans Pub Co
E1951Amos of Israel: A New IterpretationStanley N. Rosenbaum1990Mercer University Press
E1952The Tree of Life: An Exploration of Biblical Wisdom LiteratureRoland E. Murphy1996William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1953A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23W. Phillip Keller 1970Zondervan
E1954Higher GroundR T Kendall2001Christian Focus
E1955Job: With Hebrew Text and English TranslationRabbi DR. Victor E. Reichert1946The Soncini Press
E1956The Dead Sea Scrolls TodayJames C. VanderKam1994William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1957Jeremiah: InterpretationRonald E. Clements1988John Konx Press
E1958The Message of the New TestamentF.F. Bruce1973William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1959The Ways of God: How God Reveals Himself Before a Watching WorldHenry T. Blackaby and Roy T. Edgemon2000Broadman & Holman Publishers
E1960A Tale of Two CitiesCharles Dickens1984Macmillan Education
E1961God's Game PlanFellowship of Christian Athletes 1996Tyndale House Publishers
E1962Lean Hard on Jesus: God's Great Goodness in Your Darkest NightCrossway2005Crossway
E1963New Testament IntroductionDonald Guthrie1970IVP Academic
E1964Handbook on the ProphetsRobert B. Jr. Chisholm Jr.2009Baker Academic
E1965An Introduction to the Old TestamentRaymond B. Dillard and Tremper Longman III1994Zondervan Publishing House
E1966Refractions: A Journey of Faith, Art, and CultureMakoto Fujimura2009NavPress
E1967New Testament foundations: A guide for Christian studentsRalph P Martin1975William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E1968The Bible: Questions and AnswersJ. Carter Swaim 1965Edward Ernst Inc.
E1969A philosophy of the Second AdventHoward A Redmond1985Mott Media
E1970Revelation: New Testament GuidesJohn M. Court1994Sheffield Academic Press
E1971The Gospel of John & JudaismC. K Barrett1975S.P.C.K
E1972The Doctrine of the ChurchDow Kirkpatrick1964Abingdon Press
E1973No Other Foundation: The Church Through Twenty CenturiesJeremy C. Jackson1980Cornerstone Books
E1974The Word of God and Tradition: Historical Studies Interpreting the Divisions of ChristianityGerhard Ebeling1968Fortress Press
E1975The David Story: A Translation with Commentary of 1 and 2 SamuelRobert Alter2000W. W. Norton & Company
E1976Gadamer and Hermeneutics: Science, Culture, LiteratureHugh J. Silverman1991Routledge
E1977The Promise of Trinitarian TheologyColin E. Gunton1997T&T Clark
E1978Stephen Hawking For BeginnersJ. P. McEvoy and Oscar Zarate 1995Icon Book Ltd.
E1979Chomsky For BeginnersMaher, J. & Grives, j.1998Icon Book Ltd.
E1980The Generation That Knew Not Josef: A Critique of Marxism and the Religious LeftBillingsley, L.1985Multnomah Press
E1979New Testament Commentary SurveyCarson, D.A.2013Baker Academic
E1980A History of the Reformation in Two VolumesLindsay, T.M. 1907 T. & T. Clark
E1981New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought Alan Bullock1999Harper Collins Publishers
E1982New Testament Foundations Ralph P. Martin1978The Paternoster Press
E1983Founder of ChristianityC H Dodd1971Collins
E1984Practical praying / Linette Martin Linette Martin 1997Eerdmans
E1985Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church (Spck Church History)Hall, S.G.1991Stuart G.Hall
E1986Liberal ProtestantismReardon1968Stanford University Press
E1987nicaea and its legacy an approach to fourth-century trinitarianLewis Ayres2004Oxford university press inc
E1988My God is yahweh elijah and Ahab in an Age of ApostasyM.B.VAN'T VEER1980Paideia Premoer
E1989Being human the nature of spiritual experienceMcCaulay, R. & Barrs, J.1875Inter-VarInter-Varsity
E1990Reading the New Testament todayBeck, B.E.1978John Knox Press
E1991New Testament Questions for TodayKasemann, E.2012Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd
E1992If Jesus Were Mayor: How Your LocalMoffitt, B. & Tesch, K. 2004 ‎ Monarch Books
E1993The Lives of Jesus: God, Jew, RebelTully, M.1996BBC Consumer Publishing; First Edition
E1994The New HermeneuticVan Til, C.1974Presbyterian and Reformed
E1995A Retreat With St. BonaventureLeonard J. Bowman 1994Element Books Ltd
E1996Jesus the Miracle Worker: A Historical and Theological Study Graham H. Twelftree 1999IVP Academic
E1997Variations on a Theme: King, Messiah and Servant in the Book of Isaiah H.g.m. Williamson2000Paternoster 
E1998NIV Bible Commentary McGrath, A.E.1995Hodder & Stoughton
E1999Studies in LUCK-ACTSL.E.Keck&J.L.Martyn1968London S.P.C.K
E2000Worldly Saints: The Puritans As They Really WereLeland Ryken 1990Zondervan
E2001Freedom beyond Forgiveness: The Book of Jonah Re-examinedThomas M. Bolin 1997Sheffield Academic Press
E2002Rudolph Bultmann Roger A. Johnson1987Collins Publishers
E2003Authority in the Church Sean Mac Reamoinn1996Twenty Third Pubns
E2004A Risen Christ in Eastertime: Essays on the Gospel Narratives of the Resurrection Raymond E. Brown SS1991Liturgical Press
E2005Isaiah 1-12, Second Edition (1983): A Commentary (Old Testament Library) Otto Kaiser1983Westminister John Knox Press
E2006Printing, Propaganda, and Martin LutherMark U. Edwards 2004‎ Augsburg Fortress Publishers
E2007Wolfhart Pannenberg / Metaphysics and the Idea of God Wolfhart Pannenberg2001Generic
E2008Erasmus-Luther: Discourse on Free Will Ernst F. Winter (Translator, Editor), Erasmus1973Frederick Ungar Publ. Co., Inc.
E2009Calvinism: Pure and Mixed: A Defence of the Westminster Standards William Shedd 1986Banner of truth
E2010Calvinism William G. Shedd1986 ‎ Banner of Truth
E2011A Short History Of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson2003Transworld Pub
E2012Christians Organizing for Political Service  James W. Skillen1980Association for Public Justice Education
E2013Calvinism (Duckworth's theology series) Arthur Dakin1949 Duckworth
E2014Models of the ChurchAvery Dulles1974doubleday&company,inc
E2015The Greek East and the Latin WestPhilip Sherrard1995Harvey
E2016The Threshold of EthicsKirk, Kenneth E. (Kenneth Escott)1928Skeffington
E2017Marriage in church and state. Lacey. T. A. (Thomas Alexander)1959S.P.C.K
E2018Foundations of Christian ScholarshipGary North 2008Ross House Books
E2019Reformed Symbolics: A Comparison of Catholicism Orthodoxy ,and Protestantism1962Wilhelm Niesel
E2020Ezra-Nehemiah (The NIV Application Commentary)  Donna Petter, Thomas Petter2002Zondervan Academic
E2021Marriage and celibacyMax Thurian 1959SCM PRESS LTD
E2022Christianity and PhilosophyKeith E. Yandell 1984Eerdmans Pub Co
E2023RighteousnessGottfried. Gottlob Schrenk Quell1951London : A. And C. Black
E2024Letters and Papers from Prison, Enlarged Edition Dietrich Bonhoeffer , Eberhard BethgeSCM Press
E2025Down to earth studies in cbristianity and cultureRobert T.Coote nd John Stoott1971Grand Rapids, Michigan
E2026Spiritual Leadership, Responsible Management: A Guide for Leaders of the Church Michael T. Dibbert1989Zondervan
E2027Revelation and theology: an analysis of the Barth-Harnack correspondence of 1923 H. Martin Rumscheidt1972Cambridge University Press
E2028The Two Horizons: New Testament Hermeneutics and Philosophical DescriptionAnthony C. Thiselton 1980Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E2029Language and Learning: The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky  Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini 1980Harvard University Press
E2030Which mary? The marys of Early Christian TraditionF.Stanley Jhons2002Society of Biblical Literature
E2031Jesus Means Freedom Ernst Käsemann 1969Augsburg Fortress Publishers
E2032Heidegger and Christianity: The Hensley Henson LecturesJohn MacQuarrie 1994Continuum Intl Pub Group
E2033Reason and Imagination in C. S. Lewis: A Study of Till We Have FacesPeter J. Schakel 1984Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E2034The Rise of Christianity: How the Obscure, Marginal Jesus Movement Became the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a Few Centuries Rodney Stark 1997HarperSanFrancisco
E2035The Effects of the Reformation On Ideals of Life and ConductF K Chaplin1927W.Heffer and Sons Ltd
E2036Manufacturing humans: The challenge of the new reproductive technologiesD. Gareth Jones1987Inter-Varsity Press
E2037God in Patristic Thought G. L. Prestige 1964S.P.C.K
E2038Saint Jerome in the Renaissance (The Johns Hopkins Symposia in Comparative History)Eugene F. Rice1988The Johns Hopkins Press
E2039The church (Bible key words from Gerhard Kittel's Theologisches WoÌ rterbuch zum Neuen Testament)Karl Ludwig Schmidt (Author), J. R. Coates (Translator)1957Adam and Charles Black
E2040Teaching and Preaching the New Testament Archibald M Hunter1963Westminister Press
E2041Origins of Modern Science1300-1800Herbert Butterfield1965FREE PRESS
E2042A critical and exegetical commentary on the Gospel according to St. MarkEzra P Gould1982T.W&T.clark ltd.rdinbutgh
E2043A philosophy of the Christian religionEdward John Carnell 1952Baker book house grand rapids,michigan
E2044The Holy Land: An Oxford Archaeological Guide (Oxford Archaeological Guides)Jerome Murphy-OConnor 1998Oxxford university press
E2045Thine is the kingdom: A biblical perspective on the nature of government and politics todayPaul A Marshall 1986W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co
E2046The Psalms and the Life of Faith Walter Brueggemann  , Patrick D. Miller1995Fortress Press
E2047Economics and Ethics: A Christian InquiryJ. Philip Wogaman1986Fortress Press
E2048Reformational Theology: A New Paradigm for Doing DogmaticsGordon J. Spykman1992Eerdmans Pub Co
E2049The Myth of Religious Neutrality: An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in TheoriesRoy A. Clouser1991University of Notre Dame Press Notre Dame
E2050Calvin's Ecclesiastical AdviceJohn Calvin1991Westminster John Knox Press
E2051Pentecost and After: Studies in the Book of Acts M. R. Dehaan1996Kregel Classics
E2052The Reformers And The Theology Of The ReformationWilliam Cunningham2010The banner of truth trust
E2053Systematic Theology An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine Wayne Grudem1994Zondervan Academic
E2054Galilee from Alexander the Great to HadrianSean Freyne 1980T&T Clark edinburgh
E2055The Go-Between God: The Holy Spirit and the Christian MissionJohn V. Taylor1995SCM PRESS LTD
E2056Fifth Times Book of Best Sermons  Ruth Gledhill 2000Bloomsbury Academic
E2057Ark of the Covenant the True Story Of Roderick Grierson 1999Weidenfeld & Nicolson
E2058The Transforming Power of the GospelJerry Bridges 2012NavPress
E2059Invitation to Love: The Way of Christian ContemplationThomas Keating O.C.S.O.1994Bloomsbury Academic
E2060The Prayers of Kierkegaard Soren Kierkegaard (Author), Perry D. LeFevre (Editor)1996University of Chicago Press
E2061Can you trust psychology?Gary R Collins1988InterVarsity Press
E2062Past Event and Present Salvation: The Christian Idea of AtonementPaul S. Fiddes1989Westminster/John Knox Press
E2063The Life of St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury.Editor) Eadmer (R. W. Southern (Author)Sandpiper Books (Oxford University Press)
E2064The People Of God, An Inquiry Into Christian OriginsHarold F. Hamilton1912Oxford university press
E2065The Lapsed / The Unity of the Catholic Church St. Cyprian (Author), Maurice Bevenot (Translator)1957The newman Press london longmans
E2066Karl Rahner: The Philosophical Foundations Thomas Sheehan 1987Ohio University Press
E2067John Calvin: Pilgrim and PastorW. Robert Godfrey2009Crossway
E2068John Calvin T. H. L. Parker 1975Lion publishing
E2069The Christian Understanding of AtonementF. W. Dillistone1968The Westminster Press
E2070Christ: the Sacramental Word: Incarnation, Sacrament and Poetry David Brown  , Ann Loades 19961996SPCK (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge)
E2071Shape of SoteriologyJohn McIntyre2000 T&T Clark; New edition 
E2072The Niv Interlinear Hebrew-English Old TestamentJohn Kohlenberger 1980Zondervan
E2073God for Us: The Trinity and Christian LifeCatherine Mowry LaCugna1993HarperSanFrancisco
E2074The Parables of Jesus: A Commentary Arland J. Hultgren2000Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2075New Critique of Theoretical ThoughtHerman Dooyeweerd1953Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing
E2076Philosophy of Religion: The Big Questions Eleonore Stump (Editor), Michael J. Murray (Editor)1999Wiley-Blackwell
E2077Willmington's Complete Guide to Bible KnowledgeHarold L. Willmington1990Tyndale House Pub
E2078New Critique of Theoretical ThoughtHerman Dooyeweerd1955Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing
E2079The Foundations of Dialogue in Science and Religion by Alister E. McGrath 1998Wiley-Blackwell
E2080 by Alister E. McGrath Rolf Rendtorff2000‎ T&T Clark
E2081Theological Essays 2 Eberhard Jungel (Author), J. B. Webster (Translator)1995‎ T&T Clark
E2082The IVP/Lion New Concise Bible DictionaryDerek Williams1990 Lion Publishing PLC
E2083Light of Truth & Fire of Love: A Theology of the Holy Spirit Gary D. Badcock1997Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source; First Edition
E2084The Visible Words Of God Joseph C. McLelland (Author), Thomas F. Torrance (Foreword)1957Oliver and boyd
E2085Bondage and Liberation of the WillJohn Calvin1996Baker Publishing Group
E2086Ethnicity, Religion and Class in Israeli Society Eliezer Ben-Rafael , Stephen Sharot1991Cambridge University Press
E2087The Cambridge Companion to Karl BarthJohn Webster2000Cambridge University Press
E2088The Triumph of Grace in the Theology of Karl Barth G. C. Berkouwer 1956London the paternoster press
E2089Toward the Origins of ChristmasSusan K. Rol1995 Kok Pharos Publishing House
E2090A Time for Anger: The Myth of NeutralityFranky Schaeffer 1982Crossway Books
E2091Fundamentalism and American CultureGeorge M. Marsden1982Oxford University Press
E2092Calvin: Commentaries. Joseph Haroutunian1958Westminster Press
E2093A History of Protestantism Volum One the Reformation Emile G. Leonard Edited By H. H. Rowley (Author)1965Nelson 
E2094Religion and RevelationKeith Ward1994 Clarendon Press
E2095The Trinity and the KingdomJürgen Moltmann1993 Fortress Press
E2096Karl Barth: A Theological LegacyEberhard Jungel1986Westminster John Knox Pr
E2097The Göttingen Dogmatics: Instruction in the Christian ReligionKarl Barth  (Author), Hannelotte Reiffen (Editor)1991‎ Eerdmans Pub Co
E2099Explorations in Theology 9Ronald H. Preston 2012 Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd 
E2100Preaching the Tradition: Homily and Hermeneutics after the ExileRex Mason1990Cambridge University Press
E2101What the Bible Teaches About What Jesus DidF.F. Bruce1979Tyndale House Publishers
E2102Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A ReaderRalph D. Winter1992 William Carey Library Pub
E2103The Spirit of Life: A Universal Affirmation Jurgen Moltmann2001Fortress Press
E2104Freedom and Reason Richard Mervyn Hare 1978oxford university press
E2105Robert M Grant / Gods and the One God Robert M Grant 1986Generic
E2106Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah Joseph Addison ( J. A. ) Alexander1976Zondervan
E2107Council & Commune: The Conciliar Movement & the Council of BasleAntony Black1979Burns&Oates.London The Patmos Press
E2108The Mystical Theology of the Eastern ChurchVladimir Lossky 1991James Clarke & Co
E2109Augustine's Quest of Wisdom: His Life, Thought, and Works Vernon J. Bourke1993Magi Books
E2110Augustine: The City of God against the Pagans Augustine (Author), R. W. Dyson (Editor)1998Cambridge University Press; Edition Unstated 
E2111Jesus the Pharisee Hyam Maccoby 2003SCM Press
E2112Jesus the HealerStevan L. Davies2015SCM Press
E2113Escaping from FundamentalismJames Barr 1984SCM Press
E2114How to read the Gospels"ACTS"Joelb.Green1987Inter Varsity Press
E2115Daniel (Old Testament Guides)P. R. Davies1987 Sheffield Academic Press; Annotated edition
E2116Jesus and the Word: And Other EssaysC. K. Barrett1995Pickwick Publications
E2117New Century Bible Commentary Isaiah 1-39R. E. Clements1981Eerdmans Pub Co
E2118Revisioning the Past Prospects in Historical Theology Mary Potter Engel  (Author), Walter E. Wyman (Editor)1992Augsburg Fortress Pub
E2119A History Of Protestantism: Volume 2 TheestablishmentEmile G. Leonard1967Nelson 
E2120Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader Ralph D. Winter1992William Carey Library Pub
E2121Numbers: A Commentary (The Old Testament Library) Martin Noth1968SCM PRESS LTD
E2122What Happens in Holy CommunionMichael Welker 2000Society for Promoting Christian
E2123Getting the Message: A Plan for Interpreting and Applying the Bible Daniel M. Doriani 1996P & R Publishing; Edition Unstated
E2124A Political Theology of NaturePeter Scott 2003Cambridge University Press 
E2125Reading with GodDavid Foster2006Continuum
E2126Resurrection and Moral Order: An Outline for Evangelical EthicsOliver O'Donovan1994Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co
E2127Christ, Ethics and Tragedy: Essays in Honour of Donald MacKinnonKenneth Surin1989Cambridge University Press
E2128Name Above All Names: Jesus Christ Our Savior and LordDan Hayden2004Crossway Books
E2129From Bondage to Blessing: The Redemption, Restoration and Release of God's WomenDee Alei2002Sovereign world
E2130Nicah, Nahum, Obadiah (Old Testament guides) R. Mason1991Jsot press
E2131God of the Possible: A Biblical Introduction to the Open View of GodGregory A. Boyd2000Baker Books
E2132Becoming a Woman of Freedom Cynthia Heald2017NavPress
E2133The Word Became Flesh: Evangelicals and the Incarnation David Peterson2003Paternoster
E2134The Thirteenth Disciple: The Life of Mary MagdaleneGordon Thomas2001 CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 
E2135Righteousness in the new testamentJohn Reumann1982Fortress Press
E2136The Fruit of Her Hands: Respect and the Christian Woman (Family)Nancy Wilson 1997Canon Press
E2137Narrative Art in Genesis: Specimens of Stylistic and Structural AnalysisJ. P. Fokkelman1991Jsot press
E2138practical theology and the ministry of the church1952-1984Hav=rvie M.Com1990Presbyterian and reformed pubilishing company
E2139The Christian Doctrine of God, One Being Three PersonsThomas Forsyth Torrance1996T&T Clark edinburgh
E2140Focus: The Power of People Group ThinkingJohn D. Robb1989Missions Advanced Research 
E2141the who he is holy what he does spiritRobert Gromacki 1999Word publishing
E2142Great Men of the Bible, Volume IIF. B. Meyer 1982Zondervan Publishing House
E2143Great Men of the Bible, Volume IF. B. Meyer 1981Zondervan Publishing House
E2144Making Friends: Leaving Lonliness Behind : Men and Women Can Be FriendsPerry Treadwell1992helath communications,inc
E2145Breaking the CodeBruce M. Metzger 2006 Abingdon
E2146Necf malaysia watchmen's forum2Edmund Ng tan jin huat2000National Evangelical Christian Fellowship Malaysia
E2147Heal Our Land Jecuring God's Blessing on America Jack w.Hayford1997Fleming H. Revell
E2148The Structure of Matthew's Gospel: A Study in Literary Design (The Library of New Testament Studies) David Bauer1989Sheffield Academic Press
E2149Laymans Bible Book Commentary: MatthewClair M. Crissey1981Baptist Sunday School Board; First Edition 
E2150penguin book of american short storiesJames Cochrane1969Penguine Books
E2151The Lion encyclopedia of the BiblePat (ed) ALEXANDER1978Lion Publishing
E2152America's battle for God Geiko muller-Fahrenholz&Donald W.Shriver Jr2007Wm.Berdmans
E2153Judges, Ruth: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture Daniel I. Block1999Holman Reference
E2154BecauseGreg Laurie2010Multnomah
E2155The Origin of the Soul in St. Augustine's Later Works Robert J. O'Connell S.J.1987Fordham University Press
E2156The European ReformationEuan Cameron1991Oxford University Press
E2157The Morality of PluralismJohn Kekes1993Princeton University Press
E2158Is It a Lost Cause?: Having the Heart of God for the Church's ChildrenMarva J. Dawn1997Eerdmans Pub Co
E2161A Survey of Israael's HistoryLeon Wood1970Zondervan
E2162Sign with your BabyJoseph Garcia1999Stratton-Kehl Publications
E2163He Still Moves StonesMax Lucato1993W Publishing Group
E2164A History of the Christian Student Movements in Korea, 1884-1990Zoh, Byoung-Ho2004Tanggulshi
E2165The Political Meaning of ChristianityGlenm Tinder1989Louisiana State University Press
E2166Jubilate IIDonald P. Hustad1989Hope Publishing Company
E2167Old Testament TimesR.K.Harrison1970Eerdmans
E2168The Covenant Thology of Francis RobertsWon Taek Lim2002King & Kingdom
E2169The Drama of ChristmasMorton Kelsey1994Westminster John Knox Press
E2170Men in RevoltEmil Brunner1939The Westminster Press
E2171The Knowledge of God in Calvins TheologyEdward A. Dowey, Jr.1994Eerdmans
E2172God of my FatherLarry Crabb, Jr. & Lawrence Crabb, Sr.1994Zondervan
E2173Her Hand in MarriageDouglas Wilson1997Canon Press
E2174Spiritual DepressionD. Martyn Lloyd-Jones1965Eerdmans
E2175Know the TruthBruce Milne1982InterVarsity
E2178Theology for Ordinary PeopleBruce L. Shelly1993InterVarsity
E2179The PrinceNiccolo Machiavelli2009Penguin Books
E2180Theological Diversity and the Authority of the Old TestamentJohn Goldingay1987Eerdmans
E2181One God, One Lord In A World of Religious PluralismEd. by Andrew D. Clarke and Burce W. WInter1991Tyndale House
E2182Hermeneutics, Authority and CanonD.A.Carson and John D. Woodbridge1986Zondervan
E2183Old Testament TheologyElmer A. Martens1997Baker Books
E2184Old Testament TheologyElmer A. Martens1997Baker Books
E2185Old Testament TheologyElmer A. Martens1997Baker Books
E2186Suspicion & FaithMerold Westphal1998Fordham University Press
E2187Groundwork of TheologyJohn Stacey1977Epworth Press
E2188The Apostolic Preaching of the CrossLeon Morris1965Eerdmans
E2189Simple Sermons on Evangelistic ThemesW. Herschel Ford1970Baker Books House
E2190The Power of a Praying WifeStormie Omartian1977Harvest House
E2191Out of the Depths : The Psalms Speak for Us TodayBernhard W. Anderson1983The Westminster Press
E2192Keeping the Sabbath WhollyMarva J. Dawn1989Eerdmans
E2193Truth AppliedJay E. Adams1990Zondervan
E2194What God Wants to KnowBruce Larson1993HarperCollins
E2195God's RevolutionEberhard Arnold1997The Plough Publishing House
E2196The Bumps are What You Climb onWarren W. Wiersbe2002Baker Books
E2197Louisa May Alcott's Christmas Treasury : The Complete Christmas CollectionEd. by Stephen W. Hines2002RiverOak
E219817 Things My Kids Taught me About GodJ. Mack Stiles1998InterVarsity
E2199War of WordsPaul David Tripp2000P&R Publishing
E2200Some Telltale Words in the New TestamentJ. Duncan M. Derrett1997Peter I. Drinkwater, England
E2201Being a Good DadTim Wesemann2002Beacon Hill Press
E2202Rescue Shop within a Yard of HellStewart and Marie Dinnen2000Christian Focus Publications
E2203Introdution to Saint Thomas AquinasEd. by Anton C. Pegis1948The Mdern Library
E2204Contemporary Religious ThingkersEd. by John Macquarrie1968SCM Press
E2205Studies in DoctrineAlister E. McGrath1997Zondervan
E2206The Psalms and the Life of FaithWalter Bureggemann Ed. by Patrick D. Miller1995Fortress Press
E2207First and Second SamuelWalter Bureggemann1990John Knox Press
E2208What's on Your Mind?Merlin R. Carothers1984Merlin R. Carothers
E2209The Bible and the FutureAnthony A. Hoekema1979Eerdmans
E2210Sex and the ChurchKathy Rudy1997Beacon Press
E2211Wertlose WahrheitEberhard Jungel2003Mohr Siebeck
E2212Leadership That WorksLeith Anderson1999Bethany House Publishers
E2213Knowledge and the SacredSeyyed Hossein Nasr1981Edinburgh University Press
E2214Topography of TerrorEd. by Reinhard Rurup1989Verlag Willmuth Arenhovel
E2215The Possibilities of TheologyEderhard Jungel Ed. by John Webstr1994T&T Clark
E2216Cambridge Latin Course Unit IIBIntegrated Edition with Language Information1990Cambridge University Press
E2217Cambridge Latin Course Unit IIIBIntegrated Edition with Language Information1990Cambridge University Press
E2218The Major WorksAnselm of Canterbury1998Oxford University Press
E2219Introducing the Old TestamentRichard J. Coggins1990Oxford University Press
E2220A Parsing Guide to the Greek New TestamentNahtan E. Han1971Herald Press
E2221Modern Trinitarian PerspectivesJohn Thompson1994Oxford University Press
E2222VirgilEd. By Charles Martindale1997Cambridge University Press
E2223JudgesTerry L. Brensinger1999Herald Press
E2224Roman Wives, Roman WidowsBruce W. Winter2003Eerdmans
E2225The Oxford Companion to the BibleEd. by Bruce M. Metzger and Michael D. Coogan1993Oxford University Press
E2226The Acts of the ApostlesLuke Timothy Johnsom1992The Liturgical Press
E2227A Companion to AestheticsEd. by David Cooper1995Blackwell Publishers
E2228The Modern Theologians(Second Ed.)Ed. by David F. Ford1997Blackwell Publishers
E2229The Reformation : A Narrative History Related by Contemporary Observers and ParticipantsEd. by Hans Hillerbrand1972Baker Book House
E2230The Literary Guide to the BibleEd. by Robert Alter and Frank Kermode1988William Collins Sons
E2231Willmington's Complete Guide to Bible KnowledgeHarold L. Willmington1990Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E2232The Christian FaithFridrich Schleiermacher 1989T&T Clark
E2233Jesus and the Sabbath in Matthew's GospelYong-Eui Yang1995Coverty University
E2234The Modern Theologians(Thierd Ed.)Ed. by David F. Ford2005Blackwell Publishers
E2235Hopeful Imaginaton: Prophetic Voices in ExileWalter Bureggemann1986Fortress Press
E2236The Prophetic ImaginationWalter Bureggemann1978Fortress Press
E2237The Hebrew Bible today: An Introduction to Critical IssuesEd. by Steven L. McKenzie & M. Patrick Graham1998Westminster John Knox Press
E2238Christian DoctrineEd. by Colin E. Gunton1997Cambridge University Press
E2239Zephaniah Habakkuk JoelRex Mason1994JSOT Press
E2240Tough Questions Christians AskEd. by David Neff1989Victor Books
E2241A Passion for FullnessJack Hayford1990Word Publishing
E2242Testament : The Bible and HistoryJohn Romer1988Michael O'mara Books
E2243The Oxford Companion to British HistoryEd. by John Cannon1997Oxford University Press
E2244A Dictonary of Comparative ReligionEd. by S. G. F. Brandon1970Charles Scribner's Sons
E2245Dictionary of Jesus and the GospelsEd. by Joel B. Green, Scot Mcknight, I. Howard Marshall1992InterVarsity
E2246AfflictionEdith Schaeffer1978Fleming H. Revell
E2247A Historical Jesus : A Comprehensive GuideGerd Theissen and Annette Merz1998Fortress Press
E2248The Gospel of MatthewDaniel J. Harrington, S.J.1991The Liturgical Press
E2249Living at the EdgePenny Jamieson1997Mowbray
E2250Lifelines: The Ten Commandment For TodayEdith Schaeffer1982Crossway Books
E2251John Calvin: A BiographyT.H.L.Parker1975J.M.Dent & Sons
E2252CalvinMichael Mullett1989Routledge
E2253A Bend in the RoadDavid Jeremiah2000W Publishing Group
E2254Seven Theories of ReligionDaniel L. Pals1996Oxford University Press
E2255The Highway of GodH.R.Mackintosh1931T&T Clark
E2256Give Us A King! Samuel, Saul, and DavidEverett Fox1999Schocken Books
E2257God Who is Rich in MercyEd. by Peter T. O'Brien, David G. Peterson1986Anzea Publishers
E2258I KingsMordechai Cogan2001Doubleday
E2259The Past of Jesus in the GospelsEugene E. Lemcio1991Cambridge University Press
E2261The Spirituality of the Middle AgesDom Jean Leclercq, Dom Francois Vanderbroucke, Louis Bouyer1968The Seabury Press
E2262A History of the Synoptic ProblemDavid Laird Dungan1999Doubleday
E2263The Gospel of LukeLuke Timothy Johnsom1991The Liturgical Press
E2264The Trial of LutherJames Atkinson1971B.T.Batsford
E2265Prophetic Oracles of Salvation in the Old TestamentClaus Westermann1987Westminster John Knox Press
E2266Heidegger and Modern PhilosophyEd. by Michael Murray1978Yale University Press
E2267Return to Sodom and GomorrahCharles Pellegrino1994Random House
E2268The Young CalvinAlexandre Ganoczy1987T & T Clark Limited
E2269One Faith : Biblical and Patristic Contributions Toward Understanding Unity in FaithWilliam Henn1995Paulist Press
E2270The Christian East and the Rise of the PapacyJohn Meyendorff1994ST. Vladimir's Seminary Press
E2271Who Killed Jesus?John Dominic Crossan1996Harper SanFrancisco
E2272Tell the Truth: The Whole Gospel to the Whole Person by Whole PeopleWill Metzger1984InterVarsity
E2273Revelation and the SpiritGraham J. Watts2005Paternoster
E2274The Doctrine of JustificationJames Buchanan1961The Banner of Truth Trust
E2275Principles of Christian Theology(Re. Ed)John Macquarrie1977SCM Press
E2276The Theology of Huldrych ZwingliW.P.Stephens1986Clarendon Press
E2277Life is Religion: Essays in Honor of H.Evan RunnerEd. by Henry Vander Goot1981Paideia Press
E2279Temple Beyond TimeHerbert Arthur Klein1986Joseph Simon Pangloss Press
E2280The Theology of the Reformed ConfessionsKarl Barth2002John Knox Press
E2281A History fo Jerusalem : One city, Three FaithsKaren Armstrong1997HarperCollins
E2282The Gospel as CenterEd. by D.A.Carson and Timothy Keller2012Crossway
E2283What the Bible Teaches about the ChurchJohn F. Balchin1979Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E2284Community and Gospel in Luke-ActsPhilip Prancis Esler1989Cambridge University Press
E2285Readings in the History of Christian Theology vol.1.William C. Placher1988The Westminster Press
E2286Twin Powers: Politics and the SacredThomas Molnar1988Eerdmans
E2287GenesisWalter Bureggemann1982John Knox Press
E2288Religion without RevelationJ.S.Huxley1927Ernest Benn Limited
E2289Christ and Church: A Theology of the MysteryM.J.Le Guillou1963Desclee Company
E2290An Elementary Latin DictionaryCharlton T. Lewis1993Oxford University Press
E2291Genesis : the New NIV Application CommentaryJohn H. Walton2001Zondervan
E2292A History of the Ecumenical Movement 1517-1948Ed. by Ruth Rouse and Stephen Charles Heill1967SPCK
E2293JudgesTammi J. Schneider2000The Liturgical Press
E2294Jesus of NazarethGunther Bornkamm1960Hodder and Stoughton
E2295The Coherence of Theism(Re. Ed.)Richard Swinburne1993Clarendon Press
E2296Preaching the Gospel of LukeKeith F. Nickle2000Westminster John Knox Press
E2297A Christian Critique of the UniversityCharles Habib Malik1982InterVarsity
E2298The Concept of AnxietySoren Kierkegaard1980Princeton University Press
E2299Patterns of Discipleship in the New TestamentEd. by Richard N. Longenecker1996Eerdmans
E2300Capital vol. oneKarl Marx1986Penguin Books
E2301The Concise Dictionary of the Christian TraditionJ.D.Douglas, Walter A. Elwell, Peter Toon1989Zondervan
E2302Eternal Word and Changing WorldsHarvie M. Conn1984Zondervan
E2303Ascension and EcclesiaDouglas Farrow1999T&T Clark
E2304Mere ChristianityC.S.Lewis1952HarperCollins
E2305How to Read the BibleA.J.Conyers1986InterVarsity
E2306JesusEd. by David F.Ford & Mike Higton2002Oxford University Press
E2307HermeneuticsRichard E. Palmer1969Northwestern University Press
E2308Early Christian Doctrines(Fifth Ed.)J.N.D. Kelly1976A&C Black
E2309Christian Faith and Practice in the Modern WorldEd. by Mark A. Noll, David F. Wells1988Eerdmans
E2310Freeing Theology: The Essentials of theology in Feminist PerspectiveEd. by Catherine Mowry LaCugnaq993Harper SanFrancisco
E2311In Memory of Her (Second Ed.)Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza1994SCM Press
E2312Renaissance and Reformation: A Survey of European History between 1450 and 1660V.H.H.Green1952Edward Arnold
E2313Christian DoctrineEd. by Colin E. Gunton1997Cambridge University Press
E2314Intellectuals and SocietyThomas Sowell2009Basic Books
E2315Two Early Political AssociationsN.C.Hunt1961Oxford University Press
E2316Theological ScienceThomas F. Torrance1969Oxford University Press
E2317Union of Christendom (vol.ii)Ed. by Kenneth Mackenzie1938Religious Book Club
E2318History, Method and TheologyMatthew L. Lamb1978Scholars Press
E2319From Nicaea to ChalcedonFrances M. Young1983SCM Press
E2320The One, The Three and The ManyColin E. Gunton1993Cambridge University Press
E2321Fear and Trembling RepetitionSoren Kierkegaard1983Princeton University Press
E2322Warrior, Dancer, Seductress QueenSusan Ackeerman1998Doubleday
E2323Theology after LiberalismEd. by John Webster and George P. Schner2000Blackwell Publishers
E2324Gott als Gehimnis der WeltEberhard Jungel2001Mohr Siebeck
E2325Indikative der Gnade - Imperative der FreiheitEberhard Jungel2000Mohr Siebeck
E2326Isaiah 40-66Claus Westermann1969SCM Press
E2327Confident Public SpeakingChritian H. Godefroy and Stephanie Barrat1990Judy Piatkus
E2328Sermons on Isaiah's Prophecy of the Death and Passion of ChristJohn Calvin1956James Clarke & Co. Ltd.
E2329The Pastoral Epistles(Re. Ed.)Donald Guthrie1995InterVarsity
E2330The New TheologianVed Mehta1965Weidenfeld and Nicolson
E2331Bold PurposeDan B. Allener and Tremper Longman III1998Tyndale House
E2332A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on The Book EzekielG.A.Cooke1970T&T Clark
E2333Paul's Idea of CommunityRobert Banks1981Anzea Publishers
E2334Eschatology in the Old TestamentDonald E. Gowan1986T&T Clark
E2335Paul's Letter to the RomansJohn Ziesleer1989SCM Press
E2336Christianity and ParadoxRonald W. Hepburn1958C.A. Watts
E2337Introduction to the New TestamentW.G.Kummel1975SCM Press
E2338JohnCalvin, J.1994Crossway Books
E2339Calvin's Doctrine of the work of ChristJ.F.Jansen1956James Clarke & Co. Ltd.
E2340The Christian HopeBrian Hebblethwaite1984Eerdmans
E2341The Writings of St. Paul: A Norton Critical EditionWayne A. Meeks 1972W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
E2342Making Choices: Practical Wisdom for Everyday Moral DecisionsPeter J. Kreeft1990Servant Books
E2343What Is the Gospel?Greg Gilbert 2010Crossway
E2344Problems in Social and Political Thought: A Philosophical IntroductionWhitaker T. Deininger1965Macmillan
E2345Creeds, Councils and Controversies: Documents Illustrating the History of the Church AD 337-461J. Stevenson and W. H. C. Frend1989SPCK
E2346ZeitungsdeutschKwang-Yo Kim and Yo-Yung Lee1980Shina - Sa
E2347An Existentialist Theology: A Comparison of Heidegger and BultmannJohn Macquarrie1955Harper Torchbooks
E2348Patrology: Vol. 3, The Golden Age of Greek Patristic LiteratureJohannes Quasten1983Christian Classics
E2349Richard Hooker and the Authority of Scripture, Tradition and Reason: Reformed Theologian of the Church of England?Nigel Atkinson1997Paternoster Press
E2350A Practical Grammar for Classical HebrewJ. Weingreen 1959Oxford University Press
E2351Hungry for GodRalph Martin 2000Ignatius Press
E2352The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman ApostleKaren L. King 2003Polebridge Press
E2353Textbook of the History of DoctrinesReinhold Seeberg 1983Baker Book House
E2354The Church of EnglandHensley Henson1939Cambridge At The University Press
E2355More Than the ABC's: The Early Stages of Reading and WritingJudith A. Schickendanz1986Natl Assn for the Education
E2356A Theology of the New TestamentGeorge Eldon Ladd1974William B. Eerdman Publishing Company
E2357Remembering Reinhold Niebuhr: Letters of Reinhold and Ursula M. NiebuhrUrsula Niebuhr2001Bloomsbury T&T Clark
E2358Bible Keywords: Righteousness Gottfried Quell and Gottlob Schrenk 1951Adam & Charles Black
E2359The Basics of Essay WritingNigel Warburton2006Routledge
E2360Literature and Religion: A Study in ConflictCharles Irving Glicksberg1960Southern Methodist University Press
E2361Bible Keywords:WrathH. Kleinknecht, J. Fichtner and G. Stahlin Et Al.1964Adam & Charles Black
E2362Kept by the Power of God: A Study of Perseverance and Falling AwayI. Howard Marshall1969Epworth Press
E2363Love Is Stronger Than DeathPeter Kreeft 1992Ignatius Press
E2364The Salt CovenantH. Clay Trumbull1999Impact Christian Books
E2365The Problem of the Text of Acts: Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, Series Number 71W. A. Strange 1992Cambridge University Press
E2366The Jesus Debate: Modern Historians Investigate the Life of ChristMark Allan Powell 1999Lion Publishing PLC
E2367The Origin of I CorinthiansJohn Cooidge Hurd1983Mercer University Press
E2368Modern Trinitarian PerspectivesJohn Thompson1994Oxford University Press
E2369The covenants of promise: A theology of the Old Testament covenantsThomas Edward McComiskey1985Publisher
Baker Book House
E2370The Gospel According to St. LukeA. R. C. Leaney1966Adam & Charles Black
E2371The History of the Jewish People: Late Middle AgesMoses A. Shulvass1985Gateway Books
E2372Word Pictures in the New Testament: Volume IV, The Epistles of Paul LeatherArchibald Thomas Robertson1931Broadman Press
E2373Understanding the New TestamentHoward Clark Kee1983Prentice-Hall
E2374Studies in the Patriarchal NarrativesWilliam McKane 1979Longwood Pr Ltd
E2375The Last PhilosophyDon Cupitt1995SMC Press Ltd.
E2376Word and FaithGerhard Ebeling1984SMC Press Ltd.
E2377The Rise and Fall of the Five Empires in the BibleByoungho Zoh 2017Tongdokwon
E2378Escaping Eden: New Feminist Perspectives on the BibleHarold C. Washington, Susan Lochrie Graham and Pamela Thimmes1998Sheffield Academic Press
E2379The Heritage of the Reformation HardcoverWilhelm Pauck1961The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc.
E2380At Risk in the Promised Land: A Commentary on the Book of JudgesE. John Hamlin 1990Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E2381Scripture by Heart: Devotional Practices for Memorizing God's WordJoshua Choonmin Kang2010IVP Books
E2382The Dead Sea ScripturesTheodor H. Gaster1976Anchor Books
E2383The Church Through the CenturiesCyril Charles Richardson 1950C. Scribner's Sons, Ltd
E2384Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent Robert F Barsky1998The MIT Press
E2385The Dawn of the Reformation: Essays in Late Medieval and Early Reformation ThoughtHeiko Augustinus Oberman1986T & T. Clark Ltd.
E2386The Reformation in National ContextRobert Scribner, Roy Porter and Mikulas Teich1994Cambridge University Press
E2387Introduction to the New TestamentWerner Georg Kümmel1975Abingdon Press
E2388The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris1961P & R Publishing
E2389The New Testament Environment: New Testament libraryEduard Lohse1975SMC Press Ltd.
E2390Salvation in History: New Testament Library Oscar Cullmann1967SMC Press Ltd.
E2391New Testament SurveyMerrill C. Tenney1985Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2392Christian Magistrate and State Church: The Reforming Career of Johannes BrenzJames Martin Estes 1983University of Toronto Press
E2393New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament
Fritz Rienecker and Cleon Rogers
1980Zondervan Academic
E2394A Short Life of ChristEverett F. Harrison1968Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2395The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual CriticismKurt Aland and Barbara Aland1987Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2396The Historical Jesus of the SynopticsJuan Luis Segundo1985Orbis Books
E2397Reinhold NiebuhrKenneth Durkin1989Kenneth Durkin
E2398Grace and Gratitude: The Eucharistic Theology of John CalvinB. A. Gerrish 1993T & T. Clark Edinburgh
E2399Spirit of GodEduard Schweizer and Others1960Adam & Charles Black
E2400Unfashi Nable: Makeing a Difference in the World by Being Different Tullian Tchividjian2009Multnomah Books
E2401Divine Freedom and the Doctrine of the Immanent Trinity: In Dialogue with Karl Barth and Contemporary TheologyPaul D. Molnar2002T&T Clark
E2402A Companion to MetaphysicsJaekwon Kim and Ernest Sosa1995Blackwell Press
E2403Women & Christian OriginsRoss Shepard Kraemer and Mary Rose D'Angelo1999Oxford University Press
E2404The Prostitute and the Prophet: Hosea's Marriage in Literary-Theoretical Perspective Yvonne Sherwood1996Sheffield Academic Press
E2405How to Read ProphecyJoel B. Green1984Intervarsity Press
E2406Creeds, Councils and Controversies: Documents Illustrating the History of the Church, AD 337-461J. Stevenson and W. H. C. Frend1995SPCK
E2407The Gospel Code: Novel Claims About Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Da Vinci Ben Witherington III2004Intervarsity Press
E2408God Will Be All in AllRichard Bauckham1999T&T Clark
E2409Holy Scripture: A Dogmatic SketchJohn Webster 2003Cambridge University Press
E2410Irony in Mark's Gospel: Society for New Testament Studies Monograph SeriesJerry Camery-Hoggatt1992Cambridge University Press
E2411The Cambridge Companion to Liberation TheologyChristopher Rowland1997Cambridge University Press
E2412My Enemy Is My Guest: Jesus and Violence in LukeJ. Massyngbaerde Ford1984Orbis Books
E2413Commentary on the Gospel of LukeNorval Geldenhuys1951Marshall, Morgan & Scott
E2414Revelations of Divine LoveJulian of Norwich1977Burns & Oates
E2415Faith after FoundationalismD.Z. Phillips 1995Westview Press
E2416Friar Thomas D'Aquino: His Life, Thought and WorkJames A. Weisheipl 1974The Catholic University of America Press
E2417Calvin's CommentariesEphesians-Jude1970Associated Publishers and Authors Inc
E2418Christian Mindset In A Secular Society: Promoting Evangelical Renewal & National RighteousnessCarl F. H. Henry 1984Multnomah Press
E2419The Majesty of Man: The Dignity of Being HumanRonald B. Allen1978Multnomah Press
E2420A Linguistic Key to the Greek New TestamentFritz Rienecker and Cleon L. Rogers1920Zondervan
E2421An Introduction to the Old TestamentEdward J. Young 1960Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source
E2422New Testament IntroductionDonald Guthrie1976IVP Press
E2423Jesus and the Politics of his DayErnst Bammel and C. F. D. Moule1985Cambridge University Press
E2424A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period: Volume I, From the Beginnings to the End of the MonarchyRainer Albertz1992Westminster John Knox Press
E2425The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God: A Theology of LordshipJohn M. Frame1987P & R Publishing
E2426Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book IMaurice Balme and Gilbert Lawall 1990Oxford University Press
E2427The faith of the Mother Church: An essay on the theology of the Judeo-ChristiansEmmanuele Testa1992Franciscan Printing Press
E2428Mary Magdalene, The First Apostle: The Struggle for AuthorityAnn Graham Brock2003Harvard Theology Studies
E2429Reading Luke-Acts: Dynamics of Biblical NarrativeWilliam S. Kurz1993Westminster John Knox Press
E2430Our Father's HouseSister Mariella Gable1945Sheed & Ward
E2431Christian Countermoves in a Decadent CultureCarl F. H. Henry 1986Multnomah Press
E2432Calvinism and Evangelical ArminianismJohn L. Girardeau 1984Sprinkle Publications
E2433The Institutes of the Christian ReligionJohn Calvin1994Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2434The Holy BibleHoly Bible 1971Collins' Clear-Type Press
E2435I Will Pour Out My Spirit: A History and Theology of Revivals and Evangelical AwakeningsR. E. Davies1992Monarch Publications
E2436WILLIAM BLAKE: JerusalemWilliam R. Hughes1964Publisher
George Allen & Unwin
E2437Radical Orthodoxy: A New TheologyJohn Milbank, Catherine Pickstock and Graham Ward1998Routledge
E2438What the Bible Says About God the RulerWhat the Bible Says About God the Ruler1989College Press Publishing Company
E2439The People of God: An Inquiry Into Christian Origins, Volume 2 The ChurchHarold F. Hamilton1912Oxford University Press
E2440Christian TheologyMillard J. Erickson1998Baker Academic
E2441A Pattern of Doctrines 1: God and ChristGeorge Vass1996T&T Clar
E2442The Autonomy Theme in the Church Dogmatics: Karl Barth and his CriticsJohn Macken 1990Cambridge University Press
E2443God's Being is in Becoming: The Trinitarian Being of God in the Theology of Karl BarthEberhard Jungel 2001Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
E2444Calvin and the DuchessF. Whitfield Barton1989Westminster John Knox Press
E2445The Institutes of the Christian ReligionJohn Calvin1975Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2446The CappadociansAnthony Meredith 1995T&T Clark
E2447The Christian Doctrine Of God: Volume I, DogmaticsThe Christian Doctrine Of God: Volume I: Dogmatics1955utterworth Press
E2448Theology, Church, and MinistryJohn Macquarrie 1986SCM Press Ltd.
E2449One and ApostolicAdrian Hastings1964Longman & Todd Ltd.
E2450In the World: Reading and Writing as a ChristianJohn H. Timmerman and Donald R. Hettinga1987Baker Book House
E2451Macrux: Volume 3Tan Jin Huat1995Malaysia Bible Seminary
E2452Macrux: Volume 2Tan Jin Huat1994Malaysia Bible Seminary
E2453Be Fertile and Increase, Fill the Earth and Master It: The Ancient and Medieval Career of a Biblical TextJeremy Cohen1989Cornell University Press
E2454The Logic of TheologyDietrich Ritschl1986SCM Press Ltd.
E2455In Defense of Faith: Volume IV, Psychology of ReligionCornelius Vantil 1976Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
E2456The Origin of Paul's GospelSeyoon Kim1981J. C. B. Mohr Siebeck
E2457The Post Evangelical DebateGraham Cray1997Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
E2458"The Son of Man" as the Son of GodSeyoon Kim1985Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2459The Genesis of JohnA. Q. Morton and J. Mcleman1980The Saint Andrew Press
E2460The Epistle to the RomansKarl Barth1968Oxford University Press
E2461Creation And Blessing: A Guide To The Study And Exposition Of GenesisAllen P. Ross1988Baker Books House
E2462The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical CommentaryBen Witherington III 2001Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2463Calvin: A BiographyBernard Cottret2000Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2464Evangelism & The Sovereignty of God J. I. Packer1991IVP Books
E2465Portraying Analogy: Cambridge Studies in PhilosophyJ. F. Ross1982Cambridge University Press
E2466The Quest for the Historical IsraelGeorge W. Ramsey1981John Knox Press
E2467Calvin and the Consolidation of the Genevan ReformationWilliam G. Naphy1994Manchester University Press
E2468Revelation : A New Translation with Introduction and CommentaryJ. Massyngberde Ford1975The Anchor Bible Doubleday
E2469Rich Christians in an Age of HungerRonald J. Sider1984IVP Books
E2470The Work of the Holy SpiritAbraham Kuyper 1979Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2471The Significance of J. Gresham Machen TodayPaul Woolley1977Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
E2472Reckoning with Barth: Essays in Commemoration of the Centenary of Karl Barth's BirthNigel Biggar1988Mowbray
E2473Twentieth-Century Religious Thought: The Frontiers of Philosophy and Theology, 1900-1960 1963SCM Press Ltd.
E2474The Cosmic Center: The Supremacy of Christ in a Secular WastelandD. Bruce Lockerbie1986Multnomah Press
E2475A Survey of Old Testament IntroductionGleason L. Archer1964Moody Press
E2476Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy: The Complete Guide to Scriptural Predictions and Their FulfillmentJ. Barton Payne1980Baker Books House
E2477A Time for Anger: The Myth of NeutralityFranky Schaeffer 1984Crossway Books
E2478New Testament IntroductionDonald Guthrie1970InterVarsity Press
E2479The Johannine Logos: The Mind of ChristGordon H. Clark1972The Trinity Foundation
E2480The Method and Message of Jesus' TeachingsRobert H. Stein 1978The Westminster Press
E2481Getting Together: A Guide for Good GroupsEm Griffin 1982InterVarsity Press
E2482How to Counsel from ScriptureMartin Bobgan and Deidre Bobgan1985Moody Press
E2483Christology in the Making: A New Testament Inquiry Into the Origins of the Doctrine of the IncarnationJames D. G. Dunn1980The Westminster Press
E2484The History of the Jewish People: VolumeⅠ, The AntiquityMoses A. Shulvass1982Regnery Gateway
E2485Calvin on Scripture and Divine SovereigntyJohn Murray1979Evangelical Press
E2486Hermeneutics, inerrancy, & the Bible: Papers from ICBI Summit IIEarl D. Radmacher and Robert D. Preus 1984Academie Books
E2487Handbook of Christian ApologeticsPeter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli1994InterVarsity Press
E2488Conversion and Text: The Cases of Augustine of Hippo, Herman-Judah, and Constantine TsatsosKarl F. Morrison 1992University of Virginia
E2489University of VirginiaRichard Grigg 1985Mercer University Press
E2490Catholicism and Christianity: A Vindication of Progressive ProtestantismCecil John Cadoux 1928George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
E2491A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical ResearchA. T. Robertson 1934Broadman Press
E2492Mark: The NIV Application CommentaryDavid E Garland1996Zondervan Academic
E2493A Survey of the New TestamentA Survey of the New Testament1981Zondervan Academic
E2494Luke: The NIV Application CommentaryDarrell L. Bock 1996Zondervan Academic
E2495Calvin And AugustineBenjamin Breckenridge Warfield1974Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
E2496The Contemporary ChristianJohn Stott1992IVP Books
E2497Narration and Discourse in the Book of GenesisHugh C. White1991Cambridge University Press
E2498The Creative Gift: The Arts and the Christian LifeH. R. Rookmaaker1981Inter-Varsity Press
E2499개혁논총Kim, I.H.2010Reformed Theology Association
E2500Evangelical Theology: An IntroductionKarl Barth1992Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2501The Cambridge Companion to Karl BarthJohn Webster2000Cambridge University Press
E2502Jesus and the ChristianWilliam Manson1967James Clarke & Co. Ltd
E2503Luke: A Challenge to Present TheologyEduard Schweizer 1982SPCK
E2504The rRenascence of Religion: Being the Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the World Congress of Faiths Cambridge UniversitySir Francis Younghusband1938World Congress Of Faiths
E2505Biblical Answers to Contemporary IssueCharles C. Ryrie 1991Moody Press
E2506Calvin and the ReformationEmile Doumergue, August Lang, Herman Bavinck and Benjamin B. Warfield1980Baker Book House
E2507Pilgrims of Paradox: Calvinism and Experience Among the Primitive Baptists of the Blue RidgeJames L. Peacock and Ruel W. Tyson, Jr.1989Smithsonian Institution Press
E2508The Reformation of the Sixteenth CenturyRoland H. Bainton1985 Beacon Press
E2509Faith in the Fires of Criticism: Christianity in Modern ThoughtPaul Avis 1995Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd
E2510Doctrine and Practice in the Early ChurchStuart G. Hall1994SPCK
E2511Renaissance and Reformation: 1300-1648 G. R. Elton1976Pearson College Div
E2512The Italian Renaissance: The Origins of Intellectual and Artistic Change Before the ReformationJohn Stephens1992Longman
E2513The People's Reformation: Magistrates, Clergy, and Commons in Strasbourg 1500-1598Lorna Jane Abray 1985Basil Blackwell
E2514Easter faith and HistoryDaniel P. Fuller 1965The Tyndale Press
E2515The Christology of the New TestamentOscar Cullmann1963SCM Press Ltd.
E2516The Jesus InquestCharles Foster2006Moarch Books
E2517The Cross of ChristJohn Stott1986Inter-Varsity Press
E2518Does God Suffer?Thomas G. Weinandy, O.F.M., Cap.2000T&T Clark Ltd.
E2519To Understand God Truly: What's Theological About A Theological SchoolDavid H. Kelsey 1992Westminster John Knox Press
E2520Matthew: A Commentary on His Handbook for a Mixed Church under PersecutionRobert H. Gundry 1995William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
E2521Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of PaulRichard B. Hays1989Yale University Press
E2522MiraclesC.S Lewis1947Geoffrey Bles books
E2523Scripture and TruthD.A. Carson and John D. Woodbridge1983IVP
E2524Realist Christian Theology in a Postmoern AgeSue Patterson1999Cambridge University Press
E2525The Structure of the Divine SocietyF. W Dillistone1951Lutter Worth Press
E2526Readings in Modern TheologyRobin Gill1995Redwood Books
E2527A Theology of Artistic SensibilitiesJohn Dillenberge1986the Corssroad Publishing Company
E2528Johannine ChristianityD. Doody Smith1984Unversity of South Carolina Press
E2529ChristologyGerald O'collins1995Oxford University Press
E2530The Christian Doctrine of Ceration and RedemptionEmil Brunner1962Lutter Worth Press
E2531Theoloty and ChruchWalter Kasper1989Crossroad
E2532Luther's Theology of the CrossAlister E. McGrath1993Basil Blackwell
E2533Luther : Letters of Spiritual CounselTheodore G. TappertLondon SCM Press LTE
E2534The Victory of ReasonRodney Stark2005Random House Trade Paperbacks
E2535Liberated TraditionalismrRonald & Beverly Allen1978Multmoman Press
E2536Calvinism in EuropeAndrew Pettegree, Alastair Duke and Gillian Lewis1996Cambridge University Press
E2537Problems of Authority in the Reformation DebatesG. R. Evans1992Cambridge University Press
E2538An Eye for An EyeChristopher J. H. Wright1983Intervarsity Pr
E2539The Christology of the New TestamentOscar Cullmann1963SCM Press
E2540The Death of ChristJames Denney1961The Tyndale Press
E2541Rome and the Eastern ChurchesAidan Nichols OP1992T&T Clark
E2542The Case for CalvinismCornelius Van Til 1968‎ Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co
E2543John Calvin, His Influence in the Western WorldW. Stanford Reid 1982Zondervan Publishing Company 
E2544A History of Medieval Europe: From Constantine to Saint LouisR.H.C. Davis1958Longmans, Green and Co
E2545A History of Christian DoctrineHubert Cunliffe-Jones1978T&T Clark
E2546The Paul QuestBen Witherington Ⅲ1998ivp
E2547Postmodernism for BeginenersRichard Appingnanesi and chirst Garrait1995Icon Books
E2548Barthes for BeginenersPhilip Thody and Ann Coruse1997Icon Books
E2549Creeds, Councils and ControversiesJ. Stevenson and W. H. C. Frend2000SPCK
E2550Paul: A Servant of Jesus ChristF.B Meyer1757CLC
E2551The Classic New Testament Commentary RomansH.C.G Mould1992Marshall Pickering
E2552The Acts of the Apostles greek text with introduction and commentaryF.F Bruce1990Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 
E2553Jesus the ChristOscar Cullmann2003Our Sunday Visitor Publishing division
E2554Revelation (Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching & Preaching)M. Eugene Boring1989 John Knox Press
E2555A New Dictionary of Christian TheologyAlan Richardson and John Bowden1983SCM Press
E2556Lectures on CalvinismAbraham Kuyper1983William B. Erdmans Publishing Co
E2557Conflict & Communith in Corinth Ben Witherington Ⅲ1995Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 
E2558Sex and Love QuotationsMichael C. Thomesett & Jean Freestone Thomsett1995McFarland & Company
E2559Calvin's Doctrine of The Christian LifeRlnald S. Wallace1959Gsneva Divinity School press
E2560RevelationJim McGuiggan1976International Biblical Resources
E2561LutherFranz Lau1963SCM Press
E2562The Book of Deuteronomy Peter C. Craigie1976Willim B. Eerdmans publishing Co
E25631&2 ChroniclesJohn Mark Hicks1984College Press Publishing Co
E2564NarcissismC. Fred Alford1988Yale University Press
E2565The Council, Reform and ReunionHans Küng1961Sheed and Ward; Third Impression edition
E2566The Progress of RedemptionWillem VanGemeren1988Academie Books
E2567The Pentateuch in Its Cultural EnvironmentG. herbert Livingston1987Baker Book House
E2568The Westminste Dictionary of Church History Jerald C. Brauer 1971Westminster John Knox Pr
E2569The Way of Jesus ChristJürgen Moltmann 1990SCM Press
E2570Evangelical Anglicans: Their Role and Influence in the Church TodayR. T. France, Alister E. McGrath1993 SPCK; First Edition
E2571Calvinism in Europe 1540-1610Alastair C. Duke (Editor), Gillian Lewis (Editor), & 1 more1992Manchester Univ Pr 
E2572What is narrative CritisismMark Allen Powell1993SPCK
E2573Atheist UniverseDavid Mills2006Ulysses Press
E2574Liberation of TheologyJuan Luis Segundo1976Orbis Books
E2575Hard Sayings of the Old TestamentJr. Walter C. Kaiser1988 Intervarsity Pr
E2576Twilight of a Great Civilization: The Drift Toward Neo-PaganismCarl F. H. Henry 1988Crossway Books
E2577The Threat of LifeWalter Brueggemann1996Fortress Publishers Minneapolis
E25781987 Annotated Bibliography on the bible and the ChurchDouglas Moo1986Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
E2579Ruth and EstherKatrina J.A Larkin2000Sheffield Acadimic Press
E2582Update on Christian Counseling Jay Edward Adams 1980Baker Book House
E2583Pastor and Parish-A Systems ApproachE. Mansell Pattison 1977Fortress Press
E2584Management for Your ChurchAlvin J. Lindgren and Norman Shawchuck1984Organization Resources Press
E2585Living the Faith CommunityJohn H. Westerhoff Ⅲ1985Harper & Row
E2586Making the Small Church EffectiveCarl S. Dudley1989Abingdon Press
E2587Effective Church Planning Lyle E. Schaller1988Abingdon Pr
E2588Marketing the ChurchGeorge Barna1988Navpress
E2589In Search of JesusClinton Bennett2001Continuum
E2590The Cross in the New TestamentLeon Morris1999Willim B. Eerdmans publishing Co
E2591Christian Nurture Horace Bushnell1979Baker Book House
E2592Roman Catholics and EvangelicalsNorman L. Geisler and Ralph E. MacKenzie1995Baker Academic
E2593New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the current debate Gerhard Hasel1897Willim B. Eerdmans publishing Co
E2594Antagonists in the ChurchKenneth C. Haugk 1972Augsburg Publishing
E2595A Contemporary Look at the Formula of ConcordWilbert Preus Robert D.; Rosin 1978Concordia Pub. House 
E2596Handbook for Bible Teachers and PreachersG. Campbell Morgan1982Baker Pub Group
E2597The Two HorizonsMr. Anthony C. Thiselton1993Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing; Illustrated edition
E2598Attention Deficit DisorderElaine K. McEwan1995Harold Show Piblishers
E2599My Teenager is Driving Me CrazyJoyce L. Vedral 1989Ballantine Books
E2600Adolescence is not an IllnessBruce Narramore 1973Fleming H. Revell Company
E260144 Ways to increase Church AttendanceLyle E. Schaller1988Abingdon Press
E2602Mutual MinistryJames C. Fenhagen 1977Harper & Row
E2603Helping Laity Help Others Stanley J. Menking1984Westminster Pr
E2604Healing the Wounded HeartDudley J. Delffs2004WaterBrook Press
E2605Tweleve Keys to an Effective ChurchKennon L. Callahan 1983Harper & Row
E2606Your Church Can Grow C. Peter Wagner 1984Regal Books
E2607Activating the Passive ChurchLyle E. Schaller1985Abingdon Press
E2608Becoming A MinisterThomas C. Oden1987Crossroad
E2609Church Administration Handbook Bruce P. Powers1986Broadman Press
E2610Dynamics in PastoringJacob Firet 1986Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 
E2611Congregations in ConflictTom Allen1991Christian Pubns
E2612The Church Ministray to the Older UnM.D. Hugen1960Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing
E2613Paul and Rabbinic JudaismW. D. Davies1980Fortress Press; 4th edition
E2614The Complete Book of Youth MinistryWarren S Benson & Mark H. Senter Ⅲ1987Moody Pr 
E2615The Cross of ChristJohn Stott2000ivp
E2616Effective Evancelism Donald Anderson McGavran1988Presbyterian & Reformed Pub Co
E2617The Wisdom of Proverbs, Job Ecclesiastes Derek Kidner 1985ivp
E2618FriendsEM Griffin1987ivp
E2619Talk Thru the BibleBruce Wilkinson, Kenneth D. Boa 1983Thomas Nelson
E262020th-Century Theolory Stanley J. Grenz, Roger E. Olson1992IVP Academic
E2621The Office of the Holy SpiritJames Buchanan1984The Banner of Trugh Trust
E2622A Biblical Theology of the New TestamentRoy B. Zuck (Editor), David Lowery 1994 ‎ Moody Publishers
E2623Martin Luther The Preservation of the ChurchMartin Brecht 1993Fortress Press
E2624The Council, Reform and ReunionHans Küng1961Sheed and Ward
E2625Dialogues Concerning Natural ReligionDavid Hume; Edited with Introduction by Henry D. Aiken1984Hafner Press
E2626Fatal Attractions: Sermon on the Seven Deadly sinsWilliam R. White1992 Abingdon Press
E2627Creative Leadership Series: Church GrowthDonald A. McGavran & George G,. Hunter Ⅲ1986Abingdon Press
E2628Effective Speech, Communication in Leading Worship Charles L. Bartow 1988Abingdon Press
E2629Walther on the ChurchC. F. W. Walther, John M. Drickamer 1981Concordia Pub House
E2630Editorials from "Lehre und Wehre"Herbert J. Bouman1981Concordia Pub House
E2631The Attributes of GodArthur W. Pink 1975Baker Books 
E2632Living Life May 19971997Tyarnnus International Ministry
E2633The Baptist DeaconRobert E. Naylor1955Broadman Press
E2634Romans: A Self-Study Guide Irving L. Jensen1969The Moody Bible Institute
E2635Adolescent SpiritualityCharles M. Shelton1989Crossroad
E2636Addicted to Adultery:How We Saved Our Marriage and How You Can Save Yours Richard Brzeczek1989Bantam
E2637Addictive BehaviorEdward T. Welch, Gary Steven Shogren 1995Baker Books 
E2638Introduction to Addictive BehaviorsDennis L. Thombs and Cynthia J. Osborn1994The Guilford Press
E2639Christ Knocking at the Door Sinners hearts John Flavel 1978Baker Book House
E2640The Psalms for Modern ManToday's English version1973Fortress Press
E2641Liberating the Church Howard A. Snyder1983ivp
E2642Leaders: The Strategies for Taking ChargeWarren G. Bennis & Burt Nanus1985Harper & Row
E2643How to Change the Image of Your ChurchJohn David Webb 1993Abingdon Press
E2644Parenting with Love & LimitsBruce Narramore1987Zondervan Pub. House
E2645How to Live with Your Parents without Losing Your Mind!Ken Davis 1988Zondervan
E2646When Your teen gose AstrayJeanette G. Littleton 2004Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City 
E2647Mothers and Daughters: Loving and Letting goEvelyn S. Bassoff1989A Plume Book
E2648Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral IntegrityEugene H. peterton1993Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing
E2649How to mobilize Church Volunteersmarlene Wilson1983Augsburg Publishing
E2650Foundations for A Practical Theology of MinistryJames N. Poling & Donald E. Miller1985Abingdon Press
E2651Empowering the LaityGerald Foley1986Sheed & Ward
E2652Life after StressM. Shaffer1993Contemporary Books Inc
E2653Personality TypesDon Richard Riso and Russ Hudson 1987Houghton Mifflin Company
E2654Calm DownGary R. Collins1981Vision House
E2655Crossing Paths: How Your Child's Adolescence Triggers Your Own CrisisLaurence Steinberg, Wendy Steinberg1994Simon & Schuster
E2656C.S. Lewis & Francis Schaeffer Scott R. Burson, Jerry L. Walls 1998IVP Books 
E2657The Holy Spirit: Works & Gifts Donald G. Bloesch 2000IVP Academic 
E2658Loving the Poor, Saving the RichHelen Rhee2012Baker Academic
E2659Philosophical InvestigationsLudwig Wittgenstein1953The Macmillan Company
E2660Jesus and the Victory of GodN. T. Wright 1996Fortress Press
E2661The Godpel According to JohnRaymond E. Brown1996Doubleday & Company, inc
E2662The Writings of the New TestamentLuke Timothy Johnson1999Fortress Press
E2663When You're Feeling LonelyCharles Durham1984Intervarsity Pr
E2664The Quiet Time CompanionRo Willoughby1988‎ IVP Connect
E2665Restoring the ImageRoger F. Hurding 1988Exeter The paternoster press
E2666Making Friends  Em Griffin 1987IVP Books
E2667But You Don't UnderstandPaul Borthwick1986A Division of Thomas Nelson Pub
E2668The Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Self-Love, Self-Image Jay E. Adams1986Harvest House Publishers 
E2669Man OverboardSinclair B. Ferguson 1982Living Studies
E2670Out of the Shadows Patrick J Carnes2001Hazelden Publishing
E2671Helping People GrowGary R. Collins1980Vision House
E2672The First Years of ForeverEd Wheat 1988Zondervan
E2673Too Much is never EnoughGaylen Larson with Marita Littauer1992Pacific Press Publishing Association
E2674Creative Conflict Joyce Huggett1984Intervarsity Pr
E2675What My Parents Did RightGloria Gaither1991Star Song Pub Co
E2676Intensive CareRich Van Pelt1988Zendervan publishing House
E2677surviving AdolescenceLarry Dumont1991Villard Books
E2678Portrait of Youth MinistryMaria Harris 1981Paulist Press
E2679The Church and the PowersJr. Cobble, James F. 1988Hendrickson
E2680Renewing Our Ministry David McKenna 1986Word Books Publ
E2681Broken VowsLes Carter1991Thomas Nelson Inc
E2682Why What?: what you need to Know about the Teen Sexuality CrisisJosh McDowell Dick Day1977Here's Life Publ
E2683The Complete works of Francis a Schaeffer A Christian Worldview Volume two1988Crossway Books
E2684The People CalledPaul D. Hanson1987 Harper & Row, Pub
E2685The Analogical Imagination David Tracy2000Crossroad
E2686Puritan Paperback: The Reformed PastorRichard Baxter1974The Banner of Trugh Trust
E268710,000 Illustrations form the BibleCharles Eugene Little 1981Baker Pub Group
E2688In His Image  Paul Brand, Philip Yancey 1984Zondervan
E2689The Work of the Minister of Youth Bob R. Taylor1982Convention Press
E2690Preaching about Crises in the Community Samuel D. Proctor1988Westminster John Knox Pr
E2691Election & PredestinationPaul K. Jewett1985Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing
E2692Peter & JudeMartin Luther1982Kregel Publications
E2693Serving as SendersNeal Pirolo1991Operation Mobilization Literature Ministry
E2694Psychology as Relligionn: The Cult of Self-worshipPaul C. Vitz1988Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
E2695The Christian Mind Harry Blamires1963Servant Books
E2696Saying Yes to MarriageWillimon, W.H.1979‎ Judson Press
E2697Pulpit SpeechAdams Jay E. 1976Baker Book House
E2698Healing Life's Hidden AddictionsArchibald D. Hart1990Servant Pbulications
E2699Anger:Yours & Mine & What to Do about itRichard P. Walters 1981Zondervan
E2700Drift from the ChurchesWilliam K. Kay, Leslie J. Francis 1996‎ University Of Wales Press
E2701Till We Have FacesLewis, C.S. 1978Fount Paperbacks
E2702The AtonementGordon, H.C.1987The Trinity Foundation
E2703Calvin's CalvinismCalvin, J.1558Reformed Free Publishing Association
E2704A History of Lutheranism in KoreaJi, W.Y.1988Concordia Seminary
E2705A Synoptic Harmony of Samuel, Kings, and ChroniclesNewsome, J.1986Grand Rapids: Baker
E2706The Grace of Law: a Study in Puritan theologyKevan, E. F.1976Grand Rapids: Baker
E2707Historical Criticism of the BibleLinnemann, E.1991Grand Rapids: Baker
E2708A Life of John Calvin: a study in the shaping of Western cultureMcGrath, A.E.1993Blackwell Publishers
E2709The Open Church: invitation to a messianic lifestyleMoltmann, J. & Meeks, M. D.1978SCM Press Ltd.
E2710Time and EternityLeftow, B.1991Cornell University
E2711Christ for the World The Heart of the LambBertrand de, M.1973Franciscan Herald Press
E2712Changing Your Life Through the Power of PrayerChristenson, E.1977SP Pulications, Inc.
E2713A Theology of the Holy SpiritBruner, F.D.1987Grand Rapids: Eerdmans
E2714The Human ConnectionBolt & Myers1984Downergrove: InterVarsity
E2715God Delights in You: an introduction to Gospel spiritualityCatoir, John T.1990The Society of St. Paul
E2716The Canon of Scripture Bruce, F.F.1988Downergrove: InterVarsity
E2717Protestants&Catholics: do they now agree?Ankerberg, J. & Weldon, J.1995Harvest House Publishers
E2718Paul: An Outline of His TheologyRidderbos, H.N.1975Grand Rapids: Eerdmans
E2719The Old Protestantism and the New : essays on the Reformation heritageGerrish, B. A.1982The University of Chicago
E2720Good News BibleToday English Version1985United Bible Societies
E2721The Works of Philo JudaeusYonge, C.D.1993Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.
E2722Westminster Confession of FaithWestminster Confession1983F. P. Publications
E2723A Reader's Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old TestamentT. A. Armstrong/ D. L. Busby/ C. F. Carr1986Grand Rapids: Zondervan
E2724The Reformed Pastor&Modern ThoughtVan Til, C.1980Philadelphia: P & R Publishing Co.
E2725Pastoral Care in ContextJohn Patton1993Westminster/John Knox Press
E2726Foundations For Purposeful Church AdministrationLindgren, Alvin J.1979Abingdon Press
E2727The Westminster Confession of FaithWilliamson, G. I. 1965Presbyterian and Rofomed Publishing Company
E2728Lay Voices in an Open ChurchHabn, Celia A. 1985An Alban Institurte Pulication
E2729The Liberation of the LaityRowthorn, Anne W.1986Morehouse-Barlow Co., Inc.
E2730Ministry of the LaityAnderson, James D. (James Desmond)1986Harper & Row, Publishers, San Francisco
E2731Jews and Christians : getting our stories straight : the Exodus and the Passion-ResurrectionGoldberg, Michael1991UNKNO
E2732The Craft of Sermon IllustrationSangster, W. E.
(William Edwin)
E2733The Idea of the HolyOtto, Rudolf 2017CreateSpace
E2734A Biblical Approach to Chinese Traditions and BeliefsTong, Daniel2012ARMOUR Publishing
E2735Josephus and the New TestamentMason, Steve2002Baker Academic
E2736Doing Theology in a Revolutionary SituationMíguez Bonino, José1975‎ Fortress Press
E2737How to Walk with GodFullam, Everett L.1987‎ Thomas Nelson
E2738Discipling Music Ministry : twenty-first century directionsJohansson, Calvin M.1992Tyndale House
E2739Worship in Early ChurchMartin, Ralph P.1975Eerdmans
E2740The Effective PastorWhite, C. Peter
E2741The Adversary: the Christian versus demon activityBubeck, Mark I.2013‎ Moody Publishers
E2742Keys to the Deeper LifeTozer, A. W. 2014Pioneer Library
E2743The Forgotten TrinityWhite, James R.
(James Robert)
2019Bethany House
E2744Understanding PietismBrown, Dale W.1996Evangel Pub
E2745The Art of Prayer : a Simple GuideJones, Timothy K.2005WaterBrook
E2746Demons in the world todayMerrill F.Ungor1987Tyndale house
E2747The Devil John Wesley White 1971Tyndale House
E2748Introducing New Testament InterpretationMcKnight, Scot1990Baker Academic
E2749Getting to Know John's Gospel : a fresh look at its main ideasPeterson, Robert A.1989‎ P & R Publishing
E2750First and Second KingsMcNeely, Richard I.1978Moody Press
E2751Law and Gospel : a study in Biblical theologyWilhelm, Andersen1961UNITED SOCIETY
E2752In the Beginning : Genesis chapters 1 to 3 and the authority of scriptureYoung, Edward J.
(Edward Joseph)
1976Banner of Truth
E2753BusinessJ. Radcliffe2009Typhoon
E2754DictionaryJ. Radcliffe2009Typhoon
E2755MedicalJ. Radcliffe2009Typhoon
E2756ThesaurusJ. Radcliffe2009Typhoon
E2757GrammarJ. Radcliffe2009Typhoon
E2758SpellingJ. Radcliffe2009Typhoon
E2759ComputerJ. Radcliffe2009Typhoon
E2760QuotationsJ. Radcliffe2009Typhoon
E2761Worship Evangelism : inviting unbelievers into the presence of GodMorgenthaler, Sally1995HarperCollins
E2762Teach Us to Pray: Prayer in the Bible and the WorldCarson, D. A2002Wipf & Stock
E2763Trinity Theological Journal 1996 Volume 5Trinity Theological College1996Trinity Theological College
E2765New Perspectives on Hegel's Philosophy of ReligionKolb, David1992SUNY Press
E2766Plurality and AmbiguityTracy, David 1987Harper & Row
E2767Faith and Praxis in a Postmodern AgeKing, Ursula1998Continuum Intl
E2768Understanding DispensationalistsPoythress, Vern S.1993P & R Publishing
E2769The Transfiguration of Jesus According to MARKEzra Sang-Beup Shim1994Ph.D Thesis
E2770The Bible Natural Science and EvolutionMaatman, R.W.1970Reformed Fellowship
E2771Volume 4: A History of the Expansion of Christianity
Great Century: Europe and the United States
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2772Volume 5: A History of the Expansion of Christianity
Great Century: The Americas, Australasia and Africa
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2773Volume 6: A History of the Expansion of Christianity
Great Century: North Africa and Asia
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2774Volume 7: A History of the Expansion of Christianity
Advance Through Storm
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2775Volume 1: A History of the Expansion of Christianity
The First Five Centuries
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2776Volume 2: A History of the Expansion of Christianity
The Thousand Years of Uncertainty
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2777Volume 3: A History of the Expansion of Christianity
Three Centuries of Advance
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2778Volume II: Christianity in a Revolutionary Age
The 19th Century in Europe
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2779Volume I: Christianity in a Revolutionary Age
The 19th Century in Europe
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2780Volume IV: Christianity in a Revolutionary Age
The 19th Century in Europe
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2781Volume V: Christianity in a Revolutionary Age
The 20th Century Outside Europe
Latourette, K.S.1971Zondervan
E2782Arabic-English DictionaryHans W. & Cowan, J.M.1976Spoken Language Service
E2783Christian Dogmatics Volume IIIPeter, F. 1968Concordia Publishing
E2784The Covenant Theology of Francis RobertsLim, Won Taek2002King & Kingdom
E2785The Covenant Theology of Francis RobertsLim, Won Taek2003King & Kingdom
E2786The Covenant Theology of Francis RobertsLim, Won Taek2004King & Kingdom
E2787The Covenant Theology of Francis RobertsLim, Won Taek2005King & Kingdom
E2788The Covenant Theology of Francis RobertsLim, Won Taek2006King & Kingdom
E2789Praying Jesus' Way : a guide for beginners & veteransDodd, Brian J.1997Intervarsity Pr
E2790Ethics in a Permissive SocietyBarclay, William 1972HarperCollins
E2791Old Testament ExegesisDouglas Stuart2001Westerminster John Knoc
E2792How to Prepare Bible MessagesBraga, James2005Multnomah
E2793Principles of Biblical Interpretation in the Lutheran Confessions (Revised Edition)Bohimann, Ralph A.1968Concordia Publishing
E2794A commentary on the First Epistle to the CorinthiansBarrett, C. K.1968Harper & Row
E2795The Gospel According to John (xiii-xxi)Brown, Raymond E. 1970Doubleday&Company
E2796Romans: A Shorter CommentaryCranfield, C. E. B.1985Eerdmans
E2797Tudor Puritanism : a Chapter in the History of IdealismKnappen, Marshall Mason1963Peter Smith
E2798New Testament Social Ethics for TodayLongenecker, Richard N.1984Eerdmans
E2799On Paul and John, some selected theological themesManson, T. W. 2009Wipf and Stock
E2800A Simplified Guide to BHS : critical apparatus, masora, accents, unusual letters & other markingsScott, William R.1995BIBAL Press
E2801Jesus in Beijing : how Christianity is transforming China and changing the global balance of powerAikman, David2006Monarch Books
E2802Book Editors Talk to WritersMandell, Judy1995Wiley
E2803Judaism and HellenismHengel, Martin 1975Fortress Press
E2804Full Life Study Bible (New International Version)Bible1992Zondervan
E2805Redemptive History and the New Testament ScripturesRidderbos, Herman N.1988P & R Publishing
E2806Kingdom of Priests : a history of Old Testament IsraelMerrill, Eugene H.2008Baker Academic
E2807Christianity in CultureKraft, Charles H.1979Orbis
E2808Dictionary of Modern Theological GermanZiefle, Helmut W.1991Baker Pub
E2809Phenomenology and ExistentialismSolomon, Robert C.1991Rowman & Littlefield
E2810Spirituality in an Age of Change : rediscovering the spirit of the reformersMcGrath, Alister E.1994Zondervan
E2811Conversational RussianNadya L.Peterson1993CROWN
E2812Interpreting the BibleMickelsen, A. Berkeley1963Eerdmans
E2813Decisive Issues Facing Christians TodayStott, John R. W.1996Fleming H Revell
E2814In Search of Christian Unity : basic consensus, basic differencesBurgess, Joseph A.1991Fortress Press
E2815Ambitious To Be Well-Pleasing : a festschrift for the centennial of the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal ChurchAllen C. Guelzo1986Trinity Foundation
E2816Love, Sex, and Lasting RelationshipsIngram, Chip2015Baker Books
E2817LamentationsVillanueva, Federico G.2016Langham Global
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E2819How to Get a PhDPhillips, Estelle
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2000Open Univ
E2820Our Heritage Our FutureTrinity Theological College1999Trinity Theological College
E2821The Book of JoyWirt, Sherwood Eliot 1994McCracken Pr
E2822Persia and the BibleTamauchi, Edwin M. 1997Baker Academic
E2823The World as Will and Representation (Volume Two)Schopenhauer, Arthur1966Dover Publications
E2824The Role Relationship of Men&Women : New Testament teachingKnight, George W. (George William)1989P & R Publishing
E2825With Wings as EaglesMurray, Andrew 2002Whitaker House
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E2833Matthew as StoryKingsbury, Jack Dean1988‎ Fortress Press
E2834Christian Faith : Introduction to the study of the faithHendricus Berkhof1986Eerdmans
E2835Moral Man and Immoral SocietyNiebuhr, Reinhold 2001Westminster John Knox
E2836Pentecost And MissionsHarry R. Boer1964Eerdmans
E2837The Story of Christianity (Volume1) : The Early Church to the Dawn of the ReformationGonzález, Justo L. : 1984HarperOne
E2838Outlines of TheologyHodge, Archibald Alexander2015Arkose Press
E2839New Testament Interpretation: Essays On Principles and MethodsMarshall, I. Howard1991Eerdmans
E2840Weddings, Funerals&Special EventsPeterson & Miller1987Distributed by Word Book
E2841Dominion Theology: Blessing or Curse?House, H. Wayne1988Multnomah Pub
E2842LatinWheelock, Frederic M. 2011Collins Reference
E2843Faith in Christ and the Worship of Christ : new approaches to devotion to ChristAuer, Johann1986Ignatius Press
E2844We Confess the Sacraments (Volume 2)Sasse1985Concordia Pub
E2845Jesus is Coming for YouTorrey, Reuben Archer1997Whitaker House
E2846Convention EssaysWalther A. Suelflow1981Concordia Pub
E2847Your Money or Your Life : a new look at Jesus' view of wealth and powerAlexander, John F.1986HarperCollins
E2848Sometimes It's O.K. to Tell Secrets!Lenett, Robin etc1986A Tom Doherty
E2849Temptation : how Christians can deal with itCarroll, Frances L.1984Prentice Hall
E2850The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope, and LoveSt. Augustine1996Gateway Edition
E2851The Normal Christian LifeNee, Watchman1977Tyndale House
E2852The Resurrection of the Chinese ChurchLambert, Tony1994Harold Shaw
E2853The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text : interpreting and preaching biblical literatureGreidanus, Sidney1989Eerdmans
E2854The Anchor Bible: Second IsaiahMcKenzie, John L. 1983Doubleday
E2855Church History in Plain LanguageShelley, Bruce L. 1995Word Publishing
E2856The Pastoral Epistles Clark, Gordon Haddon1983Trinity Foundation
E2857Theology as Narration : a commentary on the book of ExodusKnight, George A. F.1977Handsel Press
E2858Paul&Perseverance : staying in and falling awayGundry Volf, Judith M.1990Westminster John Knox
E2859Biblical Christian EthicsJones, David Clyde1994Baker Books
E2860Motherpeace : a way to the goddess through myth, art, and tarotNoble, Vicki1994HarperOne
E2861Protestant Biblical Interpretation : a textbook of hermeneutics
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1980Baker Publishing
E2862Christian Healing Rediscovered : a guide to spiritual, mental, physical wholenessLawrence, Roy1980InterVarsity Press
E2863Interpreting the ParablesBlomberg, Craig L.1990IVP Academic
E2864The Key to Growing in LoveSmalley and Trent1996Bbs Pub 
E2865Korea at the Crossroads : the history and future of East AsiaPae, Ki-ch'an
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E2866Trinity Theological Journal Vol. 13 / 2005Trinity Theological College2005Trinity Theological College
E2867Psychology and Society In Islamic PerspectiveM. B. Husain Ph. D. 1996Institute of Objective
E2868New Testament IntroductionGuthrie, Donald 1990Intervarsity Press
E2869Sentimental Imperialists : the American experience in East AsiaThomson, James Claude1981Harper & Row
E2870The Spirit Filled LifeFinney, Charles 2000Whitaker House
E2871Hudson Taylor and Maria : pioneers in ChinaPollock, John1963Hodder & Stoughton
E2872The Little, Brown ReaderBarnet, Sylvan;
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1989Harper Collins
E2873Postcolonial Identities in AfricaWerbner, Richard P.1996Zed Books
E2874More than Conquerors : an interpretation of the book of RevelationHendriksen, William2015Baker Books
E2875Metaphysics & The Idea of GodPannenberg, Wolfhart1990Eerdmans
E2876Let the Reader Understand : reader-response criticism and the Gospel of MarkFowler, Robert M.1991Fortress Press
E2877Paul as Benefactor : reciprocity, strategy and theological reflection in Paul's collectionJoubert, Stephan2016Wipf and Stock
E2878The Conversion of the ImaginationHays, Richard B.2005Eerdmans
E2879Writer's International Guide to Book Editors, Publishers, and Literary AgentsHerman1999Prima Lifestyles
E2880Handbook on the ProphetsChisholm2009Baker Academic
E2881God Can Be TrustedGoldsmith1996Authentic
E2882Your Work Matters to GodSherman and Hendricks1990NavPress
E2883The New Scofield Study Bible (New King James Version)Thomas Nelson1989Oxford University
E2884The Gospel According to RomeMcCarthy1995Harvest House
E2885The Religion of the HeartCampbell1991Univ of South Carolina 
E2886The Triune CreatorColin E. Gunton1998Eerdmans
E2887Select Sermons of George WhitefieldGeorge Whitefield1958Banner of Truth
E2888The Intercession of ChristJohn Bunyan1997Christian Heritage
E2889Chiasmus in the New TestamentLund1992Hendrickson Pub
E2890Geschichte der PhilosophieFriedlein 1992Erich Schmidt
E2891Theology of the Lutheran ConfessionsMildenberger1996Fortress Press
E2892Prayers of the EucharistJasper&Cuming1987Liturgical Press
E2893The Five Year : Pathways to Church GrowthSuzanne G.Braden1987Discipleship Resource
E2894Truth AppliedAdams1990Ministry Resources Library
E2895The Birth of the Modern World Society 1815-1830Paul Johnson1991HarperCollins
E2896Integrative Theology (Volume Two)Lewis&Demarest1987Zondervan
E2897Integrative Theology (Volume One)Lewis&Demarest1987Zondervan
E2898Constructing a Public TheologyThiemann1991Westminster John Knox 
E2899Mirrors of His GlorySanderson1990Presbyterian & Reformed
E2900Jews and Christians in DialogueJohn Koenig1979Westminster John Knox
E2901The Seven Dealy SinsSchimmel1997Oxford Univ
E2902Foundational TheologyFiorenza1984Crossroad
E2903The Fourth GospelC. H. Dodd1968Cambridge Univ
E2904Roman Catholicism: Evangelical Protestants Analyze What Divides and Unites UsJohn Armstrong1998Moody Publishers
E2905Interpreting RevelationTenney2001Hendrickson Pub
E2906The European Reformations Sourcebookedited by Lindberg1991Wiley-Blackwell
E2907Emma 爱玛姑娘Jane Austen2003Penguin Classics
E2908Back to JerusalemPaul Hattaway2003Gabriel Publishing
E2909Song of SongsWatchman Nee1995Living Stream Ministry
E2910Living with the Living GodGeorge Smeaton1998Grace Pulications
E2911International Review of Mission (Brazilian Churches in Mission)Christopher Duraisingh1996Brazilian Churches
E2912International Review of Mission (Jesus Christ-the Life of the World)Emilo Castro1982Brazilian Churches
E2913Powers, Weakness, and the Tabernacling of GodDawn2001Eerdmans
E2914Jakarta AMA 2000Jacob Nahuway2000Jakarta Indonesia
E2915Love One AnotherWatchman Nee1980CFP
E2916Hymns to An Unknown God : Awakening the Spirit in Everyday LifeSam Keen1995Bantam
E2917The Study of Liturgyeditors: Cheslyn Jones, Geoffrey Wainwright, Edward Yarnold, S1992SPCK
E2918Blended WorshipWebber1996Hendrickson Pub
E2919Worship in Spirit and TruthFrame1996P & R Publishing
E2920Streams in the DesertCowman, L.B.2006Zondervan
E2921Women as LeadersHaub, K.M.1993Marc Pubns
E2922Missionary to EcuadorElliot, J.1995Barbour Publishing
E2923A Commentary on the Epistle to the RomansBarrett, C.K.1986Hendrickson
E2924The Death and Resurrection of JesusGoergen, D.J.2003Wipf and Stock
E2925The New Testament (Today's English Version) Fourth EditionBible1976abs
E2926Right with God: Justification in the Bible and the WorldEdited by D. A. Carson2002Wipf and Stock
E2927Pauline TheologyEllis, E.2005Wipf and Stock
E2928Paul, the Law, and the Jewish PeopleSanders1983Fortress Press
E2929Law in Paul's ThoughtHubner2004T&T Clark
E2930Modern Christian ThoughtJames C. Livingston2006Fortress Press
E2931Book of Common PhrasesBetty Kirk Patrick2002Geddes & Grosset
E2932Messianic Revelation in the Old TestamentVan/Groningen1990Baker Pub Group
E2933The Mystery of the Holy SpiritSproul, R.C.1990Tyndale House
E2934His Needs, Her Needs : Building a Marriage That LastsHarley2002Revell
E2935EphesiansBoice2006Baker Books
E2936Write for CollegeSebranek/Kemper/Meyer2007Great Source
E2937God's Empowering PresenceFee2012Baker Academic
E2938Born AgainCharles Colson2008Hendrickson Pub
E2939Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth CenturyKarl Barth2002Eerdmans
E2940Catechism of the Catholic ChurchU.S. Catholic Church2003Double Day
E2941How to Read Church History Vol. 1Comby1996Crossroad
E2942The Aesthetics of Gyorgy LukacsBela Kiralyfalvi 1975Princeton University
E2943The Fundamentals of Marxist Leninist PhilosophyF. V. Konstantinoble?1982Progress Publishers
E2944Asia Journal of Theology Volume 6 K.C.Abraham1992Asia Journal of Theology
E2945The Open Society and Its Enemies Vol. 1 PlatoK. R. Popper2011Routledge
E2946D. T. Suzuki/WegBach1971Deuch
E2947People of the LieM. Scott Peck, M. D.1983A TOUCHSTONE
E2948A Call to ExcellenceInrig1985Scripture Pr
E2949Asia Journal of Theology Volume 10 Number 2 OctoberAsia Journal of Theology1996Asia Journal of Theology
E2950Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 6:1 JanuaryAsia Journal of Theology1999Asia Journal of Theology
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E2952Kept from the HourStanton1990Schoettle Publishing
E2953Widsom of the SadhuSadhu Sundar Singh2014Plough Publishing
E2954Hearts of Iron Feet of ClayInrig2005Discovery House
E2955Love in the New TestamentMoffatt1929Horder and Stouton
E2956Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology 13:1 JuneJAET2005JAET
E2957China's Imperial Past: An Introduction to Chinese History and CultureCharles O. Hucker1975Stanford
E2958Kant and the Transcendental ObjectFindlay1981Oxford
E2959Critique of Practical Reason Foundations of the Metaphysics of MoralsKant2015Cambridge University
E2960Chinese GodsChamberlain, J.1997Weatherhill
E2961Transforming Christianity and the WorldCobb1999Orbis Books
E2962Korea Journal Vol. 47 No. 1 Spring 2007Korea Journal2007Korea Journal
E2963The Metaphysics of ExperienceKraus, E.1997Fordham University
E2964A Time to LaughJohnson T. K. LIM2001The Word
E2965The Other ShoreXingjian, G.2000The Chinese University 
E2966The Archetypes and the Collective Unconsciousness?Jung, C.G.1971Princeton University 
E2967Chinese Ideas of Life and DeathMichael Loewe1982George Allen & Unwin 
E2968Language in Thought and ActionAllon, G.1968Hayakawa
E2969Zen-BuddhismusEnomiya-Lassalle, H.M.1972Zweite, Gemany
E2970Christian Faith and Other FaithsNeill1962Oxford University
E2971Live Like a KingWiersbe1995Kregel Publications
E2972The Philosophy of the UpanisadsChari2002Munshiram Manoharlal
E2973A New Hermeneutic of Reality Raj, A.S.1998Peter LANG
E2974Cassell's German- English English-German DictionaryMacmillian1986Cassel Macmillan
E2975Spirit Filled Life Bible (New King James Version)Hayford, J.W.1995Nelson
E2976The New Testament and It's Modern InterprestersEpp/MacRae1989Society of Biblical Literature
E2977The Servant King (Reading Mark Today)Paul Barnett1991Aquila Press
E2978Worship as TheologySaliers1994Abingdon
E2979The Worship Leader's HandbookTom Kraeuter1998Emerald Books
E2980The Korean War/ An Oral History Pusan to ChosinKnox1985Harcourt
E2981The Christian Attitude Toward World ReligionsFernando1987Tyndale House
E2982Ninny's BoatKing1981Atheneum
E2983Understanding Watchman NeeRoberts1981Logos Associates
E2984Evangelicals and TraditionWilliams2012Baker Academic
E2985Modern Philosophy of MindWilliam Lyons1995Orion Publishing
E2986After the Genteel TraditionMalcolm Cowley1993Reprint Services
E2987HolinessRyle2014Banner of Truth
E2988Pentecost and MissionsBoer1961Eerdman
E2989The Mind of St. PaulWilliam Barclay2013Windham Press
E299030 Days to Understanding the Bible Max Anders1998Nelson
E2991The Inspiration and Authority of ScripturePache1961Moody Press
E2992Bernhard Welte's Fundamental Theological Approach to ChristologyGodzieba1994Peter Lang Inc
E2993Asia Journal of Theology Volume 8 Number 2 October 1994Asia Journal of Theology1994Asia Journal of Theology
E2994The Buddhist-Religion: A Historical IntroductionRobinson & Johnson1994Wadsworth Publishing
E2995Christ and TimeOscar Cullmann1964Westminster John Knox 
E2996An Introduction to Contemporary HistoryBarraclough1968Penguin Books
E2997Asia Journal of Theology Volume 7 Number 1 April 1993Asia Journal of Theology1993Asia Journal of Theology
E2998One Earth Many ReligionsKnitter1959Orbis Books
E2999The People CalledHanson2000HarperCollins
E3000Christianity and LiberalismMachen2009BiblioLife
E3001Karl Barth: His Life from Letters and Autobiographical TextsBusch1977Fortress Pr
E3002The Bondage of the WillLuther2012Baker Academic
E3003Hell on Trial: The Case for Eternal PunishmentPeterson1995P & R Publishing
E3004Confessing the One FaithWorld Council Of Churches1991World Council of Churches
E3005The Hebrew Bible and Its Modern InterpretersKnight & Tucker1985Fortress Press
E3006Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentacostal Studies Volume 22Journal of the Society2000Journal of the Society
E3007O Come, Let Us WorshipRayburn2010Wipf and Stock
E3008Let Us Sing: Worshiping God with Our MusicRoff1991Great Commission
E3009Music in the Christian CommunityTopp1976Eerdmans
E3010Developing An Effective Worship MinistryKraeuter1999YWAM Pub
E3011How to Get Started in Christian MusicChris Christian1986W Pub Group
E3012Old Testament Story and FaithCrenshaw1992Hendrickson Pub
E3013Introduction to the New TestamentBehm & Kommel1966Abingdon
E3014The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer: A Christian View of Philosophy and Culture Volume 1Francis A. Schaeffer1985Crossway Books
E3015The Theology of Huldrych ZwingliStephens1986Oxford University
E3016The Religious Bodies of AmericaF. E. Mayer1961Concordia Pub
E3017A Practical Application of God's Word: Doing TheologyKwang Hee Lee2016MIZI design
E3018The Concept of PeaceJohn Macquarrie2012Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd
E3019Pastoral LeadershipDale2001Abingdon
E3020Greek-English LexiconLiddell & Scott2007Simon Wallenburg
E3021The Augsburg ConfessionGrane1987Augsburg Fortress
E3022A Systematic Theology of the Christian ReligionBuswell1962CLP
E3023Powerlines: What Great Evangelicals Believed about the Holy Spirit 1850-1930Choy1990Christian Pubns
E3024No Other GospelArnolld J.Koelpin1980Northwestern
E3025The Attributes of GodPink2006Baker Books
E3026Biblical Concepts for Christian CounselingKirwan1984Baker Academic
E3027Moral LawKevan2001Sovereign Grace
E3028The ProphetsKoch1984Fortress Press
E3029The Person in PsychologyVan Leeuwen1985Eerdmans
E3030Counseling: An Introduction / Second EditionPietrofesa/Hoffman/Spleil1984Houghton Mifflin College
E3031The Praxis of SufferingChopp2007Orbis
E3032Letters form a Mountian ValleyR. A. Torrey, III1992Word Life Press
E3033Menoirs of Lee Kuan Yew: The Singapore Story (Abridged Edition)Lee Kuan Yew2000Times Media
E3034Introducing the Holy LandMiller1983SCM Press
E3035The Story of the Other Wise ManHenry van Dyke2008CruGuru
E3036Not Less Than EverythingValerie Griffiths2004Monarch Books
E3037Sociology and Theology : Alliance and ConflictMartin, David1980Branch Line
E3038The Fine Art of PreachingBlackwood1978Baker Book
E3039The Politics of EducationPaulo Freire1985Bergin & Garvey Publishers
E3040History of Singapore (Lower Secondary S/E/N(A))Goh Phay Yen2002Pearson Education Asia
E3041The Economist: Style GuideThe Economist2010Wiley
E3042No Other NameKnitter1985Orbis
E3043The Existence and Attributes of GodStephen Charnock2000Baker Books
E3044Good News for Modern ManGute Na Chricht1966American Bible
E3045Dogmatics in OutlineKarl Barth1978Harper Perennial
E3046Calvin on Scripture and Divine SovereigntyJohn Murray1979Evengelical Press
E3047Paul: A Short IntroductionHooker2003Oneworld
E3048The Unity of IsaiahOswald T. Allis2001Wipf & Stock
E3049The Person of Jesus ChristH. R. Mackintosh1912Student Christian Movement
E3050Men of Ideas : Some Creators of Contemporary PhilosophyBryan Magee1982Oxford Univ
E3051Counsel for Pastors' WivesLangberg2011Zondervan
E3052The Leadership BookKeating1977Paulist Pr
E3053Psychology and ChristianityJeeves1978Inter-varsity
E3054Psychology and FormationA. Cencini1992Pauline Publications
E3055Solution-Focused Pastoral CounselingKollar1997Zondervan
E3056Introduction to Psychology & CounselingMeifr Minirkh Wichern1991Baker
E3057Healthcare EthicsMichael R. Panicola2011Anselm Academic
E3058Wiersbe's Expository Oulines on the Old Testament Wiersbe1993David C Cook
E3059Zondervan's Pictorial Bible DictionaryMerrill C. Tenney1999Zondervan
E3060The contemporary ChristianJohn Stott1992IVP
E3061Holy Lityrgy for Ohthodox ChristiansSt. Chrysostom J.1975The Romanian Orthodox Epcopate of America
E3062The Stillborn GodLilla M.2007A.alford A. Knopf
E3063The Kingdom of The CultsMartin W.1985Bethany House Publishers
E3064The Gospel in HistorySawicke1988Paulist Press
E3065A Theology of Word & Spirit : Authority & Method in TheologyBloesch D.G.1992IVP
E3066A Harmony of the GospelsThomas & Gundry1979Moody Press
E3067On Being a Charistian(By Hans Kungtranslated by Edward Quinn1984Doubleday
E3068Why Narratives? Reading in Narrative TheologyHauerwas & Jones1989Eerdmans
E3069Typology of ScriptureFairbairn P.1989Kregel Publications,
E3070When Gods voice is heard : Essays on preaching presented to Dick Lucasedited by David Jackman and ; Christopher Green.1995IVP
E3071The Disciple Making PastorHull, Bill1988Old Tappan, N.J. : F.H. Revell
E3072Effective Biblical Councelling Yuan Zhiming, Daniel Baida Su 1977Zondervan
E3073Luther's Works : Sermons 2Luther M.1974American Edition
E3074Luther's Works : Liturgy and HymnsLuther M.1965American Edition
E3075Basic French GrammarWorth-Stylianou1996John Murray
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E3077Genesis and ExodusFox E.1990schoBookscken
E3078Soul Searching-Chinese Intellectuals on the Faith and SocietyYuan Zhiming, Daniel Baida Su 1997China Horizon
E3079The Adversary : The Christian Versus Demon Activity Bubeck M.I.1975Moody Press
E3080Merton's Palace of NowhereFinley J.2003Ave Maria Press
E3081Life of the Beloved : Spiritual Living in a Secular WorldNouwen H.M.1988Hodder & Stoughton
E3082Searching IssuesGumbel N.1995Kingsway
E3083The Language of God :s Evidence for Belief Scientist Present Francis Collins2007Pocket Books
E3084Karl Barth's Critically Realistic Dialectical the GloryMcCormack1997Oxford
E3085A Pattern of Doctrines 2 : The Atonement and Mankind's SalvationVass G,1998Sheed & Ward
E3086The History of the ReformationGreengrass M.1958Longman
E3087The Longman companion to the European Reformation c.1500-1618Greengrass M.1998London ; New York : Longman
E3088C. S. Lewis for the Third MillenniumKreeft P.1994Ignatius Press
E3089The Bible, the Church, and Authority Lienhard J.T.1995The Liturgical Press
E3090Spirituality and LiberationBrown R,M.1988The Westminster Press
E3091Expository Dictionary of Bible WordsRichards L. O.1985Regency Reference Librar
E3092Building a Christian World view Hoffecker W.A.1986 Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co.
E3093Lectures on CalvinismKuyper A.1931Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,
E3094Bulding a Christian World view Hoffecker W.A.1986 Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co.
E3095Luther & PrayerLehmann1985Northwestern 
E3096Studies in World ChristianityMackey, P.1995Edinburgh Univ
E3097Christian Education Journal, 1998 SpringDowns, G.1997Trinity evangelical Divine School
E3098All of GraceSpurgeon C.H.2002Whitaker House
E3099Spiritual Warfare in a Believer's LifeSpurgeon C.H.1993Emerald Books
E3100The Genesis Flood : The Biblical Record and Its Scientific ImplicationsWhitcomb/Morris2011P & R Publishing
E3101The Profound Teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, Confuclanism & ShintolsmNandy M.1996Eurasia-Pacific Books
E3102Asia Journal of TheologyYeow Choo Lack1991Southeast Asia Graduate
E3103Pittsburgh Theological SeminaryPittsburgh Theological Seminary2001Pittsburgh Theolocal Seminary
E3104God's Lively PeopleGibbs M. & Morton R.1971Fontana Press
E3105A Theology of Liberation : History, Politics, and SalvationGutierrez G./Inda C.1988Orbis Books
E3106The Methodist HymnalMethodist Church1939The Methodist Publishig House
E3107The Frst and Second Epistles to the ThessalonansBest E.2009Hendrickson Publishing
E3108Agape and ErosWatson P.S.1969Harper & Row
E3109The Soclal Setting of Jesus and the GospelsEdited by Theissen2002Fortress
E3110Humanity in the thought of Karl BarthMcLean S.1804T&T Clark Ltd
E3111Jesus and the Ethics of the KingdomChilton and McDonald1988Eerdmans Pub. Co.
E3112Variety and Unity in New Testament ThoughtReumann J.1991Oxford
E3113Freedom and DiscipleshipBarrs J.1983IVP
E3114Eclipse of GodBuber M.1979Humanties Press
E3115ChristianityCarpenter S.C.1953A Pelican Book
E3116Habakkuk & JoelGoldsmith M.1982Marshalls
E3117Theology : A Very Short IntroductionFord D.2013Oxford
E3118Beginning New Testament StudyChilton B. 1986Spck Publishing
E3119The Uses of the Old Testament in the NewKaiser Jr. W.C.2001Moody Press
E3121Vatican Council IIFlannery1975Eerdmans
E3122The Ethics of Martin LutherPaul Althaus1972Fortress
E3123The Glorious Body of ChristKuiper R.B.1967Banner of Truth
E3124A History of Israel in Old Testament TimesHenmn1884SCM-Canterbury Press Ltd
E3125Israel's Law and the Church's Faith: Paul and His Recent InterpretersWesterholm S.1988Eerdmans
E3126Christian DocmaticsPieper F.1968Concordia Publishing
E3127Theologia Prima: What is Liturgical Theology? Fagerberg D.W.2012Hillenbrand Books
E3128How Does America Here the Gospel?Dyrness1990Eerdmans
E3129Near Eastern Religious Texts Relating to the Old TestamentBeyerlin W.E.1978SCM Press
E3130The Psychological Way: the Spiritical WayBobgan M.1981Voice
E3131Unity & Diversity in the New Testament Dunn, James D.G..2006SCM Press
E3132Catecism the Cathalic church Libreria Editrice Vaticana2019U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops
E3133The Works David Clarkson Vol. 1Clarkson D.1998Banner Of Truth
E3134The Works David Clarkson Vol. 2Clarkson D.1998Banner Of Truth
E3135The Works David Clarkson Vol. 3Clarkson D.1998Banner Of Truth
E3136Justification: The Article by which the Church Stands or FallsBraaten1990Augsburg Fortress
E3137The Message of the Sermon On the Mount J. Stott1992BST
E3138The Role of Women in Ministry todayH. W. House1995Baker Pub. Group
E3139Principles of Catholic Theology: A Synthesis of Dogma and Moral Gratsch E.1981Alba house
E3140Meditations on the GrossBonhoeffer1998WJK
E3141The Open Mind and other essayD. M. MacKa1998IVP
E3142Anatomy of Reformation B J van der 1981Potchefstroom Univ
E3143(A Practical Application of God's Word) Doing TheologyLee, K. H.2016MIZI design
E3144The Moral Maze D. Cook1983SPCK
E3145Bulletin of the Scottish Institute of Missionary StusiesWall, A.F.1992삭제예정
E3146The Sign of JohnEdward1971SCM
E3147Ecumenical Theology Avis, P.1986SPCK
E3148Persons, Divine And Human Schwobel & Gunton2000T & T Clark
E3149Biblical Sites in Turkey Black, E.C.& Edwards, A.1996redhouse
E3150Calvin in Asian ChurchEdited By S. Y. Lee1980Cambridge
E3151Old Testament Theology : Basic Issues in the Current DebateHasel1991Eerdmans
E3152The Charismatics MacArthur, J.F.1978Zondervan
E3153What's so Amazing about Grace?Yancey2002Zondervan
E3154The Jesus I Never KnewYancey2002Zondervan
E3155The interpretation of The Fourth GospelDodd C.H.1980Cambridge
E3156(Harper's New Testament Commentaries) The Second Epistle to the CorinthiansC. K. Barrett 1974Harpercollins College
E3157(The Way of the Lord Jesus) Christian Moral PrinciplesGrisez G.1983Franciscan Herald Press
E3158Church In Asia Today : Challenges & OpportunitiesEdited by Saphir Athyal1996Alcwe
E3159Thy Kingdom Come Pentecost J.D.1990Victor Books
E3160Luther's Works : Volume 51: Sermons 1Luther M.1959American Edition
E3161Major Themes in the Reformed TraditionDonald K. McKim1998Eerdmans
E3162Piclorial Bible AtlasEdited by Blaiklock E.M.1970Zondervan
E3163The Coming of the KingdomRidderbos, H.1962P & R Publishing
E3164Joshua and the flow of biblical historySchaeffer, A.1978IVP
E3165Jesus : A New VisionMarcus J. Borg1991Harper San Francisco
E3166How to Have a Healing Ministry in any ChurchWagner C.P.1992Baker Pub
E3167CreationWestermann C.1974Fortress Press
E3168Medical Statistics : A Textbook for the Health SciencesWalters, Stephen John &
Machin, David,
E3169A Prophet with Honor: the Billy Graham storyMartin W.2018Zondervan
E3170When Someone Asks for HelpWorthington1982IVP
E3171Christian & LiberalismMachen2009Eerdmans
E3172Psychological Emergencies and Crisis InterventionHafen & Frandsen1991Prentice Hall
E3173Calvin: CommentariesJoseph Haroutunian1958Westminster
E3174Ten Answers to Life's Most Perplexing ProblemsJohn V.D.1998Multnomah Books
E3175The Starting Point of Calvin's TheologyTavard2000Eerdmans
E3176Teaching christian adults Wilbert W.N.1980Baker Book House,
E3177The Dynamics of Spiritual FormationLawrenz2000Baker
E3178The Role of WomanEdited By Shirley1984Inter-Varsity
E3179Discovering The Bible For YourselfArnold1993Intervarsity Pr
E3180Creative Bible learning For Young Children Birth-5Years Donna Harrell 1983Regal Books
E3181God - the World's FuturePeters2000Fortress
E3182Modern Faith & ThoughtHelmut Thielicke1990Eerdmans
E3183An exposition of the Sermon on the MountArthur W. Pink2012Prisbrary
E3184Literary Criticism and the GospelsMoore S.D.1992Yale Univ
E3185The Believer's Call to CommitmentMurray A.1983Bethany House Publishing
E3186Old Testament Parallels : Law and Stories from the Ancient Near EastMatthews V,H. & Benjamin D.C.1991Paulist Press
E3187Understanding World ReligionsRev. Braswell1994B&H Books
E3188Theological JournalJae Hyun Kim2007KIATS
E3189ProtestantismDunstan J.L.1962George Braziller
E3190A History of the Korean Reunifcation Movement : Its Issues and ProspetsBong Youn Choy1984Bradley Univ
E3191No Other Name Small R.L.1966T.&T. Clark
E3193Red runs The RiverBollback A.2004Pleasant Word-A Division of WinePress
E3194The Genesis Debate Youngblood2000Wipf and Stock
E3195Religious Concept of SINEditer by Singh N.K.2003Global Vision
E3196Counselling : for Life Enrichment Faith, Hope and LovePoon M.S.2003All Enterprises Ltd.
E3197Experiencing Spiritual Break throughWilkinson B.H.1999Multnomah Publishing
E3198The Hidden Book in the BibleFriedman1999Harper Sanfrancisco
E3199Approaches to PaulZetterholm2009Fortress
E3200What are They Saying about the Parables?Gowler2000Paulist
E3201The Origin of Satan: How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans, and HereticsPagels E.1996Vintage
E3202The Cambridge Companion to The GospelsStephen C. Barton2006Cambridge
E3203Jesus and the Powers: Conflict, Covenant, and the Hope of the PoorHorsley2010Fortress
E3204Jesus and the Fundamentalism of His DayLoader2000Eerdmans
E3205Roman Law and Roman Society in the New TestamentSherwin-White1992Baker
E3206Waiting of the WordBonhoeffer D.1999Eerdmans
E3207Jesus and Money: A Guide for Times of Financial CrisisWitherington2012Brazos Press
E3208Patronage and Power: A Study of Social Networks in CorinthChow1992Sheffield Academic
E3209Letters 1961-1968Barth K.1981Eerdmans
E3210Personal Disciplemaking: A Step-by-step Guide for Leading a Christian From New Birth to MaturityChristopher B Adsit1996Integrated Resources
E3211Father, Son and Spirit : The Trinity and John's GospelKostenberger and Swain2008IVP
E3212Making Higher Education Christian: The History and Mission of Evangelical Colleges in AmericaCarpenter&Shipps2019Wipf and Stock
E3213Silence : A Christian HistoryMacCulloch D.2014Penguin
E3214The Life of John CalvinBeza T.2012Great Christian Books
E3215Fortress Introduction to Contemporary TheologiesMiller/Grenz1998Fortress
E3216The Land of the Bible: A Historical GeographyAharonoi1979Westminster
E3217Cadences of Home : Preaching Among ExilesBrueggemann1997Westminster
E3218The Quest for the Messiah: The History, Literature, and Theology of the Johannine CommunityPainter1994Abingdon
E32193:16 A Study for Individuals or Small GroupsLucad M.2007Thomas Nelson
E3220Adultery and Divorce in Calvin's GenevaKingdon1995Harvard
E3221Saved by GraceAnthony A. Hoekema1994Eerdmans
E3222A Hymn of Christ: Philippians 2:5-11 in Recent Interpretation in the Setting of Early Christian Worship Martin1997IVP
E3223C. S. Lewis : A companion & Guide Hooper W.1994Harpercollins
E3224Mark - Evangelist & TheologianMartin R.P.1986Zondervan
E3225A Source Book in Chinese PhilosophyChan1969Princeton
E3226Quiet Moments With God for TeensHonors Books2004Cook Communications
E3227God Here and NowBarth K.2003Routledge
E3228Jerusalem - The BiographyMontefiore S.S.2011Vintage
E3229The Science of TheologyGalloway E.M.1986Marshall, Pickering
E3230Perspectives on the World Christian MovementHawthorne W. Editors2013William Carey
E3231Religion and Socletyedit by Simon Coleman1974Berghahn Books
E3232One World or Many? The impact of globalisation on missionRICHARD TIPLADY2013William Carey
E3233Stories of Our Favorite HymnsChristopher Idle1980Eerdmans
E3234Religion in Sociological PerspectiveRoberts K.A.2003Wadsworth
E3235Treasury of the World's Great SermonsWiersbe1977Kregel Pubns
E3236The NIV Interlinear Hebrew-English Old TestamentKohenberger1980Zondervan
E3237Old Testament Parsing Guide : Genesis - EstherBeall/Banks1986Moody
E3238Old Testament Parsing Guide : Job-MalachiBeall/Banks/Smith1990Moody
E3239Biblical Hebrew an Introductory GrammarKelley1992Eerdmans
E3240Preaching & PreachersMartyn Lloyd-Jones & etc2012Zondervan
E3241Reading Thomas Merton Laughlin, J.2000Xlibris Corporation
E3242Bulletin of the Scottish Institute of Missionary StudiesWalls, A.F.1993The Scottish Institute Of Missionary Studies
E3243Asia journal of theology Yeow, C.L.1989University Microfilms International
E3244Teachus to prayCarson, D.A.1990World Evangelical Fellowship
E3245 A dictionary of pholosophy Lacey, A. R.1984Routledge & Kegan Paul
E3246How shall they hear?Consultation on World Evangelization1980Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization
E3247The first comingSheehan, T.1986Random House
E3248Sanskrit english dictionaryCappeller, C.1982Meicho-Fukyu-Kai
E3249The Gospel of LukeBarclay, W.1975The Westminster Press
E3250A journey through sufferingMcGrath, A.1996Hodder & Stoughton
E3251What's so amazing about graceYancey, P.D.2000Zondervan
E3252Soul survivorYancey, P.2001Hodder & Stoughton
E3253Healing from the inside outMarshall, T.1999Sovereign World
E3254Fire for the journey Solomon, R.M.2002Genesis Books
E3255The wounded healerNouwen, H.J.M.1979Doubleday
E3256Moments with the saviorGire, K.1999OMF Literature
E3257Van Gogh and GodEdwards, C.1989Loyola Press
E3258The power of christ's prayer lifeWubbels, L.C.1995Emerald Books
E3259Telling othersGumbel, N.1998SCB
E3260How to read the bible for all its worthFee, G.D. & Stuart, D.1982Zondervan
E3261The christ of the fourth gospel Sidebottom, E.M.1961S.P.C.K
E3262The acts of the apostlesBarclay, W.1976Westminster
E3263Clark speaks from the graveClark, G.H.1986The Trinity Foundation
E3264Philosoph for understanding thologyAllen, D.1985John Knox Press
E3265Theological worldsJones, W.P.1990Abigdon Press
E3266Leading your church growth Wagner, C.P.1984Regal Books
E3267DivorceMurray, J.1961Presbyterian & Reformed
E3268Divorce remarriageH.Wayne House1978InterVarsity
E3269Ecumenical panoramaRossouw, D.P.1989Transo Press
E3270The pathway holinessWhite, J.1984InterVarsity
E3271The buddha and the christStreeter, B.H1932Macmillan
E3272Asia journal of theology Yeow, C.L.1990University Microfilms International
E3273Strangely warmedMethodist Church2006Armour Publishing Pte Ltd
E3274Honest to God Hybels, B.1992Zondervan
E3275Who holds the key to your heartTerkeurst, L.2002Moody Press
E3276Marxist analysis and christian faith Coture, R.A.&OMI&Cort, J.C.1985Orbis Books
E3277English grammar handbookShrader, J.2003Preston Corporation (PTE) LTD
E3278Asia journal of theology Yeow, C.L.1990University Microfilms International
E3279The theology of rudolf bultmannKegley, C.W.1966SCM Press
E3280Biblical Theology Lehman, C.K.1971Herald Press
E3281Academic writing for graduate studentsSwales, J.S. & Feak, C.B.1994The University Of Michigan Press
E3282Creative ministryNouwen, H.J.M.1971Doubleday
E3283Ablaze for God Duewel W.L1997OM Books
E3284With christ in the school of disciple buildingWilson, C.W.1998Andragathia
E3285Interpreting prophecyHughes, P.E.1976William B.Eerdmans
E3286The master plan of evangelism Coleman, R.E.1993Fleming H. Revell
E3287The Jesus I never knewYancey, P.D.1984OMF Literature
E3288Biblical theology Geerhardus Vos1983WM.B.EERDMANS
E3289Christ in the thousand placesBurghardt, W.J.1999Paulist Press
E3290Puritan Christianity in AmecicaGarden, A.1990Baker Book House
E3291The philosophy of hans-georg gadamerHahn, L.E.1997Open Court
E3292Biblical interpretationMorgan, R & Barton, J.1988Oxford University
E3293JudaismSolomon, N.1996Oxford University
E3294Herod antipasHoehner, H.W.1972Cambridge University
E3295Calvin's first catechismHesselink, I.J.1997Westminster John Knox Press
E3296Pastor's annual Crabtree, T.T.1997Zondervan
E3297The bible's authorityO'Neill, J.C1991T & T Clark
E3298Alpha questions of life Gumbel, N.2004Kingsway Communications LTD
E3299The healing power of prayerMeehan, B.1988LIGUORI
E3300Atesea occasional papers No 9Yeow, C.L.1990ATESEA
E3301Shanghai doctorComninellis, N.1991Zondervan
E3302Experiencing God's ForgivenessEnsor, J.1997Navpress
E3303From bondage to blessingAlei, D.2002Sovereign World
E3304When christ comesLucado, M.1999W Publishing Group
E330530 days discovering personal victory through holinessWilkinson, B.2003Multnomah
E3306A guide to doing thology Parratt, J.1996SPCK
E3307Truth to proclaim Chan, S.2002Trinity theological college
E3308Discipling the cityGreenway, R.S.1992OMF Literature
E3309English grammar and usageWong, S.1993Federal Publications
E3310The purpose driven lifeWarren, R.2002OMF Literature
E3311Doing theology with the poetic traditions of India Patmury, J.1996PTCA/SATHRI
E3312The king is coming Willmington, H.L.1983Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
E3313Don't step on the ropeWright, W.C.2005Paternoster Press
E3314The changing faces of JesusWilkinson, A.N. & Mall, D.2001Penguin Books
E3315Bible & Ethics in the christian lifeBirch, B.C. & Rasmussen, L.L.1989Augsburg / Minneapolis
E3316The happy woman Yoo, A.S.1999Handoing
E3317Cheriyan menacherry.christ:the mystery in historyFederlin, W.L. & Weber, E.1996Peter Lang
E3318Do all to the glory of God Nee, W.1974Christian Fellowship
E3319Discover your spiritual giftsWagner, C.P.2005